@adamprocterI don’t see how a government can take to task data gathering of a corporation when that’s the buisness model. Seems odd. We need to make decent alternatives paid or otherwise. #webmakers #indieweb #bbcqt #eff (twitter.com/_/status/976982502140194818)
leg, tantek, [eddie], snarfed, eli_oat, wolftune and electronicmaji joined the channel
@web_daseinI just downloaded a 40.8MB ZIP file of all the data that Facebook claims I've uploaded over the years.
I'm considering switching to the POSSE content-posting model from now on, so that I own my content instead of Facebook. Unfortunately, it's still... https://indieweb.org/POSSE (twitter.com/_/status/977010044624670720)
tomasparks, renem, pstuifzand, tantek, ben_thatmustbeme and wolftune joined the channel
@CaseyNewtonDid you hire a PR firm to promote your unknown social network to capitalize on Facebook’s current struggles? I want to hear from you! Email mat.honan@buzzfeed.com (twitter.com/_/status/976917947342929920)
@m_ottSeems like the perfect time to dig up two articles I wrote last year about securing privacy and owning your content in the face of global surveillance and data-sucking companies like #facebook. #surveillancecapitalism #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/977093992776159232)
LoqiGlitch (formerly Gomix, HyperDev before that) is a tool by Fog Creek Software to allow you to quickly prototype web applications in a complete IDE with built in version control, sharing, and more https://indieweb.org/Glitch
@alexhernHere are the three questions I need answered before I care about a blockchain company: • why is this actually useful • why is this being decentralised actually useful • why should a normal user care about it until it actually exists (twitter.com/_/status/977138113523978240)
[cb]I'm aware of manually posting using a CMS like WP, or using a web-based editor like Quill... I'm imagining something lightning fast, like an option on "share with..." in iOS (like I do for Pocket, SMS, etc.)
LoqiIndigenous is a native app for iOS currently in beta that supports posting your website using Micropub and a built-in reader that supports microsub https://indieweb.org/Indigenous
tantek"You’ll notice when you use Twitter that they never ask you to SFTP into twitter.com to configure your account. They don’t ask you to install anything." <-- True and False. They ask you to install the native app all the time!
[cleverdevil]I got into a bit of a conversation yesterday on Twitter with some friends about whether or not deleting myself from Facebook represents "privilege."
tantekprivilege has always lead the way with social network momentum. both with early adopters making something popular (Twitter, FB), and with abandonment / flight (MySpace).
petermolnar"I want blogging to be as easy as tweeting." - I don't. I want it to require effort. To make people think what they write down, about the form, about the word, about the content. The ease behind everything only results on the ocean of mediocre entries about nothing; I see endless laments about "the old internet", but nobody seems to realise the "old internet" was mostly about content people put effort and time into. I'm guilty about th
petermolnarApart from this, it's a indeed a very good article about what's owning content really means, there's only one extra problem: you only rent a domain, you don't ever own it, apart from .onion hashes.
tantekpetermolnar: I disagree. I think "as easy as tweeting" from and on your own website/domain/identity feel fundamentally different (more ownership / responsibility) than "tweeting" to/on a silo
petermolnar[cleverdevil]: it's a privilege - deleting - but a weird one; mostly tells about how rigid/flexible/IRL the base of those people you have on FB are. Are they willing to communicate in any other way? Do you have the option to meet them IRL? An so on.
tantek[cleverdevil]: the more you have other ways of both staying in touch with people and meeting new people, the easier it is to delete one of them (FB).
tantekI think that's perhaps where the sense of privilege comes from as the former is highly associated with privilege, especially across backgrounds / etc.
[cleverdevil]People for whom deleting Facebook is difficult are in that position as the result of their own choices and addiction/dependency on the platform.
tantek[cleverdevil]: the reverse is often true, if something seems easier for some people and harder for others, there may be some aspect of privilege at work there
[manton]@petermolnar I see where you're coming from. Related, we don't have retweeting yet on Micro.blog because it's _too_ easy to share something without reading it or thinking about it at all. I think good UI can encourage people to be thoughtful. But still much easier than it is right now to blog.
[cleverdevil]I just think its extremely dangerous to throw around the word "privilege" in this context, as it encourages people to prop up Facebook through poor justifications.
tantekwith FB, because it homogenized the UI / profiles of everyone, no matter how poor/rich you are, it somewhat leveled what people "looked like" online, independent of their economic status
[cleverdevil][manton] the more and more I think about it, the better I think that decision is! FWIW, I think Micro.blog should have a capability to somehow share or amplify content using `repost-of`, but it shouldn't appear in the timeline, and should be placed under the Discover section based upon how many of the people you follow repost something.
[manton][tantek] I like quoted posts. In fact, I create them pretty often as a blockquote + simple comment and link. And I absolutely want a UI designed around that.
[manton]That's cool. If it was a third-party service, how would it plug into Microsub? Like you repost-of to the service, and then it aggregates a feed that you can browse?
[cleverdevil]I think the way I'd approach it is that the service, once connected to your Microsub server, would ask you which channels to look at for discovery purposes. Then, you could give it Micropub credentials to publish discovered posts to.
[cleverdevil]So, the service would look at the configured channels and watch for `repost-of` items. When it encounters an reposted item a configurable number of times (a threshold), it would publish that item to a Micropub endpoint, or make them available in a feed that could be subscribed to.
tantekthe only personal use-case I've had for reposting is "realtime"-like during a conference where I spoke (and thus wasn't posting) and others were posting quotes and such of my talk.
jeremycherfas@manton I'm worried about that yet in "we don't have retweeting yet". Is it on the roadmap? If so, I hope you will make it possible to block all retweets from my timeline.
[manton][jeremycherfas] I probably shouldn't have said "yet". It's not on the roadmap at all. Some kind of easier way to quote and link to a post is planned, but not one-click sharing.
grantcodesJust doing a bit of thinking about microsub notifications. Say I want push notifications (at least for the notifications channel) it initially seems like it would be a good idea for the server to send the notifications.
Loqigrantcodes: [cleverdevil] left you a message on 2018-02-20 at 6:07pm UTC: I went ahead and purchased alltogethernow.io. Let me know where you want the DNS pointed!
Loqigrantcodes: [cleverdevil] left you a message on 2018-02-20 at 6:08pm UTC: also, I figure we can use the root domain for a website for the project and maybe getit.alltogethernow.io or another subdomain for the app itself.
tantekrepost << 2016-11-22 Criticism/warning: {{manton}} [http://www.manton.org/2016/11/fake-news-and-instagram.html Fake news and Instagram] <blockquote>When you have to put a little work into posting, you take it more seriously. I wonder if fake news would have spread so quickly on Facebook if it was a little more difficult to share an article before you’ve read more than the headline.</blockquote>
Loqiok, I added "2016-11-22 Criticism/warning: {{manton}} [http://www.manton.org/2016/11/fake-news-and-instagram.html Fake news and Instagram] <blockquote>When you have to put a little work into posting, you take it more seriously. I wonder if fake news would have spread so quickly on Facebook if it was a little more difficult to share an article before you’ve read more than the headline.</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /repost
[jgmac1106]At same time do folks know how dependent small towns are on Facebook? Maybe it isn't this way in cities. All local announcements, updates, politics, and business flow through Facebook. When I announced I was quitting (again) I got a few messages asking not to so the town doesn't lose a voice
[jgmac1106]@karthikPrabhu we have a very active Mcverry Diaspora page on Facebook trying to move them over to @withknown site as well but reading up on GDPR for folks in Ireland and the UK
gRegorLoveI think quitting FB can be a privilege, but I don't think that necessarily means one shouldn't do it. Being aware of it is important, and thinking through how you can leverage it. And obviously, not being smug about it.
[jgmac1106]Yes, many are addicted to the red notification but I had to rejoin to find out when a Park and Rec program started. I actually just started to use Facebook professionally (always kept it social) found so many teacher groups I now lost. Trying to bring em back to listservs
[jgmac1106]We had a weekly for profit paper start up in town. I tried to pitch them on a private social network but they didn't want to, and if you are in any kind of community activism you lose an important recruitment funnel
[eddie]I think it’s going on with cleverdevil’s approach right now. First, discover what it is that presents hurdles for people to leave Facebook and than find user-friendly solutions as replacements
[jgmac1106]And everyone just wants to share video. That has been biggest stumbling block for my evangelism. If they can't press button and share video it's a no go
[eddie]I think delete is so powerful, I know I’m manually deleting my stuff of Facebook rather than using Bridgy because I want to verify everything is on my site first
[jgmac1106]Been almost year now with no Facebook on phone. I occasionally access it on web but it's so clunky on Firefox for Android helped keep me off. Have to put Twitter on and off for conferences and keep LinkedIn bc that is a sales funnel for me
[jgmac1106]I quit a few months back after reading how hard it was for Emma Irwin being told how to feel by the algorithm after her husband passed away. Fell off the wagon to keep drug metaphor going
@klandwehrRecently joined the IndieWeb Slack and I feel like I’ve entered a foreign country. The words I am reading are English but at times they make no sense. The IndieWeb is just not ready for normals, but I sure hope it will be (twitter.com/_/status/977237843293720576)
[eddie][kim_landwehr] Thanks for the heads up. As you can see, Tweets that mention IndieWeb come to the Slack channel, and we definitely want to help keep the environment more welcoming to those who are new to the IndieWeb including those that might feel more overwhelmed by Technical talk. We try to keep the more technical talk to the #dev channel, but we don’t always succeed. But we continue to try 🙂 Hope we didn’t scare you away 😄
[cleverdevil]FWIW, I felt the same way when I first started [kim_landwehr]! There are a lot of terms that the community has come up with that make it hard to follow at first, and we need to be much better about making our community more approachable. The good news is that the community itself really wants to help people.
[eddie]In regards to the leaving a quit post behind on Facebook, I agree with [cleverdevil] that I don’t want to leave my account open forever, but I’m thinking something like 3-6 months of a quit post before I close it down for good is my plan. So deleting all content and stopping use within the next couple of months, but then leaving a quit post behind but removing that before the end of 2018 unless I can find a way to prevent any tagging or other ac
sebselIIRC, there was also a limit of 1000 friends... that was de benefit of 'becoming a page' (at least for the Dutch writers I know): you can have more fans.
LoqiFacebook Page is a form of identity on Facebook that has its own profile like other identities, and a set of administrators who can take action on Facebook as the identity of that Facebook Page https://indieweb.org/Facebook_Page
[kim_landwehr]Yea I have been doing a lot of lurking here and am slowly learning about IndieWeb. (and it’s language). Still at that stage where sometimes I have a question but not sure how to ask it, or even what it is [cleverdevil]
[cleverdevil]Totally fair [kim_landwehr]! One little tip is that you can always ask for definitions of things here, and many times, our chat bot Loqi will have the answer.
LoqiPOSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, a content publishing model that starts with posting content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to 3rd party services with permashortlinks back to the original on your site https://indieweb.org/POSSE
[jeremycherfas][kim_landwehr] I am a relative newcomer too and can confirm that every here is extremely friendly and helpful. #dev can be difficult but lurking there I learn a lot just by osmosis.
[manton][tantek] Just catching up... Yeah, Brent quit Twitter for about a year and deleted everything, then decided to join again. He has been posting to his own microblog too lately (https://micro.inessential.com) but not strictly POSSE, I don't think.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "trending" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "trending is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiTrends is a feature on social media silos that shows the some of the most popular hashtags (AKA Trending hashtags), links, news articles, words, or phrases that are being used or cited in posts, and have been criticized on Facebook & Twitter for being manipulated by bots and/or showing conspiracy theories at the top https://indieweb.org/trends
[kevinmarks]The other kind of tombstoning may make sense for Facebook, given the profiling issue - before you quit, scramble your metadata so they the profiling is worthless. Move to Schenectady, get younger or older, like only herring and shoe polish, you get the idea.
snarfedbridgy is fine with everything mentioned there. it already only handles public data, and you already have to re auth it with FB every 2 mos or so.
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-03-23.html
snarfedoh there may well be. these are just very early PR statements. the actual implemented policies are still a ways off, and will probably change more
LoqiA scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track, including concert recordings or DJ sets) or podcast that you have listened to https://indieweb.org/music
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "musician" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "musician is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantekmusician is someone who creates music typically by playing instruments though sometimes by electronic sequencing, and is often a composer of said music too.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "statebus" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "statebus is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Syncthing" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Syncthing is ____", a sentence describing the term)
@fcholletThe problem with Facebook is not *just* the loss of your privacy and the fact that it can be used as a totalitarian panopticon. The more worrying issue, in my opinion, is its use of digital information consumption as a psychological control vector. Time for a thread (twitter.com/_/status/976563870322999296)
@fcholletThese two trends overlap at the level of the algorithms that shape our digital content consumption. Opaque social media algorithms get to decide, to an ever-increasing extent, which articles we read, who we keep in touch with, whose opinions we read, whose feedback we get (twitter.com/_/status/976564511858597888)
@fcholletIntegrated over many years of exposure, the algorithmic curation of the information we consume gives the systems in charge considerable power over our lives, over who we become. By moving our lives to the digital realm, we become vulnerable to that which rules it -- AI algorithms (twitter.com/_/status/976565165922512897)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "sarcastic" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "sarcastic is ____", a sentence describing the term)
@fcholletIntegrated over many years of exposure, the algorithmic curation of the information we consume gives the systems in charge considerable power over our lives, over who we become. By moving our lives to the digital realm, we become vulnerable to that which rules it -- AI algorithms (twitter.com/_/status/976565165922512897)
[kevinmarks]Fchollet makes some good points, then falls for the fundamental attribution error at the end with his Facebook evil, Google good conclusion.
tantekskippy not sure of any visitor log viewing features that make that easy without coding - perhaps there's folks in #indieweb-dev that have done that?
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "wordpress jetpack" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "wordpress jetpack is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiJetpack is an opensource WordPress plugin that adds many site management tools including visitor stats, security services, performance improvements, and syndication options https://indieweb.org/Jetpack
tantekfor example, I've never used Google analytics myself, nothing compelling enough for me to do so on https://indieweb.org/Google_Analytics#Features (added a stub / screenshots needed), and their own website google.com/analytics shows ZERO screenshots also, just a bunch of stock art of smiling/serious people + laptops and marketing microcopy
skippy"Google Analytics Solutions offer marketing analytics products for businesses of all sizes to better understand your customers. " It's very much a biz oriented solution.
skippyfor regular users, something like an open source log parser will work fine to show them what content is most popular, and who theri primary sources of incoming links are.
skippyi understand the distinction you're making. Yes, as a long-time open source contributor, I tend to conflate "user" with someone a little more in the thick of it than you're thinking of, based on your response.
skippyi mean, if you're going to go through the trouble of setting up a micropub endpoint with indieauth login and webmentions, then you're likely not going to be too scared to install piwik or awstats or similar.