#indieweb 2017-06-22
2017-06-22 UTC
KevinMarks, snarfed, wolftune, eli_oat and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
@eli_oat #indieweb podcast club? https://eli.li/entry.php?id=20170622003646 (twitter.com/_/status/877687215392010240)
snarfed, fzylogic_, mmmdik and [terminalpixel] joined the channel
[terminalpixel] I'm here in Portland just now. No idea what the weather is usually like but it seems not too bad right now
AngeloGladding and snarfed joined the channel
@ChrisAldrich @Kraft #Indieweb @WordPress users unite! https://twitter.com/Kraft/status/877377087455117316 (twitter.com/_/status/877695201187254272)
Loqi [superfeedr] "#Indieweb @WordPress users unite!
https://twitter.com/Kraft/status/877377087455117316" by Chris Aldrich on 2017-06-22 http://stream.boffosocko.com/2017/indieweb-wordpress-users-unitekraftstatus877377087455117316

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] !tell GWG, pfefferle, miklb I know some saw preliminary tweets earlier, but just in case you missed it: https://kraft.blog/2017/06/the-open-web/

wolftune, snarfed1, nitot, botka, tantek, tantek_ and pl_ joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "background color" yet. Would you like to create it?

Loqi GWG: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 1 hour, 23 minutes ago: I know some saw preliminary tweets earlier, but just in case you missed it: https://kraft.blog/2017/06/the-open-web/

Loqi An apprentice, in the context of the indieweb, is an IndieWebCamp participant who has not yet setup a personal domain with IndieAuth, but is passionate about owning their identity & data on the web and dedicated to doing so, with the help of a creator https://indieweb.org/apprentice

tantek in re-reading https://kraft.blog/2017/06/the-open-web/ and the response handling - it looks even more cleaned up / neat than before!

arlen joined the channel
j12t, fzylogic_ and mlncn joined the channel
@FakeUnicode @annapickard @SlackHQ Also used by @GitHub @Facebook @Google and others: https://indieweb.org/reacji Maybe should ave… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/877728924234534912 (twitter.com/_/status/877728924234534912)
fzylogic_ joined the channel
@treitnauer From static site to blog, to social media, to IndieWeb publishing: https://reitnauer.com/updates/static-site-blog-social-media-indieweb-publishing/ (twitter.com/_/status/877735247957372932)
@treitnauer From static site to blog, to social media, to IndieWeb publishing https://reitnauer.com/updates/static-site-blog-social-media-indieweb-publishing/ https://twitter.com/treitnauer/status/877735589109354496/photo/1 (twitter.com/_/status/877735589109354496)
nitot joined the channel
kraftbj I was actually starting to dig in to see about support reacji/likons/reaction emoji via the WP webmention and semantic linkback plugin alongside the emoji reactions feature plugin for WP ( https://make.wordpress.org/core/2016/03/07/reactions/ )
kraftbj it adds a comment type of `reactions` to WP and if the webmentions, et al plugins could all play nicely together, that'd be cool
kraftbj plus have a cleaner display (or option of) IMO than listing an emoji reaction with the same weight of a reply.
kraftbj the feature plugin is a bit quiet, but I chatted with Gary tonight and it's still in the mind to move forward on... just backburnered for now. along with webmentions, both are solid use cases for pushing WP further along on custom comment types, which all thrown together I think part of moving the whole ship forward
kraftbj GWG: It might be too early for it, but i think custom comment types, once fully baked, will have more staying power
kraftbj comment type is part of the wp_comments table which is probably more performant at scale if we want to sort by it vs commentmeta, but i haven't ran any baselines for that thought
kraftbj I would lean toward custom types, but I just don't want to suggest it today and have something wrt custom comment types change that would negatively impact it
kraftbj once we get that conversation restarted and a bit further down, I would feel more comfortable suggesting it.
wolftune joined the channel
kraftbj the conversion would need to be done either way so i don't immediately see a need to rush the decision on your end re types
kraftbj hmm
kraftbj I generally like the thought. I haven't dove into implementation (WP.com vs anything else out there right now)
kraftbj it would be really interesting for lifestreams, photoblogs, travel blogs, etc and if there is some type of standard data storage for it, that would be great
kraftbj though, tbh, post location has been broken on WordPress.com for a bit of time now and there's been little outcry. Comes back to display -- it's not displayed so often that I don't know if people realize it isn't working.
kraftbj GWG: Where's the repo? Would like to keep pulse of that one too.
kraftbj well, your entire portfolio really but yeah :)
pl_ joined the channel
kraftbj that's great
kraftbj I'm heading to bed. I was hoping to get PuSHPress up into git tonight, but the git svn from the plugins repo is dreadfully slow checking through all of the revisions.
kraftbj thanks for the link and all of your work on this stuff already. You're in virtually every repo or trac instance :)
kraftbj Oh -- with the syndicated links -- one thing slowing me down on that from the WP.com side is we're about to release a feature to re-Publicize and scheduled re-Publicize, which makes the existing data storage method for Publicize links to not scale
fzylogic_ joined the channel
kraftbj so what I thought would be a really easy push through is slightly more complicated. Not a ton, but enough to caution me on moving too fast with it with the change being new and unreleased.
kraftbj the concern on our end with the old storage system is if someone, say, re-publishes to twitter 100 times on a post. That's going to really build up the size of the post meta and with serialziing that.. bleh
kraftbj when we get to it, we can hash it out in GH, but wonder if there's an upper-limit to enforce (say only 25, 50, etc URLs per post or something like that)
kraftbj oh yeah, it is and total edge case, but we get folks like that
kraftbj "If I don't post my blog URL every 10 minutes, someone might miss it!"
kraftbj QA engineer walks into a bar, orders a drink, orders 4x10^3 drinks, orders -1 beers, orders a null, etc.
kraftbj anyhow, really heading to bed. I'll catch you again soon! Cheers!
[miklb] joined the channel
Loqi [miklb]: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 3 hours, 24 minutes ago: I know some saw preliminary tweets earlier, but just in case you missed it: https://kraft.blog/2017/06/the-open-web/

AngeloGladding joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "22/06/2017, 06:20" by Colin Walker on 2017-06-22 https://colinwalker.blog/2017/06/22/22062017-0620/

earltroller joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "Improving the php-mf2 parser" on 2017-06-22 https://gregorlove.com/2017/06/improving-the-php-mf2-parser/

gRegorLove omg, that's the first time that's worked in a while. superfeedr didn't seem to be catching my pushes to my gregorlove.cusperfeedr.com hub before

gRegorLove Despite that typo, I was definitely getting the domain right before too :)

snarfed, snarfed1 and nitot joined the channel
@kongaloosh Today marks two years of #indieweb for me. I've been reflecting on my experience joining the community and my plans… http://kongaloosh.com/e/2017/6/22/hello-world (twitter.com/_/status/877769001635532800)
@johnjohnston I really like the idea of an [IndieWeb podcast club](https://eli.li/entry.php?id=20170622003646%29 (or any other ... http://johnjohnston.info/blog/i-really-like-the-idea-of-an-indieweb-podcast-clubhttps/ (twitter.com/_/status/877769780329099264)
@johnjohnston I really like the idea of an [IndieWeb podcast club](https://eli.li/entry.php?id=20170622003646%29 (or any other ... http://johnjohnston.info/blog/i-really-like-the-idea-of-an-indieweb-podcast-clubhttps/ (twitter.com/_/status/877770722571157504)
@kongaloosh @johnjohnston This is a really good idea. I Would totally love to be able to listen to people talk about current #indieweb projects. (twitter.com/_/status/877771446415638530)
fzylogic_ and cweiske joined the channel
@mathpunk @plexus Here's a thing meant to be pingbacks but not so spammish https://indieweb.org/Webmention (twitter.com/_/status/877778211559559168)
jihaisse joined the channel
Loqi pfefferle: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 5 hours, 46 minutes ago: I know some saw preliminary tweets earlier, but just in case you missed it: https://kraft.blog/2017/06/the-open-web/

loicm and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
nitot and [colinwalker] joined the channel
[colinwalker] Morning all.

[colinwalker] gregorlove - same here, mybpost just about yours is the first one I remember seeing in a while.

pfefferle joined the channel
sebsel and friedcell joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
pfefferle !tell kraftbj let me know if we can join forces on the pubsubhubbub implementation: https://github.com/pubsubhubbub/wordpress-pubsubhubbub

amz3 joined the channel
@EchoChamberUncu I really like the idea of an IndieWeb podcast club (or any other kind of podcast club). I’ve been listening… | john https://educationechochamberuncut.wordpress.com/2017/06/22/i-really-like-the-idea-of-an-indieweb-podcast-club-or-any-other-kind-of-podcast-club-ive-been-listening-john/ (twitter.com/_/status/877796399844294656)
nitot and KevinMarks joined the channel
@daiyitastic @plexus omg Arne you gotta check out the indieweb!! look into webmentions <3 (twitter.com/_/status/877805559793065984)
nitot, KevinMarks, barpthewire, Pierre-O, calumryan, friedcell and AngeloGladding joined the channel
loicm, j12t, wagle and Pierre-O joined the channel
petermolnar morning

petermolnar so, a few days ago the topic of blogrolls emerged in the chat channel which got me thinking (catching up with the past week): we do miss this from our sites. Nearly all silos do 'following' or something similar where you can access people you follow. And indeed, I could easily get the list of people I follow per silo, add the people I 'indie' follow and display it on, for example, /following

petermolnar which is exactly what I'm going to do

petermolnar it makes sense to see that list merged

petermolnar what is following?

Loqi follow is a common button in silo UIs (like Twitter) that adds updates from that profile (typically a person) to the stream shown in an integrated reader, and sometimes creates a follow post either in the follower's stream ("… followed …" or "… is following …") thus visible to their followers, and/or in the notifications of the user being followed ("… followed you") https://indieweb.org/following

friedcell joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
petermolnar similar, yes, but following a feed/website is definitely different from bookmarking a certain article

nitot joined the channel
petermolnar I think about bookmarks as 'useful stuff'

petermolnar things I like are favs (or likes, depending on silo)

petermolnar and there people/sites I follow to get those useful and interesting things out of

petermolnar but I do miss 'blogrolls' links

petermolnar so to me, it would make sense to resurrect it and rename it to 'following'

gRegorLove joined the channel
Loqi Ello is microblogging silo similar to Twitter or Tumblr for posting short status update notes and pictures https://indieweb.org/Ello

petermolnar sknebel recommend and follow are two very different things in my read

petermolnar I've always considered blogroll the same as following but now that you're questioning it, it indeed needs clarification

petermolnar anyone knows the origin of blogroll?

Loqi A blogroll is a list of other sites that you read, are a follower of, or recommend https://indieweb.org/blogroll

calumryan joined the channel
petermolnar wow, that's a live link from 2000!

petermolnar "Unlike other areas of blogging, where today we see great new services (such as in the commenting space) nothing has seemingly popped up to replace blogrolls." - this is from 2008 (http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/blogrolls_rip/); well, here we are, in 2017, and we have 'follow'. There, the internet fixed it.

petermolnar huh. Flickr doesn't seem to have an api endpoint to list followers/following

petermolnar that is surprising

petermolnar ah

petermolnar it does, it's called flickr.contacts.getList

sknebel heh http://www.blogprojekt.de/2017/05/30/blog-design/ist-die-blogroll-noch-sinnvoll-so-bekommt-man-diese-wieder-zurueck/ (one month old article asking if blogrolls are still useful
j12t joined the channel

petermolnar can someone summarize what the article is about, please?

KevinMarks_ joined the channel
petermolnar for those who don't speak german

petermolnar (I don't trust gtranslate when it comes to German, sometimes they manage to leave 'not' out, completely turning the meaning around)

@synvila IndieWeb podcast club https://eli.li/entry.php?id=20170622003646 (twitter.com/_/status/877833354976022528)
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] the whole xfn model was for marking up blogrolls/follow lists with more information

[kevinmarks] blogroll << https://gmpg.org/xfn/intro

[kevinmarks] "Delusions of Grandeur XFN provides the basis for a world-wide distributed network of personal connections. "

[kevinmarks] pours one out for the social graph API

Garbee joined the channel
Loqi SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization which refers to the practice and results of publishing pages and permalinks on the web in order to rank better (earlier/higher) in web search engine results https://indieweb.org/seo

Zegnat SEO << http://powazek.com/posts/2090

nitot, loicm, j12t and tantek joined the channel
tantek sounds like details we should write up on /friend#Silo_Examples

Loqi friending (AKA add friend or the verb to friend) is a general term applied to the various silo user interactions with sites regarding reciprocal friendship https://indieweb.org/friend

Loqi follow is a common button in silo UIs (like Twitter) that adds updates from that profile (typically a person) to the stream shown in an integrated reader, and sometimes creates a follow post either in the follower's stream ("… followed …" or "… is following …") thus visible to their followers, and/or in the notifications of the user being followed ("… followed you") https://indieweb.org/follow

tantek Zegnat - your explanation of Facebook's friend vs follow is one of the clearest and shortest I have seen. Definitely add something like it to /friend#Facebook and maybe a bit to /follow#Facebook too!

petermolnar hi GWG

petermolnar btw WordPress has an interesting stand on blogroll: it's disabled by default in the core but requires a single line to re-activate it as the code is still there...

petermolnar mine? I've given up on POSSE with the current, semi-static implementation - on which I'll need to write an entry sometimes - and instead I started raking the favs/likes/whatevers together following PESOS ideoligy

petermolnar the constant api changes are making POSSE hard and disappointing

petermolnar even though brid.gy is there

KevinMarks and [colinwalker] joined the channel
[colinwalker] The whole thing with blogrolls and discoverability is why I did my webmention directory. It's almost a blogroll in reverse - not people I necessarily follow but people who have interacted with me.

petermolnar you got me thinking on trying to find my 'followers' by feed pulls from ips and ptr lookups :)

Zegnat Interestingly, that would mean a mention from you to http://microformats.org/2017/06/20/evolving-for-12-years will bump my personal page on vanderven.se/martijn on the list and not register microformats.org at all :/

hs0ucy joined the channel
@sebastiangreger Wed 28.6. 19:00: 10th (!) Homebrew Website Club Berlin; "anniversary meetup" with an intro to #webmentions http://sebastiangreger.net/2017/06/homebrew-website-club-berlin-10-on-28-jun-2017/ #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/877855915860348929)
@desparoz ? Openness, rivers, the IndieWeb community — https://richardmacmanus.com/2017/06/22/openness-rivers-indieweb/ (twitter.com/_/status/877858726471794688)
nitot, friedcell, barpthewire, KevinMarks_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Kongaloosh - reading that it sounded like you felt that you had been gamified and doing things for list completion (extrinsic) rather than personal need (intrinsic) which is a potential problem with https://indieweb.org/indiemark and maybe even with indiewebify.me

Zegnat I still wonder if that is another overall wiki presentation issue, [kevinmarks]. We are very good at listing technologies, but also very good at forgetting /principles

[kevinmarks] indiemark << https://kongaloosh.com/e/2017/6/22/hello-world describes problems with an extrinsic to do list like indiemark

Loqi ok, I added "https://kongaloosh.com/e/2017/6/22/hello-world describes problems with an extrinsic to do list like indiemark" to the "See Also" section of /IndieMark

[kevinmarks] that friending description is very helpful - historically on twitter a 'friend' was defined as a mutual follow I think, whereas as you say there is a bit more nuance there.

friedcell joined the channel
Zegnat tantek, looks like /follow#Facebook already detailed the difference

[colinwalker] joined the channel
[colinwalker] kevinmarks that was an interesting read and something I think is quite common. I feel there is a misunderstanding as to what an indieweb site actually is. It doesn't mean you have to have all the features. Definitely agree with @zegnat that it's more about the principles.

Zegnat My favourite indieweb site: http://emmahodge.org/

Pierre-O, snarfed, j12t and tantek joined the channel
[kevinmarks] see also http://kitmarks.com/

[kevinmarks] though he has expanded that one a bit

[colinwalker] Wasn't it snarfed who had a definition of what qualifies as "indieweb"? The one that said something your own site plus one of x,y or z?

[colinwalker] It just seemed to be a pretty simple definition iirc

singpolyma, glennjones and friedcell joined the channel
jackjamieson and barpthewire joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "Replied to:IndieWeb podcast club" by Srikanth Perinkulam on 2017-06-22 https://srikanthperinkulam.com/2017/06/22/ipc/

nitot joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "Reflections on Two Years of #Indieweb" https://kongaloosh.com/e/2017/6/22/hello-world (from https://aaronparecki.com/2017/06/22/7/)

jackjamieson Hi everyone, I've been reading about IndieWeb for the past year or so, and I'm coming to the summit this weekend. But I've never posted here, so I thought I'd say hi.
jackjamieson Thanks!
Pierre-O joined the channel
jackjamieson What's IWS?
jackjamieson Ah, right
@WorkingWriter Going to be in Portland OR this weekend? Still time to go to the #IndieWeb Summit. Wish I could be there... https://indieweb.org/2017 (twitter.com/_/status/877886433087848448)
jackjamieson I guess Loqi doesn't pick up "What's" instead of "What is"
Loqi HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the language used to create web pages, thus one of the building blocks of the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/HTML

jackjamieson Hmm
Loqi Homebrew Website Club Meetup is on 2017-06-28 at Starbucks Sony-Center https://indieweb.org/next-hwc

[colinwalker] Thanks @sknebel

[colinwalker] @zegnat I agree, it's definitely more about the ownership but that quote is useful to illustrate that not ALL technologies are required, not everything HAS to be implemented.

j12t, Pierre-O, dougbeal|iOS, mlncn, nitot and KevinMarks joined the channel
@fletcher0xFF My tweet became part of an IRC discussion where ragtag #indieweb rebels plot their next move. Viva la revolución! https://indieweb.org/irc/2017-06-21 (twitter.com/_/status/877903709400948736)
petermolnar I hereby start an indieweb-poll: is 'following' the same as 'blogroll' used to be or they should not be compared? If the latter, how would you describe the difference?

petermolnar (I should post this and allow webmentions on it, shouldn't I?)

petermolnar I always treated my blogroll as my list of followed blogs

Kongaloosh sknebel: I would reccomend trying to avoid it! That being said, it didn't really dissuade me. I think part of what made it challenging for me to start was understthanding what I personally wanted and needed when there's so much out there for you to implement.

eli_oat joined the channel
@martijnvdven @fletcher0xFF As part of the #indieweb IRC fleet I thank you for making sure we don’t forget the power of the blogrolls! ? (twitter.com/_/status/877905692597788672)
Kongaloosh it's challenging sometimes, because you need to do things and use your stuff to figure that out

ben_thatmustbeme i think there is a difference in perception of the two petermolnar, subscribing to a blog has a curated list of longer reads, while 'following' someone is usually getting info on what they are doing, liking, sharing. more like the firehose. they may end up the same in the way they are implmented, but i feel they are different

Kongaloosh [kevinmarks]: yeah, I hadn't thought about it that way, but that was kind-of how it felt.

Kongaloosh I started with indiemark and indiewebify me

j12t joined the channel
Kongaloosh and used those to startup my site

Kongaloosh but I rarely use webmentions, or even linked-data notifications

Kongaloosh I think implementing them taught me a lot

Zegnat petermolnar: I think I have to go with aaronpk on curation. While I would be happy to recommend other people to follow what I follow, there are several reasons for not publishing an entire list of things I follow. I would expect a blogroll to be a subset of things I follow. (If I don’t follow it, I should not have it on my blogroll.)

botka2 and KevinMarks joined the channel
petermolnar so it's like beetle vs insect (every beetle is and insect but not all insect is a beetle)

[miklb] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Pierre-O and friedcell joined the channel
petermolnar "we are the Zuckerbergs. You will be assimilated." ?

petermolnar stories in the middle of a feed? Yo, dawg, I've heard you like stories, so I put stories in your stories.

petermolnar well, the Borg had their Queen

mlncn joined the channel
Zegnat This is the funniest thing I have seen today! https://twitter.com/fletcher0xFF/status/877914348449972224 - thank you Facebook for using *my face* as the representative image for the chatlog

@fletcher0xFF @martijnvdven You must be a rebel leader, based on the expanded Facebook preview photo on my post. https://www.facebook.com/fletcher0xFF/posts/112293149383517?pnref=story (twitter.com/_/status/877914348449972224)
dougbeal|iOS Instagram inflicted a horror movie ad in the middle of stories.
nitot joined the channel
Kongaloosh Zegnat: I get the feeling that a lot of these "exclusive seasonal things" are for labelling purposes

Kongaloosh making large datasets is hard if you want to do supervised learning

Kongaloosh if you have your users, say, tagging posts which are "pridefull" you can start modelling queer-topics

Kongaloosh just like if you have users putting bounding boxes around faces to tag photos, you could use that to train facial recognition

Kongaloosh I'm not so sure

Kongaloosh what if I want to know "how queer this post is"

Kongaloosh or

Kongaloosh something similar

Kongaloosh oh?

Kongaloosh anti as in "we don't like pride things" or "we reject facebook co-opting pride"

Kongaloosh i've seen some people get grumpy about facebook for doing this

Kongaloosh mostly from the machine learning side

Kongaloosh but some were also pointint out that they couldn't access it because of the country they were in

[kevinmarks] if you don't give them an og-image, facebook will pick the first one on the page that meets their size criteria

j12t and loicm joined the channel
Kongaloosh Zegnat: Nooo clue. I don't really write a whole-lot of FB anymore. I just saw people whinging in passing.

[kevinmarks] Kongaloosh I think when indiemark was put together we hadn't been through enough of the gamification negatives as conveyed by Kathy Sierra and Kevin Werbach

Kongaloosh tbf, indiemark was a guiding star that helped me find a path forwards

Kongaloosh like, it was the one page I referenced a lot when I started a lot

Kongaloosh because it helped me come up with requirements

Kongaloosh and it extensively links to the other parts of the site

[kevinmarks] right, that was the goal, but the points system is a bit awkward.

Kongaloosh I guess that's the case

[kevinmarks] indiewebify.me is a clearer path, but a lot simpler.

Kongaloosh I think it's because if you're new, maybe you should focus on functionality and personalization before you add a system to post, say, audio

Kongaloosh unless that's your jam

Kongaloosh but I had an early video and audio system, before even making a simple all-platfor posting system

[kevinmarks] but both are normative in the way that Zegnat was worrying about

Kongaloosh mmmmmmm

Pierre-O joined the channel
Kongaloosh like, I feel that having a page like indiewebify me which has a curated list of "common features" and links to their descriptions would be helpful

Kongaloosh and it kind of already exists in a bunch of places

@martijnvdven @ricmac I try to make #indieweb more inclusive. Love to know why you see blogrolls “treated like yesterday’s technology”. Want to talk? (twitter.com/_/status/877926115326611462)
mlncn joined the channel
Kongaloosh yeah?

Kongaloosh I'm not surprised, because I leaned heavily on things like that

Kongaloosh could you elaborate on that?

Kongaloosh I'm going to end up making my own personal one for the group I'm kickstarting here. Largely, I'm doing this to customise it for an audience with little to no web experience.

@schmarty LIRR ? to Jamaica Stn. en route to JFK. Excited to be on my way to IndieWeb Summit! (twitter.com/_/status/877928354707415040)
Zegnat Kongaloosh, I am probably not the best to elaborate on the matter. But where the wiki is doing a great job for documenting thought process, development, and technologies, it seems like people want to read more blog-like articles that introduce them to things. Nobody is actively producing that content though.

Kongaloosh I found the wiki a bit of a labyrinth at the time

Kongaloosh like, it's hard to discern without any grounding what on the wiki is what a few people doing, and what's common practice

[kevinmarks] with good wiki gardening we can make it a hedge maze?

Kongaloosh [kevinmarks]++

Kongaloosh who gets to be the minotaur at the centre?

Kongaloosh I guess?

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] Good morning, IndieWeb.

Kongaloosh but I Would draw the distinction between indiewebify.me

Kongaloosh and the wiki

Kongaloosh 1. everything in one place

Kongaloosh 3. simplified explanations and a process to follow

Kongaloosh 2. well formatted for readibility

Kongaloosh I'm not knocking the wiki thought; I <3 the wiki

Zegnat Yep. That matches with calumryan’s plan. He demod this page at IWC: https://calumryan.github.io/indieweb/

Kongaloosh ooooh

Kongaloosh Hossein Derakhshan follows IWC

Kongaloosh TIL

dougbeal|iOS Would anyone be interested in a iOS share sheet to encrypt the indieauth challenge/ response easily?
[kevinmarks] Hossein was very upset when he got out of jail and saw what had happened to the open web

Kongaloosh I would imagine

gRegorLove joined the channel
Kongaloosh "where did all my hyperlinks go, and what is following?"

@kevinmarks @h0d3r we're doing that over at http://indiewebcamp.com - come join us (twitter.com/_/status/683970221602820098)
@guardian Iran's blogfather: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are killing the web http://trib.al/5704mwu (twitter.com/_/status/681915987164303361)
Kongaloosh cool :D

@h0d3r Just learnt @Blogger doesn't allow ftp to own domain anymore. Most #web hosts don't allow @WordPress multisite. Why everyone hates #openweb? (twitter.com/_/status/730805230284230656)
@johnjohnston @kongaloosh Colin Walker’s microcast often discusses #indieweb https://colinwalker.blog/podcast/ (twitter.com/_/status/877933340262887425)
gRegorLove Good morning, indieweb

dougbeal|iOS 0/
gRegorLove tantek: Re: FB background colors, I've seen them for a couple months now. I did capture some screenshots on /create

gRegorLove I haven't used them yet beyond taking those screenshots. I've seen solid color, gradient, and even patterns, like weathered wooden shingles on the side of a house up close.

[miklb] joined the channel
gRegorLove Not an official one that I know of, [miklb]. I think it was suggested during the design rounds, but the IW wouldn't be balanced

gRegorLove There was some more discussion about it recently with the hexagon stickers, though

gRegorLove Oh, hadn't seen mblaney's version before: https://indieweb.org/logo#Feedback

j12t and fzylogic_ joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "Improving the php-mf2 parser" by gRegor Morrill on 2017-06-22 http://microformats.org/2017/06/22/improving-the-php-mf2-parser

hs0ucy joined the channel
@rootwork Opportunities for FLOSS activist tech • Look int'l (US hard to trust) • improve moderation • leverage Indieweb syndication @jdp23 #osb17 (twitter.com/_/status/877942318841516032)
tantek joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme at first i was thinking my new site looks so empty... but now, i kind of like it

AngeloGladding and nitot joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Good morning

[chrisaldrich] What is Indieweb Podcast Club?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Indieweb Podcast Club" yet. Would you like to create it?

gRegorLove Shh, you know the first rule, [chrisaldrich]!

[chrisaldrich] oops!

gRegorLove hehe

[chrisaldrich] Based on the number of posts, I figured for sure that Tyler Durden would have created a wiki page.

[chrisaldrich] goes to register tylerdurden.com, but notices it resolves to http://www.foxmovies.com/. hrmph!

Loqi The first rule of IndieWeb Podcast Club is: https://indieweb.org/Indieweb_Podcast_Club

Loqi The first rule of IndieWeb Podcast Club is You do not talk about IndieWeb Podcast Club https://indieweb.org/Indieweb_Podcast_Club

gRegorLove Zegnat++haha

gRegorLove IndieWeb Podcast Club << https://eli.li/entry.php?id=20170622003646

Loqi ok, I added "https://eli.li/entry.php?id=20170622003646" to the "See Also" section of /Indieweb_Podcast_Club

hs0ucy joined the channel
Loqi ok, I added "[[lulz]]" to the "See Also" section of /Indieweb_Podcast_Club

fzylogic_, amz3 and glennjones joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] podcast << [[Indieweb Podcast Club]]

Loqi ok, I added "[[Indieweb Podcast Club]]" to the "See Also" section of /podcast

wolftune and loicm joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] podcast << [[Screech]]

KartikPrabhu Loqi: messages?

ben_thatmustbeme gives Loqi a message for KartikPrabhu

KartikPrabhu lol!

@realkimhansen @ChrisAldrich As an indieweb wannabe, I want this. @benwerd ? (twitter.com/_/status/877960814434504704)
mlncn and hal9 joined the channel
gRegorLove Hi hal9. What are you looking for help with?

hal9 exit
tantek and j12t joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "Your final updates for IndieWeb Summit" https://aaronparecki.com/2017/06/22/13/indieweb-summit-updates

KevinMarks and nitot joined the channel
@IndieWebSummit Your final updates for IndieWeb Summit #indiewebcamp https://aaronparecki.com/2017/06/22/13/indieweb-summit-updates https://twitter.com/IndieWebSummit/status/877972686411935745/photo/1 (twitter.com/_/status/877972686411935745)
ricmac, KevinMarks_, nitot and [miklb] joined the channel
ricmac Hi everyone, re "# 02:45 Zegnat Hopefully ricmac will call in during IWS. Would love to hear why he thought IndieWeb was somehow against blogroll." Just to be clear, I don't think IW is against blogroll. I was simply observing that nobody seems to have one these days, which I think is a shame. fwiw I view it more as a curated list, rather than the follow model.
ricmac Hello! btw I'm a big fan of everything you all do. I'm just trying to join the fun and get the Indie Web going too :)
ricmac thanks!
KevinMarks joined the channel
ricmac hi Zegnat. Well one ides is to add 1-2 examples of people who use blogrolls, or a new version of it?
ricmac That may inspire others to add blogrolls, or something new that is more 2017.
gRegorLove I like how Colin's list is built based on sites that have interacted recently: https://colinwalker.blog/directory/

tantek ricmac - did some research into old analyses of why blog rolls died - added a few articles to https://indieweb.org/blogroll#See_Also

ricmac @tantek, thanks I will read through those
[miklb] related, a Twitter list builder for recent interactions https://github.com/drzax/the-list-cycle

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Is there a tool (unmung.com perhaps, though I'm not seeing the field for it) to turn h-feeds into RSS? Feedly.com doesn't seem to support h-feed yet.

gRegorLove [chrisaldrich]: Granary

gRegorLove My articles Atom feed uses that ^

ricmac one thing about blogrolls I love though, is that it's a good way for newbies to get to know which other bloggers inspire/influence the one blogger they have discovered. So it's a gateway into a community of people.
[chrisaldrich] Thanks guys! I knew there was one, but just couldn't remember where. Yes, Atom will be just as good I suspect.

[chrisaldrich] I've noticed a handful of readers in the last couple of days that allow one to subscribe to an .opml file, so if one publishes it and updates it later, the reader will just add the additional feeds in stride.

amitp joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Note that this is different to importing an .opml file and subscribing to feeds within it.

[chrisaldrich] Inoreader was one of them as I recall. I think the PressForward WP plugin does it as well.

[chrisaldrich] I'm considering how to possibly create a bookmarklet to add to my WP "blogroll" (Lists) regularly and then simply have it sync with a reader.

[chrisaldrich] The nice part is that I can have some of these subscriptions marked as "private" from an external facing perspective, but still have them show up internally.

[chrisaldrich] Still lots of playing around to do to make it work the way I think it should.

[chrisaldrich] GWG: you could. I hadn't done anything with it in ages until @ricmac mentioned it the other day.

[chrisaldrich] I'm noticing lots of interesting bits still work relatively well for something so old.

wolftune joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] It could be good for all kinds of things, though for bookmark use, I would probably fork it and rename to keep the data storage in a different spot perhaps.

[chrisaldrich] Mostly to keep the concept of blogroll separate from bookmarks and the intentions of what those do. Though perhaps using categories on them would be a reasonable separator

[chrisaldrich] gRegorLove, I'm noticing that attempting to subscribe to you via Feedly seems to fail.... and surely they support Atom.

gRegorLove Hmm, tried with https?

gRegorLove Oh, I misspoke earlier. It's my notes Atom feed that is via Granary. Articles is one I coded in ProcessWire.

gRegorLove Still, it has rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" on the homepage so should be found.

j12t and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] gRegorLove I suspect that Feedly doesn't have very good discovery based on prior tests, but from your home page and using your Subtome button and choosing Feedly as the preference, it's not finding anything.

[chrisaldrich] I remember reading about that custom bookmark custom post type. I think I even played around with a version of it a year or two ago.

gRegorLove Ah, I think when I subscribed in Feedly I just did it in their interface

Loqi [superfeedr] "The confusion about the indieweb" by Colin Walker on 2017-06-22 https://colinwalker.blog/2017/06/22/the-confusion-about-the-indieweb/

gRegorLove I'll check the SubToMe button

gRegorLove It definitely works in the Feedly interface if you just enter my domain

[chrisaldrich] gRegorLove, I just tried it and it was fine there too... not sure why it wouldn't work from subtome.

[chrisaldrich] GWG: I'd be hard pressed to do something like that given the infrastructure that Post Kinds bookmark offers now...

aaronpk colinwalker: you should post that on indienews! are you set up to do that already? shouldn't be hard if you have control over your html https://news.indieweb.org/en/submit

[kevinmarks] Indieweb podcast club sounds like huffduffer.com

dougbeal|iOS Huffduffer has comment?
@markymark "...the self-realised existential crisis that it is, currently, a developer community not a user community." https://colinwalker.blog/2017/06/22/the-confusion-about-the-indieweb/ (twitter.com/_/status/877987272557252608)
M-podviaznikov hey everyone (I'm still new to IndieWeb and hope to learn during weekend in Portland). I have a question: I usually use schema.org for my personal site. But it seems that indieweb prefers microformats. Why is that and and what is the difference between two? I saw this page: https://indieweb.org/metadata. But still can't figure it out
[chrisaldrich] GWG: I'm already swimming with too much today... don't kill me. ?

gRegorLove Huffduffer could be a good way to recommend episodes, then commentary on the episodes could be posted on our sites and webmention the huffduffer post

[markmhendrickso joined the channel
[markmhendrickso hey look at that, loqi is a smarty
[chrisaldrich] GWG: I'm exactly the same way... but even the dreams are difficult to wrangle this past month, much less the action.

[chrisaldrich] M-podviaznikov the nice part is that you can do both without any penalties.

[markmhendrickso are folks in here in agreement w colinwalker that it's a "crisis"? i haven't hung around here enough to know if the internal feeling is that dire
[chrisaldrich] GWG: I'm actually supposed to be on a flight shortly and am killing myself with a few massive projects and a large pending personal issue that is overwhelming me on the phone at the moment.

[colinwalker] joined the channel
[colinwalker] markmhendrickson dramatic effect ;)

[markmhendrickso colinwalker fair ?
gRegorLove Hi M-podviaznikov. I think schema is mostly (only?) consumed by some search engines. Over the years the indieweb community has generally found microformats easier to author, maintain, and consume, letting us federate comments across our sites.

aaronpk see /generations

ben_thatmustbeme M-podviaznikov: I find them much simlper and clearer. parsing of them is different as well

M-podviaznikov [chrisaldrich] yeah, I understand that I can use both. I wonder if you know of any advantages of one vs another
ben_thatmustbeme its not Only consumed by, there are definitely others that use it

ben_thatmustbeme also its in all of the independent social media now with only a few missing microformats markup

[colinwalker] I think there is definitely an issue with developer mentality vs user mentality. All developers are uses but not all users are developers. The confusion illustrates the discussions here about language etc.

[markmhendrickso aaronpk interesting, hadn't seen that before. interesting that bloggers and journalists are seen as forming a key stepping stone?
M-podviaznikov gRegorLove: yeah, I think I mostly use schema.org for search engines. I don't really care about comments. I wonder what you mean by easier to consume microformats? Are there tools that use microformats except search engines?
ben_thatmustbeme Micro.blog, Known, Mastodon, GNU Social, Pump.io, Friendica, Hubzilla, all publish microformats

ben_thatmustbeme not all consumer them yet though

aaronpk M-podviaznikov: here's some of my thoughts on it. https://aaronparecki.com/2016/12/17/8/owning-my-reviews tl;dr Schema.org is being pushed by google and likely they will recommend something else in a couple years

ricmac joined the channel
[markmhendrickso colinwalker i suppose i wonder how many here view "developers are the users" as a current problem or simply an evolutionary stage
ben_thatmustbeme M-podviaznikov++ good question to bring up though

M-podviaznikov Going to read it, thanks for the link. Agree about comment that Schema.org is pushed by google and it might be a concern
[markmhendrickso i'm a bit torn personally. i'd love to see more products here developed for non-technical users and am trying to do my part, but i respect the hard work being done to empower developer users too
tantek [markmhendrickso: no crisis no. the understanding of the spectrum of users is fairly well documented, see /Generations

M-podviaznikov thanks tantek, going to read your link too
tantek turns out microformats, mf2 in particular, combined with /Webmention has become the simplest way to interact cross-site on the indieweb

[markmhendrickso tantek would you say the community has a general sense of timeline for the 4 stages? i.e. does it take years or decades to pass through each, or simply hard to say?
Loqi Typical use of the term roadmap does not refer to actual roads, maps, or maps of roads - instead, keep a personal priority ordered list of what you're specifically Working On, and for unsorted or vague desires, add them to an unordered Itches list, on your User page or your project's page https://indieweb.org/roadmap

[markmhendrickso tantek guilty as charged ?
Loqi [superfeedr] "#8886" by Des on 2017-06-22 http://www.desparoz.com/2017/06/23/8886/

[chrisaldrich] markmhendrickson It's incredibly tough to say if or when those four stages will come.

[chrisaldrich] I suspect that with consumer-facing things like micro.blog lately that we're already starting into Gen2 and I see bits of Gen3 already looking at the bleeding edges.

sketchess joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] In just the past few weeks seeing people like @ricmac dipping their toes into the water have been very positive looking.

[markmhendrickso chrisaldrich i'd say i'm (partially) working on gen 3 personally, but maybe i'm skipping steps! eeeek ?
M-podviaznikov thank you tantek, that makes sense to me. That is good that any standard is supported. I didn't have personal preferences. Don't even remember why I started using schema.org. So it's good to revisit that decision for me
[chrisaldrich] Or even core committers from WordPress thinking about adding pieces into core are positive signs.

sketchess good morning / evening
[chrisaldrich] markmhendrickson I view myself on the border of Gen1/Gen2 and know several who would self-identify as Gen2, but I'm curious who else would self-identify as Gen3.

tantek e.g. I support ActivitiyStreams1.0/Atom on my site which I chose to support at some point in time, but as far as I know no other indieweb site (people here) supports or supports consuming or does anything with. It's my choice to support AS1/Atom on my site, and I don't have to get any agreement to do it

sketchess I hope today I am also lucky and somebody answers my questions. :)
[chrisaldrich] markmhendrickson It's possible that you're the first Gen3 person here, and if so, that in and of itself is very positive!

[markmhendrickso chrisaldrich huzzah! i feel special then
[markmhendrickso i wonder how many designers we have here as well?
[markmhendrickso and anyone who has thought about how influencers / celebrities / public figures might be worth considering for all of this...
ricmac joined the channel
tantek [chrisaldrich]: you may want to check http://indieweb.org/2011/Guest_List#Apprentices ;)

[markmhendrickso maybe that's too far out, but in the realm of personal data / content, those with large audiences have some of the biggest motivations
[chrisaldrich] tantek: I knew about those prior ones, but seeing Gen3 people interacting here regularly is a bit rarer.

petermolnar re WordPress "Decisions, not Options" - https://wordpress.org/about/philosophy/

sketchess Is it correct that the syllable 'indie' is derived from 'independent'?
petermolnar if webmentions ever get included in WP, they will be there, not as a choice but as part of WP

[markmhendrickso hahah
tantek sketchess see: http://enwp.org/indie

[markmhendrickso I'm a Gen 1 who likes to think of himself as Gen 3
[markmhendrickso given my hiatus
[markmhendrickso i suppose i'm def Gen 1 as a personal identity but i think my inclination has been to serve Gen 3 since the beginning
sketchess wikipedia what else *lol*
[markmhendrickso re: http://markmhendrickson.com/post/homesteading-on-the-indie-web
[chrisaldrich] I'd consider Mark Gen1 too, but am happy to let people self-label and then support their choices. Showing up is half the battle and everyone has something to contribute.

[markmhendrickso ?
sketchess technically nobody answered my question XD
[chrisaldrich] misses penguins on social networks...

sketchess directly
sketchess thihihihi
sketchess But I assume the answer is yes.
[chrisaldrich] sketchess, yes, generally indie is a synonym for independent (mostly rising out of the music scene), but there are subtleties.

[chrisaldrich] here's a good post about some of those subtleties: http://www.digitalpedagogylab.com/hybridped/indie-open-free/

sketchess Thank you.
sketchess Could have been something else, too.
[markmhendrickso chrisaldrich me too! http://blog.iso50.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Picture-15-450x353.png
[markmhendrickso evening time for me, gnight all. thanks for the good convo
[chrisaldrich] There was sure a lot to digest and attempt to unpack in the last hour or so...

sketchess Well I do not get it. How can it be that it is independent? It's still lived in dependence.
sketchess indieweb
[chrisaldrich] The better question may be independent with respect to what?

sketchess have a good night sleep
friedcell joined the channel
sketchess That is a good question?
sketchess ups
sketchess ? = !
sketchess hahahaha
sketchess wrong button
sketchess It feels somehow weird. I connect with 'independece' something else than the indieweb guide lines do.
[colinwalker] tantek that last paragraph is definitely the point. The generations may be defined but the page says "create language to encourage growth" and that is a major sticking point as I see it right now.

[colinwalker] There are some gen 2's but I think they're technically borderline gen 1s as there is still so much manual work needed which requires knowledge.

[colinwalker] The rumblings about including indieweb tech in WP core or jetpack are great so I could imagine things skipping gen 2 and going straight to gen 3 but, as I've said all along, at that point it won't be referred to as indieweb - it'll just be new functionality in WP and responsibility for the language could get passed over or maybe even usurped??

sketchess smiles
[colinwalker] Perhaps one thing about independence in this context is that it is preached to do what you want but the guides say you need x,y & z.

sketchess I think there would be no point in that @aaronpk.
j12t joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] colinwalker That's a possibility, but I suspect that given both the developer base of WP and their history that it wouldn't be usurped.

[chrisaldrich] More likely I hope that it would create a huge swath of competition both in the social silo space as well as for other CMSes.

davidmead joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I suppose anything is possible, but building something on open technologies is very hard to make closed, so open would win in the end, wouldn't it?

[colinwalker] Absolutely. I just wonder about the impact of adoption by stealth rather than organic.

sketchess searches
[colinwalker] Anyway, bed time. Gotta be up at 4. Night all.

sketchess Neah, not finding it.
sketchess The wiki is not easy to navigate.
sketchess I can't.
sketchess :D more than one thing
sketchess if I may introduce myselfe, I am the misfit
sketchess nice to meet you
sketchess thihihihi
sketchess in my case every attempt to login was a dead end ;)
sketchess I have non of the mentioned x, y and z's.
sketchess Yes, it was also mentioned.
sketchess :D
sketchess If you like, call it fate.
sketchess Nevertheless I try to understand what the indieweb is.
sketchess No thank you.
sketchess But very kind.
KevinMarks joined the channel
sketchess I will not implement a 'mailto'.
sketchess As I say, I am a misfit in any means. ;)
sketchess But it happend that I somehow came to be a proof reader.
sketchess Don't worry about me, I am fine.
sketchess is just trying to understand and to help out as possible
sketchess hihihi you are the first one who does not asked me if I have a website hihihihi
sketchess that is surprising
sketchess on the other hand not
sketchess hahahaha
Zegnat sketchess, you got some of us moving with the login issues though ;) There is now a 2 small PHP files solution available: https://github.com/Inklings-io/selfauth

sketchess Zegnat *happy*
sketchess nice to see you around
sketchess you make me curious again ;)
sketchess has a look
sketchess o.o ?
sketchess well that is non I would expect, it's a github page thihihi
[chrisaldrich] I know someone implemented an anonymous webmention set up before, why not a similar anonymous authentication solution?

sketchess and would you please reveal the magic for me....... you were faster
ricmac and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
dougbeal|iOS indieauth is the only blessed provider for OuwnYourGram, OwnYoyrSwarm, Bridgy?
sketchess ok, it still looks like magic to me
sketchess reread
amitp joined the channel
sketchess question
sketchess If I ban scripts in my html header, would it still work?
sketchess ?me kicks the key board
[miklb] joined the channel
sketchess I never touched php directly.^^
davidmead joined the channel
sketchess poor me hahahahaha
sketchess that could be interesting
ricmac joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
sketchess aha
sketchess out of your mouth it sound soooo easy *smile*
Pierre-O joined the channel
sketchess and at the same time not
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
sketchess I could only do a lucky guess.
j12t joined the channel
sketchess magic
ricmac joined the channel
sketchess I appreciate your work.
sketchess I should too
sketchess I wish you sweet dreams.
ricmac, KevinMarks and snarfed joined the channel
@kevinmarks Nice PESOS there #indieweb https://twitter.com/judell/status/878007707579555841 (twitter.com/_/status/878020877522132992)
[chrisaldrich] Welcome to the party jeanmacdonald!

[chrisaldrich] I've got a rapidly evolving good news/bad news situation...

[chrisaldrich] I've made a contingent offer on a new house which has been accepted.

[chrisaldrich] Unfortunately with the shortened timelines involved, clean up work I'm going to have to do in addition to the start of inspections, I'm going to have to cancel my flight to PDX for the weekend.

[chrisaldrich] aaronpk, you'll have space for one more on the waiting list this weekend, and I'll have to do my best to keep up remotely

[chrisaldrich] #ThisTripWasSupposedToBeMyEarlyBirthdayPresent ?

[jeanmacdonald] joined the channel
[jeanmacdonald] Hi chrisaldrich! bet you can't use emojis in this Slack because it's also IRC.
[jeanmacdonald] Oh wait, Chris just used one. ?
[jeanmacdonald] (Sorry to hear about the trip cancellation.)
[chrisaldrich] While I'm happy about the new house, I'd rather be on my way to PDX. I'm also now stressed out that I'll have to turn around and sell my present house a month or more earlier than I had anticipated.

[chrisaldrich] I was hoping all this would happen in late summer. At least I won't have to worry about timing for IWC-LA now.

[chrisaldrich] Even worse, I was going to clean up at /IndieWeb_Bingo

KevinMarks joined the channel
botka and amitp joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] GWG: I'm bummed.

[chrisaldrich] In my best Bogart: "We'll always have streaming..."

[chrisaldrich] GWG: We're long overdue for that.... and there's also http://wpwatercooler.com/ to schedule.

[chrisaldrich] GWG, do you have any plans for a late summer/fall IWC in NY?

[chrisaldrich] schmarty Could you do me a favor and watch out for Kim Hansen this weekend? She's interested in indieweb/podcasting and was planning to go.

[chrisaldrich] I talked her into coming down from SF and feel guilty that I won't be there now.

[chrisaldrich] Thanks GWG! She's doing some cool stuff at signl.fm as a part of matter.vc

[chrisaldrich] I was kind of hoping to record some short 5-10 minute podcast-able interviews with people over the duration of the weekend.

[chrisaldrich] jeremycherfas and I had discussed doing something longer form, and I wanted to get some quick-hit content of people discussing why/how they got into the community.

[chrisaldrich] something to add some human interest and warmth as well as voices to the larger conversation

glennjones joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] thx schmarty; the good news are the short escrow periods, the bad news is the short escrow periods.

[chrisaldrich] schmarty, even short one minute answers to the question "Why did you get involved in indieweb?" could make great bumpers on "This week in Indieweb."

[chrisaldrich] ...and then you became one!

KevinMarks_ joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Oh, I caught the tangential reference!

[chrisaldrich] you're killing me...

mlncn joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] snarfed: Would you be game for a friday 11am appearance on wpwatercooler.com in the next few months re: micropub/indieweb

[chrisaldrich] It's a relatively popular WP-centric video podcast/interview show...

[chrisaldrich] snarfed: while the show is WP-specific I'm trying to get them to do a series of indieweb-centric episodes, so you could easily focus more on that and the broader pieces rather than the CMS portion.

[chrisaldrich] for me, Indieweb is the topic, and WP is just the means...

[chrisaldrich] (Though I might not say that outloud on the show...) ?

aaronpk okay it's official :D https://indieweb.org/2017/Schedule#Saturday

ricmac joined the channel
tantek, KevinMarks and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] Looking forward to it!

[cleverdevil] My flight leaves LAX around noon tomorrow, and I should be at the pre-party.

ricmac joined the channel