[miklb]I’ve been thinking about organizing a HWC here, but think I’d like to bill it as IndieWeb night instead. Thoughts? Homebrew just has too many alternate meanings here (and a club exists with similar name already).
Zegnat[miklb], I think the IndieWeb brand is more important than the HWC branding. If you think you can get more people on by locally promoting it under a different name, I wouldn’t dare stop you.
[miklb]it’s just that “homebrew” has a strong connotation of beer here in Tampa at least, so aside from a hombrew computer club for building your own PC, I think the term gets muddled. I could be totally wrong though. I know when I’ve tweeted about it, I get followed by beer & coffee accounts ?
Zegnat[cleverdevil]: “any plans to get new federated protocols in WP core, like W3C’s webmentions, to connect with Mastodon and the greater indie web?”
Zegnat... I don’t think that answers the question how to make average users care. (Also note that average users have no stake in Open-Source vs Closed-Source at all.)
Zegnatthis is where I believe chrisaldrich and jeremycherfas excel at pointing out whenever we are thinking in tech terms instead of user terms. “Open” means very little.
[cleverdevil]He's "tracking those standards" but thinks user experience is more important right now and has to be done first otherwise supporting the standards won't help because no one will use them.
ZegnatI think matt spoke about how WP is dropping IE7 and under now, but I haven’t heard anything about dropping old PHP versions yet ([cleverdevil], what is PHP policy these days?)
[miklb]trackbacks/pingbacks could be ripped out of core and made into a plugin for anyone who needs to support legacy code. IMVHO, but again I will write a blog post.
ZegnatLooking forward to the blogpost [miklb]. If you also focus on WP&IW integration, make sure to submit to news.indieweb.org so it goes in the newsletter :D
sknebel[miklb]: I wasn't sure if "UX is more important" meant "UX in other areas is more important than adding new features/standards" or "the UX *for those standards* isn't good enough to consider them yet"
ZegnatHmm. I don’t think I agree with that statement at all, if it is a literal quote. Because WP is big enough and in a position to make a standard completely by itself. “nobody uses it” is moot once WordPress uses it.
ZegnatOh, now that some WP people seem to be in on chat! [miklb], [cleverdevil], davidmead: Leaders Summit will be discussing the creation of an extra IRC channel (bridged to Slack) for WordPress. Not all Leaders are WP users though, so please tell us what you think!
[miklb]I haven’t really chimed in on that since I thought it was basically decided that it makes sense to add a WP specific channel & bridge the existing Slack channel.
aaronpkI mean IMO it's a bug that there's a wordpress slack channel not bridged to IRC. The outcome of this discussion should be either create the matching IRC channel or close the Slack channel
[miklb]I was adding my thoughts on the channels, clicked save, closed window, they aren’t there. Seems someone else was maybe editing page at some time?
sknebelbtw, how does hosting in the wordpress world work? Do you need to have your own webspace to be able to install the indieweb plugins, or can you add them on "managed" (is that the word) hosting offers? Since Known isn't available hosted anymore, is there anything "indieweb friendly" left you can sign up to and go? (Let's ignore the issue of "you have to know which plugins to install and what they do" for now)
[miklb]There isn’t a an IW friendly sites that run a WP site that you can just sign up and go that I’m aware of. Though it wouldn’t be that difficult to build one.
ZegnatAt that point it might be easier to set-up a Known hosting environment again, [miklb]. Now that WithKnown only does Known for Groups and Education.
[miklb]except I don’t know known, so wider learning curve == more time. I could just see the hosting cost being less than trivial at some point, but that could be a bridge crossed at the time.