chrisaldrichI suspect he's also spreading the word to others in Drupal community as the @wimleers quote from Loqi above has Drupal/Acquia CTO reference in his bio.
chrisaldrichgrantcodes: I've noticed you (and some others) post some slides like that, but there's no immediate UI to indicate one should arrow left/right to see other slides. I suppose it's presumed one would potentially just "know", but it could be made more obvious.
grantcodesYeah just hit space. I don't usually publicize them so not too worried about the ui at the moment. The reveal library supports it I just turned it off
LoqiA presentation or slide deck is an online version of the visual portion of a demonstration typically presented in person at a conference, workshop, or other event
Loqifollow is a common feature (and often UI button) in silo UIs (like Twitter) that adds updates from that profile (typically a person) to the stream shown in an integrated reader, and sometimes creates a follow post either in the follower's stream ("… followed …" or "… is following …") thus visible to their followers, and/or in the notifications of the user being followed ("… followed you")
chrisaldrichIt could announce that you're following someone, send them a homepage webmention, and provide some potential UI for making it easy to follow them as well.
chrisaldrichTo me a follow post seems like a cross between a note and a bookmark, but it should ideally make it easier for others to follow that person too.
chrisaldrichCreate a post to indicate when I started following/subscribe to someone/something (perhaps a podcast) and make it easier for others to do the same.
chrisaldrichI'd rather it all originate on my site (POSSE). Though I suppose that a reader might be able to do this in a microsub related workflow, but still post to my site perhaps via micropub?
chrisaldrichI'd prefer not to build something for indicating my following someone on Twitter, for example, as I'd rather encourage people to post to their own site.
chrisaldrichThe ideal is to make my list of subscriptions portable (as OPML does) so that I can move from one reader to the next if I choose, or if different readers offer different experiences that I want to take advantage of.
GWGSo, like your articles feed, you have a follow feed. That feed can be parsed by supported readers, and someone can create a tool that converts that into OPML for non-supported ones.
chrisaldrichWith an h-feed on my entire site going back forever with h-cards, one could forseeably create a follow feed of everyone I've ever mentioned on my site
chrisaldrichThough it could be interesting if I could create a feed of people who've appeared in anything I've tagged on my site with a particular tag...
chrisaldrichIn fact, I could have sworn I'd enabled the "follow" kind manually on my production site and used it at least once before. Apparently I haven't, but I also don't see it on either of my two test sites either.
chrisaldrichMaybe we could push someone to add /read or /listen to /post-type-discovery, particularly since so many using your Post Kinds Plugin could be using/sending those types of webmentions?
chrisaldrichDoes Post Kinds require a template for follows to actually display something at for example. I manually enabled them and tried one, but get no output there.
chrisaldrichIn practice I find that a lot of podcast pages use third party apps that embed proprietary players, so maybe 25% of pages don't have a findable .mp3 file on them.
chrisaldrichThere are also a fair number of either indieweb podcasts or microcasts that having a better supported "listen" webmention workflow would be nice.
chrisaldrichAs I'm looking at some of my /listen posts from over a year ago, i'm noticing some missing data that may have happened during a change in Post Kinds. I'll have to go back and fix some of them to bring them into line....
chrisaldrichIt may be for the better as I think a lot of them had a lot of html in the Summary field and is likely why the data may have been stripped out?
chrisaldrichI am considering how I might use the image field within Post Kinds to potentially add photos into those templates, though GWG may beat me to it.
[kevinmarks]For following lists/feeds xfn style could be worth doing too, as that is still there in many sites (I think WordPress still has it for blogrolls, but it is less prominent)
chrisaldrichI for the following page, I swiped the WP list manager functionality from ages ago and fed it out into a page instead of the more "traditional" sidebar widget.
chrisaldrichI like that I can take the OPML file that it puts out and use it to subscribe to the OPML feed in feed readers like Inoreader. That way when I make additions to my site, my feed reader picks them up automatically.
chrisaldrichGWG and I were chatting earlier and it seemed simpler to create follow posts that could then be later parsed (as a feed) into an OPML file.
chrisaldrichI think GWG uses p- forms on many of the microformats within Post Kinds Plugin, though there are some that are u-. I'd defer to your better judgement Zegnat though.
Zegnatmf2 prefixes are only important for where in the HTML the parser is looking for the property value. So which one you use should depend on your markup, not on the property.
ZegnatYou are probably going to want to say “I followed the feed/person at URL”, and mark that up with <A HREF> in your HTML. If you want a parser to pick up what is inside the HREF attribute, you use the u- prefix.
chrisaldrichThat's what I suspected, though I know GWG is tweaking Post Kinds these past few weeks and over the next few days. I'll let him make the ultimate decision and likely follow along, but thought I'd experiment a bit until then.
[kevinmarks]The original Technorati code did opml/xoxo transformation. I think both of them are potentially overkill for a follow list, and opml is particularly badly designed as everything is attributes.
jjuran_, Guerillero|BNC, R2ZER0, Dodgy-Debaser and sknebel joined the channel
chrisaldrichOverkill is certainly an issue... we all need a better indieweb way of following/subscribing. Perhaps microsub will fix all of our problems?
@mapkycaPushed a bunch of @withknown changes: translation hooks for templates, PHP 7.2 compatibility, refresh/remove option for link previews, a couple of bug fixes, and Gettext support. #indieweb #known (
chrisaldrichI just realized that by creating a /chicken post the way I did, I now have a chicken feed. I'll wait until I have more to propose the experimental microformat c-feed.
tantekI think that only counts the past (rolling) two weeks worth of notifications?
vivus, gRegorLove, [jeremycherfas], barpthewire, snarfed, Kongaloosh, AngeloGladding, tantek, wolftune, [tantek], [miklb], KartikPrabhu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel; leg left the channel
[kevinmarks]Talking of siloed notifications, I picked up te iPad for the first time in a week, and found an imessage conversation that I would have thought would be an SMS one
Loqi[superfeedr] "Marcus Povey on Twitter: "Pushed a bunch of @withknown changes: translation hooks for templates, PHP 7.2 compatibility, refresh/remove option for link previews, a couple of bug fixes, and Gettext support. #indieweb #known"" by Jonathan LaCour on 2018-02-17