Loqi[superfeedr] "GitHub - dckc/awesome-ocap: Awesome Object Capabilities and Capability Security" by Offray Luna on 2017-07-03 https://github.com/dckc/awesome-ocap
Zegnatschmarty++ for your pronunciation of my name :D That was pretty close and you definitely get extra points for tackling it twice (!!!) including my surname (!!!)
schmartyHaha, thanks, Zegnat! I think it is important to address people the way they prefer! It is sometimes one of the more tricky aspects of the audio newsletter
tanteknow that I'm going to be posting an indie event nearly weekly, it's going to force me to keep improving my indie event support nearly every week accordingly
[cleverdevil], ricmac and barpthewire joined the channel
Zegnattantek, is that fb-messenger scheme still what it wants? My m.me (see http://vanderven.se/martijn/) link for Facebook Messenger prompts me to open the app on Android, no custom scheme required.
tantekto be clearer: when I paste my /contact link into a FB Messenger chat and attempt to send, it blocks the sending of the message with some sort of security scare error
Jeenaoh man, I think it's the 7th time or so I'm trying to get woodwind to run an my computer to be able to look into why the website often has a error 500 or doesn't index for days. But every time I try it it sadly doesn't run, first because some modules are not listed as requirements, then because some versions of modules don't build with my gcc version and when I upgrade them they crash later on when I start the thing up
tantekhaving reported a bunch of spam or abusive accounts on various silos (and had them taken down), I'm running into more and more interesting edge cases
Loqi[Aaron Parecki] > The new definition of spam is "whatever our users say spam is", a definition that cannot be argued with and is simultaneously crisp enough to implement, yet vague enough to adapt to whatever spammers come up with.
tantekaaronpk: re: your spam post / quotes from that Gmail. only thing impressive about Gmail's spam blocking is that it seems better than all the other silos / software out there
tanteklike here's a trivial thing - how about auto-labeling anything from 1) a user I have never sent to or received from, 2) a *domain* I have never sent to / received from
tantekkeep those out of my inbox for later processing, or for me to check when I know I am about to get something from a new domain (signed up for a new site), or a new user (just met someone)
LoqiReport abuse (AKA report inappropriate) is a feature in many (most?) silos for notifying the silo owners that a specific user, post, or comment is abusive https://indieweb.org/report
petermolnarI've tried to switch from hello@petermolnar.eu to hello@petermolnar.net; all email I sent to any gmail address from .net ended up as spam, so I decided to roll back
amitpEverything is going to behave this way once machine learning takes over. Your phone will open the email app when you try to open the web browser. Your car will mysteriously turn left when you turn the steering wheel right. The fire department will show up at your home when you open the refrigerator. And nobody will be able to explain any of it.