eli_oatI don't think they do hosting, not atleast as iwantmyname. They've got a groovy control panel that makes setting up with various hosted services wicked easy, though
Loqi[indienews] New post: "Chris Aldrich
June 20, 2017
IndieWebifying my website: part 1, the why & how | AltPlatform
AltPlatform blogger Richard MacManus details how he's modifying his website to join the independent web. I'm tickled pink that he holds my site up as a quintessential example. (I'm hoping he's using it in the sense of the Latin word for five as I can name at least that many and even more that are better...) Of course, like Bernard of Chartres, I've only been able to see further because of giants like Matthias Pfefferle, David Shanske, dozens of other indieweb proponents, and the thousands upon thousands of folks in the WordPress community. #indienews
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Chris Aldrich
@ChrisAldrich" http://stream.boffosocko.com/2017/indiewebifying-my-website-part-1-the-why-how-altplatform
aaronpkI just got an email from someone who had previously sent me a spam pingback asking me to remove the link to their site. Think they're trying to clean up their site?
[miklb]heads up to anyone doing Jekyll IndieWeb, aarongustafson is reworking his webmention.io plugin ito a gem and sounds like completely refactoring how the data is stored so you can do custom markup for retrieval, including it sounds like, facepiles.
Loqi[aarongustafson] This is part of the overhaul I am in the process of doing right now. You’ll be able to create your own markup templates and get webmentions in aggregate or in collections of likes, reposts, etc.
[cleverdevil]Question for the group: has there ever been an organization or company that has run a variant of the Homebrew Website Club insternally? Giving people working hours to invest in creating their own website?
Zegnat[cleverdevil], I don’t know about working on your own site. I do know a company that has internal “show and tells” where people share about technologies they ran into either on or outside the job. Now development frameworks, whatever. All aimed at knowledge sharing.
[cleverdevil]So, I am likely going to be leading up such an initiative at DreamHost, and was curious if it would be wise (or even allowed) to use the Homebrew Website Club name for the internal project.
[cleverdevil]I encourage people to attend HWC meetings locally, and will still do that, but I think that offering them time during their workday to actually work on their site is good, because it enables them to learn and grow without demanding that they take away time from their lives and their families to work on their website.
sketchessThis is to deliberately discourage both repetition of arguments (because people forget or don't read long email threads) and long essays, and instead encourage focus on short discussions in chat, and capturing incremental agreements (or even choosing to disagree) on the wiki as a way of capturing current state.
Zegnat[cleverdevil], if only used internally I don’t see the harm. But if it becomes a thing that gets public exposure the name might muddle any “branding” we try to do as you’d suddenly have the IndieWeb HWC open-for-everyone-spread-the-information and the DreamHost HWC only-for-employees. Not to mention IndieWeb-HWC-at-DreamHost for Portland.
ZegnatJust me thinking out loud of course. I think someone recently wondered about doing a HWC but calling it differently because HWC is a vague term. Don’t recall the context right now. So maybe it doesn’t matter either *shrug*
gRegorLovesketchess: How is this? "This is to deliberately discourage both repetition of arguments — because people forget or don't read long email threads — and long essays. Instead it encourages focus on short discussions in chat and capturing incremental agreements (or even disagreements) on the wiki as a way of capturing current state."
gRegorLove"This is a deliberate decision. We encourage focusing on short discussions in chat and capturing incremental agreements/disagreements on the wiki. This also discourages long essays and repetition of arguments that can take place on email threads."
sketchessI am working with people with disabilities. So I am pretty settled in making things easier to understand. If you like to get advice from me, you are welcome.
gRegorLoveYou mentioned jumping around like a bunny. It's a helpful question to focus on the next thing you'd like to accomplish on your personal site.