jmacHi folks... I'd like to experimentally implement webmention-receiving, but I have a conceptual disconnect between the very simple source/target/verify W3 protocol, and the super-rich content that e.g. provides with its API. Where does all that data *come* from? Like, how does it know the user-picture associated with the source URL, out of all the other stuff that might be found there?
jmacYeah, but that's gonna be a full HTML page that could contain literally anything, right? Including any number of <img> tags? How does it know which one is the author's userpic?
jmacFor several weeks now I have been using bridgy + to have silo-mentions of my blog quietly pile up in an unlit closet behind the copy machine. Still learning how all this stuff is meant to fit together, and hope to get something visibly working on my own site this month.
jmacOne super-high-level summary of the whole of the IndieWeb philosophy is basically "Everyone publishes to their own domains, using services smart enough to talk to other self-publishing domains". Right?