#indieweb 2017-07-05

2017-07-05 UTC
ricmac, ricmac_, JohnBeales and [miklb] joined the channel
good evening indieweb
ricmac_, wolftune and zoglesby joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Finished upgrading my hosted #owncloud to @nextclouders #nextcloud instead - looking good so far :) #indieweb #ownyourdata" by Rob Fairhead on 2017-06-25 http://raretrack.uk/2017/finished-upgrading-my-hosted-owncloud-to-nextclouders-nextcloud-instead
ricmac_, AngeloGladding, snarfed, wolftune, [miklb] and [acegiak_net] joined the channel
also hi!
ok! I just got posse to instagram working for my site! https://www.instagram.com/acegiak/
[acegiak_net]: Long time no see.
yeah! I've not been doing much dev stuff on my site till today
between work, gamedev and twitch streaming, it's all madness here ?
[acegiak_net]: automated posse? how? curious
I found this: https://github.com/mgp25/Instagram-API
[mgp25] Instagram-API: Instagram's private API
and just incorporated it into my homebrew posse plugin
yup, ok
I'm only posseing posts with photos or videos, obviously
is your homebrew posse plugin source anywhere to be seen?
I'll update the github repo once I take the username and password out of the sourcecode ?
cool, I'll keep an eye out
wolftune, ricmac_, amitp, Gold, doubleloop[m], myfreeweb, schmarty, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
perhaps we should work on the search results for "web mention" :)
@rachelandrew Sorry to hear that. What are Web Mentions? I googled it an all kinds of results came back, but it's capitalised so must be A Thing
what is a web mention
Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/web_mention
amitp, [miklb], tantek, barpthewire, ricmac and cweiske joined the channel
I have a WordPress site I've set up following indieweb instructions. Works great, but when publishing to fb\twitter it posts my gravatar each time. Would this be down to the theme?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Are you putting og and twitter card markup in the template?
Fb will grab the first image that is big enough to make a preview if you don't.
ricmac, jihaisse, friedcell, j12t, barpthewire, endi_, Pierre-O and adactio joined the channel
guten morgen
ricmac, davidmead, j12t, friedcell, tantek, Garbee, barpthewire, eli_oat, eli_oat1, adactio and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
That reminds me; I need to teach auto-correct everywhere that I really do mean WebMention.
[jeremycherfas]: Zegnat left you a message on 2017-06-04 at 2:03pm UTC: Re one of our discussion points during HWC, the problem with documentation in open-source. https://thenextweb.com/dd/2017/06/02/free-software-is-suffering-because-coders-dont-know-how-to-write-documentation/
But the M isn’t big, [jeremycherfas]? At least not in IndieWeb/W3 Webmention (https://webmention.net/)
what does autocorrect correct it to?
j12t joined the channel
Thanks zegnat. I’ve always thought that, as a professional writer, I could help with documentation. But I don’t know enough about the specifics of documenting software. I’d be happy to work with anyone who wants assistance polishing documentation for indieweb projects
ricmac joined the channel
OK, so I’ll get it to correct to Webmention. It currently always separates the words.
[jeremycherfas], if you want to do some documentation writing: document set-up processes first. The processes are way more important than the explanation of the software or the protocols. Just the process of “I have a WordPress site and I want to reply to an event” was shown to be a hurdle during IWS. Because the “copy this HTML and tweak it a bit,
or just install X Y and Z” made sense to us on the wiki but not to everyone coming in fresh.
jeremycherfas joined the channel
Zegnat: Right now, I’ve got a big paid job to finish, which is why I have been relatively queit on all things IWC since getting back from my holiday. Next week I should have more time. And as I upgrade to the new WP plugins I’ll try and see if I can document my process and share on the wiki.
ricmac and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
wonders how long before someone continues on to make an actual indieweb discussion podcast
snarfed, ricmac, jeremycherfas_, jeremycherfas, adactio, eli_oat and wolftune joined the channel
jeremycherfas: work before fun. If things do quiet down next week I hope you can join in on the virtual HWC again :D
I hope so too.
work before fun?! priorities are backwards! ;)
friedcell and drewinthehead joined the channel
Amitp: work that is not fun before work that is fun.
ricmac, tantek, jmelesky, adactio, wolftune, snarfed and calumryan joined the channel
Welcome drewm
welcome drewinthehead!
Perch++ :D
perch has 1 karma
What is perch?
schmarty: tantek left you a message 2 days ago: http://indieweb.org/irc/2017-07-03#t1499098762137
Perch and Perch Runway are a content management systems based on PHP+MySQL https://indieweb.org/Perch
adactio, catsup, eli_oat and snarfed joined the channel
tweetstorm << 2017-07-04 [https://twitter.com/NPR/status/882313133863436288 @NPR tweetstorms the US Declaration of Independence] (100+ tweets long [[reply-chain]])
241 years ago today, church bells rang out over Philadelphia as the Declaration of Independence was adopted http://n.pr/2smWbYR
ok, I added "2017-07-04 [https://twitter.com/NPR/status/882313133863436288 @NPR tweetstorms the US Declaration of Independence] (100+ tweets long [[reply-chain]])" to the "See Also" section of /tweetstorm
snarfed, snarfed1 and ricmac joined the channel
NYT article has a clear explanation of POSSE and backfeed use-cases: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/30/opinion/social-data-google-facebook-europe.html (via W3C # social / cwebber)
noted in that channel, but will note here for the record / logs as well:
"If we owned our own social graph, we could sign into a Facebook competitor — call it MyBook — and, through that network, instantly reroute all our Facebook friends’ messages to MyBook, as we reroute a phone call." <-- as many here do *today* with POSSE and backfeed, the latter of which does *precisely* "reroute all our Facebook friends’ messages to MyBook" where "MyBook" is MySite
And the following quote is *precisely* why indieweb focused more on POSSE and backfeed than 'federation':
"If I can reach my Facebook friends through a different social network [via POSSE from your site to FB] and vice versa [via backfeed from FB], I am more likely to try new social networks [or just use my own personal social network, AKA personal website]."
ricmac joined the channel
aaronpk, benwerd, might be worth reaching out to the authors of that article and letting them know, hey BTW, I'm already doing what you describe as "If I can ..."
Maybe it's time for a New York Times article on IndieWeb
hm, i just replaced a photo i posted yesterday with a better shot from my DSLR
so the copy on instagram is the old photo
i think i'm okay with this, and i think this is better than making another post
the contents of the photos are similar enough i feel like it's not misrepresenting what the people who liked it on instagram have liked on my site
ricmac joined the channel
exactly, uneditable POSSE IG photos are like uneditable POSSE tweets
tolerablyjake, amz3, snarfed, ricmac, eli_oat, [miklb], [pfefferle], arush1 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[superfeedr] "The indieweb includes RSS and much more, but @davewiner is still resisting change." by Kevin Marks on 2017-06-21 http://known.kevinmarks.com/2017/the-indieweb-includes-rss-and-much-more-but-davewiner-is
j12t and gRegorLove joined the channel
Good afternoon, indieweb
snarfed and ricmac joined the channel
Good morning, Gregorlove
snarfed, j12t, gRegorLove, jmelesky and ricmac joined the channel
[superfeedr] "@davewiner that's almost there. How about an html permalink for the post as well as the feed? #indieweb" by Kevin Marks on 2017-07-05 http://known.kevinmarks.com/2017/davewiner-thats-almost-there-how-about-an-html-permalink-for
ricmac joined the channel
[superfeedr] "pngWriter is of the #indieweb" on 2017-07-05 http://scripting.com/2017/07/05.html#a040750
snarfed and ricmac joined the channel
Do we have documented the images-of-text thing? That's an antipattern, right?
I think Twitter in theory supports alt text, though not sure it's used widely
[miklb] joined the channel
is the alt-text available via the api?
On Dave's sample tweets though, I'm not seeing it in the Twitter Cards meta
interesting. snarfed is that something bridgy can or could support?
j12t joined the channel
doesn't really follow
adding alt text to images posted through bridgy to Twitter
Does Bridgy Publish support img-alt text?
right, i'm not very familiar with that twitter feature
so, no, but i'm happy to consider it, feel free to file a feature request!
Will do. (I'm not very familiar with it either :) )
or even better, send a PR! :P
steps back
snarfed joined the channel
@spaetzel I've gone back to trying out @withknown, a status update/blogging tool built with POSSE principles https://indieweb.org/POSSE
[miklb] #756 Support for alt text on images posted to Twitter
Beat me to it
wolftune, friedcell, [manton], ricmac, [cleverdevil], KartikPrabhu, j12t, gRegorLove, BigShip, snarfed, ricmac_ and billbennettnz joined the channel
How can I get my email address into the h-card on my WordPress site? Is it important to have it show up there?
snarfed and ricmac_ joined the channel
Hi billbennettnz. I'm not certain on the first question. GWG or some other WordPress experts here can probably help. The importance is up to you, if it's important to list it so people can contact you there, or perhaps if you're using it for web sign in
I suspect you might be referring to indiewebify.me. Despiate the emphatic "Add your email!" message it shows, it's not strictly required. You can list as much or as little in your h-card as you like.
Garbee joined the channel