#indieweb 2018-02-01

2018-02-01 UTC
what is social media
social media is the marketing term for silos and silo posts, ironically more anti-social than social, and encouraging of extreme opposition rather than medium perspectives https://indieweb.org/social_media
snarfed joined the channel
social media << 2018-01-20 [https://www.thedailybeast.com/social-media-shreds-the-social-fabric-one-click-at-a-time] <blockquote>Forget Russian hacking—the real threat to democracies around the globe is social media’s inexorable and unavoidable destruction of common ground and shared perspective.</blockquote>
ok, I added "2018-01-20 [https://www.thedailybeast.com/social-media-shreds-the-social-fabric-one-click-at-a-time] <blockquote>Forget Russian hacking—the real threat to democracies around the globe is social media’s inexorable and unavoidable destruction of common ground and shared perspective.</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /social_media
eli_oat and KevinMarks joined the channel
when a CMS / event system doesn't let authors put in hypertext: "Copy and paste link to view T-shirt sizing chart: https://shop.runrocknroll.com/pages/sizing-chart " actual text on sign-up form
wolftune, dougbeal|imac, KartikPrabhu, renem and chrisaldrich joined the channel
!tell kevinmarks I'm episodes behind, but if you need an interesting topic for a Gillmor Gang esp w/ Doc, the IndieWeb chat earlier today on brands/marketing could be an awesome hour (or two) discussion. It started roughly here: https://chat.indieweb.org/2018-01-31#t1517434861920100
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[aaronpk] Whoa apparently hootsuite has access to the instagram api to be able to post photos https://hootsuite.com/instagram
lol my improv co-conspirator and i created a website for one of our favorite part-scripted, part-improvised, all-camp projects
in the spirit of being campy, we decided to host the site on neocities
and tonight my winding down before bed activity was to add microformats
which leads to me being able to RSVP to my own event like so: https://martymcgui.re/2018/01/31/224122/
[Marty McGuire] I'm going! Every GHOST PARTY 👻🎉 show is special, and this one may be the most special yet. Please join us to celebrate… love? Probably? Tickets available on Eventbrite for only $5!
it's basically a single long site, so i added fragment URLs as the u-urls to each h-entry in the h-feed to have permalinks
( for the curious, the site is at ghostparty.today )
just one way that the indieweb has brought me joy today
tantek, KartikPrabhu, friedcell, barpthewire and syp1 joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
cweiske and loicm joined the channel
good day Zegnat
tantek did you ever see my !tell in -meta re the HWC pages?
pindonga and nitot joined the channel
Pierre-O, friedcell and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Clearly I need to be more punk rock in North Yorkshire
[kevinmarks]: chrisaldrich left you a message 5 hours, 55 minutes ago: I'm episodes behind, but if you need an interesting topic for a Gillmor Gang esp w/ Doc, the IndieWeb chat earlier today on brands/marketing could be an awesome hour (or two) discussion. It started roughly here: https://chat.indieweb.org/2018-01-31#t1517434861920100
tanlaan joined the channel
Hory joined the channel
wondering whether Loqi shouldn't get rid of tracking stuff such as utm_* and #* for privacy etc. — thinking that eventually it's not very important — dropping the thought altogether
Today in weird monoculture news
I usually edit them to say indieweb instead
I’m starting to think a cabinet minister creating a social network with no verification process may not have been the wisest move https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DU8IBETW0AA0n1s.jpg
KevinMarks, AngeloGladding, adactio, nitot, nitot_, tommorris_, Kongaloosh_, doublelo1p, eli_oat[m], M-hotzeplotz, echarlie, gko, kapowaz, ScalaWilliam, Guest55612, bear and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
friedcell, jeremycherfas and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
1/ Hold me twitter. Here goes. (1) no Privacy Policy on the App landing page which doesn't meet Apples guidelines (2) The app is promoted as the 'Official App for Matt Hancock' but the 'seller' is Disciple Media Ltd (3) Individuals must tick to 'accept' a Privacy Policy and ToS
Hancock is the minister responsible for data protection, btw
[hans] joined the channel
Is this a publicity stunt?
What is Apple?
Apple is a for-profit publicly traded ($AAPL) corporation that produces various products (iPhone, iPod, Macintosh) & software (iOS, macOS), and provides services (iCloud, iMessage, iTunes, Apple Music), all of which focus on good UX, also an IndieWeb principle, and thus are used by many in the IndieWeb community https://indieweb.org/Apple
friedcell joined the channel
Over in #chat I asked about IndieMark…
…as presently described, IndieMark is clearly a maturity model and as such has opinions about what’s “right” for a personal web presence.
That’s not bad, but it does make it too complex and possibly-controversial to serve a purpose I’m looking for: I want a “this site is indie and proud” brand.
Maybe with some nuance, like Creative Commons. I have not found such a thing, and am fishing for suggestions.
leg joined the channel
I like the circular mark that zegnat linked to, but it is also very complex. It shows progress, for sure, but almost needs its own page of explanation.
KevinMarks joined the channel
And embeds a lot of information, so can “lie” … I mostly want a way to say “I like the idea and am trying”
(something to replace “made with SquareSpace” 😉 )
Circular IndieMark follows several axes and lets the person decide along what axis to progress. As per images from jkphl https://jkphl.is/slides/ihdnue2016-en/#20
[Joschi Kuphal] IndieWeb
There are also described on the wiki page: https://indieweb.org/IndieMark#draft_axes
Both levels and axes are “drafts” on that page. There is only an apparent priority by accident because levels are higher up on that page.
I think there is definite value in urging people to reach some sort of “level 1” milestone. But after that the linear progression from level 1 to 2 to 3 might not match with what people want (e.g. as [hans] expressed), so then it becomes easier to talk about axes.
I think the hard part is to show at a glance how far along how many axes one has moved.
Aaron made a retro indieweb badge
friedcell joined the channel
[Aaron Parecki] New Tiny IndieWeb Badge!
Those are great, and also very retro.
i feel like I should make an SVG version, but that is a bit random
nitot joined the channel
Retro indeed :)
but...but...but... it's 80x16, not 88x31!
This article on @GoDaddy's blog by @Johannes_Ernst is a great primer to the #IndieWeb and its building blocks and principles (such as #POSSE), written for small businesses: https://www.godaddy.com/garage/indieweb-facebook-opportunities/
friedcell, M0x3F[m], blahblah, M-DzzzzzzR and eli_oat joined the channel
Pretty wild drawing a line from @IndieWebCampUK 2013 in Brighton to today.
adactio, friedcell, nitot, snarfed and [mlopatka] joined the channel
Not to wake sleeping dogs, but Mozilla just posted a follow up regarding the “Looking Glass” add-on failure and a slightly more detailed explanation about internal procedure changes resulting from that mess: https://blog.mozilla.org/firefox/retrospective-looking-glass/
Retrospective: Looking Glass
tantek and friedcell joined the channel
jeremycherfas, don’t know if you were going to play with it, but currently Omnibear does not seem to work with Sink :(
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Trillium1 joined the channel
that is actually bigger than the png in bytes
what is Sink
Sink is an experimental site by Martijn van der Ven that allows anyone with an IndieAuth enabled URL to post to it using any Micropub client https://indieweb.org/Sink
kevinmarks++ it may be more bytes but it still brings me joy
kevinmarks has 220 karma in this channel (296 overall)
wolftune joined the channel
I should maybe elaborate on that “any Micropub client”, as I keep running into incompatible clients
mlncn joined the channel
Thanks zegnat; too busy for it today.
svg bitmap badge with gradient https://svgshare.com/i/5JM.svg
not sure if that violates the spirit or not
anyone has any new on the proposed IWC London in May?
mlncn joined the channel
this is a good critique of both FB, and notification overload http://bradfrost.com/blog/post/facebook-you-needy-sonofabitch/
Facebook, You Needy Sonofabitch Several months ago, I turned off notifications from Facebook on my phone. Last week, I we...
mlncn and sebsel joined the channel
!tell [keithjgrant] I owe you a (liquid) apology for not catching the Omnibear issues I just filed before your wonderful 1.0.0 release! Sorry~
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek, KevinMarks, calumryan and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
petermolnar: could be related to UX London, unsure of anywhere able to host an IWC there. Might Düsseldorf be soonest?
John_Duh, friedcell, KevinMarks, DenSchub, KartikPrabhu and benwerd joined the channel; Trillium1 left the channel
Aside from the #indieweb IRC channels - which I love - where are the most interesting discussion spaces for building respectful software and services, in your opinion? Where are the best conversations happening? It could be IRC, a specific Slack, a mailing list ... hit me!
But not too hard
benwerd: snarfed left you a message on 2017-12-30 at 6:16pm UTC: hi! when you get a chance, mind counting the total number of valid webmentions hosted known has received that aren't from bridgy? ie source domain isn't [www.]brid.gy or brid-gy.appspot.com. i'm hoping to roughly pinpoint when we hit 1M total wms. not urgent.
Good thing it's not urgent because I still haven't done it. It's actually pretty hard. If I could do it all again, I would have kept better metrics.
@carstenpoetter @GoDaddy @Johannes_Ernst Ja ... ich stecke im Moment leider auch nicht so tief im Thema #IndieWeb drin, hatte vorher viel mit @AppDotNet gemacht und seit es die nicht mehr gibt ist eine neue Seite "under construction".
[kevinmarks], KevinMarks, KapiX, nitot, KartikPrabhu and [cleverdevil] joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
Das muss alles einfacher werden. Z.B. Raspberry Pi kaufen, anschliessen, #indieweb etc fertig, erster Post 5min später. https://twitter.com/lukasrosenstock/status/959129348866560002
Hmm, isn’t there a WordPress thing for FreedomBox that would basically be that ^^^ ?
Zegnat: last time I talked to the Freedombox people they really weren't into applications, but secure communications.
Yeah, I couldn’t find a FreedomBox based webserver on first try searching either.
But your tweet just seemed to trigger a memory about it.
Same vision, working on a different part of the elephant :-) But then, with RPi0W at $10, we can afford two boxes :-)
loicm, benwerd, cweiske, [eddie], AngeloGladding and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
@loqi messages?
How do I make that work? I see the message up above
[keithjgrant], thanks for all the fixes in omnibear
ooh that might be a bug
[keithjgrant], a bug on your site with omnibear
I went to https://keithjgrant.com/ and navigated to your 1.0.0 note and replied with omnibear
Keith J. Grant
it actually detected your homepage as URL
the problem with JS site navigation
benwerd joined the channel
hm I have a different problem
I go to the home page, click the "introducing sidecar" post and it loads and updates the URL. right click and reply via omnibear shows the correct URL. but then when I hit the back button, the URL changes but I don't get back to the home page
I'm about to put finishing touches on my first (I think...) tech blog post. I'll link to it when its done. It will be a part of a series of blog post called 'Guardrails', more on that later. #indieweb #dev #Code #STEM #Maker #Focus #Goals #esp8266
navigation with back button works here, but omnibear does not get the correct url
KevinMarks joined the channel
Hmm. Maybe the tab’s onUpdate isn’t fired for history API actions.
Oh, no, that shouldn’t matter, I am thinking of the wrong code.
KevinMarks joined the channel
I'm on firefox 58
Zegnat: which code gets triggered here?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
There is some code that triggers for when a new tab is opened. Also something about bringing a page into focus.
I just can’t instantly recall if any of those are responsible for keeping the URL uptodate and when exactly they are triggered.
Can confirm cweiske’s bug.
-> dev
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks and benwerd joined the channel
cweiske interesting catch. Yeah, Omnibear catches page navigation, but not history pushState events. I'll find a bug
Basically, every time a page gets focus, or a new one loads, the on-page script sends an event to Omnibear bg script to update the "current url"
It also gets out of sync in pages that were loaded before the extension was installed... But that resolves itself fairly quickly, so I haven't fussed about it
KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
what is Telegram
Telegram is a cross-platform encrypted messaging app https://indieweb.org/Telegram
Telegram << 2018-02-01 Fast Company: [https://www.fastcompany.com/40525144/apple-pulls-encrypted-messenger-app-telegram-from-the-app-store Apple pulls encrypted messenger app Telegram from the App Store]
ok, I added "2018-02-01 Fast Company: [https://www.fastcompany.com/40525144/apple-pulls-encrypted-messenger-app-telegram-from-the-app-store Apple pulls encrypted messenger app Telegram from the App Store]" to the "See Also" section of /Telegram
chrisaldrich joined the channel
that must be a glitch
hm, ban all non-e2e-encrypted messengers since they could police content properly and don't? :P
or ban iMessage since by design they can't police content?
benwerd joined the channel
The IndieWeb outside of Facebook is full of opportunities https://tpl.host/FXTNQH4 #domains #vps #growthhacking #makeyourownlane https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DU-8a39W4AAoLk-.jpg
[kevinmarks], benwerd, [eddie] and kupad joined the channel
what is a silo quit
silo quits are public statements by individuals announcing they have publicly quit posting on or using (at all) various silos, either with intended permanence, or temporarily (sometimes referred to as taking a "social media break") https://indieweb.org/silo-quit
silo-quit << 2018-02-01 Lindy West / New York Times: [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/01/opinion/quitting-twitter-lindy-west.html I Quit Twitter and It Feels Great] <blockquote>It has been one year and 28 days since my last tweet.</blockquote>
ok, I added "2018-02-01 Lindy West / New York Times: [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/01/opinion/quitting-twitter-lindy-west.html I Quit Twitter and It Feels Great] <blockquote>It has been one year and 28 days since my last tweet.</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /silo-quits
benwerd, snarfed and KevinMarks joined the channel
wow re: Twitter fake accounts - some interesting charts / analysis here: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/31/technology/social-media-bots-investigations.html
Twitter << 2018-01-31 New York Times: [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/31/technology/social-media-bots-investigations.html Twitter Followers Vanish Amid Inquiries Into Fake Accounts] <blockquote>More than a million followers have disappeared from the accounts of dozens of prominent Twitter users in recent days as the company faces growing criticism over the proliferation of fake accounts and scrutiny from federal a
ok, I added "2018-01-31 New York Times: [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/31/technology/social-media-bots-investigations.html Twitter Followers Vanish Amid Inquiries Into Fake Accounts] <blockquote>More than a million followers have disappeared from the accounts of dozens of prominent Twitter users in recent days as the company faces growing criticism over the proliferation of fake accounts and scrutiny from federal a" to the "See Also" section of /Twitter
state inquiries into the shadowy firms that sell fake followers.</blockquote>
wow Devumi
chrisaldrich joined the channel