2017-06-24 UTC
KevinMarks, ricmac, [miklb], strugee, KevinMarks_, KartikPrabhu and mmmdik joined the channel
# 01:09 [miklb] what was that domain registrar that recently wrote the blog post? I can’t find it in my history and failed to bookmark it
ricmac joined the channel
anglophilic and ricmac joined the channel
mlncn, ricmac, BigShip, fzylogic_, wolftune, nitot and amitp joined the channel
ricmac, j12t, fzylogic_ and tantek joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
mlncn joined the channel
# 05:05 GWG kraftbj: Thanks for helping me figure out what I was missing.
# 05:06 kraftbj GWG: No problem! I'm bothered that I don't know enough about the parser to see if there's something better to do than that.
# 05:07 GWG kraftbj: I'm embarassed that I called the wrong variable and didn't see it.
# 05:07 GWG gRegorLove: Ditto. It's been ages
# 05:08 kraftbj GWG: No worries. It takes a village to make a website (or a plugin)
fzylogic_ joined the channel
# 05:11 GWG kraftbj: If you want to see manually how Semantic Linkbacks parses a page for mf2, use /?sldebug=form and put in a URL.
# 05:11 kraftbj That's hot. I'll give it a spin.
# 05:12 GWG kraftbj: You need WP_DEBUG on. But I added in this form to test the parser return. Automated tests are great, but sometimes you need to see the results of any given URL
# 05:12 kraftbj 100% agree. Automated are, IMO, best for regression prevention.
# 05:14 GWG kraftbj: It shows how much data the new version extracts and saves to meta versus the current stable version.
wolftune, j12t and dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
# 05:37 GWG snarfed: I stole that bit from gRegorLove
# 05:39 gRegorLove I almost sad com, but checked and Chrome warked it was a malware site, so don't visit that. dot biz is weird design site, but safe.
BigShip, strugee, j12t, [pfefferle], ricmac and [colinwalker] joined the channel
tbbrown_ joined the channel
# 06:39 [colinwalker] Zegnat yeah but I'm going to be out most of the weekend so will miss much of it ?
[asteres] joined the channel
# 06:44 Zegnat You might want to add https:// to that link to the summit. Now it resolves within your website
j12t joined the channel
# 06:51 Zegnat Oh boy, this might need the WP crew to fly in (GWG, you still up?)
# 06:52 Zegnat The RSVP’s h-entry is nested within the post’s h-entry. I haven’t seen that one before.
# 06:55 Zegnat Looks much better, yes :) This should be parsable
fzylogic_ joined the channel
# 07:05 Zegnat I wonder if there was a reason 2017.indieweb.org doesn’t have an input box for RSVP URLs
gmack joined the channel
# 07:12 Zegnat [asteres]++ for making it onto 2017.indieweb.org with an indie RSVP!
# 07:16 Loqi Diaspora (or D*) is an open source project for hosting a social network on your own server that federates with other Diaspora instances, which are called "pods" https://indieweb.org/Diaspora
sebsel joined the channel
ricmac, barpthewire and jkphl_ joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
# 08:44 sebsel yeah, the details are -dev, but hopefully soon Loqi sees Fb events too :)
ricmac, nitot and sketchess joined the channel
# 09:03 sketchess good morning / evening
# 09:05 Loqi Universal Greeting Time is the convention of greeting people in online chat with "good morning" regardless of the local time of day of either person https://indieweb.org/UGT
# 09:05 Zegnat good morning is always right sketchess ;) ^^^
# 09:06 sketchess Thanks +Zegnat and Co. for the next pieces of the selfauth. It is becoming more clear now.
# 09:06 sketchess I know +Zegnat, but I choose to do both.
# 09:08 sketchess some of you have
# 09:08 Zegnat Ooh, right, that is called “voice” and is an IRC label thing.
# 09:08 sketchess I am not sure if you get highlighted without is. ;)
# 09:09 Zegnat People who have registered their IRC name on the indieweb wiki get it added
# 09:09 Zegnat I will get highlighted without, it is not actually part of my name
# 09:10 sketchess ah and I thought because of the secure connection, regarding +
# 09:11 sketchess Followed your meeting a bit yesterday. Was interesting and made me think.
ricmac joined the channel
# 09:13 Zegnat The + is just a sign your program gives to people who are voiced (+v mode on IRC). Some clients (like XChat) will show coloured icons instead. We use it as a sign for wiki users, but it could theoretically be used so nobody but us can talk in this channel
# 09:13 Zegnat The meeting notes were a little all over the place, apologies for that sketchess
# 09:14 sketchess What is the main purpose of the IRC channels? You do not have to apologies.
# 09:18 sketchess You do not have to search for a wiki page, if you do. A sentence would be enough.
ricmac joined the channel
# 09:22 sketchess washes quick the sleep out of her head
# 09:23 Zegnat The main purpose of the IRC channels is communication. For the core community (many of the developers) it is the preferred way of staying in touch
barpthewire, ricmac and sketchess joined the channel
ricmac and sebsel joined the channel
# 10:05 sketchess *lol* (sorry, I just had a look into dev.)
# 10:10 sketchess I do feel honored that you do take action at most of the time I ask something. (Zegnat)
# 10:11 sketchess And it happens very quick. XD
ricmac joined the channel
# 10:14 Zegnat I have summer break. No work. No school. And because Sweden it doesn’t really get dark anymore and my sleep scheduled is messed up.
# 10:15 Zegnat Might as well do something useful with all that time
# 10:17 sketchess Following the meeting, I asked myself what could be the 'noises' of IRC you were mentioning. What kind of quality do they have? I came to the conclusion that it is intended: IRC channel shell mainly getting used to discuss technical aspects instead getting being used for small talk related stuff
# 10:18 sketchess That guided me to the question, what the real main purpose could be.
# 10:20 Zegnat The purpose of this channel (#indieweb) is to welcome people, introduce them to the wiki and other building blocks.
# 10:20 Zegnat Because we do not want those talks interrupted with people debugging their code, there is #indieweb-dev for that
# 10:20 Zegnat And if community members just want to share links or riff on things, we have #indieweb-chat for that.
# 10:21 Zegnat During yesterday’s meeting it was decided to add #indieweb-meta, where we can discuss event organisation, wiki gardening, and more such things that you also don’t want to do with people who are just coming in
# 10:22 sketchess Than there is something strange with your wiki going on, Zegnat.
# 10:22 sketchess Yes very much indeed. 'clear'
ricmac joined the channel
# 10:24 sketchess I wonder why it points than to the wrong resources.
# 10:24 sketchess Or it just was me.
# 10:25 Zegnat It should be clear on /discuss, but that page hasn’t been updated after yesterday’s meeting yet.
# 10:25 Zegnat We aren’t all robots yet. Hard to have a meeting and edit wikis at the same time.
# 10:26 sketchess No no, I did not mean that.
# 10:29 sketchess Give me a moment, I have to check something. Either it was me pretty tired or it was real misguidance.
# 10:36 sketchess I count that as me beeing too tired. *lol*
# 10:36 sketchess fuzzy memory
# 10:40 sketchess Good. I am glad that I am onto the correct place than.
# 10:41 Zegnat If you really want to go deep into wiki gardening, the new #indieweb-meta channel was created for that :)
# 10:41 Zegnat Because new people coming in should not have to be bothered with that sort of housekeeping.
# 10:41 sketchess I am not sure if I understand.
# 10:43 sketchess Shell that mean, I am already digging to deep?
ricmac joined the channel
# 10:47 sketchess Ok, so future discussion of wiki improvement will happen there. Putting that into my memory.
# 10:47 Zegnat Never too deep. But if you mostly talk about wiki problems, and not just general “indieweb”, then that is one of the reasons the new meta channel exists
# 10:50 sketchess Where do people meet, who are working at improving their website?
# 10:53 sketchess technical core
ricmac joined the channel
# 10:54 Zegnat If people start talking code in here, we ask them to move the conversation to #indieweb-dev
# 10:55 Zegnat If you just built something and want to show off your website, here is fine, of course
# 10:55 sketchess ah that it's purpose, thanks
# 11:00 sketchess Can I help you out somehow in return, Zegnat?
# 11:01 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2017-06-24 8:01pm CEST (#6029)
# 11:05 Zegnat sketchess, not really. Just point me at stuff that needs work and about me when I don't do my work
# 11:07 sketchess Ok, which channel do you prefer for that? perhaps privat?
# 11:07 sketchess is still like just a guest
# 11:08 sketchess do not want to disturb anybody
# 11:08 Zegnat If it is wiki stuff, the new meta channel please.
# 11:10 Zegnat Private is not a good place, because then nobody else can step in if I am unavailable
# 11:10 sketchess the log will not catch too
# 11:11 sketchess oh I almost forgot something
# 11:15 sketchess I just wondered, why is 'getting started' not one of the first things people can access? Wouldn't it be logical? Just wondered.
sebsel joined the channel
# 11:21 sketchess introduction / general information > join / getting started > further stuff (circle)
# 11:21 sketchess seems natural to me
# 11:23 Zegnat Getting started is one of the first build links on the homepage, right
# 11:25 sketchess But later I had first trouble to find it again. I used to navigate over the homepage to it.
# 11:26 sketchess instead of doing it dircetly in the wiki environment
# 11:29 sketchess Chances are good that someone else is getting a little lost in the wiki like me. Especially if they are completely new.
strk joined the channel
# 11:30 strk is this a good place to discuss about indiemail too ? :)
# 11:31 sketchess You might want to rethink some orders here and there.
# 11:31 strk or do you have suggestions for better places ? I'm evaluating solutions for incoing mail
# 11:32 strk so the current idea would be to store the mail in MailDir format and put under a Nextcloud synchronized directory
# 11:33 strk it's a long time I don't use local facilities for mail (fetchmail/procmail)
# 11:33 strk and I've heard there are now niceties like "notmuch" mail for indexing and dunno what else
# 11:34 strk rather, for some time (after a disk failure which resulted in loosing all my mail archives) I've been leaving most mail on someone else's computer only
# 11:34 sketchess couldn't answer those questions :) sorry
# 11:38 sketchess and I do know, if dev would be a better place or not.... still learning myself
# 11:41 sketchess I probably should invest the next time amount into my own data sets. Still much work to do. So I see ya around folks.
ricmac, KevinMarks and Garbee joined the channel
fzylogic_ and ricmac joined the channel
# 12:50 Zegnat strk, just read what you said. I think some of the people here might do their own email set-up but this channel is primarily about websites and not infrastructure like email
# 12:53 Loqi Email is a decentralized, non-web messaging transport, with typical user interfaces that encourage excessively lengthy messages, in contrast to texting https://indieweb.org/email
# 12:57 strk "excessively" is really debatable there :)
ricmac, amdt and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 13:38 GWG barnabywalters: Long time no see.
# 13:38 barnabywalters hi GWG, likewise! been busy with other things as always, but I’m here by myself over the weekend so thought I’d poke my head in for the summit
# 13:38 Loqi barnabywalters: pfefferle left you a message on 2016-12-21 at 10:05pm UTC: can you please add me to the indieweb namespace on packagist.org?
# 13:38 Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message on 2016-12-23 at 6:06pm UTC: that FB like of like example is a little contrived, as the "likes Things with Faces" is more of a reworded "follow" since that "Things with Faces" is a community/page, and FB treats "like" there as meaning "send me updates".
# 13:39 GWG barnabywalters: You are a few hours early for the Summit. Intros start in 3.5 hours
# 13:40 GWG I'm still on NY time, so I figured I'd continue with my location features
nitot joined the channel
# 13:41 barnabywalters I have a lot to catch up on anyway if I’m going to have any idea what people are talking about ;)
# 13:43 GWG Badges and breakfast in 2.5 hours, Intros in 3.5 hours
snarfed, amitp, ricmac and mlncn joined the channel
sebsel joined the channel
ben_, benwerd, tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 14:54 aaronpk We're going to do some intro talks in the morning starting at 9:30, intros will probably be a couple hours after that
ricmac and calumryan joined the channel
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[markmhendrickso joined the channel
# 15:40 [markmhendrickso morning all!
[asteres] joined the channel
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# 15:51 [markmhendrickso the webmentions firefox extension doesn't seem to work for me, anyone have a suggestion for how to manually send a webmention to RSVP easily?
tantek joined the channel
# 15:57 Zegnat [markmhendrickso just earlier today I wondered why 2017.indieweb.org didn’t have a submit box on the page.
# 15:57 [markmhendrickso @sknebel thanks! checking it out
# 15:58 [markmhendrickso @Zegnat that'd be handy
# 16:01 [markmhendrickso @Zegnat that worked! partially...in that my link but not name shows up on the RSVP list now, not sure why that is
# 16:03 [markmhendrickso it'd be nice if that parser (all parsers?) could parse rendered DOMs too... #grumble
benwerd joined the channel
[apatters] joined the channel
# 16:04 [apatters] Hello everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself. I reconnected with Tantek recently and was only slightly surprised when I learned he was involved in this Indie Web movement I've been reading about. I'm a newbie and don't even have a personal site at the moment but I've been reading indieweb.org and browsing the various Social WG specs and starting to wrap my head around everything. Looking forward to learning from everyone here ?
# 16:04 Zegnat no name means no hcard. If by rendered DOM you mean post-javascript-DOM, yeah, that is a bit of a problem. You’d need to run a lot more than curl and a parser for that
# 16:04 [markmhendrickso welcome apatters!
# 16:04 [apatters] Oh and I'm remote from Bangkok, where it's already 11pm! zzzz
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 16:05 Zegnat is glad he cane turn off his webcam feed and hide his bedhair
# 16:05 [markmhendrickso kevinmarks i eat plain rice sometimes but that doesn't mean i don't prefer a full paella ?
# 16:06 sknebel [markmhendrickso: yeah, your page doesn't have any author markup as far as I can tell, so it can't know your name
[miklb] joined the channel
# 16:06 [miklb] I would argue the analogy would be more, you can use an instapot to make rice, but that doesn’t mean you can’t just cook it on the stove top still.
# 16:07 [markmhendrickso @Zegnat it seems a curl that could render DOMs would be handy / possible, i wonder if it exists
# 16:07 tantek points Zegnat and [markmhendrickso to #indieweb-dev :)
# 16:08 [markmhendrickso i guess i can't complain too much if i haven't budgeted time to build it myself...
# 16:08 benwerd Reflecting on 4 years of being part of the indieweb community. A lot has happened since I first turned up at IndieWebCamp. Changed my life. Fun to be back!
j12t joined the channel
# 16:09 [markmhendrickso miklb but it's a lot of work picking the rice out of a pre-made paella....or something like that ?
# 16:10 [markmhendrickso my face on the wall is huge
# 16:11 [markmhendrickso feeling very wizard of oz
# 16:11 Zegnat probably because both sknebel and I do not stream our cameras
# 16:11 [miklb] markmhendrickson also, there is a lot of ways to screw up a paella && a pot of plain rice ?
# 16:12 [markmhendrickso miklb indeed ?
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 16:15 barnabywalters hi gRegorLove! likewise. thought I’d drop in for the summit and try to catch up a bit!
tbbrown joined the channel
# 16:17 [miklb] can you not change your display name once you connect?
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
# 16:19 GWG barnabywalters: We all want to 'see' more of you. Hope life permits
fzylogic_ and [steed] joined the channel
# 16:23 [steed] Good morning IndieWebbers!
# 16:23 [steed] …IndieWebonauts? indieWebbineers? indieWebniks? Anyway: hi.
# 16:28 benwerd What's our hashtag for the summit? #indiewebsummit? #indieweb?
# 16:29 Zegnat Anything using #indieweb will definitely be copied into the chat (and logs) by Loqi, so there is that :)
j12t joined the channel
wolftune and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
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# 16:34 [chrisaldrich] cleverdevil I put in an offer on a house that got accepted and had to stay for inspections and a mound of paperwork to get the ball rolling. Just listed my current house yesterday.
ricmac joined the channel
# 16:34 [chrisaldrich] Had to cancel the trip as a result, but hoping I can be around for portions of today and tomorrow despite the new headaches.
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# 16:35 gRegorLove [chrisaldrich]: Is your IWS project a homepage for your house listing?
# 16:36 [chrisaldrich] gRegorLove, that was actually one of the first things I thought! I registered a domain, but I'm so swamped with everything else dev is going to have to take a back seat...
# 16:37 Zegnat has a Facebook Page for the house he lives in
# 16:38 Zegnat [chrisaldrich], yes. And we toyed with it as a portal for selling the house too
# 16:39 Zegnat I would show it, but I am not sure I want that Facebook link logged
j12t joined the channel
# 16:41 [chrisaldrich] My first thoughts for a house domain were about privacy. Even the photos in the house listing had more private stuff than I would have liked.
# 16:41 [chrisaldrich] Sadly, I didn't have time to get everything I wanted out before we did photos for the listing on Thursday.
# 16:41 [cleverdevil] Was talking to a guy at HostingCon this year who operates a real estate hosting business.
# 16:41 Zegnat Privacy is shot in Sweden. Just my name gets you my address and national ID number, from that you can get my grades, income, etc.
# 16:41 Zegnat So I am not overly worried about my address :p
# 16:42 [cleverdevil] They partner with the major brokers and generate these crappy little static websites with address domains.
# 16:42 [cleverdevil] They also pre-buy domains based upon real estate activity with addresses.
# 16:42 [chrisaldrich] I started a conversation with our realtor, but had to put a pin in it to get things moving with the purchase side before worrying too much about the selling side.
# 16:42 [cleverdevil] They charge the real estate agents something like $1,000 to create these sites and get the domains.
# 16:43 [miklb] I’ve always wondered what life without ethics would be like
# 16:43 [kevinmarks] Our realtor used a crappy slideshow service, so I bought a domain and my son made a better video
j12t_ joined the channel
# 16:44 [cleverdevil] The explosion of new TLDs is "the biggest threat" to their business, apparently.
# 16:45 [cleverdevil] Because its entirely predicated on their ability to squat on the .com/.net for addresses.
# 16:46 Zegnat I thought the house tld was solely there for the one person who grabbed dr.house
# 16:46 [kevinmarks] Hmm, should I transfer the domain to the lesson I should the house to?
# 16:46 [cleverdevil] I've thought about having a domain for my house to use for connected devices.
# 16:47 aaronpk but first i want a small CMS I can use to host the stuff for it
# 16:48 [cleverdevil] I've got a little Synology that I run everything off locally at the house, its great.
# 16:48 [cleverdevil] Its even got a package center with popular open source apps that you can install, like WordPress.
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# 16:50 [chrisaldrich] I have an indieweb site for the Little Free Library in front of the house. Not sure if I have time for one for the house.
# 16:50 [miklb] is a small CMS a CMS you haven’t started customizing yet?
# 16:52 aaronpk hey everyone on the livestream, feel free to enable your camera so we can see you!
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# 16:54 [apatters] Will this be streamed on the Youtube channel as well?
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# 16:56 [chrisaldrich] Though as I recall, some of the session rooms may not be archived via video correct?
# 16:56 Zegnat Plan is to stream the main room to YouTube as well. All session rooms have Vidyo access but will not stream to youtube.
# 16:56 Zegnat Might be that only the YouTube stream gets archived, yes, [chrisaldrich]
# 16:56 aaronpk we are trying to record the breakouts but they will not be on youtube immediately
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# 16:59 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2017-06-24 10:04am PDT (#6030)
begriffs joined the channel
# 17:04 Zegnat Some of us are going to (very) actively try and write down what is happening here in chat.
# 17:04 Zegnat So if you can't watch the stream you can read along.
# 17:04 Zegnat This does mean that chat might turn a little one sided, as answering questions while note taking is hard.
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# 17:08 benwerd I wrote a blog post for the International News Media Association about why media companies need to get into the indieweb, and I'm bummed it hasn't been published by today :( Would have been nice to draw attention to this event.
# 17:11 Zegnat Not seeing it on the IndieWebCamp channel, aaronpk
# 17:12 gRegorLove Apparnetly I'm the designated question-answerer, so send me your Qs about the stream/schedule/whatever and I'll try to A them
mapkyca joined the channel
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# 17:17 Zegnat Vidyo is semi broken for me it seems. Recalling
# 17:18 [kevinmarks] It's weirdly more difficult to timeswitch this way - it's family dinner time, whereas going from CA to uk/Germany I just stayed up really late
# 17:18 [chrisaldrich] I'll reset. For those watching the youtube, there's a several second delay compared to vidyo
# 17:20 Zegnat benwerd talking about SF organisation of IWC and HWC
gkbrk joined the channel
# 17:23 [chrisaldrich] if people can get into chat early, there are lots of us remotely who can help without disrupting what's happening in the room live as well.
# 17:24 Loqi benwerd has 108 karma in this channel (133 overall)
# 17:26 benwerd I am choosing to eschew both tabs and spaces and just use taco emoji for indentation.
# 17:26 Loqi benwerd has 109 karma in this channel (134 overall)
misuba joined the channel
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# 17:28 Zegnat Important rule: talk to organisers with any questions!
[johnallsopp] joined the channel
# 17:28 Loqi benwerd has 110 karma in this channel (135 overall)
sl007 joined the channel
# 17:29 gRegorLove ...does the thought of using FB the rest of your life make you uncomfortable?
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# 17:29 gRegorLove ...showing logos of sites that have shutdown, older and more recently
# 17:30 gRegorLove ... even before they shut down they limit what you can do, e.g. twitter closing down their API more
# 17:30 gRegorLove ... services can do surprising things with your data that you didn't expect
# 17:31 Zegnat Mastodon and diaspora being shown as examples of community servers with free software that work as a replacement
# 17:31 Zegnat Micro.blog shown as one that specifically isn't;t free and will hopefully thus stick around longer
# 17:31 gRegorLove ... Mastodon, micro.blog (paid model), or host your own. CMS, static site generator...
# 17:31 Zegnat WordPress and Known shown as CMS', static generators shown
# 17:31 benwerd Although I hear Known had some kind of business model *cough*
# 17:31 Loqi benwerd has 111 karma in this channel (136 overall)
# 17:32 Zegnat Or build from scratch (aaronpk showing screenshots of features he implemented on his websites)
# 17:32 [chrisaldrich] I think jeanmacdonald is at IWS this weekend and *may* have invites for micro.blog....
# 17:32 Zegnat bike rides: he can do it, it is his website, so he does it
# 17:32 gRegorLove ... even when we're using different sites and tools, we can still talk online
# 17:32 gRegorLove ... shows reply to barnabywalters, shows up as comments, totally different software running their sites
# 17:34 gRegorLove ... something you want to build. ux and design are more important than protocols
[steed] joined the channel
# 17:34 [steed] jeanmacdonald is indeed here, and does in fact have said invites. She’s at the tall table next to the name badge station.
# 17:34 gRegorLove ... more diverse implementations rather than everyone adopting one system
ricmac joined the channel
# 17:35 gRegorLove ... another 7 or so principles on the wiki. Homework to read them ;)
friedcell joined the channel
# 17:35 [steed] Can someone post the link to the stream in here please.
[peteforsyth] joined the channel
# 17:35 [peteforsyth] hi chrisaldrich !
# 17:36 [steed] Also, aaronpk is there a wifi password you can share with those of us in the room?
# 17:36 GWG [chrisaldrich]: What's on the hat?
# 17:37 Zegnat homepage now focuses on people staring in control themselves
# 17:39 gRegorLove ... growing awarness hitting meeting outlets, recognizing indieweb as a movement
# 17:40 gRegorLove ... aaronpk did 100 days of indieweb, 100 indieweb related developments
# 17:41 gRegorLove ... doesn't have tags on his site, but can show hashtag search on twitter
# 17:41 gRegorLove ... community, new IWC Bham. Nuremberrg part of first ever IndieWeb Week
eli_oat joined the channel
# 17:43 Zegnat Hopefully we will have video of every session this event
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 17:43 Zegnat All sessions are available through Vidyo if you want to join. Fingers crossed for video archives afterwards.
# 17:44 Loqi kevinmarks has 211 karma in this channel (278 overall)
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# 17:45 [jeanmacdonald] Hi chrisaldrich
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# 17:46 [jeanmacdonald] miklb: Send SASE? ?
# 17:46 gRegorLove ... ben_thatmustbeme has been documenting and advocating for usage of indieweb standards / protocols in other software
# 17:47 gRegorLove ... growing the set of sites that can be part of the indieweb
# 17:48 gRegorLove ... instead of coming up with their own proprietary api, launched with MicroPub as their api
# 17:48 Zegnat Important precedent, shows that you don’t need proprietary APIs!
# 17:48 Loqi manton has 15 karma in this channel (16 overall)
# 17:48 Loqi manton has 16 karma in this channel (17 overall)
# 17:48 gRegorLove ... website verification, micro.blog using rel=me to verify account and website
# 17:49 gRegorLove ... many more WP plugins that support the indieweb. Existing plugins polished and published to WP directory
# 17:49 gRegorLove ... WP core contributors have noticed indieweb and started adopting
# 17:51 Zegnat This year we have what it takes to bring in people who are interested in content more than code
# 17:51 benwerd cleverdevil: if I was linking to Dreamhost in the Known readme, which URL would be best?
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# 17:52 gRegorLove ... incredibly lucky to have parents that taught her HTML and CSS
# 17:52 gRegorLove ... enjoyed the art of putting something together from text and making something pretty
[jimpick] joined the channel
# 17:54 Zegnat [chrisaldrich], I know, I needed to ping peter specifically ;)
# 17:54 [cleverdevil] True story: DreamHost founder Sage Weil created WebRing, sold it, and used the money to found DreamHost with three of his college buddies.
# 17:55 gRegorLove ... early-mid 2000s most of the content on her page was links out to other networks like tumblr, flickr, etc.
# 17:55 gRegorLove ... essentially a markup maven, but no time/desire to set up databases, php, etc.
ricmac joined the channel
# 17:55 Zegnat Completely capable of using a CMS, but not building them.
# 17:56 Zegnat “Not afraid of cPanel but won’t touch Ruby with a ten foor pole”
# 17:56 Zegnat As Facebook took over, posted less and less on her own website
# 17:56 gRegorLove ... despite having a site for 20 years, but as FB took over she posted less and less
# 17:57 gRegorLove ... in 2014 she began impl indieweb tech and she started posting more and more
# 17:57 Zegnat Communities she interacted with had moved to the social networks
# 17:57 gRegorLove ... showing internet archive crawls of her site over the years
# 17:57 Loqi anomalily has 8 karma in this channel (9 overall)
# 17:57 Zegnat so no reason to have stuff on her own site, except as having a identity that comes up when people Google her name
# 17:57 gRegorLove ... ever tried to search for something you posted January last year? It's miserable in the FB timeline
# 17:58 Loqi anomalily has 9 karma in this channel (10 overall)
wolftune joined the channel
# 17:58 Zegnat (Sidenote: Facebook, btw, has per-month jumping on the timeline)
[mikecaulfield] joined the channel
# 17:58 [mikecaulfield] thx chrisaldrich -- I'm actually in the back of the PDX room
# 17:58 Zegnat anomalily is a visual person and wants to be able to mess with presentation
# 17:58 [cleverdevil] Facebook deals in memories as a way to trigger its users to remain active.
# 17:59 gRegorLove ... being able to prove that she created something on her site first is important for copyright related things
# 17:59 Zegnat monetisation has to be able to be done in her way
# 17:59 [chrisaldrich] mikecaulfield, even better. I figured most of those joining chat for the first time are coming in from remote.
# 17:59 schmarty (haha, are we "well actually"ing whether facebook archives are hard to use?)
# 17:59 gRegorLove ... how is someone who is not a dev take their sh** back from FB
# 17:59 Zegnat (schmarty, sure, when I know I posted it in January of 2015, i can actually find it in FB)
# 18:00 gRegorLove ... uses WP because it's the most customizable of the non-dev options
# 18:01 gRegorLove ... 2015 things grew, IndieWeb plugin as a package of plugins
# 18:01 [mikecaulfield] anomalily I am loving your presentation but have to go move the car in a minute (2 hour parking) -- apologies if I walk out!
# 18:02 Loqi Countdown set by Zegnat on 2017-06-24 at 1:01pm CEST
# 18:02 gRegorLove ... blog post looks pretty normal, but has syndication links to POSSE copies
eli_oat joined the channel
# 18:02 Zegnat WordPress will now link to copies of a post on other networks. WP lets her search the archive, and then easily get to the post on Facebook
# 18:02 [peteforsyth] bridgy for comments
# 18:03 gRegorLove ... it makes things look pretty and good and like there's an active community of commenters on her site, despite 90% of it comes from FB/Twitter
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 18:03 Loqi gwg has 210 karma in this channel (240 overall)
# 18:03 Loqi [David Shanske] Description
It supports adding rel-syndication/u-syndication links to your posts, pages, and comments, indicating where a syndicated copy is. You can do this manually and some plugins
support automatically adding their links as well.
# 18:03 Loqi snarfed has 266 karma in this channel (274 overall)
# 18:03 gRegorLove ... showing examples of likes and comments backfed to her site
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 18:04 Loqi [NextScripts] Description
This plugin automatically publishes posts from your blog to your Social Network accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+(Google Plus), Blogger, Tumblr, Flickr, LiveJournal, Flipboard, Instagram, Telegram, DreamWidth, Delicious, Diigo...
# 18:04 Loqi anomalily has 10 karma in this channel (11 overall)
# 18:04 gRegorLove ... did a "buyfocal" project for a year where she took photos of everything she bought
# 18:04 gRegorLove ... posted to instagram and pulled the photos back to her site
# 18:04 Zegnat Used Instagram because it was “the best app for the problem”, compare to what Tantek used to do
ricmac joined the channel
# 18:06 Zegnat * Current documentation requires work to find
# 18:06 Zegnat * All posts using SNAP + Bridgy must be public
# 18:06 Zegnat * Unnerving reliance on people’s side projects
# 18:06 gRegorLove ... not an easy place to plug in as a gen2 person while feeling comfortable
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 18:06 j_juran #indieweb-users?
# 18:07 gRegorLove ... feels uncomfortable asking for help because devs volunteering their time
# 18:07 Zegnat #indieweb should be the place for this already, and has a web portal (requires no IRC knowledge)
# 18:07 Zegnat (Zegnat: I think this is a presentation issue. #indieweb is very open to any questions)
# 18:07 gRegorLove ... relying on good graces of gen1 to continue to be excited in order for her to keep using it
# 18:07 gRegorLove ... can be challenging for non-dev to come in and feel comfortable walking through the steps
# 18:08 gRegorLove ... possible turn off for gen2, lots of problems with FB POSSE... less likely to show up in feeds vs posting natively to FB
fzylogic_ joined the channel
# 18:08 tantek [one thing that helps with that is: person tags!]
# 18:08 tantek [that makes your POSSE posts to FB show up in notifications for other people on FB]
# 18:08 gRegorLove ... can be hard to create something private with current indieweb tools
# 18:08 tantek [who then comment/like your post, which then pushes it into more people's feeds]
# 18:09 gRegorLove ... know a ton of artists, people pushed off silos, who could really benefit but no good place to plug them in without handholding them through WP install
# 18:10 gRegorLove ... huge potential... how do we get from gen2 to gen3? (open question, end of talk)
# 18:10 Loqi gregorlove has 100 karma in this channel (150 overall)
# 18:10 Loqi anomalily has 11 karma in this channel (12 overall)
# 18:11 Loqi snarfed has 267 karma in this channel (275 overall)
# 18:11 gRegorLove ... if you don't take anything else away today, please donate to indieweb
# 18:11 Zegnat shout-out for donations to the open collective
# 18:11 gRegorLove ... already doing a ton by being here and part of the community, but if you have the means please donate
# 18:12 [chrisaldrich] anomalily has convinced me that it's time to write the complete guide to indieweb on wordpress.... (or as complete as is possible for gen2+)
# 18:12 [cleverdevil] makes a note to pitch a monthly donation to IndieWeb to my DreamHost colleagues...
# 18:12 calumryan feel there’s an between for gen1>gen2 typically some front-end developers
# 18:12 [chrisaldrich] snarfed has huge amounts of trust in the community... he shouldn't be worrying....
# 18:13 gRegorLove ... some things hard to do decentralized: auth, search, social graph, data mining
# 18:14 gRegorLove ... just build something new, then have to get people to use it
# 18:15 gRegorLove ... people are already linking to each other, replying, liking, rsvping
# 18:16 gRegorLove ... how to identify an indieweb site when looking at crawl data
# 18:16 tantek [note: common crawl added microformats2 support in the past year - still waiting for results of that]
# 18:17 gRegorLove ... in spirit, anyone using their personal website as their identity online is indieweb in spirit
# 18:17 Zegnat “Any web site that’s your primary online identity!” is indieweb
# 18:18 gRegorLove ... April 2017 crawl is very incomplete, has only 5 pages from tantek.com
# 18:19 Zegnat because of breadth common crawl rarely crawls the same thing one month after the next
# 18:20 tantek "not the best programmer" [lol. so much humble-dev at IWS]
# 18:20 Zegnat “80 characters is god intended” (snarfed on length of a programming line)
davidmead joined the channel
# 18:22 gRegorLove ... list of other interesting sites, like huffduffer (see slides)
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 18:25 gRegorLove ... visualization is not snarfeds, some other tool (missed the name)
# 18:26 tantek great generated indieweb social graph map from snarfed!
# 18:27 Loqi benwerd has 112 karma in this channel (137 overall)
# 18:27 Loqi snarfed has 268 karma in this channel (276 overall)
# 18:27 tantek FYI question from Lilly - how do I change my favicon in the social graph map?
# 18:27 tantek Answer: it comes from your hCard, then social graph, then twitter cards
# 18:28 Loqi Indie Map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset.
2300 sites, 5.7M pages, 380GB HTML + mf2.
Social graph API and interactive map...
KevinMarks joined the channel
[anomalily] joined the channel
# 18:29 Zegnat More Google Plus than Facebook rel="me" ... see what happens after cutting off www.
# 18:31 tantek [and this is why I didn't include #s in the my state of the indieweb 2017 of sites, microformats etc. :) ]
# 18:32 gRegorLove ... for all the pages with rel-me links, how many do they have?
# 18:33 GWG [chrisaldrich]: I called you out before he did, sorry
# 18:33 Zegnat [chrisaldrich]++ for being part of zipf’s tail
# 18:33 Loqi chrisaldrich has 30 karma in this channel (38 overall)
# 18:34 bear let him know i'll gladly turn over all my indie stats domain names
# 18:34 Loqi snarfed has 269 karma in this channel (278 overall)
# 18:34 gRegorLove ... is this a top priority for community? Not really, but it's a fun side project
# 18:34 tantek bear - definitely !tell snarfed - he'll get it
# 18:34 gRegorLove ... not selfdogfooding yet, but will find a use for it on snarfed.org
# 18:34 Loqi snarfed has 270 karma in this channel (279 overall)
# 18:34 sknebel would be cool to seed vouch data and stuff like that
# 18:35 bear !tell snarfed I will turn over my domains to you and offer up my historical data
# 18:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
amz3` joined the channel
# 18:35 bear snarfed++ for "Data wants to be Dirty"
# 18:36 Loqi snarfed has 271 karma in this channel (280 overall)
# 18:36 gRegorLove ... thanks to all of us. indieweb has been a great community to play with this stuff
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 18:36 sknebel ok, I saw glimpses of it on github, but that was *cool*
# 18:38 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2017-06-24 11:43am PDT (#6031)
# 18:40 gRegorLove Hey remote attendees, feel free to do a text intro here in chat now while we're on break
# 18:41 gRegorLove It will be too difficult with our timeframe to do remote intros on video, sorry.
# 18:42 [miklb] I'm Michael Bishop, miklb.com I use WordPress now but started indieweb stuff on Jekyll
# 18:43 sknebel I'm Sven, svenknebel.de I'm writing my own blog system and currently struggling with "what do I actually want to use it for?". Also currently working on Kaja, IRC/wiki-editing bot. help run HWC Berlin
# 18:44 sebsel I'm Sebastiaan Andeweg, seblog.nl, I've had my domain for a long time, but it has been silent for quite a while and I'm glad to have IndieWeb make it noisy again :) using a modified KirbyCMS now.
[markmhendrickso joined the channel
# 18:44 [markmhendrickso I'm Mark Hendrickson (http://markmhendrickson.com ), a designer / developer / PM for startups originally from San Francisco but now living in Barcelona, Spain for a few years now. My main IndieWeb project is Neotoma (https://github.com/neotoma ), a PESOS-style consumer app to empower users to easily sync all of their silo data historically and going forward to their cloud storage of choice (Dropbox etc).
# 18:45 Zegnat I’m Martijn van der Ven, vanderven.se/martijn/ . I am probably better known as just Zegnat here on the chat. I have a task list up on http://wiki.zegnat.net/iws-task-list for this weekend. I also host the Virtual HWC on CEST time (upcoming Wednesday people!)
# 18:45 Zegnat Planning to do a lot of community wrangling and outreach to organisers, so if that is something you are interested in helping with hit me.
# 18:45 Zegnat [miklb]: that was the end of the 5 minute countdown that gRegorLove set
# 18:46 calumryan I’m Calum, calumryan.com I’ve written my own CMS in PHP for notes and IW features like sending Webmentions and Micropub for Instagram/Swarm. The rest of my site containing blog posts is rendered in Jekyll. I’ve organised HWC London for the past year
# 18:46 kylewm Hi I'm Kyle (kylewm.com), I've been awol for a while, catching up on what's going on in the community :) Good to see you all, albeit remotely. Exciting to see many people I don't recognize
# 18:46 Loqi kylewm: KevinMarks left you a message on 2016-11-19 at 3:06am UTC: woodwind is down with a 500 error
# 18:46 Loqi kylewm: tantek left you a message on 2016-11-19 at 3:57pm UTC: are you available to participate or better yet help co-organize an IndieWebCamp SF Dec 17-18? https://indieweb.org/Planning#Planning and can you suggest others that would like to help out too!
# 18:46 Loqi kylewm: petermolnar left you a message on 2016-12-06 at 3:04pm UTC: if you happen to have a little time, I'm struggling to use https://github.com/kylewm/flask-micropub : following example.py I'm only generating an endless redirect loop, and I don't see what I'm doing wrong
# 18:46 Loqi kylewm: jeremycherfas left you a message on 2017-02-21 at 5:56pm UTC: getting 502 bad gateway from silo.pub and kylewm.com
# 18:46 Loqi kylewm: jaduncan[m] left you a message on 2017-02-22 at 1:49am UTC: I don't mind hosting either silo.pub or woodwind.xyz, I have a lot of server resources.
# 18:47 jonnybarnes I’m Jonny, my site is at jonnybarnes.uk, its written with the Laravel framework
# 18:47 jonnybarnes just recently got my micropub endpoint to work with ownyourswarm and ownyourgram
# 18:49 jonnybarnes though I need to fix the published date for ownyourswarm, I’ll checkin somewhere with the Swarm app, then goto my site and see the post say it happened “58 minutes from now”
# 18:50 bear quite the local turnout in Portland - cool
amitp joined the channel
# 18:51 [chrisaldrich] Hi everyone, I'm Chris Aldrich, boffosocko.com ( /WordPress), stream.boffosocko.com (/known). I like to try to break all the things. I also apparently like rel="me".
benwerd joined the channel
# 18:52 bear at least now we know what site to go to for rel="me" testing
[apatters] joined the channel
# 18:53 [apatters] Hi! I'm Aaron.
# 18:53 [apatters] - Conference goal: learn more, launch a personal Indiewebified WP site, and stop posting to Facebook directly.
# 18:53 [apatters] - Found out about IndieWeb this year through media coverage and Tantek, very exciting. Currently in info-absorbing mode.
# 18:53 [apatters] - Hybrid dev/biz guy. Founded a WordPress dev agency and a travel site.
# 18:53 [apatters] - The challenge that excites me the most: pushing this stuff out to Gens 3 and 4
# 18:53 [apatters] Also, resident in Bangkok where it's 2am. So likely to pass out before the day ends ?
# 18:53 Zegnat (Good luck capturing all those domains gRegorLove)
# 18:54 gRegorLove (help definitely welcome this session. fingers getting tired :) )
# 18:54 Zegnat tantek writes text posts, has a composite feed, and manual feed
# 18:55 Zegnat last thing he got working (IWC germany): little blue dot that shows that he is still at the location of his checkin
# 18:55 Zegnat homepage has a thumbnail map that can zoom into his location
# 18:56 Zegnat most recent change: static image from emulation will be replaced by animated gif on mouse hover
# 18:56 Zegnat metamage.com has collapsible sections on the resume
# 18:57 Zegnat website was redone to do the indieweb stuff, but turned off
# 18:58 Zegnat single command for running a WP/known site on the linux distro UBOS
# 18:58 bear oh - if your watching the old stream, it's a replay now - to see live what ^^
# 18:59 sl007 Hello IndieWeb - Sebastian Lasse here, a journalist, photojournalist, documentary producer from Germany. My page is sebastianlasse.de but it is pretty old. I'll update it in a 100days challenge. Elsewhere http://plus.google.com/+SebastianLasse - I am currently developing a decentralized CMS on node js : "redaktor" /cc. markmhendrickso
# 18:59 Zegnat a year ago he was watching Raiders of the Lost Ark
# 19:00 Zegnat watching a video on his phone: live demo alarm
# 19:00 Zegnat shows on his website that he was watching E.T.
# 19:00 bear I want to see tantek rush Ward off the stage ;)
# 19:01 Zegnat uses the federated wiki, has notes on lots of things
# 19:01 Zegnat ([cleverdevil], I am interested in that tech, I might hit you up about that)
# 19:01 Zegnat Added check-ins yesterday through own your swarm
# 19:01 Loqi [cleverdevil] Known-Watching: Publish a log of what you're watching (TV and Movies) to Known CMS, including a Plex webhook.
# 19:02 Zegnat He also makes the This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition
# 19:02 Zegnat “more that can be done with audio on the web”
# 19:03 Zegnat has been posting indie events for HWC Bellingham
# 19:03 Zegnat RSVP support was recently added. Both FB and Indie RSVPs show up
# 19:05 Zegnat latest thing he did with his site was “making is secure”
# 19:05 BigShip gRegorLove-- for fleek
# 19:05 Loqi gregorlove has 99 karma in this channel (149 overall)
# 19:05 Zegnat steps back, because his semi-second delay just duplicates things
# 19:06 Zegnat Likes pullt in photos from reddit/facebook/twitter
# 19:06 Zegnat subsite set-up yesterday using beaker browser
# 19:07 Loqi bitly has -1 karma in this channel (-3 overall)
# 19:07 [markmhendrickso i gotta jump off for the evening, enjoy the rest of the day everyone!
# 19:08 [markmhendrickso @sl007 i'll look up redaktor soon!
# 19:08 Zegnat (gRegorLove can you get URL for that transcript thing?)
# 19:09 Zegnat neocities has a friendly cat to show what HTML is
# 19:10 sl007 markmhendrickso It is currently a private repo, need to wait for some things in dojo.io - just followed you at github. Your stuff there looks promising !
# 19:10 Zegnat hearing your WP is hacked during a call lets you quickly switch to static
# 19:11 Zegnat has to be able to run his own things for this
# 19:11 sknebel Zegnat: his stuff is awesome, now I'm really sad not to be there
# 19:12 Zegnat site where students look at things on the web
# 19:12 Zegnat generates a site from Google Docs written by students
# 19:12 Zegnat (definitely neat idea, students are in GDocs a lot)
# 19:13 benwerd Indie journalists would use the hell out of that too.
# 19:14 Zegnat Nothing technically interesting done recently
# 19:15 gRegorLove Maybe. It was something he had a bitly link for, so think it was elsewhere
# 19:15 Zegnat made the website because a job required a angular site
callovarne joined the channel
# 19:16 Zegnat went to homebrew website club to rebuild her site, and was talked into IWS
# 19:16 Zegnat set-up Known 2 years ago and “does all the normal things”
# 19:16 Zegnat last improvement was to add a plugin for syncing to mastodon
# 19:17 Zegnat Tom has no website to show, but is here to learn
# 19:17 Zegnat Mostly does marketing and storytelling. Works at a uni.
# 19:18 Zegnat wants to be called out if he does not post anything on his site
misuba joined the channel
# 19:18 Zegnat RSVPed to this event recently, and then found a bug in RSVP
# 19:18 Loqi sknebel has 15 karma in this channel (34 overall)
# 19:18 Zegnat refers to [chrisaldrich] instead of his own site to see his products in work
# 19:19 Zegnat nextcloud / wallabag / gog server, but getting to the point where he wants to write his own stuff
# 19:19 Zegnat currently blank, hopefully not blank tomorrow
# 19:20 [cleverdevil] Yes, and I'm also a heavy Nextcloud user, and have written at least one IndieWeb plugin for Nextcloud.
# 19:20 Zegnat last post: step-by-step on jekyll and netlify, and how he set-up webmentions with it
# 19:20 Zegnat Link to clean GitHub repo with travis-ci webmentions work
# 19:21 Zegnat my stream is dying. Someone cover this person! sknebel gRegorLove
callovarne1 joined the channel
callovarne joined the channel
# 19:22 Zegnat last indieweb thing (in theory) is POSSE via bridgy, but does not know if it works yet
# 19:23 Zegnat started posting reviews to his own site instead of to goodreads
# 19:23 Zegnat page with all quotes from all books, but might “not be legal”
# 19:24 Zegnat Dora posts pictures of fun things she does all da
# 19:25 Loqi zegnat has 52 karma in this channel (75 overall)
# 19:25 Loqi gregorlove has 100 karma in this channel (150 overall)
# 19:25 Zegnat noting via stream is frustrating. I should really make sure to be there live in Berlin
# 19:25 Loqi zegnat has 53 karma in this channel (76 overall)
# 19:25 gRegorLove I'm at an odd angle to the screen and a lot of people not saying their domains out loud, so that helped a lot
davidmead joined the channel
# 19:26 Zegnat when people type my stream gets blurry because compression. So I can only get it when they stop typing.
# 19:26 Zegnat Should be better next year when I actually have a proper internet connection
# 19:28 Zegnat Ah, yeah, the room is not audible to IRC so can’t capture what gets said there
# 19:28 [cleverdevil] So, if anyone wants to join me and have dinner before heading to one of the later events, ping me.
# 19:29 Loqi In aaronpk's timezone, US/Pacific, it is currently 12:29pm on June 24
# 19:29 [miklb] I’d guess the scheduling of the breakout sessions won’t be streamed, just the 4 rooms?
# 19:30 Zegnat turns on cam in case aaron gets it on the photo
# 19:30 bear I can setup a zoom room if someone wants to have a local laptop
# 19:31 Zegnat I hope scheduling will be streamed. Easier to get the wiki schedule quickly up to date then
# 19:32 Zegnat Germany did scheduling before lunch, which was great because it allowed me to get the pages and etherpad links set-up before they started
# 19:33 Zegnat hears a faint “Indie” shout in the background
# 19:34 Zegnat Did someone remote think to take a screenshot?
# 19:35 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2017-06-24 10:30pm CEST (#6032)
KevinMarks and wolftune joined the channel
# 19:47 eli_oat[m] Potentially stupid question: is the YouTube livefeed available to rewatch immediately? (I've had to be in and out and on phone all day)
ricmac, misuba, KevinMarks, hyper_rau and sl007 joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
# 20:29 Zegnat taps back into Vidyo, though not sure how much scheduling will be shown
benwerd joined the channel
# 20:31 Loqi Countdown set by Zegnat on 2017-06-24 at 9:35pm CEST
# 20:34 aaronpk we won't stream the scheduling tho because there's no camera there
fzylogic_ joined the channel
# 20:35 aaronpk oh i guess you can kind of see it if i turn the camera
dougbeal|mb1 and [miklb] joined the channel
# 20:37 Zegnat The fact that you can stream basically any part of this big room amazes me, aaronpk
ricmac and benwerd joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
# 20:42 Zegnat gRegorLove are you in charge of updating the final schedule grid?
# 20:43 gRegorLove Links are in there commented out, just need session hashtag + name
# 20:43 Zegnat I could, but someone will need to feed me the info
# 20:43 gRegorLove Also depends on first session, if it's one I can miss part of
# 20:44 Zegnat Alright, yes, only minimal name substitution is needed on the schedule
# 20:44 Zegnat I have the Schedule open in edit mode, just feed photos and it shall be done
# 20:46 Zegnat indietech.rocks - what software exists that “does not screw us”
j12t joined the channel
# 20:47 Zegnat indieweb through hardware - beacons - decentralised - modeled at Google
# 20:47 Zegnat ‘can the indieweb help us with reputation systems?’
# 20:48 Zegnat fedwiki quick start - getting a few people past the blank page syndrome
# 20:49 Zegnat what conditions make for effective collaboration?
barpthewire joined the channel
# 20:50 Zegnat IndieWeb sites talking to mastodon, friendica, how far are we? can we make it happen?
# 20:50 Zegnat refresh of indieweb.org brainstorming session, homepage of the site, focussed on gen2
dougbeal|iOS and j12t_ joined the channel
# 20:51 dougbeal|iOS What is generation
# 20:51 dougbeal|iOS What is generation 2
# 20:52 Loqi Facebook API v2.2 is deprecated and we've potentially lost all hope of getting things out of the API
# 20:52 Loqi Countdown set by aaronpk on 2016-02-24 at 8:51pm UTC
# 20:52 Loqi Generations in the context of the indieweb refer to clusters of potential IndieWeb adopters in a series of waves that are expected to naturally adopt the indieweb for themselves and then help inform the next generation https://indieweb.org/generations
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 20:55 Zegnat Making an analytics and big data session inspired by snarfed
j12t joined the channel
# 20:57 Zegnat UX of consuming, interacting, and creating content - alltogether
# 20:57 dougbeal|iOS Zegnat: I think David wanted #wordpress-shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
# 20:58 Zegnat I am definitely using that as the name in the schedule!
# 21:00 Zegnat gRegorLove, can you snap me a temp photo so I can start wiki’ing?
# 21:00 Zegnat Oh, wait, probably not. Just noticed you in the audience
j12t joined the channel
dougbeal|mb1 and j_juran joined the channel
j12t_ and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
benwerd and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 21:16 sknebel indietechrocks, please fill in etherpad or fix link if you picked a different one
amz3` joined the channel
[asteres] joined the channel
# 21:23 j12t_ Nope, we are editing an HTML live in the video feed
# 21:30 sknebel [asteres]: go on the schedule page, there are links for all rooms
# 21:42 tantek [asteres]: good point. added "watch" to the icon. thanks!
# 21:43 Loqi chrisaldrich has 31 karma in this channel (39 overall)
# 21:43 bear oh - that's what the TV icon thingy is
fzylogic_ joined the channel
misuba joined the channel
j_juran, misuba, j12t and snarfed joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 22:01 aaronpk oh i must have missed the other links in the middle of all the chat
# 22:01 Loqi snarfed: bear left you a message 3 hours, 26 minutes ago: I will turn over my domains to you and offer up my historical data
# 22:02 [cleverdevil] Is there a way for me to join the vidyo session so I can share my screen?
# 22:03 bear snarfed - I have indie-stats.org indie-stats.com and indiestats.org
benwerd joined the channel
KevinMarks and jkphl_ joined the channel
[anomalily] joined the channel
# 22:31 benwerd ^ Hmm. Maybe I'll do something like that for my 40th birthday.
# 22:42 tantek waiting to see if benwerd has the same problem
j_juran, benwerd, wolftune and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 22:54 Zegnat "The purpose of IndieWeb Summit is to make you [GWG] feel guilty about not working on WordPress enough" - anomalily
# 22:56 aaronpk i don't think the tone of that came through in text :)
# 22:56 gRegorLove GWG++ for all the WP work and posting as frequently as he darn well pleases
# 22:56 Loqi gwg has 211 karma in this channel (241 overall)
# 22:56 Loqi [dshanske] #146 Add Filter to Webmention Form
# 22:57 Zegnat tantek: note that Facebook removed no rsvp on public events
# 22:57 Zegnat gRegorLove and I tested with that a week or 2 ago
# 22:57 gRegorLove Which kinda makes sense the more I thought about public vs private and the context of invites
# 22:59 Zegnat strugee, there is h2vx.com but it needs serious work. Has been on my list since Düsseldorf 2016 :(
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 23:01 Zegnat Need a way to get iCal files from indieevent pages
# 23:01 Zegnat Exists in h2vx, but that site is ancient. Predates indieweb
amitp, [miklb], j12t, benwerd, dougbeal|mb1 and ricmac joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
amitp joined the channel
# 23:16 benwerd is in the room, carefully positioned near the brownies
# 23:17 Loqi [markharding] Thanks!
I'm guessing we might also run into issues because, right now, we have no server side rending.. so such scraping might be an issue.
Are there no standards such as endpoints where we could return json? I think that would be a cleaner soluti...
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 23:19 benwerd Interesting. Minds is actually an Elgg fork - but I think it's a genuine fork, so submitting upstream there probably wouldn't percolate down here.
j12t_ joined the channel
# 23:20 benwerd I know they ripped out the db engine, for example
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 23:21 [cleverdevil] Now, thanks to Grant, I want to get location metadata onto all posts in Known (optionally).
# 23:21 ben_thatmustbeme Hmm. My first thought was it might be possible to add classes to meta tags. Might be an interesting test either way
ricmac joined the channel
# 23:26 benwerd cleverdevil: it should be really simple as a plugin. Interesting to think about. Would need to inject a field and make sure extra metadata is saved on save - extensibly, rather than having to specifically extend every plugin
# 23:33 benwerd cleverdevil: I just added a new 'publish' event, triggered before save, that theoretically passes the object by reference. The event handler should just be able to modify the object to add metadata.
# 23:34 benwerd I'm not completely sure if PHP will let me do this, tbh. But I think it will.
# 23:42 benwerd cleverdevil: and there's now a content/extra template field that is called from the edit templates for core plugins
# 23:44 [cleverdevil] I will want to add that to all of my plugins, too, so I may ask you to show me how tomorrow.
tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 23:52 [chrisaldrich] Kim Hansen had a recent medium.com post that had links to a lot of their awesome samples for podcasts
# 23:54 benwerd Responsible disclosure: Signl.fm is part of Matter Seven, so I'm not completely unbiased here
# 23:55 [chrisaldrich] benwerd: I'll vouch for them and I have no ties to the company. They're doing awesome stuff!
# 23:56 [chrisaldrich] has anyone talked about using archive.org for hosting the audio tech and just using html5 <audio> tags for displaying on their own site? That's an option.... ?
# 23:56 benwerd I'd prefer to have all the files on my infrastructure tbh. Even if "my infrastructure" means an S3 bucket that I control.