#indieweb 2017-11-19

2017-11-19 UTC
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • November 11th - 17th, 2017 https://huffduffer.com/schmarty/442815
ChipotleCoyote, bengo and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
miklb, did you get syndication to indieweb news working? If it helps you can take a look at one of my recent ones like: http://boffosocko.com/2017/10/26/my-indieweb-reflections-by-aaron-davis-read-write-respond/
Generally I add the full permalink to what will be the ultimate standalone page on indienews. Thus, for this example it would be: https://news.indieweb.org/en/boffosocko.com/2017/10/26/my-indieweb-reflections-by-aaron-davis-read-write-respond/
[Chris Aldrich] ? My #IndieWeb Reflections by Aaron Davis | Read Write Respond
tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
I don’t follow chrisaldrich
add the permalink where?
typically I've been putting it into the body of the post with a zerowidth space. if you view source on one of my posts, it'll hopefully be clear.
I suppose you could put it into the syndication links field too.
I just wasn’t sure if in the syndications link field it would be part of a webmention. That’s where I’m confused.
though I don't think I've tested to see if it sends the webmention if it's done there.
gotta run back to dinner, but hopefully this gets you sorted.
try it and see... though in my experience it takes a few minutes for it to send and post, so give it a few...
I published the bookmark and added the news.indieweb.org/en to the syndication links. We’ll see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
electronicmaji, wolftune, cdchapma1, tbbrown, Exodist, renem, tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
seems as though that doesn’t work
cdchapma1, tantek, wolftune, electronicmaji, [mrkrndvs], Exodist, loicm, catsup and raretrack joined the channel
Op het #indieweb zijn ze dol op acroniemen. Ik leg uit wat POSSE en PESOS betekenen. http://diggingthedigital.com/POSSE-en-PESOS/
Baust du dir deine eigene Website???‍? Dann komm am 22. November zum Homebrew Website Club #Nürnberg! ?? @tollwerk, 18 Uhr #nueww http://nueww.link/websiteclub
snarfed, [miklb], hs0ucy, bengo, wolftune, KartikPrabhu, leg, tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
miklb I think Indienews also supports pingbacks iirc, so it should work that way too. Is your post public/viewable?
friedcell, cdchapma1, alx, hs0ucy and elgatonoir joined the channel
am I right in thinking that adactio's HuffDuffer doesn't itself store the audio files?
You are right, dgold
Which, from a hosting cost perspective, is probably a smart choice
also a "do not get sued out of existence on copyright grounds" perspective
I've only discovered the service _via_ a microcast - it really is rather wodnderful
as in: this is one of the glue-things that the internet needs
hs0ucy, wolftune, bengo and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
It does store snarfed videos for 30 day’s IIRC. Or maybe some place else stores them.
vivus, Pierre-O and [dgold] joined the channel
That’s snarfed’s service, jeremy, Not huffduffer itself
indie-visitor, tantek and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
kevinmarks in svg squished http://svgur.com/i/3vW.svg
tantek joined the channel