#ludovicchabantI had a small amount of users back when the first version was in Php (~250 stars on github) but since I ported it to Python for version 2 I haven’t done much advertising
#jeremycherfasThanks rMdes_ If I ever become unhappy with Newsblur I'll consider switching, but until then I'll just make a note of feedbro as one alternative to look at.
#Loqijeremycherfas: rMdes_ left you a message 1 minute ago: it seems feedbro staff is active on reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/feedbro/ maybe they could reply to your question.
#aaronpkthe app doesn't really work with the concept of "files", so it'd be a bit of a shift in how it treats the data
#sknebelI wonder how e-mail fares for stuff like this? but I bet if you send your users daily emails with attachments you get marked as spam all the time
#snarfedahhh ok. if it's currently db-backed, not flat file, then agreed
#aaronpkwell the app essentially has a queue of all the data, but it's treated as continuous data
#aaronpkeach record is sent to the server and is deleted from the phone when the server acknowledges it's been received
#aaronpkcould maybe do a file per day, but then crossing timezones is always a trick
j12t joined the channel
#aaronpki guess one obvious thing would be to have it write a file for each "trip" created in the app. wouldn't be continuous logging but it'd be something.
#petermolnar!tell sebsel: I'm in the middle of rethinking likes and bookmarks, I ended up with the following: if it's a platform and offers anything that resembles a like, I'll sign up and "properly" like it, than backfeed/pesos it to my site, and if it doesn't, it's a bookmark
#LoqiItches, in the context of the indieweb, are individuals's personal sources of annoyances using the web or in particular their own website, that they use to itemize and prioritize what to create, design, build, and improve on their own website, often by first listing such "itches" on a section in their User: https://indieweb.org/itches
#Loqi[superfeedr] "I just submitted a talk on IndieWeb for WordPress for consideration at the upcoming inaugural WordCamp Riverside. I ran out of time to finish off the details for WordCamp Los Angeles due to my recent move, so I’m glad I still might be able to do it before the end of the year." by Chris Aldrich on 2017-10-10 http://boffosocko.com/2017/10/10/indieweb-for-wordpress-for-wordcamp-riverside/