#indieweb 2017-07-06
2017-07-06 UTC
billbennettnz Yes, indiewebify.me is the reason I'm asking. I didn't think it was vital to have an email address to get the whole indieweb ball rolling. Thanks.
gRegorLove Yeah, we need to improve that to show optional things you can add, only validating the minimal h-card

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, snarfed, [kevinmarks] and j12t joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, ricmac_ and billbennettnz joined the channel
billbennettnz Yes, that makes sense to me. The way it is laid out and organised is near perfect, but that lends an air of authority to the suggestions that may go a little too far at the moment
[miklb], KartikPrabhu, wolftune and ricmac_ joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "My grill is now updating its own site via #micropub, posting to Twitter and Micro.blog. #Indieweb" by Jonathan LaCour on 2017-07-05 https://cleverdevil.io/2017/my-grill-is-now-updating-its-own-website-via-micropub

ricmac_, [cleverdevil], tantek, j12t, tbbrown, snarfed, davidmead, wolftune, [miklb], gRegorLove, johannh, prtksxna, Unifex, TheBigRedButton, Jeena_, cweiske, XgF and mblaney joined the channel
reidab, ricmac_, ricmac, [miklb], tantek and tboy joined the channel
tboy Hello
tantek joined the channel
petermolnar morning al

petermolnar l

ricmac and friedcell joined the channel
ricmac_ joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "Giving myself a quick break by reading Lukas Rosenstock's monthly review, and coming away with a few thoughts. One is that Lukas is brave, as" by Jeremy Cherfas on 2017-07-04 https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/2017/giving-myself-a-quick-break-by-reading-lukas-rosenstocks-monthly

barpthewire joined the channel
[renem] joined the channel
[renem] Hi, I need some help to get IndieAuth working again for my site. It worked some days ago but now I get a "Error retrieving https://renem.net" when signing in.

sknebel [renem]: well, my browser also says "server not found" for https://renem.net
cweiske but webmention.io has the same problem: https://webmention.io/renem.net/webmention/-4BJL_Xo4g_ZvNXUx0pF
tantek joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
ricmac joined the channel
petermolnar what is backfilling?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "backfilling" yet. Would you like to create it?

petermolnar how do you redirect to an existing entry?

jeremycherfas and j12t joined the channel
jeremycherfas Good morning.

jeremycherfas Hi Sknebel

jeremycherfas Trying to Favourite a post on kevin marks’ stream, I get an error from Quill: Your endpoint did not return a Location header. See Creating a Micropub Endpoint for more information.

jeremycherfas First time I’ve ever seen that error. And nothing has changed at my end.

jeremycherfas What now?

jeremycherfas Nope.

jeremycherfas I just did it by hand. But I like doing it from Quill because it adds the nifty star icon. Which distinguishes Favorites from Bookmarks, sort of.

ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "Why the indieweb" by Jeremy Cherfas on 2017-07-06 http://stream.jeremycherfas.net/2017/why-the-indieweb

sketchess joined the channel
sketchess Good morning / evening. :)
sketchess Zegnat, if you are not around.... who work with him on the self-auth?
jeremycherfas The honest truth, skenbel, is that I am a bit busy to open Terminal, download loags, look for something interesting, etc etc.

barpthewire joined the channel
jeremycherfas See how busy I am; I can’t even type straight.

sketchess My server is not happy with it. I am getting a warning.
davidmead joined the channel
sketchess cancled the process
sketchess Currently I have no option to generate and probably connect securely, Zegnat.
sketchess So I stoped moving forward.
sketchess My Server warns me about getting compromised.
sketchess The setup.php caused the trouble as soon as I tried opend it. Till than everything worked just fine.
sketchess Normally my apache lets me access files in secure mode, but your files are getting displayed differently. It just shows the code and that was it. If I open it out of my secure envionment it runs the set-up, but I am getting the errors. Which does not surprise me, because it is not protected.
sketchess wait a second
j12t joined the channel
sketchess Yes https, as long as I operate directly out of my Admin account. I myself does not have any.
sketchess Let me try to chatch the error.
sketchess -h
sketchess I correct myself, my apache will not run it in the secure environment and my browser spits out warnings. First it looked like my sever does it directly, if I tried to type in.
ricmac joined the channel
sketchess Out of the technical point of view you are right.
sketchess Out of the personal point of view, I will have to find a solution.
Zegnat So you go to https://example.com/selfauth/setup.php and then you get warnings from your browser? What sort of warning?

sketchess Not secure. Of course not secure. All my little set-ups are not worth anything, because they do not apply. *Sigh*
sketchess Wait what? No, no I do not go to this address and get a warning.
sketchess And what does your link have any to do with it?
sketchess I do not understand.
sketchess Probably a good time for a lunch break, I got very hungry.
Pierre-O joined the channel
sketchess If you have a tip on how I could access the setup.php securly from outside, feel free to post it. I further try to put my head around it myself. I do not remember the three letters as we discussed encryption.^^
sketchess heads for lunch
arush and j12t joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "Nice @withknown import tool improved, going to test Known to Known import & see how it goes :)" by Ricardo Mendes on 2017-07-06 https://www.rmendes.net/2017/nice-withknown-import-tool-improved-going-to-test-known-to

barpthewire, friedcell and sketchess joined the channel
sketchess re
Loqi sketchess: Zegnat left you a message 1 hour, 8 minutes ago: if you can, I still would love to see exactly what warnings you get for the selfauth setup. You can copy the text into a gist.github.com or put a screenshot on imgur.com. I have tested selfauth with both HTTP and HTTPS connections and have never seen any warnings.

j12t joined the channel
sketchess There are still the chat logs Zegnat. ;)
petermolnar sketchess you said you have apache. do you have mod_php ?

sketchess How would I recognize it petermolnar?
sketchess And I disagree with you Zegnat out of a users point of view. There is always a other way to reach a goal.
petermolnar sketchess it seems like you lack fundamental knowledge to run a web service. A PHP file is not a static text, it need to be executed by the PHP binary. Please read a book or look for articles on this (suggestion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAMP_%28software_bundle%29 ) and come back when you know how to run PHP.

ben_thatmustbeme huh, weird, aaronpk note the loqi !tell failure this morning

ricmac joined the channel
sketchess Looks like I will maneuver myself into a 'Déjà-vu', but this time I will not do the balancing act to have a split conversation.
petermolnar sketchess unless you give a screenshot, an error log, and output, nobody can help you, it's that simple

sketchess If you keep judging me petermolnar, we won't become friends.
petermolnar lol wat

petermolnar I was stating, not judging

petermolnar you're not providing info what we could debug

petermolnar so we can't help

petermolnar end of story

sketchess I will come back to you Zegnat.
sketchess I will not continue the conversation with you peter, so you have to excuse me.
sketchess I wish a nice day everyone.
arush, j12t, tantek, wolftune, snarfed, [miklb], Loqi, amitp, eli_oat, jmelesky and gRegorLove joined the channel
gRegorLove Loqi's tell made it to the logs, but not IRC. Something is up, also applies to wiki edits.

petermolnar I've just realized wordpress.com has publicize - a posse plugin - available on every wp.com blog

petermolnar it might worth telling gen3 and 4 if they ever ask

petermolnar probably the simplest way to get started

petermolnar and since it's wp, the data can be exported

snarfed joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Publicize" yet. Would you like to create it?

j12t joined the channel
snarfed tantek: thanks for https://indieweb.org/rsvps#How_to_de-duplicate !
snarfed out of curiosity, it seems pretty much the same as https://indieweb.org/deduplication , right?
[davidmead] joined the channel
[davidmead] snarfed: what does brid.gy look for on a blog for webmentions?

wolftune, KartikPrabhu, [miklb], neilpdx, tantek and amz3 joined the channel
tantek and tolerablyjake joined the channel
Zegnat I think you should go check the permalink for canonical content always. Though I don’t remember any prior discussion about it. It was discussed regarding threaded comments though: when parsing a list of comments on someone else’s website you should query the comment’s permalink instead of trusting the list you find. Or something like that.

ricmac, [miklb] and AngeloGladding joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "Richard, it's early, but at last weekend's IndieWeb Summit in Portland, a small group of us started tinkering on what we hope could be the" by Jonathan LaCour on 2017-06-29 https://cleverdevil.io/2017/richard-its-early-but-at-last-weekends-indieweb-summit-in

Loqi [superfeedr] "Excited for day two of #IWS2017! Starting off by helping attendees get started with @WordPress and #IndieWeb." by Jonathan LaCour on 2017-06-25 https://cleverdevil.io/2017/excited-for-day-two-of-iws2017-starting-off-by-helping

Loqi [superfeedr] "I had an amazing time at #IWS2017. Excited for the future of the open web! #IndieWeb" by Jonathan LaCour on 2017-06-26 https://cleverdevil.io/2017/i-had-an-amazing-time-at-iws2017-excited-for-the

ricmac, eli_oat and [miklb] joined the channel
Jeena So, interesting, the indie-map visualizes our community almost exactly like the TV series black-mirror visualizes the social network of the main character in the episode Nosedown https://jeena.net/t/indieweb-blackmirror.png

snarfed joined the channel
Loqi video is a type of post where the primary content is a video file (recorded movie, animation etc.) typically with audio, and has growing support on the indie web https://indieweb.org/video

sebsel There you go :) https://seblog.nl/videos with both the old one and today's https://seblog.nl/2017/07/06/2/bliksem

snarfed joined the channel
ricmac_, [miklb], snarfed, tantek and billbennettnz joined the channel
billbennettnz Is woodwind.xyz working? Every URL I enter gives a server error, doesn't matter I've tried with and without http:// just in case
billbennettnz Is woordwind.xyz working? Every URL I try gives a server error, that's with or without http://
billbennettnz Ah... the first message did get through, just took it's time showing up
billbennettnz Yes. I guess it COULD be overload, but I doubt it's that busy
Loqi [superfeedr] "You knew you were tired, but then where are your friends tonight?" by Mike Sugarbaker on 2014-12-03 http://gibberish.com/2014/12/03/you-knew-you-were-tired-but-then-where-are-your

Loqi [superfeedr] "There is no front-end web development crisis" by Mike Sugarbaker on 2016-06-22 http://gibberish.com/2016/06/22/there-is-no-front-end-web-development-crisis

gRegorLove Woodwind loads for me, but hasn't updated posts since about 9 days ago

billbennettnz Might take a look at another time then...
gRegorLove Just tried to manually poll from the Subscriptions page of Woodwind "Polling failed!"

gRegorLove I wonder if Jeena made any progress getting a copy of Woodwind up and running

gRegorLove tantek++

tantek meyerweb++ for http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder/ which is helpful for encoding emoji for placing in URLs

gRegorLove Which reminds me, I thought about writing an intro to microformats post. I forget what conversation gave me that idea, but someone was confused by the prefixes

gRegorLove will start working on that this evening

snarfed gRegorLove: https://microformats.io/ ?
gRegorLove microformats.io is definitely great for testing the parsers and some examples, but I was thinking more "what do these prefixes mean?" or "what does p-author h-card mean and why is it on the same element?"

billbennettnz Microformats: one of the problems I have with most things indieweb is I'm not a developer, so many people here are, and there seems to be an assumption this is something for the dev community, where I reckon the appeal needs to be far wider.
gRegorLove billbennettnz: Yeah, there's the concept of generations which we have on the wiki. It is heavily generation 1, but we're getting into gen2. Always trying to improve the onboarding process. https://indieweb.org/generations

gRegorLove We try not to assume devs-only. We have a separate room #indieweb-dev to discuss dev stuff and /plumbing. We try to keep this main room for general indieweb and user-centric topics

gRegorLove Feedback is definitely welcome on pain points in the user experience, billbennettnz

gRegorLove tantek: Will definitely go through that stuff first, and aaronpk's intro session at IWS was also really good, can capture some of that in text.

billbennettnz I'm developer literate, did coding at school in the 80s can read and hack php or CSS, but find the documentation hard going. Some of it is excellent, elsewhere there are assumptions the reader is a coder
billbennettnz that is, I find some of the indieweb documentation hard-going
billbennettnz Wordpress documentation isn't perfect, but it does a good job of having three layers; simple, more engaged and hardcore.
gRegorLove billbennettnz: Agreed. Is there a recent example of hard-going documentation we can work on?

billbennettnz Can I get back to you the next time I find something?
gRegorLove Certainly!

tantek and ricmac_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu billbennettnz: not a developer here too! no need to worry about that while asking questions

[miklb] joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "Retweeted this tweet: Indie Tech Rocks on Twitter: “Federated Wiki is an innovative, decentralized wiki that does not screw us #indieweb #fedwiki #wiki https://t.co/KyCgbpM7SG“" by Scott Kingery on 2017-06-30 http://techlifeweb.com/16290-2/