aaronpkthere's a callout in there for software, so if anyone figures out how to get their indieweb software to run on occasionally-connected hardware that's a potential application
Loqi[eli] Building on my last note, the indieweb is currently an insular-ish community because there is a technical wall that needs to be scaled before you can enter into the community. I think this technical hurdle turns the indieweb into a de facto walled ga...
LoqiProgressive Web App (PWA) is a web site that a client can progressively enhance into a standalone app that's comparable with a native app https://indieweb.org/PWA
LoqiCONTRIBUTING.md is a file you can add to your GitHub repos which will show a message when someone opens an issue or files a pull request https://indieweb.org/CONTRIBUTING.md
[miklb]I’m not sure what problem I’m trying to solve. So I’m stepping back and doing some stuff for my site that may be useful to others while I contemplate it more.
[miklb]simply put, I can’t put a theme in the WP repo that is really ready out of the box for the other IW plugins without a lot of cruft in the code (that I’ve thought of). So do I want to have a theme that can be manually installed that is ready out of the box, or I need to refocus on what kind of IW theme I’m making for the repo.
Loqireacji is an emoji reaction, the use of a single emoji character in response to a post, introduced as a feature by Slack[1] https://indieweb.org/reacji
[miklb]I haven’t decided on a UI pattern for my site yet, probably like I do my facepiles now, so wouldn’t be the case. But, if I were to decouple author from reaction, then it could limit any privacy concerns. I need to look into how that works with brid.gy
ricmac@tantek I hear you, but you must admit it takes a bit of work to implement the current indieweb tech. I mean I know there are great wordpress plugins etc, but it's still a curve.
kraftbjpfefferle: yeah! I think it makes a lot of sense to work together on it. I haven't dug in enough to grok everything about our implemenation and decisions years back, but agreed.
aaronpkyou can absolutely SFTP stuff from github to a server without touching the command line. However I would still say that is not a user-friendly solution.
tantek"Use the "RSVP" javascript bookmarklet in the IndieWeb PressThis bookmarklet" links to a github repo - which somehow you have to figure out how to get a javascript bookmarklet from - super non-obvious
[miklb]I’m not saying WP can’t be improved. I sincerely want to help make it easier, but to say that you need to use the command line in order to use WordPress for IndieWeb is disingenuous
Loqimanual until it hurts is an indieweb principle of resisting automation until you have done it enough times to really understand it, and know that it is worth doing https://indieweb.org/manual_until_it_hurts
[miklb]tantek there is the IW plugin, it recommends all of the WordPress plugins in the WP repo that are relative and has it’s own one click install. GWG just recently updated that to have a better UI. We are working on moving other plugins to that repo that would benefit WP users.
kraftbjI'm biased coming from Jetpack-land. Personally, it would have been nice if that was all just one plugin. I setup webmentions + brid.gy and had 1000+ tweets/FB mentions imported in....
tantekhaving a non-dev user be able to setup (or upgrade) a WordPress setup to support various IndieWeb building blocks would be a tremendous step forward this weekend
[miklb]The other part of that equation which has been discussed is that these plugins started out and continue to be individually developed for personal itches and not community developed.
kraftbj[miklb]: The philosophy behind Jetpack's one plugin decision is similar. "Install this to get a lot of stuff that most sites could find useful" I think IW is similar. Some more of this needs to be in Core... or at least the base functionality.. and then a single plugin to make an experience that "makes sense" to the average site owner
kraftbjyeah, Jetpack started as, basically, 5 plugins rolled into one. Until recently, they still included the WP plugin header info in the individual plugins' base php file.
kraftbjWith the GPL (granted I'm new here and I don't know community politics), they can still be separately developed... just the "one plugin" picks up the updates, have a good way to not double-activate something, and pushes it out.
kraftbjas long as there isn't a trademark issue or intentional confusion... and if the contributing plugin devs are on board... I *think* it's fine, but I can get a clarification if it helps anything.
[miklb]Certainly worthy of discussion with pfefferle and GWG. Based on previous discussions, I don’t see any concerns with bundling them into the IW plugin like that vs having to click to install.
[miklb]I think because I date back to a time before WordPress had plugin/theme installation via the admin, I don’t think it a big deal to have to manually install something. Used to walk uphill in the snow and all of that.
[chrisaldrich]I might suggest that even something not specifically for the .org repo is fine as I think a lot of people have been finding indieweb friendly themes through the wiki rather than .org (though it makes it easier to install for some.)
[miklb]if the plugin repo allows for a master plugin ala Jetpack, I don’t see why they would need to be merged necessarily. Just need some committed volunteers to keep up with updates.
[miklb]“click this link, download the file to your desktop, navigate to this page in your admin, click upload theme. Choose the theme you just downloaded to your desktop”.
[miklb]just seems like a half-baked feature if you can’t update a plugin or theme via the admin, only install. Manually install a plugin and not be able to update to fix security issue unless now you can figure out sftp.
GWGWell, I tried to solve by adding comment permalinks and a comment template. But if WordPress ever adds comment permalinks, for which there is a ticket, then it could conflict
kraftbjcomment permalinks makes sense for things like this, but not sure how to display it... would makes sense to go to the parent item's permalink page plus anchor, but if there are paged comments, it could get fun
kraftbjI think the way to "update" before was to delete the plugin, then install the new version. but this predates when I was in WP. The repo and the built-in updater were in place when i got started
[miklb]once webmentions for comments get ironed out, I want to hook up brid.gy to the comment reply if the source was Twitter and be able to reply on my site and POSSE it to Twitter.
LoqiA web action is the interface and user experience of taking a specific discrete action, across the web, from one site to another site or application https://indieweb.org/webactions
[chrisaldrich]miklb That's one of the things I'd love to do in WP. I occasionally do it with Known, but have do do the "threading" manually and it's annoying to keep the data/conversation continuity.
[chrisaldrich]I am running a few heavy background processes, so it seems like dialup. I'm trying to be as manual as possible without any CLI-esque pieces.
LoqiSalmentions are a protocol extension to Webmention to propagate comments and other interactions upstream by sending a webmention from a response to the original post when the response itself receives a response (comment, like, etc.) https://indieweb.org/salmention
[chrisaldrich]think of your replies all swimming upstream to attach themselves to earlier parts of the conversations which potentially live on multiple sites that were parts of the earlier conversation.
[chrisaldrich]I need my friend's social accounts to link up jetpack for simple syndication and to set up brid.gy accounts, but otherwise, we're ready to go.
[chrisaldrich]even adding another 30 minutes to configure jetpack, gravatar, and brid.gy and it's still at an hour and a half to an hour and 45 doing everything as manually as one could.
Loqicweiske: tantek left you a message 14 hours, 59 minutes ago: re: "I crept up here in 2012" - really glad you stuck around despite any differences of opinion (or perhaps especially!) and helped grow the diverse set of viewpoints, approaches, implementations.
tantek!tell [chrisaldrich] definitely write something! would appreciate if you could mention *something* you found that was new and/or particularly useful to you about / with microformats in the past year in particular
tanteksebsel - indeed, it seems like any app / UX where there is asymmetric follow, and you publish to your followers (rather than just message people), and you read from / watch those you follow, is called social media. no need for persistence, or even URLs to content or people
Kongalooshhey, aaronpk, I'm getting back into using micropub services and am looking at OYG again. I see a button asking me to upgrade to arrays rather than comma-separated lists. Clicking the button, however, doesn't do anything.
Loqijkphl: tantek left you a message on 2017-03-17 at 6:05pm UTC: do you know anything about Hetzner Online or this IP address in particular? https://w3bin.com/ip_info/
ZegnatMost of the time typical HTML5 only describes type, not content. Take the time element, it is great for marking up time. But how do I know how that time relates to the page? Is it an event date? Publishing date? That information is added by microformats.
LoqiActivityStreams (AS) is a standardization effort to define common types of objects and actions (verbs) taken on various social media sites https://indieweb.org/activity_streams
ZegnatIsn’t JSON-LD the one that adds a SCRIPT element with a JSON blob into your HTML? That’s what I meant. You pull out data that may or may not be in the HTML already and put it in its own little place. Possibly even copying the data
LoqiThe IndieWeb Community is largely based on principles (AKA tenets) such as own your data, scratch your own itches, build tools for yourself, selfdogfood, document your stuff, open source your stuff, UX design is more important than protocols, visible data for humans first and machines second, platform agnostic platforms, plurality over monoculture, longevity, and remember to have fun! https://indieweb.org/principles
ZegnatKongaloosh, that also stems from the close proximity between microformats and the indieweb founders. But selfdogfooding really trumps all arguments. If you implement JSON-LD (both consuming and publishing) and others do too, how is that not IndieWeb?
ZegnatKongaloosh: a criticism I have seen a lot is that people who work on LD stuff and specs do not actually have them on their personal websites. Not sure if that is still true.
voxpelliKongaloosh: there are certainly people within the indieweb that uses or have used activitystreams, but it still a less used, more controversial choice within the community :)
ZegnatThat was 100% an aside, Kongaloosh. I am working on an activity stream thing to track where I do things, so people of course pointed at rhiaro.co.uk
[chrisaldrich]It would be awesome if people were building great tools to consume things like Dublin Core or RDF since they're relatively ubiquitous in certain circles, but usually they just seem to be overhead/maintenance for site builders that don't benefit much from having them.
[chrisaldrich]I think a lot of the issue in some circles is that people make these markups into religion or SEO/voodoo magic without knowing what's really happening under the hood.
voxpelli[chrisaldrich]: very much so, I think KevinMarks_ or someone pointed out that Open Graph has the structure it has as a hack around the SEO-teams
Zegnathttps://indieweb.org/Virtual_HWC - Kongaloosh, sparse information there. sknebel and I are testing environments that will be the friendliest for people to join.
jkphl_zegnat: well, i didn't write the json-ld parser under the hood of micrometa myself but used one of the available PHP reference parsers (made by the people runnint jsonld.org)
Zegnat[chrisaldrich], did I see you and GWG talk about doing a virtual HWC again? Please add thoughts about platforms to that wiki page (or ping me/sknebel to do it)
jkphl_zegnat: both of them download and parse the json-ld vocabularies that are used by the json-ld blocks. this seems to be a *very* time consuming thing
Zegnatjkphl_, aah, guess you do not have too much insight on the internals then. I can see how downloading external vocabularies would slow down a parser though!
jkphl_zegnat: as far as i know this is necessary to expand the json-ld data because the ontologies can be very complex and only make sense when the vocabulary is taken into account
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2017-06-23.html