KartikPrabhu, wolftune, tbbrown, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
#tantekand the answer is not only did it work, (setting up an iPod 6 with iOS 11 from a backup from an iPod 5 touch with iOS 9) but it specifically did *not* reinstall all the apps from backup (or the apps were not part of the backup, possibly?)
#tantekso now I'm reinstalling only apps I use every day a few at a time
#tantekafter I installed Gmail, the wifi got flakey. like once flipped off, could not turn back on (for anyone that remebers, I was having this problem with iOS9 back in mid-2015!)
#tantekso I deleted Gmail (iOS App), restarted the iPod touch and wifi worked again
#tantekthree online with iTunes 12.7 - did work to start restoration, as soon as restoration started, switched off laptop wifi again, and restore completed just fine
#tantekjjuran on the contrary - looks like with new iPod touches, they CANNOT be setup entirely offline
#jjuranMy understanding is that this is true of Macs as well.
#tantekiTunes looks like it does something to "validate" or "verify" the iPod touch with apple (maybe serial number check or something?)
#tantekwhatever it is, it is still less "drm" than all the nonsense that actual cell phones do with cell towers / carriers
#tantekso it's a relatively better situation from a "portable communicator" perspective
#jjuranStill, I’m done. I won’t be buying any new Apple devices.
#tomasparkstantek: hide your wifi, hide your keys made me think of BED INTRUDER meme
#tantekI don't think I've heard of that meme and now I don't really want to look it up either. I've certainly seen other tasteless memes (nevermind their political weaponization in the past 18 months or so)
#jjurantomasparks: Yes, it was a reference to that song which one either gets or doesn’t. But if you don’t already have the context, it doesn’t introduce anything disturbing.
#tantekin other app news, TIL, Firefox Focus has the *best* (least buggy) text selection and copy/paste UI
#tantek(on iOS it is better than Mobile Safari, Chrome etc.)
#tantek(both of which seem to use webkit default UI which overselects things)
#jjuranHeh. Colloquy also overselects things, and it uses WebKit.
sebsel, cweiske and tantek joined the channel
#tantekit's amazing how much snappier the same hardware is with so many fewer apps installed
#tantekor there's something really wrong with iOS where installing / using many different apps causes *everything* to slow down
#tantekperhaps because (nearly) all apps are trying to run something in the background now?
[xavierroy] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#Loqi[superfeedr] "Hello 2018.
This changing of the year feels very different than last. Yesterday (+today) felt more like just another day to make the most of. Regardless I am doing an #IndieWeb #100Days of Positive Posts again, but refocusing on doing:
#100PDTP 100 Days Positive Doing then Posting.
As an optimist I believe every day we have opportunities to choose to make things better (or not), even if in seemingly small ways, every day.
The 2018 plan for #100DoPP:
* Every day: *do* something positive in-person (not just online). E.g.
* Something for the first time
* Or the first time this year
* Or build on something
* Or complete something
* Post about it on your own site,
- or make a note of it and post it later.
* *Before* posting anything negative or critical that same day
From my experience last year, there were several times when for one reason or another I went days without posting, then had to "catch up". Instead of catch-up, I’m making the posting part strictly secondary, and ok even if published days after the action.
I expect to spend more time offline and perhaps even offgrid this year. I’ll be taking paper notes which I can then post about later.
Last year’s #100DoPP: http://tantek.com/2017/020/t3/indieweb-100days-positive-posts-100dopp" on 2018-01-03 http://tantek.com/2018/002/t1/hello
#tantekto me, send a websub notification = actual notification that it is published
#KartikPrabhutantek: I thought for drafts you "futured" your posts but they don't show up on any feed pages or even Atom/RSS feeds so I am wondering how superfeedr found it
#tanteksearches for an unused 7 char hashtag and finds one!
ricardokirkner joined the channel
#Zegnat“why does superfeedr poll when I have websub support?” - I am going to guess because they often see feeds with PuSH links that are down or never get pinged, as often happens when you rely on invisible plumbing. So they never turn off polling.
#tantekthat's pretty annoying, there should be a way to block that with robots or something
#KartikPrabhu is superfeedr polling all possible URLs on your site? if not how did it find a URL that is not linked from anywhere!?
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "report account" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "report account is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#LoqiReport abuse (AKA report inappropriate) is a feature in many (most?) silos for notifying the silo owners that a specific user, post, or comment is abusive https://indieweb.org/report_abuse
#[miklb]I believe so. I switched to using fastcgi static caching and was having some issues with permissions and what not. So far seems like it’s been resolved. <fingers crossed>
#[miklb]I need to put my thoughts into a blog post, but it’s really exciting to see people join micro.blog and experience what this little corner of the web has been building.
#[miklb]snarfed apologies for clogging the error logs.
#snarfed[miklb]: np! lol it'd take a lot more than that for me to notice, 4k users and all
#[cleverdevil]Items in my feeds aren't yet properly recognized and grouped, and I'm seeing some wonky stuff in the view, but overall its a really solid start 🙂
#grantcodesI think with the next update of together I'll move to using it as my primary reader. It's actually kinda functional! Then hopefully I'll have more impetus to improve it