#indieweb 2018-02-02

2018-02-02 UTC
benwerd, snarfed, gRegorLove_, [cleverdevil], KevinMarks, [keithjgrant], [miklb], awolf, eli_oat and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
The data viz for showing bot follow clusters was very nice
syp1, wolftune, benwerd_, tantek, [miklb], j12t, deathrow1 and renem joined the channel
yeah that bot clusters data viz was amazing
j12t joined the channel
[elaineo] FollowerFactory: Create the scatterplots used in NYTimes' Follower Factory article.
The IndieWeb outside of Facebook is full of opportunities https://tpl.host/1SFVHEI #vps #makeyourownlane #seo #leadership https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DU_-mxlXUAEFbnn.jpg
j12t joined the channel
Just generated the first draft of this week's newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-02-02.html I'll generate a draft again tomorrow, so please add to it before then! https://indieweb.org/this-week#How_to
wolftune, AngeloGladding, j12t and andersju joined the channel
Twitter << 2018-01-27 New York Times: [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/27/technology/social-media-bots.html The Follower Factory] / Everyone wants to be popular online. Some even pay for it. Inside social media’s black market.
ok, I added "2018-01-27 New York Times: [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/27/technology/social-media-bots.html The Follower Factory] / Everyone wants to be popular online. Some even pay for it. Inside social media’s black market." to the "See Also" section of /Twitter
benwerd, j12t and tantek joined the channel
benwerd, KapiX, kupad, drkokandy and AngeloGladding joined the channel
[superfeedr] "📰 Read Write Respond #025" on 2018-02-02 https://mrkrndvs.tumblr.com/post/170406585902
ben_thatmustbeme and KevinMarks joined the channel
DivByZero joined the channel
Good evening for all, anybody know how do this efect in second slide in this site? What is the name? http://xmas.evs.com/2018/
tantek: ping
was looking at your contact page and noticed you have an sms: scheme pointing at an email
strugee: did you try it?
and I was wondering what the UX of that looks like? do you route that address to your cell provider's email-to-sms gateway
tantek: I tapped on it to see what my SMS app (Signal) would do but didn't send anything
try it!
your SMS app has to be smart enough to register to handle "sms:" URLs and handle emails too. both iOS and Android defaults work fine
strugee: for more see /contact
tantek: right that's what I was looking at
does it actually go to your email?
https://github.com/strugee/strugee.github.com/issues/90 I'm thinking of using the same thing so I don't hav e to disclose my phone number publicly
[strugee] #90 Publish an email alias that gets sent to my phone
you've set it to sms:<email> that's only going to work in iMessage? :(
Ruxton: nah, I'm on Android and it worked just fine. it creates an MMS
That kind of flies in the face of rfc5724
anyway. back to homework lol
what's rfc5724?
> URI Scheme for Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) Short Message Service (SMS)
to be fair it *does* basically say you can only put phone numbers in
the defintion of the SMS URI scheme
so consider it an extension
I'm sure some poor parser is choking on your contact page
good opportunity to write an update, since there are obviously deployed interop implementations
struggee - then my contact page is a good test case
I wonder if that's actually true
tantek: you use an iPhone right? or am I thinking of aaronpk?
Ruxton: lol docs are so out of date with reality
strugee: nope. iPod Touch. since 2014
no phone number
ah gotcha
I guess that answers my question from earlier then
tantek: no doubt, be nice if people kept ther docs valid ;)
barpthewire joined the channel
Many nights spent reading w3 specs #indieweb #micropub
tantek: feel free to not answer but out of curiosity, why don't you have a phone number? just never felt the need for one?
[Tantek Çelik] 2014: left phone at home every day. iPod+wifi/mifi works. delete x-5278 #. #iamnotanumber #nophone #future Exception: I may start bringing my #FirefoxOS test phone with me for dogfooding, but I'm still not going to share or use the number.How to go #...
benwerd joined the channel
good for you honestly
that's awesome
wolftune, jihaisse, cweiske, friedcell, pindonga, loicm, Pierre-O and nitot joined the channel
My sleep schedule is totally messed up thanks to coming down with the flue this week, so I took some of my current awake time to finish owning my bookmarks. I now have my Pocket feed as a subscription in PressForward on my personal site. #indieweb
jeremycherfas joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
Good morning jeremycherfas :)
What's up with you?
Just got out of uni and waiting for my train home. So in the mean time, I am looking into Omnibear and the JavaScript micropub-helper
Oh yes, you had a very early start today ...
Yep. Not really worth it taking loans to move closer to uni, but also very early days whenever I am scheduled for the first hour.
Right decision, I reckon.
adactio joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
Not strictly indieweb, but ha, the national emergencies information portal of Sweden just issued a warning telling people to uninstall Adobe Flash: https://i.imgur.com/9ZmhWDG.png
morning IndieWeb :)
morning sebsel
jonnybarnes, benwerd and Pierre-O joined the channel
@jeena 🎉 - hooray - @ballancier and /me are there too - we are happy to give you interviews ;)) #indieweb
raretrack, Pierre-O, sl007, friedcell, Hory, [keithjgrant], loicm, eli_oat, [miklb], tantek and [eddie] joined the channel
Zegnat: that is awesome!! Haha
[eddie]: lol
benwerd, leg, snarfed and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
hs0ucy, snarfed, John_Duh and friedcell joined the channel
@ChrisAldrich Thank you. Any suggestions for a basic IndieWeb centric taxonomy for WordPress?
Pierre-O, benwerd, raretrack, raretrack_, wolftune, [kevinmarks], snarfed and gRegorLove joined the channel
[superfeedr] "This is the #IndieWeb, this is my blog" by Wences Garcia on 2018-02-02 http://www.wences.com/2018/02/02/this-is-the-indieweb-this-is-my-blog/
Weird, I just got an email about a comment on a Google+ post. It's my profile photo update from 2016 and it says "shared privately." I don't know this person, not following them, but somehow they could comment on it?
When I click on "shared privately" I see a list of names, all the people in my g+ circles basically. This person is listed there but when I click through to their profile it's empty and there's a "Follow" button.
Confirmed they're not in any of my circles.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
If it's your profile photo, I think it is public
friedcell joined the channel
gRegorLove: could also be someone you do know, who changed their name, profile picture, etc?
Nah, pretty sure it's spam. No profile, single photo, don't recognize them
Being the profile photo makes sense, just odd it reports "shared privately"
raretrack, raretrack_ and syp1 joined the channel
It may be the activity of updating it was private, even though the photo was public
j12t joined the channel
gRegorLove: also sometimes people remove their name, profile photo, etc when they want to delete their account but can't figure out how, or something similar. (hence my q.)
j12t_ joined the channel
[superfeedr] "@wences.com welcome to the IndieWeb! If you ..." by Jonathan LaCour on 2018-02-02 https://cleverdevil.io/2018/wencescom-welcome-to-the-indieweb-if-you
benwerd, loicm, leg, snarfed and KevinMarks joined the channel
@scottedwards200 Free business idea: #IndieWeb solution for @DoorDash, @Postmates, et al. perhaps with a progressive web app? #PWA Restaurants already have a website, a payroll, and the rest of the overhead. What value are these companies really adding?… http://stream.boffosocko.com/2018/scottedwards200-free-business-idea-indieweb-solution-for-doordash-postmates-et
[superfeedr] "@scottedwards200 Free business idea: #IndieWeb solution for @DoorDash, @Postmates, et al. perhaps with a progressive web app? #PWA Restaurants already have a website, a payroll, and" by Chris Aldrich on 2018-02-02 http://stream.boffosocko.com/2018/scottedwards200-free-business-idea-indieweb-solution-for-doordash-postmates-et
[miklb] joined the channel
isn’t that more DIY than indieweb?
[miklb]: if it is related to "owning your data" on "your own domain" then DIY counts as indieweb
KartikPrabhu: mblaney left you a message 6 days, 18 hours ago: I've updated the error messages on my auth endpoint. Would you mind trying again and letting me know what you get?
AngeloGladding joined the channel
Just generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-02-02.html
chrisaldrich joined the channel
miklb, there was a bit of CRM/marketing/data discussion the other day that this might relate to: https://chat.indieweb.org/2018-01-31#t1517434861920100
[aaronpk] Whoa apparently hootsuite has access to the instagram api to be able to post photos https://hootsuite.com/instagram
Howdy GWG!
I am hoping to finish my current Indieweb project this weekend
Lots of companies are giving up their data (and their customer's data) to third parties like DoorDash which handles the relationship and they're not giving enough value back in return.
Amazon is probably the biggest example of this as most vendors on the platform don't get much, if any real data from their customers, and in return Amazon is doing some shady things with that data that could ultimately put them out of business.
Anything we can help out with GWG?
wolftune joined the channel
chrisaldrich, still refactoring Simple Location. I removed dozens of lines of redundant code, rearranged a lot of what remains, worked on removing or changing UI elements
Also just found a vulnerability report on a library used in the development version of Syndication Links, so I might need to substitute another tool
tantek joined the channel
good day #indieweb!
Hello, tantek?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Afternoon tantek
wolftune joined the channel
chrisaldrich, I think step 1 of that indieweb food-delivery thing would be getting restaurants to have non-PDF menus on their site :)
yeah, get them to pay you to convert them to SVG ;)
snarfed, KartikPrabhu and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
It specifies that "For blogs hosted externally to Micro.blog, such as with WordPress, you are responsible for linking usernames for Micro.blog users you want to mention. Just including @username without a link will have no effect."
And then directs you to wrap your "@username" in a link.
that makes sense
Problem is, for me on Known, the Status Update content type doesn't support HTML.
same for me with my text posts
At least, not that I can tell.
So, I am wondering if that's a flaw in Known, or a poor assumption on Micro.blog's part.
Since Micro.blog is about, well, micro-blogging.
I have to first create an entry in my nicknames cache so that when I use an @-name in a post it links to the right URL
I would say it is a flaw in Known that it assumes your status posts are always plaintext only.
micro.blog can't make assumptions about @-usernames that you use on your own site
You can offer plaintext only, but then you probably also want to offer some autolinking feature that includes autolinking people. That’s what silos do internally, and for your indieweb site you will need a way to provide the link for username-linking
AngeloGladding joined the channel
prior to micro.blog, I wrote a little WP plugin to link to @-usernames to Twitter. I’ve been contemplating how to improve there to include micro.blog or at least differentiate
So here is a question: is anyone collating their medical records?
snarfed interesting. I’m wondering if a custom post type for person would be the way to go in WP. (note in WP CPT the post != note/article necessarily.)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
could tie into commentmeta… 🤔
Generated the final version of the newsletter! This will be sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-02-02.html
[miklb]: iirc GWG may have some experience trying to do nicknames-cache in WP
maybe related to venues
Only conceptualizing it
Never implemented
I know I’ve seen it discussed. I think one idea was to tie them into the user table irrc
Zegnat: i have EMR experience from my day job. [kevinmarks] too i think. happy to answer q's
short answer is, i wouldn't recommend prioritizing it. owning them yourself, sure; indiewebifying them, usually not so useful just yet, since most people won't want to publish them either publicly or privately
miklb, that was me.
I am getting my eyes checked again this month to update my prescription. And I was thinking of publishing that data. Partly for me, because I always lose track of it and it is a hassle to request the hardcopy.
I think my cat should publish her medical records on her site too
I also wanted to get my blood type out there, never know when people might need that information, and from there it turns out I do not know my blood type. Or have any other medical records to speak of.
So now I am spiralling down into the world of requesting hard copies and private information and what nots.
understood! sounds like you definitely want to own your medical records....but that doesn't necessarily mean publishing it
yeah, hence not prioritizing it. EMR is infinitely deep, complicated, and opaque. often lots of effort for uncertain/low return
re blood type, try bracelet or wallet card. the people you most want to have it, like EMTs/medics, may find it there, but they won't be looking up your web site :P
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I spent a few hours thinking about EMRs after the Amazon story earlier this week. Certainly a heavy problem. We could use lots of new microformats for it!
and will probably run a test card anyways
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
re EMR indieweb and microformats, start with use cases, as usual
not that you can currently get much back out of the Health app as far as data, so no idea if it would be that useful.
snarfed, even for a bracelet or wallet card, I am still going to need to know my blood type
Apple is supposed to be doing work in that area for the Health app from what I’ve read
Zegnat: definitely! but you don't need to *publish* it.
I didn’t *need* to publish my length and weight at birth either, didn’t stop me.
you can definitely choose to, sure
I just hoped I could quickly grab my medical records from the Swedish portal. But for some reason, they have 0 of my records. So now I am back to following paper trails and copying hard copies. Will try my best this month, probably.
There will definitely be some sort of fine line between what I do and do not publish though. I still think not publishing DNA is the right thing to do
hah now you're squarely in my day job
[eddie] joined the channel
Regarding the micro.blog @-username discussion above. Because I use micro.blog as my primary social engagement besides my site, I built in logic that first auto-links @-names to my nickname cache. If no results are found, then it assumes @-name is a micro.blog username and autolinks as such
That happens when the micropub request is recieved
that seems reasonable
I think this kind of logic is going to be highly dependent on the individual
snarfed, seems like an interesting job. Happen to need an intern who needs a subject for his bachelor thesis in statistics? ;)
Zegnat: heh. maybe, if you'll come to SF!
eddie that makes sense. I was just running it through my head to have a checkbox for preference for each user and one for the default fall back
oops I was going to fix the NYU dfn
before the newsletter
then storify rathole
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
https://www.medal.com will help you get your EMR but mainly US
snarfed, would be interesting, but SF sounds expensive, haha. There are probably opportunities closer to home too.
deathrow1 joined the channel
[kevinmarks]++ we looked primarily at Human API and MedFusion. Medal looks similar. Redox's and Datica's setup per provider was too heavyweight. any others we should know of?
kevinmarks has 221 karma in this channel (297 overall)
(will move to -chat if we get too off topic)
aww no photos this week
this seems like it has indieweb opportunities written all over it - but I can't quite figure out what it is
what is
what is ThoughtStreams
It looks like we don't have a page for "ThoughtStreams" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ThoughtStreams is ____", a sentence describing the term)
ThoughtStreams is https://thoughtstreams.io/, a (micro-)blogging silo where users can have multiple "streams" for posting about different topics.
Whew, got sidetracked from my earlier conversation with a phone call.
So, it sounds like I need to open a ticket with Known to make it possible to create HTML posts, or at a minimum, to craft @-mentions.
I almost feel like a standard method for translating plain-text @-mentions into the proper format for webmentions would be cool.
Like: @twitter:cleverdevil
Or, @micro.blog:cleverdevil
Then, have Known convert that to the appropriate thing.
But, its so complex, when you have to syndicate this out to other places 😕
(FWIW, this works fine for Twitter, already... its just Micro.blog where it doesn't... so perhaps I could just hack that into my feed)/
gRegorLove joined the channel
sure, three pieces of punctuation (@ . :) what could possibly go wrong?
ooh. I could do that with my WP plugin right now, work on user/nick cache later
idly wonders if mastodon+bridgy fed works on non-standard ports: @example.com:8080@example.com:8080
hmm. maybe! i don't think it will include port in the username, but should hopefully work otherwise
did no one else care about the fragility argument?
maybe just FB page is good enough for now since it's a criticism of them
Facebook << 2018-02-01 Digiday: [https://digiday.com/media/facebook-execs-turn-twitter-publisher-charm-offensive/ The Facebook execs who turn to Twitter for publisher charm offensive]<blockquote>…an acknowledgment that Twitter is beloved by one of its core constituents, journalists, and is a more effective way to respond to critics in real time than Facebook itself.</blockquote>
ok, I added "2018-02-01 Digiday: [https://digiday.com/media/facebook-execs-turn-twitter-publisher-charm-offensive/ The Facebook execs who turn to Twitter for publisher charm offensive]<blockquote>…an acknowledgment that Twitter is beloved by one of its core constituents, journalists, and is a more effective way to respond to critics in real time than Facebook itself.</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /Facebook
maybe not entirely dogfood fail since it's reacting to stuff not happening on FB (although you can of course ask why FB can't syndicate to twitter :P)
was just thinking of replying to https://twitter.com/Digiday/status/958936735043473408 why not POSSE to Twitter instead? https://indieweb.org/Twitter#POSSE
Oddly enough, Twitter has become the go-to forum for Facebook execs as the platform battles pushback over algorithm changes, spammy ads and the spread of misinformation. https://trib.al/zxXFdRr
Three pieces of punctuation is easier for me than crafting a link 🙂
I still don't think we have a good solution, personally.
there's nothing wrong with microsyntax for your own site as long as it translates to HTML in the end
I think I’ll just reduce micro.blog to mb and cut one out 😛
That's my point, exactly.
Just make it easy to do The Right Thing.
Or go the Mastodon way? @cleverdevil@twitter and @cleverdevil@mb
you can drop the leading @ and still be able to parse that
[cleverdevil]: perhaps. I suppose it's FOUR pieces of punctuation that is taken too far, as evidence by the "can't ever remember the order to put markdown linking syntax []() or ()[]" problem
Yeah, I just personally like having a clear starting mark aaronpk
[Sebastiaan Andeweg] @-mentioning people on my blog
what is a person-mention
person mention is a homepage webmention sent to a person's homepage https://indieweb.org/person-mention
sknebel: perhaps add to that ^^^
Also, if you have a starting mark, you can have @cleverdevil pull a default from a nickname cache and @cleverdevil@mb pull the specific URL identified as “mb” for the same person.
I don't even like the Markdown solution.
I *greatly* prefer the simplicity that Twitter offers.
[cleverdevil]: me neither. but I can't explain why so many people prefer it to mediawiki syntax which uses two (maybe 3?) punctuation
(for a link)
The simplest syntax that can be easily translated to the proper outputs would make me happy.
in the end this comes down to a CMS feature, where the output is HTML. the interoperable bit is the HTML, so everyone can choose their own microsyntax they use on their site
It does seem to be a CMS feature.
you don't even need special handling in micropub clients, since the micropub client will assume it's posting text, and then your server will do the transform to html
I may try and hack on a feature for Known using a simple-ish syntax in my Known plugin that does customizations for my site.
(autocomplete in micropub clients would be great but that's something different)
Yup a full address-book feature would be ideal.
"full" lol
doesn't even have to be "full" to be useful!
does anyone automate their nickname cache? Are they automatically stored from webmentions?