cambWhat do you guys use for websearch? I'm a big fan of the p2p search engine but it doesn't have microformats or support yet.
cambforums based on microformats are an idea im trying to work with. It's very vague due to my limited technical capabilties.
camb@Yair_Rosenberg people might convert to decentralized web or just convert to facebook etc... I'm always surprised by the general lack of interest in these things
Loqiok, I added "" to the "See Also" section of /js;dr
camb@KartikPrabhu I can post a video to worpress for example and have it properly marked with microformats. The same would go for a product I'm selling. What difference does this make to the consumer. They have no software to search for it.
cambAs I understand microformats is the heart of indieweb communication between servers. My rss reader doesn't know if posts are tagged as videos or products or photos etc...
cambI can "own my comment" by posting it on my site instead of the article author's site. But If the author decides to censor my comment, then none of his "followers" will see my comment.
ben_thatmustbemeRequesting microformats support from RSS readers on always a great way to start. Even if they say no, at least it's another user asking for it
cambI play with different readers. I'm not aware of any that support microformats. How do you effectively follow someone's activity on the "Indieweb" if RSS/Atom readers can't tell different post types appart.
ben_thatmustbemeMicroformats just marks up a h-feed... If you can follow by RSS, you can follow by h-feed, a reader doesn't need to know about post types necessarily
cambMaybe I'm understanding the idea behind microformats wrong. What good does it do me to post an item for sale mith microformats. Google won't be able to find it and I'm not aware of any other software that would be able to show anyone else that this item is a "product" I could have just as well not used microformats since no machine can recognize it as a product to list.
LoqiA reader (or indie reader) in the context of the indieweb is the portion/feature integrated into an indieweb site that provides a way to read content from other indieweb sites, possibly including posts from the current site as well
ben_thatmustbemeindieweb uses a certain subset of microformats, we don't use products, so is there a point to marking up products unless you are planning some use or hoping for some use
tantekj12t - for you, yes, indie RSVP is required, I expect nothing less, especially since I believe GWG's Post Kinds plugin makes it fairly easy to do so for your WordPress setup :)
GWGLike everything, it could be better. I wonder if I should ask the person who improved the Simple Location metabox to brainstorm on the Post Kinds metabox
renem, DanC, joshproehl and camb joined the channel
jeremycherfasJust came across an old plugin that I used to use to style pull quotes and wondering whether I can do something similar in my newish setup. Well, I know I can, the thing is to do it.
jeremycherfas!tell aaronpk Reading the page petermolnar linked to ^^^ and then your most recent review it seems that you are now using h-review rather than hreview. Is that correct? Or are you using different markup for different kinds of review?
Loqiaaronpk: jeremycherfas left you a message 1 hour, 38 minutes ago: Reading the page petermolnar linked to ^^^ and then your most recent review it seems that you are now using h-review rather than hreview. Is that correct? Or are you using different markup for different kinds of review?
friedcell, snarfed, [pfefferle], DanC, [colinwalker], awolf, jeremych_, tantek, eli_oat, cdchapman, hs0ucy, prtksxna_ and leg joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
tantekI wonder if that's a potentially useful /reader feature: "news blackout" where you set a time (# of hours / days / months) and it mutes all "news" feeds for you, and perhaps even link/bookmark/reply/quote posts to news.
tanteknew post authoring feature: I want live previews of all the hashtags in a post, showing the most recent (popular?) n-results for each hashtag in Twitter, and IG thumbnails
Loqi[superfeedr] "Liked this tweet: Chris Aldrich on Twitter: “A collection of articles, replies, and posts about #IndieWeb philosophies and technologies primarily geared toward use with #WordPress“" by Scott Kingery on 2018-01-23