Loqicweiske: tantek left you a message 15 hours, 40 minutes ago: agreed about your point about giving a screenshot about a totally different tool. my critique was more about use of "easily", like "simply", or "just", it's not a helpful encouragment, if anything makes the person feel ashamed for "not getting it".
wjh[m]1just out of curiousity, are there any micropub servers that are easy to use with static site generators? Otherwise I'm kinda itching to write my own
Loqichat is informal messaging offered by numerous services, a few of which interoperate or bridge with each other, and also a set of brainstorms for what an amazing indieweb friendly chat web app/site could do https://indieweb.org/chat
LoqiA story is a singular (one per profile) time stream collection post, that consists of ephemeral photo and video posts that are shown in sequence one at a time and disappear from the collection 24 hours after being added https://indieweb.org/story
tantek"Archive will be activated automatically for everyone soon, and you’ll get a notification when it opens to you with the option to turn it off. Stories clips are saved in the same quality you uploaded them at. You can find the Archive on your Profile and switch between the Stories Archive and Posts Archive.
tantekArchived posts appear in reverse chronological order with date stamps for clarity. You can’t download your entire Archive at once, but instead will have to download individual clips. Archived posts can be reshared to Highlights, Direct Messages, the feed, or downloaded and then pushed to your current Story."
[miklb]that’s what I thought, but currently the behavior of GWG’s post kinds plugin pulls in the title of the thing I’m liking/bookmarking as the title of **my** note.
veganstraightedgI'm building a startup called Sandstorm to do distributed computing on lots of idle devices. Right now, it's just on EC2 servers. The vision is running jobs in the background on websites as a replacement for display ads.
dgold1can I just ask -- I implemented h-entry markup on my site a while back, at the time I was just trying to get the markup working, I didn't spend a lot of time on the details
vivusshaners: it may be a good idea to let the market determine the pricing. Think of it like a marketplace where buyers/sellers negotiate what rate they are willing to accept, add your 10% commission for being the middleman and that'll work