sebselpetermolnar Isn't that talking about setting up a domain on Medium? That could be difficult. I don't think he means setting up a domain in general?
sebselFrom the article: "The whole thing was just confusing and I think it was deliberately done to prevent personal users using their own domains.", so he think's the same ;)
sebsel"Writing comments to Medium posts feels awkward because each comment is treated as a blog post. Even if you just write couple of words, that particular comment will now be seen in your profile page forever."
petermolnarit's an interesting question though; comment silos with reasonable interface - hn, reddit, etc - are popular to generate responses, not always useful, though, and it's simple to follow the discussion, whereas with each-comment-is-a-post, this becomes exponentially complicated
aaronpki've added fragment ID support to my comment parsing (via XRay) so in theory someone could write a bunch of replies on the same page and send webmentions with fragment IDs to mee
sl007Hello everyone - I saw "Brighton" at the planning page and wonder what the status is because NOW I also saw this page which is 27th/28th October ???
sl007petermolnar now I saw that KnightFoundation sent me this URL 24hours before deadline - August 1th ;) how about pinging adactio now ? and aaronpk and tantek what do you think (if Mozilla would pay travel) I could quickly write a proposal (see above) …
sl007Hi tantek ! - got a mail with in London (see above) but ironically 24h before submission deadline. Do you know the status of "Brighton" and how do you think ?
sebselre comments having their own post: those of us who support IndieWeb liking have an even more 'empty' type of post. A like is nothing more than a URL and the fact that it is a like.
sebselBut I take it that people who are struggling with hosting their own outgoing comments, are not even considering hosting their own outgoing likes.
sebselsknebel You want to add more info to the like? I fetch the post via XRay, and actually download the image (if it's a photo) to my own site, not for display, but for archive.
jeremycherfasNot to stir up anything, aaronpk, buyt when I post a bookmark from Quill to Known, Known strips all the content. Not Quill’s fault, I realise.
sknebelsebsel: IMHO like could have a comment as well, and I'm pretty sure I've seen bookmark interfaces that didn't have a content field (but misremembered at least some cases, just re-checked some examples)
sebselsknebel Hm, yeah, but my display of external likes on a post will drop the text. It will just display as a facepile. I think most consuming sites will drop that comment text.
sl007petermolnar , ok. It would probably only make sense to write a proposal if we'd know how aaronpk, tantek and Jeremy think about location London and date in Oct.
sl007sebsel - just got specifications for the beamer which sounds pretty old fashioned 1024 x 768, 4 : 3 (yes, I know this already ;), "VGA" (sic) - not sure if it is because of a phone transmission failure between tech and Prof. who wrote me …
aaronpki keep thinking about this contention between the two worldviews of "own your comments" vs "i don't want to have to write in my own space to leave a comment"
sebselI think not adding the comments to your homepage feed / or even in a different "CMS" so to speak, might be an answer too, given that the way of posting to those can be streamlined with a micropub endpoint or something
tantekit's kind of the trend, and I've yet to see a real use-case beyond "drive-by comments", which frankly I think are *good* to design against and discourage
Loqisticker is either a real life IndieWeb sticker, or an often cartoony picture you can send in reply to or add to a post on some silo's
LoqiA sticker is either a real life IndieWeb sticker, or an often cartoony picture you can send in reply to or add to a post on some silo's
sebselI still think stickers are really close to IndieWeb photo replies and should not be treaded special in the pluming way. But I've got plenty of distinctions in how they are used on Silo's to say that they are indeed their own thing there.
sebselyeah, stickers are often limited in availability, and having your own site makes things quite limitless, but unlocking new stickers in your convenient UI might bring the same feeling across.