#tantekbear, I tend to agree that historically "the better branded tech that wins" if by "wins" you mean beats competitors, however in all the examples you gave, the "winning" tech eventually died anyway, which tends to imply that "beating" in the short term may not be as important as "outlasting", i.e. /longevity.
#GWGI usually ask people What is New? This is an Indieweb chatroom. I therefore am limiting my new queries to those Indieweb related.
#tantekGWG, lol I thought you were implying you saw an IRC channel by that name
#tantekGWG, what is indieweb related for me? Well, I'm looking at a specific use-case for an indie event post that I need to post *tonight* for an event tomorrow, and that is motivating me to add more feature to my event support, like more event-like presentation, u-featured event cover photo, and a few other things.
#GWGWith an HWC Online coming up, I have 10 days to work on Indie event posting.
#GWGSo much more I want to do. I am going to improve the look of my site and others. I want to do some theme stuff for a bit.
#Loqi[superfeedr] "A post on davidjohnmead.com bydavidmead Downside is I get “Posted on 2017-07-01 by davidmead” pre-pended to it, if I use the title field . Can’t have everything I suppose. in reply to: Posted on 2017-07-01 by davidmeadThanks to @miklb my #indieweb issue is solved. Only content I specify, within a… https://t.co/CPg1XWBM0O pic.... Not sure exactly […]" by Michael Bishop on 2017-07-02 https://miklb.com/2039-2/
#tantek!tell KartikPrabhu what is silo account management tax?
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk: I just created an account only a few weeks ago and it told me that there was one, but it let me automatically just use it for the new account
#aaronpkben_thatmustbeme: yeah that was the crazy thing, I used to be able to add my number to a new account to verify it. As demonstrated by the fact that I just removed my number from a dozen twitter accounts and still haven't found all the accounts it's on
wolftune, ricmac, tantek, davidmead, gRegorLove and cjk101010 joined the channel
#Loqi[Aaron Parecki] Just found @FlashAirDev which looks like I might be able to write my own SD->Flickr (or SD->my website) integration to replace @eyeficard!
#tantekaaronpk - that's worth documenting there! Maybe in a "Past Examples" subsection
#aaronpkon one of my test accounts, just got a popup in the browser "Is _____ still your phone number?"
#aaronpkchecked the account settings, and I had definitely removed the number from my account yesterday!
#aaronpkso even though I deleted the number from my account, twitter kept it, and is trying to get me to add it back by prompting me to confirm with one click
#tantekok, first event posted with a FB POSSE copy *I* created (not as "IndieWeb")
#LoqiAn apprentice, in the context of the indieweb, is an IndieWebCamp participant who has not yet setup a personal domain with IndieAuth, but is passionate about owning their identity & data on the web and dedicated to doing so, with the help of a creator https://indieweb.org/apprentice
davidmead joined the channel
#sketchessWoah, I hope everything is ok on davidmead's site.
davidmead joined the channel
#[miklb]aaronpk, after your ordeal w/Twitter setting up a new Twitter bot I went full extreme & used a different email address & new Google Voice #.
#tantek[miklb]: highly recommend different email for each account yes
ricmac, j12t and AngeloGladding joined the channel
#davidmeadseems the key to passing what i want to twitter, with brid.gy publish, is wrapping it in something with a class of ‘e-content’. Putting that class on the existing <body> or <article> automatically results in other content from the page going across too. not sure how a plugin would solve this for Gen2+ unless it created a seperate box to fill in within WP, etc.
ricmac joined the channel
#davidmeadthough there seems to be exceptions for things like u-bookmark-of
[cleverdevil], tantek, ricmac, davidmead and wolftune joined the channel