wagle, matigo, eli_oat and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]this is where using <img_jetpack> AMP style would actually be good.
#Loqi[kevinmarks]: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 53 minutes ago: "assumption that the programmer is the prototypical user" is not the point of selfdogfood though I can see how that could be a misinterpretation (rather than strawman) and perhaps that is worth clarifying
#Loqi[kevinmarks]: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 52 minutes ago: the real life dogs example is a good criticism of the verb / usage of "dogfood" in general as a poor analogy, perhaps worth documenting in a Criticism section on /dogfood ?
#aaronpkMonocle looks so good on my iPad, and works better than IRC and I’m super excited about it!
#GWGHopping to NYC, then going straight to work for the day
#GWGI am just disappointed I didn't get farther in linking all the sensors in my house to my website.
#GWGAll I got to was the setup for a new repository
#jeremycherfasDon't be. I recently bought an Ikea LED panel that is my only "thing". It operates via wifi of some sort. I have no need to know whether it is on or not, because I can see it if I walk into the kitchen.
#GWGI could do that, but I want my temperature and humidity sensors. I just intend to future proof
#jeremycherfasIt is good to learn by doing. I should do more of that myself.
#petermolnarjeremycherfas: IKEA smart is zigbee, for which I'm not completely happy; they should have gone z-wave
#jeremycherfasTo be honest, I'm not sure how smart my LED panel is. All I know is that it has a wireless controller that I had to pair. And I don't yet see any need for more.
matigo joined the channel
#GWGI have a combination of zigbee, zwave and wifi devices
#Loqi[rpeden] Show HN: My embarrassing personal website from the 90s
#skippylooking for the first time at the wordpress indieweb plugin. wow that's a lot of css.
#aaronpkInteresting point about tumblr in that thread
#aaronpkThe author's tumblr permalink of a blog post can be customized completely, while people reading tumblr can see a bunch of blog posts in a row in a standardized layout in the dashboard
#GWGskippy, only to cover 500 silo icons for rel.me
#skippyGWG: perhaps a dumb question, but does the wp indieweb plugin work nicely in a multi-site setup? multisite requires plugins to be activated network-wide before they can be activated on individual sites.
#skippyi guess i'm asking if the indieweb installer of the various additional plugins handles that scenario well? or should one manually install and activate all the requisite plugins without using the indieweb installer?
KartikPrabhu1, [kevinmarks], Guerillero|BNC, jihaisse_, jihaisse, wolftune and [miklb] joined the channel
#[miklb]skippy I have multisite and so far haven’t had any issues with my main site
#[miklb]but already had a lot of the plugins installed, so not sure about the IW installer
jihaisse_, cdchapman and matigo joined the channel
#chrisaldrichI suspect most programmers would skip it and install everything manually.
snarfed joined the channel
#chrisaldrichIt does nicely act as a menu heading in your admin UI to conglomerate all the other plugin menus underneath though.
#tantekchrisaldrich: I think the point of giving it some actual immediately useful functionality is that no one would have to skip it or even consider doing so
#tantekbecause even that ("should I skip it?") is unnecessary cognitive load on getting setup
#chrisaldrichIt's been a continual question of what the physical functionality of that plugin is and what it does (aside from the installer portion).
#chrisaldrichIt's much more useful to a gen2+ person, particularly for rel-me
#tantekchrisaldrich, how much maybe a continual question, but non-zero hasn't been
#tantek"just" an installer, it confused everyone, and upset most
#tantekwe already have that data from 2015 attempts at getting people to install / use it.
snarfed joined the channel
#chrisaldrichIt is still mostly an installer and has some reasonable information/documentation within it. But it's also changed a reasonable amount since 2015 and has a better curated list of what it suggests.
#chrisaldrichI suspect now it's a more savvy gen1 user like skippy who's going to look at the internals to see what it is/does that's going to ask his question.
#chrisaldrichOthers should just be able to install, set up and go.
#skippywhere are the generations described? I forget what the differencesd are
#LoqiGenerations in the context of the IndieWeb refer to clusters of potential IndieWeb adopters in a series of waves that are expected to naturally adopt the IndieWeb for themselves and then help inform the next generation https://indieweb.org/generations
#chrisaldrichOn some sites I've set up the installer to get things moving and installed quickly and and then removed it after setting up separate rel-me and h-cards.
#chrisaldrichI could see it being reasonably useful for the admin UI menu functionality on a multisite install.
#skippyi'm not afraid of digging into the guts of things as needed. I like to know what's happening, generally. As such, is the installer recommended? Or should I use the individual plugins to get a more thorough understanding of what each does?
#chrisaldrichskippy, the installer will point you to the individual plugins in a simpler/quicker fashion (and make sure you don't missing something useful).
#jimpicki'm going to go another version with gentler onboarding so that somebody that doesn't know about dat or beaker browser might understand what's going on
#tanteksounds more dev-level jimpick, perhaps better for #indieweb-dev?
#jimpickif you click the link, and then click "publish", you've made a dat-based website
#jimpicki need to develop the right language to explain this to newbies
#jimpickthat's why i need to do a new version. if it's devel level, i've failed bad
#chrisaldrichjimpick, the trouble is that codemirror page seems like a wall of code, so not too friendly to gen2+
#jimpickyep, that's why i wrote in the announcement that i will be doing another friendlier version
#jimpickwhat i've learned from sharing my initial prototype is that even "html" people are turned off by showing them an html editor with no explanation
#rev3rsejimpick: like IIRC, to add/edit a Dat you need private key to it, right?
#tantekrev3rse: in general we try to encourage discussions of protocols, standards, and other plumbing to be in the dev channel, and actual user impacts / user features in indieweb
#tantekrev3rse: for example your question of essentially, what will happen to my content that I created? is appropriate here, because users do care about where their content goes, how can they be sure to keep it around (per /longevity) and even is there anything special they need to do to back it up, or move it from one host / site / domain to another
#jimpickrev3rse ... it needs some more explanation, for sure. the private key for the dat you create is stored inside your browser, so only you can edit it in the future
#jimpickas long as you don't clear your browser storage, it can live forever
kupad joined the channel
#jimpickas far as sharing out into the peer-to-peer network, the glitch app works as a gateway, and there's another server on aws that mirrors anything that is published ... i'm going to make that more clear and also optional in case people want to publish private content. they can run their own mirroring servers in that case
#rev3rsejimpick: gotcha, I finally saw the dropdown with Export in the bottom and installed and created a local Dat and imported key... nifty
#jimpicki haven't made any effort in this version to explain basic dat ecosystem literacy topics ... like how to use hashbase, datbase.org, etc. ... in the "user friendly" version, i'll add that
#rev3rsejimpick: but so initially the prvkey *only* gets written to a browsers localstorage- that's cool?
#jimpicktechnically, it's in indexeddb, but yeah, basically the secret key stays secret
#jimpickin the long run, people are going to want to use multiple browsers to edit their stuff, so i'll have to figure out some way to share across browsers
#Loqi[datprotocol] dat-dns: Issue DNS lookups for Dat archives using HTTPS requests to the target host.
#rev3rseah, I see... clever. except if you let your domain reg expire it will go away I assume?
#chrisaldrichtaravancil: if you get the chance, you should document your site at /Dat or /Beaker to help others follow your lead.
#taravancilrev3rse: correct, but the dat:// URL that the vanity URL points to will still be up
#taravancilp.s. i don't want to spam this channel with beaker stuff, so i'll point out that we're in #beakerbrowser if anyone ever wants to chat there
KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
#chrisaldrichtaravancil: I wouldn't call it spam if it applies to building websites. See tantek's note/convo above. Though if it gets too technical, perhaps #dev is a better channel.
#sknebelI'm not sure if they support it as an official gateway or it's just there for now (e.g. ipfs has official gateways you're supposed to be able to rely on)
#LoqiIPFS is short for InterPlanetary File System, potentially a static site storage method, yet does not appear to be selfdogfooded, and thus should be considered risky and experimental at best; also apparently unrelated to NASA’s actual Interplanetary Solar System Internet (SSI) being built on their Disruption Tolerant Networking https://indieweb.org/IPFS
#LoqiA planet, in the context of the indieweb, and blogs/feeds for even longer, is a site that aggregates feeds/updates from a variety of sources, typically focused on a particular topic or community https://indieweb.org/planet