2017-07-28 UTC
KevinMarks_, davidmead, wolftune, [miklb], leg, AngeloGladding, tantek, wagle and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
tantek, wolftune and endi joined the channel
tantek and sonicrocketman joined the channel
cweiske joined the channel
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jeremycherfas joined the channel
barpthewire and Garbee joined the channel
# 10:10 dgold jeremycherfas: Il mio nome è daniel goldsmith
# 10:15 Loqi gregorlove has 104 karma in this channel (175 overall)
# 10:15 Loqi [gRegorLove] mf2-to-iCalendar: Convert microformats h-event to iCalendar
# 10:15 Zegnat sebsel when is that next Dutch HWC coming up? ;)
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 10:55 jeremycherfas Seems to my eye to be about the right size when I look at it in a browser.
Bp3a, arush and sebboh` joined the channel
# 12:00 sebsel added embedded h-events to my rsvp's, so if I rsvp via my site, the event appears on my Apple Calendar thanks to gRegorLove :)
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# 13:02 cweiske I see many blog posts mentioning "vouch" as the solution to the spam problem that brought down pingback, but in reality nobody implements it
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 13:11 cweiske no. 406 implies the request itself cannot be answered
# 13:11 cweiske and that the client should not retry without modifying it
# 13:15 cweiske webmention -> w2smtp-proxy -> mailserver -> greylisting -> spamassassin -> mail handler: mail2webmention -> real webmention endpoint
# 13:16 cweiske that'd only require me to build 2 parts (w2smtp and back)
# 13:31 voxpelli Vouch will probably be implemented by more people as needs grow
# 13:32 voxpelli So currently people dogfood other things with higher return
# 13:32 cweiske people will begin implementing that after the first spam wave rolled over everyone
tantek joined the channel
# 13:33 cweiske which will look to non-techies the same as pingback previously
# 13:33 voxpelli the blacklists that was discussed lately is one stop on the way – getting such mechanisms in place means more of the work needed is available
# 13:40 cweiske spamming is easy currently, just send a webmention from "url#foo" to "url"
# 13:40 sebsel petermolnar I thought the same. A friend of Loqi, the friendly webmention spammer
# 13:41 Loqi [Sebastiaan Andeweg] Wachtwoordmanager
# 13:43 sebsel Yeah, several feeds on my site mention that blogpost, so I should probably block everything from my own domain
# 13:46 petermolnar 3, generate a lot of static html with urls to all of them and add spam text as e-content
# 13:47 voxpelli very very much hope cweiske doesn't see that comment as a challenge to anything :P
# 13:48 Loqi [Pelle Wessman] 3 tricks to better handle npm modules
# 13:50 voxpelli but um, I do wonder why the second one is returned at all
# 13:51 voxpelli because that is two distinct URL:s (unless I've mistakenly looked up some canonical and that way accidentally turned the second one into something else)
# 13:51 sebsel it all shows how fragile webmentions are at the moment :/
# 13:52 voxpelli well, dogfooding can be labeled as fragile or as awesome :)
# 13:52 petermolnar well, one of the fast fortifications could be to check if the source contains the url AND it's proper mf2 as u-in-reply-to, u-bookmark-of, etc, and not just a simple link
# 13:52 voxpelli it reflects that we are positive community where we haven't needed to put up large defenses against one another
# 13:53 petermolnar we should put a voluntary list together and start spamming eachother
# 13:53 sebsel petermolnar I already check for mf2 indeed, but I think placing a minimal h-card on your site would trigger already
# 13:55 voxpelli else such stuff could easily leak and affect real reputation of stuff
# 13:57 petermolnar yeah, that'd work: a list of people with a list of specific endpoints that should be spammed the most creative ways we can come up with
# 13:58 petermolnar including url#fragment, simple spam html, mf2 marked up spam, etc
# 13:58 voxpelli imagines The Indie Spam Bot League – who will win the grand prize? Will cweiske take the win or will petermolnar, the challenger, rize to the top?
# 13:59 petermolnar reads that out loud it his head in the voice of Chris from Total Drama Island
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 13:59 cweiske the problem is that once I start blocking your server IPs, you cannot comment on normal posts
# 14:02 aaronpk IP blocking is probably not the best spam solution, gotta find more interesting ones :-)
# 14:04 petermolnar (aaronpk if you're planning an evil twin for Loqi, how about Forseti , just to completely swap the god roles)
j12t joined the channel
# 14:05 sebsel I now strip query and hashes from the source URL, and don't allow target==source anymore :)
# 14:06 sebsel It would also be nice to add some spam-tests to webmention.rocks, like target==source and source#hash
# 14:07 sebsel cweiske well I put it in Kirby's Router to find the page, so by then, the hash is gone
# 14:08 cweiske the solution to fake ?foo source urls would be to use the canonical URL on the source page
# 14:08 aaronpk Stripping the query string from source URL doesn't sound like a good idea all the time
# 14:08 voxpelli IP blocking is easily worked around with Amazon Lambda and such :)
# 14:09 cweiske just imagine those dreaded twitter ?utm&... links as source
# 14:10 aaronpk there's meta canonical, rel canonical, and microformats URL property
# 14:10 voxpelli petermolnar: rel-canonical is an SEO best practice so one can always pull the SEO card if someone hasn't implemented that
# 14:10 petermolnar then again, my suggestion: disable selfpings on the domain level and verify if the remote source has the target AND it's mf2 marked up AND it's within some of the known "u-" classes
# 14:10 Loqi [cweiske] #68 Replace rel=self with rel=canonical
# 14:11 voxpelli can't remember the exact distinction of rel=self though, but it's there if one reads closely
# 14:11 aaronpk cooks up a scheme to make a legit site use ?utm_campaign=xxxx the way the CMS chooses which page to render
# 14:11 voxpelli petermolnar: self-pings on domain level is very useful
# 14:11 cweiske so that I don't have to build the "more posts on this topic" list myself
# 14:12 voxpelli petermolnar: when you eg. make a series of posts and links to the former post on that series or for some other reason make a follow up for yourself
# 14:12 Loqi [Aaron Parecki] Attempting an Instant Pot hot sauce recipe tonight!
• 2 cups cherry tomatoes
• 2 carrots
• 1 small onion
• 1.5 cups habaneros
• 4 cloves garlic
• 1 cup rice vinegar
• 1 cup water
• 1/2 cup Mustard
• 1/2 tsp xanthan gum...
# 14:12 voxpelli One can eg. make a Twitter thread kind of UI by doing like Twitter and just sending replies to oneself in a long long row
# 14:12 Loqi loq has 1 karma in this channel (2 overall)
# 14:12 Loqi loqi has 61 karma in this channel (435 overall)
# 14:12 Loqi loq has 0 karma in this channel (1 overall)
# 14:13 aaronpk I posted a new recipe as I was cooking then posted followup note after it was done and I had eaten it
# 14:13 voxpelli I wonder if KevinMarks live tweeting tool uses threads in any way?
# 14:14 sebsel I have a lot of that kind of selfmentions too
# 14:17 Loqi [voxpelli] #43 Ensure target and source can't be the same page
# 14:17 voxpelli thinking whether this discussion should actually be in #indieweb-dev
# 14:17 petermolnar ".... and this is how we renamed all the u- s to me- s: me-liked, me-bookmarked... "
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 14:18 cweiske did someone write a push-fat-ping2email tool, or do I have to do that myself?
# 14:19 voxpelli cweiske: a tool that just emails whatever weird payload you're getting as a a mime-payload in an email or?
# 14:19 cweiske ok. my goal is to get notified by mail or xmpp whenever I'm mentioned in IRC and I'm offline
# 14:19 voxpelli I'm building a websub to webpush tool that parses the entries, that's different' but not extremely different
# 14:20 cweiske since my search engine is already indexing every chat line, it should be the one notifying me
# 14:20 cweiske but I don't want to build email sending into it, I want to register some tool as websub subscriber to my search engine
# 14:21 cweiske and that tool gets notified by websub from my search engine that i was mentioned
# 14:23 Loqi [PaulKinlan] rss-to-web-push: Pubsubhubbub to Web Push.
KevinMarks and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 14:24 [kevinmarks] Voxpelli - yes noterlive does thread by default. There's a 'break thread' button but it's in the wrong place really
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# 14:28 voxpelli [kevinmarks]: do you do any micropub PESOS/POSSE:ing with it as well? I can't remember – because it would be neat to follow such a thread in realtime by following the Salmentions that reaches the first post
KevinMarks joined the channel
barpthewire, jjuran, KevinMarks and jeremycherfas_ joined the channel
j12t, KevinMarks and jmelesky joined the channel
# 15:42 dgold cweiske - you could use some sort of a hook in a persistent irc session - say znc or similar
wolftune joined the channel
# 15:49 Loqi [superfeedr] "Is the #Indieweb easy? No, it isn’t. Is it hard? That depends on what you mean by hard. I flailed about when I started this journey, looking for positive answers and simple solutions, and was disheartened when they weren’t there. But I persevered, and I’m glad I did. I have functioning webmentions on my site and I ended up writing my own micropub endpoint. Most importantly, I don’t work in computer programing, so I’d like to knock that strawman down. This is a philosophical quest for me, a form of askesis, and one I’ve enjoyed every moment of." by dgold@ascraeus.org (Daniel Goldsmith) on 2017-07-27 https://ascraeus.org/micro/1501178407/
# 15:51 dgold and thus the disjunct between my need for proper typography and interoperability raises its ugly escaped head
# 15:54 [kevinmarks] If you use the unicode punctuation characters it shouldn't escape them “”
tantek joined the channel
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KevinMarks and j12t joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 16:19 Loqi [chrisaldrich] An Introduction to the IndieWeb
# 16:21 dgold [kevinmarks]: you made a hugo theme using tufte's system - can it be changed at theme level, or is it at process level?
# 16:22 Loqi [Nicolas Hoffmann] Nicolas Hoffmann retweeted this.
# 16:23 tantek builds on drewinthehead and rachelandrewuk's great work, and aaronpk's work on webmention.io!
# 16:25 dgold [kevinmarks]: Hugo uses BlackFriday for those
# 16:26 Loqi chrisaldrich has 38 karma in this channel (50 overall)
# 16:26 Loqi [Chris Aldrich] An Introduction to the IndieWeb
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 16:28 Loqi [Emre Sokullu] Why we should all care about Open Web
# 16:29 tantek great featured image from Indie Map with snarfed at the center :)
KevinMarks and [miklb] joined the channel
amz3` and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 16:42 [chrisaldrich] I think aaronpk beat me to the bookmark, so that Intro article should show up in the newsletter.
KevinMarks and tbbrown joined the channel
barpthewire joined the channel
# 17:16 tantek I've heard of the general notion of discovery, which I think we've documented
# 17:16 Loqi Discovery for the IndieWeb is a set of algorithms to start with a URL like a home page or post permalink, and determine information about that URL, such as authorship, page-name, and date published https://indieweb.org/discovery
# 17:17 tantek we already have a page about the feature for finding new people to follow
# 17:18 tantek and it's a specific feature, not an abstract concept
# 17:18 tantek anyway - unless you saw "discoverability" referred in this way in particular, I don't think we should make that up
# 17:19 tantek and better to just redirect it to /discovery because it sounds nearly the same (thus confusing if it means something different)
# 17:19 sebsel I just thought I found something we didn't have
# 17:19 tantek I didn't see any links to what you found though
# 17:20 tantek if it's ok with you, I'll make it just redirect to /discovery - and if/when you do find citations of "discovery" or "discoverability" meaning what you found, please add them there?
# 17:22 tantek is going through current newsletter draft and looking at new pages
gRegorLove and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 17:24 tantek ok that's enough fix up for now. I'll wait for the next newsletter draft to re-review
j12t joined the channel
# 17:33 tantek huh - wonder if that was from a WordPress plugin misparsing h-entry? p-name?
sebboh`, gigitux and Pierre-O joined the channel
wolftune, cweiske, KevinMarks_ and j12t joined the channel
# 18:18 GWG I subscribed to anomalilys feed after the Summit. She has her check-ins there. I feel like I am following her. I am thinking I need to build a solution for this.
# 18:20 GWG Time to get to whitewashing the fence
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sebboh`, KevinMarks, j12t, [eddie] and tantek joined the channel
j12t and tantek joined the channel
# 20:33 Zegnat Fort Collins called quits early, I don’t think any photo was made.
tantek, tbbrown and j12t joined the channel
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# 21:07 tantek and just asked in the FB event for Fort Collins
tantek joined the channel
# 21:11 Loqi adactio has 36 karma in this channel (40 overall)
tantek and j12t joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KevinMarks and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
tantek and tbbrown joined the channel
# 22:52 Loqi eddie has 14 karma in this channel (23 overall)
# 22:52 Loqi replying to a post on www.jeremycherfas.net
Is the #Indieweb easy? No, it isn’t. Is it hard? That depends on what you mean by hard. ...
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and [eddie] joined the channel
# 23:20 Loqi dgold has 15 karma in this channel (19 overall)
# 23:24 Loqi dgold has 16 karma in this channel (20 overall)
# 23:36 [kevinmarks] looks like that aprt fo the code is being actively modified, guillemot support was tweaked yesterday