#sknebelhm... do Google/IBM Watson/... have stuff like that? they surely have NLP stuff, question is if you can get useful tags from their output, without having a model specific to your usecase
#petermolnar!tell tantek Zegnat after that guardian article I found myself questioning if I should fuel the attention thirstiness of people at all, as in: should we even 'like/bookmark/fav' in the silos or just save them - with a copy - on our site, if it's worthy?
#petermolnarback on topic: but making ~likes in the silos, social discourse or not, is just adding to the problem, isn't it?
#petermolnarif you remember visitor counters, those remote images you added to your static geocities site, it's kind of the same thing
#ZegnatI don’t think so. Not if the like is used for actually communicating something. The like is just replacing me commenting “great job on that thing!”.
#petermolnarone could say that has been split into analytics and likes though
#ZegnatI have definitely seen likes being used as more of an “I read this and didn’t dislike it” marker, which isn’t communicating anything. Those might be bolstering the numbers problem you are describing.
#petermolnarthat's the thing: I don't think I should do that, neither the ~like, nor the "good job"; both because too much appretiation is not good for anyone and inevitably leads to narcissism but also because when I poke that button I will distract the person from whatever they're doing
#petermolnarI've heard people re-posting their stuff because it didn't get enough reactions within X minutes and therefore it will appear less and less
#petermolnarso I don't think I'm helping the problem by liking a thing
#ZegnatWe’re talking two different targets here though, right? Me liking dinner cooked by a friend on Facebook, vs me liking a photo by someone trying to make it on Instagram?
#ZegnatThe first is more likely to interpret my like in the social context, the latter wants it to drive their content.
#sknebelyes, there's definitively some weird overlap between a like that's almost a (very low-bandwidth) personal message and like as "tiny part of a arbitrary number signaling popularity". Silos add at least "like as bookmark" (I'm guilty of that on twitter as well) and "like as chance of retweet" (=e.g. twitter or Facebook showing something to my followers because I liked it)
#sknebeland I guess social signaling to third parties: "I liked $goodThing, I'm good too!" (or something like that)
#Loqilikes are sometimes part of the information about a post displayed on the post itself, sometimes in a post footer, like a total number like responses, icons of recent likers, or even a datetime ordered list of likes https://indieweb.org/likes
#petermolnarso I'm referring to https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/oct/05/smartphone-addiction-silicon-valley-dystopia - the problem is that a little while ago I came to the conclusion that I shouldn't silently bookmark things, stalker-style, and instead I should make an effort and either use the silo or actually posse the corresponding ~like action if I happen to bookmark something, because it matters to the content creators and sometimes,
#petermolnarif they depend on it, it's even an effect on their income
#petermolnarhowever, the other side of that, is if I do give in to the silo method, I'm fueling the greed and hunt for likes
#petermolnarthe solution is most probably to identify where the like is an actual importance - income-wise, for example - and where it's an addiction, and use either proper reactions or stalker mode based on this
#jeremycherfasI've read the above and some posts on the topic, and I really think it is incredibly hard both to have rules that would always apply and to decide each case on its merits. Iknow that if I have something to add (which makes it more of a reply or comment than a like) then I'll try to do it on my own site and POSSE.
#jeremycherfasBut if I only want to say "well said," or "I agree" then I often take the easy option and do it in the silo.
#jeremycherfasTo me, reposts are the really tricky ones. I usually do those in the silo too, even when I have something to add.
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#sknebelI hadn't considered the economic aspect. generally thought that I probably should reduce use of likes to the personal-message situation and just do bookmarks (possibly not even public, still working on what I want there exactly) otherwise
#ZegnatThe economic aspect is why I subscribe to youtubers even when I follow them in my feed reader.
#petermolnaryes, that is indeed an economic aspect
#sknebeland why you probably "should" like their videos. even though that's not something I personally would archive on my site
#petermolnarhowever, liking on FB is most usually not
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#ZegnatI actually don’t like YouTube videos for the economic aspect, sknebel. But that is because I value when I actually like a thing. YouTube will also give you access to a playlist with everything you have liked.
#ZegnatSo while I know some algorithms and stuff will help my favourite youtubers if I like their stuff, I still treat likes as a personal thing and not as e.g. an “upvote”
#Zegnat(Maybe that’s the real difference here: liking (sentimental) something because what you feel vs upvoting (numeric) because you want to boost the visibility of either author or content.
#sknebeldo you use the feed and go back - do you use it more as some kind of bookmark then?
#ZegnatI have definitely gone back to find videos in it. E.g. “I know I really liked that song’s video clip but I don’t know the name. Let me check videos I have liked.”
#petermolnarthat's a good way to differentiate - the trouble is that not many silos offer both solutions
#petermolnaras far as I can recall, 500px used to have like and fav and you can't even retreive the likes any more, while favs have been made deviantart-like into collections
#petermolnarbut a while ago this, in theory, was the exact difference between the two: show appreciation and save it as something you want to remember for
#sknebeloh, right, favorites are another thing. and twitter switched from stars to hearts. and favs are kind of bookmarks, but somehow not(?)
#petermolnarnone of the ones I know have 3: boost/upvote, save as bookmark, like for apperciation
#ZegnatI think silos have a good reason for not having all 3, because only power users are going to be interested in it
#ZegnatBut it is probably fair to say that the way silos make those 3 things into a single button is why people have drastically different usecases for them.
#sknebelsites with explicit voting systems often have bookmarks of some kind as well (e.g. both reddit and HN)
#sknebelto pull thread back from -chat, I guess youtube "likes" are somewhat inbetween: they have a negative equivalent, the economic aspect clearly means they have a ranking role (although not direct), but we talked about them as likes and e.g. zegnat mentioned use as such
#petermolnaryoutube likes are closer to upvotes thant to facebook likes/reactions imo
#ZegnatYouTube likes may or may not somehow affect the internal private algorithms used to determine front-page and recommended videos.
#ZegnatI think that’s too vague to call them upvotes.
#petermolnar[kevinmarks] oh. I haven't started thinking about the depth of the rabbit hole here: reacjis and all their deeper meanings.
#sknebelreacji map surprisingly well. and are the better thing for the "personal social like" IMHO (e.g. in messengers, answers with a single emoji (guess emoji + punctuation isn't a reacji anymore :/) express a lot between people that know each other
#petermolnarI'm still running away from emojis, and I think reacji only deepens the problem
#sknebelon mobile messengers I use emoji quite a bit by now, on PC never
#tantekadmires aaronpk's home intranet of things :)
#Loqitantek: petermolnar left you a message 4 hours, 51 minutes ago: Zegnat after that guardian article I found myself questioning if I should fuel the attention thirstiness of people at all, as in: should we even 'like/bookmark/fav' in the silos or just save them - with a copy - on our site, if it's worthy?
#Loqisebsel: sknebel left you a message 1 day, 9 hours ago: I do not seem to have received a webmention for your post, did you send one/how?
#Loqisebsel: petermolnar left you a message 1 day, 3 hours ago: I'm in the middle of rethinking likes and bookmarks, I ended up with the following: if it's a platform and offers anything that resembles a like, I'll sign up and "properly" like it, than backfeed/pesos it to my site, and if it doesn't, it's a bookmark
#sebselnice discussion about likes/bookmarks earlier.
#sebselre feeding the like-craving: The way Indie-likes work, you can’t really just use them as upvotes. Displaying “I have 99 likes on this post” does not say anything about the post, because you can fake it. Only if your reader picks up indiviual like-posts from feeds you follow, it can boost a particular article. And even then it’s up to the reader, which is in the control of the consumer. I feel like that makes it less harmful to
#sebselre like as upvote: in that same way, likes as upvotes only work on systems that count those votes. As a reader, you can count likes, or you can just ignore them. I don’t think a new type is helping there.
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