#indieweb 2017-12-18

2017-12-18 UTC
I told her feedback was welcome
She suggested I post a menorah photo.
eli_oat, krup, Loqi, joshproehl, thrrgilag_, snarfed, Anchakor, kl1n3, KartikPrabhu, renem, brainTrain, [miklb], tracya, [chrisaldrich], wolftune and thrrgilag joined the channel; kl1n3 and brainTrain left the channel
chrisaldrich joined the channel
[superfeedr] "I’ve switched over to David Shanske’s IndieWeb-friendly fork of the TwentySixteen Theme tonight. Liking it a lot so far. Can’t wait to see what little surprises I run across under the hood and how we can potentially make it better for the community." by Chris Aldrich on 2017-12-18 http://boffosocko.com/2017/12/17/indieweb-friendly-twentysixteen-theme-fork/
I’ve switched over to David Shanske’s IndieWeb-friendly fork of the TwentySixteen Theme tonight. Liking it a lot so far. Can’t wait to see what little surprises I run across under the hood and how we can potentially make it better for the community. (http://boffosocko.com/2017/12/17/indieweb-friendly-twentysixteen-theme-fork/)
gRegorLove, snarfed, cweiske, [eddie], jihaisse, iasai, j12t, [pfefferle], pindonga and DanC__ joined the channel
@PickiHH Ich teste das Indieweb plugin, bzw. versuche rauszufinden, warum es nicht so funktioniert wie erwartet.
I never know if I should randomly reply to tweets like that, pointing them at e.g. #indieweb-wordpress, or not ^^^
madvi11ain joined the channel
Just created new category #AltMedia in my hyper-categorised bookmarking system. Inaugral entry is https://joinmastodon.org #indieweb #socialmedia
friedcell and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
glennjones and eli_oat joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Our submission for the #dybgenesyschennai contest…" by Xavier on 2017-12-18 http://xavierroy.com/2017/our-submission-for-the-dybgenesyschennai-contest/
snarfed, [eddie], [miklb], glennjones, gRegorLove_, [pfefferle], dougbeal|mb1, wolftune, renem and krup joined the channel; glennjones left the channel
@larsklingbeil @spdde Tja, schade. Da stimme ich @nibbler 100% zu : Das ist wirklich FDP-Digidenke. Vom Staat erhoffe ich mir, daß er ein unabhängiges Internet fördert und sichert – und nicht, daß er mich in ein “silo” (https://indieweb.org/silo) sperrt. Mach ich Politik, tu ich Facebook ?
jackjamieson, kraftbj, florida, snarfed, [miklb] and tbbrown joined the channel
[superfeedr] "YouTube URL embeds not working · Issue #1 · dshanske/twentysixteen-indieweb https://github.com/dshanske/twentysixteen-indieweb/issues/1 In archive views (/kind/post_kind/) and individual pages, typical raw YouTube URLs in pages that previously" by Chris Aldrich on 2017-12-18 http://stream.boffosocko.com/2017/youtube-url-embeds-not-working-issue-1-dshansketwentysixteen-indieweb-dshansketwentysixteen-indiewebissues1in-archive
krup, [pfefferle], [kevinmarks] and raretrack joined the channel
[eddie] and jackjamieson joined the channel
[superfeedr] "@khurtwilliams @joe4ska I've compiled a list of changes I've noticed in the TwentySixteen fork here: http://boffosocko.com/2017/12/17/indieweb-friendly-twentysixteen-theme-fork/#comment-40355" by Chris Aldrich on 2017-12-18 http://stream.boffosocko.com/2017/khurtwilliams-joe4ska-ive-compiled-a-list-of-changes-ive-noticed
[miklb], j12t, jackjamieson, krup, tbbrown, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
good day #indieweb
snarfed joined the channel
Howdy, tantek!
Salt joined the channel
In the past week I've already twice used the /pay feature improvements I built & shipped at IWC Austin https://indieweb.org/payment#Payment_page_with_amount
it is so much easier to give someone a URL than have a conversation about what app to use and amount and then burden them with the cognitive load of having to *remember* and do *three* things:
1 go to a specific (which?) app,
2 find your "correct" name/username in that silo (to be sure to pay you not someone else) or worse, remember or copy/paste your phone number in an attempt to find it,
and 3 enter a specific (how much?) amount
krup, snarfed, cdchapman and [kevinmarks] joined the channel