schmartyI think I can use it to bake in captions, but need to reverse engineer the API for their "in-house" machine transcription service to make it work with tools I have available.
[miklb]so I’ve pretty much decided to separate out my “posts” on two different topics into their own blog/site and have my main domain just be a firehose with reposts of the blog posts. Unless someone talks me out of it ?
[miklb]thanks. I kinda want to have my original domain be more of a life tracking/stream of conscious site and separate out tech related posts to a new site, then have my food related thoughts on another. I’ve been holding off on posting on the food subject because didn’t want to mix w/my politics.
Ruxtonit works in audio tags too, though there was some bugs last year in FF with exact timing issues (millisecond timing problems) that I wrote some fixes for
schmartyIn this case, the tooling to make hard subs was more easily set up than any for generating webvtt files for source tags or srt for in-container soft subs :)
schmartyI like the lyric player very much. Thanks for the share! I have been pondering all these options and more as ways of making the audio newsletter more accessible and engaging
schmartyI I have very little experience with tooling as yet. I've been using the script that I read, along with a "forced alignment" tool called Gentle to find the word timings. I was able to use that tonight for the first time with the BBC fork of Audiogram
sknebel, Kaja, Jeena, anarchivist, Anchakor and voxpelli joined the channel
Loqimicroformats are extensions to HTML for marking up people, organizations, events, locations, blog posts, products, reviews, resumes, recipes etc
jeremycherfas!Tell ruxton Good to see another Reaper user. I don’t use it too much for video (because at the moment I’m not soing much video) but in the past I found subtitling relatively easy. My favorite tool though remains Jubler.
Loqischmarty: jeremycherfas left you a message 1 hour, 18 minutes ago: Very cool, and the subtle BBC branding can’t hurt either :) Presumably you actually had to type the captions.
schmartyjeremycherfas: thanks! Removing the BBC watermark is on my todo list. BBC's fork of Audiogram added a lot of features that work only for their infrastructure...
j12t, gigitux, loicm, friedcell and moredhel joined the channel
[barryf]Hey aaronpk I've started using for the London HWC RSVPs. Last meeting's RSVPs were received but new ones aren't showing up either on the site or on the dashboard. Would you mind helping debug? Target =
Zegnatjeremycherfas and chrisaldrich had really good things to say on writing content, and sketchess had some great guiding questions from a beginner point of view.
Loqi[Jeremy Cherfas] I've been thinking about Rob's post and your notes on vHWC, and I agree that swapping the quiet writing hour for a question session makes a lot of sense. I've certainly learned a lot and look forward to the meetings.
One thing I'd like to suggest ...
[chrisaldrich]sketchess, you've got enough of a site you could post it even temporarily and one of us would be happy to post it to the wiki on your behalf if you like.
gRegorLoveNot sure. Back in the xanga days I remember someone set up a script to slowly (maybe daily?) delete an old post, until his entire xanga was gone.
raretracki wish you could do the same thing with facebook. i tend to delete all my posts over a year old, but doing it manually one at a time is a real chore!
sketchessYeah might be, but nothing Indieweb relevant, raretrack. Thihihi. And on showing my test page around, well you haven't missed anything. Really.
Loqimessaging refers to one user sending another user a message (memo, letter, txt, photo …) that they read sometime later; on the IndieWeb, either directly via a personal site, or from one site to another
jjuran, [miklb] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel