strugee!tell snarfed yikes, somehow literally only just saw your ping on the initial AP/IWC bridge design... I assume that turned into Bridgy Fed and you don't need my input anymore?
Loqisnarfed: strugee left you a message 12 hours, 44 minutes ago: yikes, somehow literally only just saw your ping on the initial AP/IWC bridge design... I assume that turned into Bridgy Fed and you don't need my input anymore?
sknebeldgold: I personally think "hosting a good client for people who don't want to/can't run their own bouncer" is a totally fair and good thing to do
sknebel(Quassel is going to have to redo their entire sync protocol basically to work around new policies in android, and if the app wants to be reliably be able to notify you of events (highlights) it needs a push connection, which basically has to be through infrastructure by the app-publisher)
@hummingrainSorry I haven't been around as much. Been over at on Mastodon more lately. Looking into a way to crosspost, but considering doing the Indieweb thing and posting everything at my own site first before federating it out. (
ancardaI worry a bit about privacy and security; being guaranteed regular security updates for a few years, and being able to deny permissions for apps (e.g. Facebook does not need access to my microphone)
[keithjgrant]@ancarda — there are two types of Android. 1st class Android devices, put out by Google, and everything else. The Google devices always get timely updates, and are usually the only way to go, IMO
sknebelalso true. Although I sometimes feel I primarly hate picking a new phone to buy, since I tend to take longer with that than the market is stable ;)
petermolnarre android bloatware: if you manage to get a recovery on the machine, just install Magisk, which is a systemless root, and remove all the bloat
petermolnarif you want upgrades after the support period... good luck. In the early days, like with the HTC Desire, there were plenty of custom ROMs, pretty good ones as well, with clever hacks
petermolnarancarda you won't be able to get rid of google on android. I've tried, I wrote about it, but in the end, everything falls apart without play store
ancardaProblem is, you kinda need to trust someone - on computers you can thankfully use Linux, and even go only-free-software, but is there anything like that for phones?
[miklb]I use iCloud because I haven’t been given a reason to not trust it and the few trade offs of having my “stuff” on all of my machines is worth it.
ancardaI also use FastMail, but I'd be open to moving contacts, calendars, and notes to my own server. I haven't had time to look into e.g. CalDAV/CardDAV, etc... which iOS can use
[miklb]speaking of mail alternatives, I’m testing out AWS WorkMail. So far I’m liking it, especially since all of my contacts & calendar stuff was never in my email provider.
grantcodesFor the people looking for a budget google phone checkout the new(ish) xiaomi phone with stock android. Not sure how easy it is aquire where you are
petermolnaron the android notes: I found most of the cheap chinese phones (blu, nomu, etc) have more or less stock android, with only a minor google integration; most of them allow oem unlock via fastboot, so you can simply install anything on them, though finding a recovery might be tricky
raretracki used to root and rom my phones but tend to stick to stock these days. I disable apps like Gmail, Play Movies (and now Google Calendar), but as said above Google Play is quite sticky