edsu, tantek, bengo, nitot, gRegorLove and [khurt] joined the channel
#[khurt]So far my experience getting a consistent experience with IndieWeb on WordPress has been frustrating. I think some of the documentation for Bridgy needs some updating (Google+), and there are some quirks in the Webmentions
KartikPrabhu and wolftune joined the channel
#Zegnat[khurt], I think the people over in the #indieweb-wordpress channel would love to hear your ideas and struggles to smooth things out!
[eddie] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]khurt I can help you out in the other channel for a bit I'd you're still around.
#Loqi[chrisaldrich]: snarfed left you a message 3 days, 3 hours ago: re bridgy fed + url paths + atom...i honestly don't know. :P bridgy fed currently federates responses, but not (really) accounts or posts. obviously a big whole in the broader UX of making indieweb interact w/fedsocnets!
#Loqi[chrisaldrich]: snarfed left you a message 3 days, 3 hours ago: i'm all for bridgy fed helping with that part too, but i'm hoping the community can help with research to see what works. want to help? https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/14
#[chrisaldrich]I had a slightly customized three last year for Christmas using an ugly sweater motif. What page name would such a thing have?
#[chrisaldrich] We could document a few examples as we move into the next set of holidays...
#sknebelsketchess: we're meeting on thursdays now, and not this week since there is indiewebcamp on the weekend already and our new space is blocked by another event
#[chrisaldrich]I thought I saw something like that the other day on someone's site, but wasn't sure that it wasn't manually POSSEd...
#[miklb]yep. threaded reply on my site via comment form, backfeeds as a reply to micro.blog
#[chrisaldrich]I noticed a while back that replies to my posts from Known that are also syndicated to other services (say twitter for example), pull in the webmention reply, but also show they syndicated tweet in the UI as well.
#[chrisaldrich]It feels like in about 5 minutes that WordPress will have full salmention support.... ?
#[miklb]I’m not sure micro.blog is considered a syndication target since it just picks up a feed
#[chrisaldrich]Does that same functionality you saw work for Twitter as well? Or did it require any configuration with micro.blog?
#[miklb]right now I don’t think brid.gy would pick that up. I simply reply natively in Twitter since my replies also backfeed as comments
#[chrisaldrich]how does micro.blog pick up your replies though? comments rss feed?
#[miklb]no configuration. This is just webmentions
#[miklb]there is a comment reply webmention plugin
#[chrisaldrich]apparently I've been asleep at the wheel and missed that one. Where is it hiding?
#Loqi[Michael Bishop] Had one of those shower thoughts…apply machine learning to a restaurant POS to better control inventory. Probablying being done, right?
#Loqi[Peter Molnar] Description
Adds a very simple character counter next to word counter for the content and a character counter for the excerpt. Works with both visual and text content editors.
the added fields
Upload conte...
#[miklb]yeah, I hacked a little counter into my excerpt field but it doesn’t take into account the nuances of how Twitter counts characters
iasai_ joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]Peter's is fairly old, so it probably doesn't take those into account either...
#[chrisaldrich]petermolnar++ for WordPress work from years ago...
#Loqipetermolnar has 30 karma in this channel (48 overall)
#petermolnarabout the reply-with-comment: I did that as well a while ago, with my alternative (now abandoned) wp webmention plugin, but I had a hard time trying to add permalinks per comment
#Loqiquestion is a post type for soliciting answer replies, which are then typically up/down voted by others and then displayed underneath the question post ordered by highest positive vote count rather than time ordered https://indieweb.org/question
#[chrisaldrich]One can target comments with #fragmention-esque URLs
#[colinwalker]chrisaldrich I’ve had WordPress comments from my blog generate webmentions on micro.blog but there can be an issue: comments from others have shown as being from me. It’s all to do with recognising if they’re from a recognised user. I mentioned it to manton and he was going to look at whether they should all get sent or just those from a recognised user.
#Loqi[Colin Walker] I have written a few times about my struggles with pen and paper as a creative medium rather than using an electronic device.
The inconvenience, the awkwardness, the much slower pace at which I can get my thoughts down...
I've had a selection of sm...
#[colinwalker]Those from a non-m.b commenter came through as me
#snarfedunrelated news: bridgy hit 900k webmentions sent, and almost 9M silo responses. woo! i'll probably have to throw a party at 1M wms sent. https://brid.gy/#stats
#[manton]colinwalker And do you have Microformats for the user comment? On first glance I'm not seeing how Micro.blog could tell who wrote the comment when it receives the Webmention.
#[manton]Or maybe the issue is just that it sees your domain name and matches that up. That's likely.
#aaronpkit looks like the comments are missing an h-card
#[colinwalker]I’m using pfefferle’s Webmention for Comments plugin. aaronpk so, you think I should add h-cards to them? I can modify my template. manton maybe so.
#aaronpkyes definitely, if you're going to add microformats markup when showing comments, then the markup should be complete
#[manton]I've checked the Micro.blog code and I don't think it handles this case. It isn't expecting a comment on a web page that has other comments, it's expecting more of a personal site with a new post that is a reply back.
#[manton]In the ping, are you sending your post URL with a "#comment_id" at the end to point to the individual comment? And do other tools handle this?
#[colinwalker]?♂️ whatever WordPress and the plugins do by default.
#[colinwalker]aaronpk I see the problem, the markup really isn’t clear and doesn’t differentiate.
#[colinwalker]I never used to have native comments enabled when adding Indieweb functionality so am finding various things that need fixing.
snarfed joined the channel
#[manton]Yeah, it's not clear to me what to do in this case... Seems like I'd have to look at `#comment-id` in the URL and find the specific comment in the HTML. Right now it assumes there's one post on the page, not multiple comments.
#Loqi[Chris Lovie-Tyler] I’ve got a Moleskine pocket notebook at the moment (got it for half the usual price on the Book Depository), but when I’ve filled that I’m going to try Field Notes. They look a lot better (thickness-wise) for actually carrying round in your poc...
#[manton]Which in a web browser redirects, but I think when downloaded by an app, only shows the single post. That explains why the text is coming through correctly, just not the user.
#[manton]Good news: those special "replytocome" URLs _do_ have a p-author and h-card.
#[colinwalker]There is only my h-card on the page though.
treora joined the channel
#[manton]Actually no, WordPress is being clever here. If you download the source of that page with curl or something that isn't a web browser, it produces different HTML, and the h-card is on the comment author.
#[colinwalker]Clever! But it won’t hurt for me to do it properly ?
#[manton]Cool. I'll make some tweaks on the Micro.blog side to handle this case better. Thanks!
#GWGI tried to do comment permalinks with an actual template in the theme. I should reconsider that as a special plugin
#[colinwalker]BTW aaronpk - bit off topic but have you had feed changes/issues with percolator? I had all posts reappear in Feedly and the Podcasts app complaining it couldn’t get episode 9.
#Loqilink shortener is a website that creates a shortlink (typically for any link) for use in space constrained contexts like SMS, Twitter pre-tco and other silos with post length limitations, and have been criticized for worsening link fragility https://indieweb.org/link_shortener
#[tantek]Please create and add to ^^^ with the example of the link that was deliberately broken by google
adactio, adactio_, tantek, KartikPrabhu and iasai_ joined the channel