petermolnarI had interesting experiences with registrars myself, one of them really didn't want to give me the number required for a .eu domain to be transferred, because I didn't specify a reason
petermolnarthe deeper you dig into domains, the worse it looks, but nobody was able to come up with any alternative that has the same benefits without the issues (root servers, registrars, ICANN, can only be rented, can be confiscated, etc)
catsup, tantek__, eureka and jeremycherfas joined the channel
[kimberlyhirsh]Follow up to my conversation with [jgmac1106] about where all the librarians are - you're right, it IS Facebook. They're gathering in groups - I found one for the Comics & Graphic Novels interest group, one for the Game Round Table, and one for Teen Librarians. The American Library Association launches the new version of their own social software today. I'll be interested to see if people come back to it. (It was a ghost town for the past fe
jgmac1106[kimberlyhirsh] It is the same for almost every professional teaching and research organization over the last five years. They have all migrated from listservs to facebook. I have been part of major social newotk building efforts of NCTE, ILA, and the Litracy Reseacrh Association, all failed
jgmac1106[wiobyrne] and I spent three years rebuilding the Literacy Research Association website in Drupal using only open media, and created publishing pathways for conference materials to be openly liscened. Board rejected our efforts and with a a pid page builder and we now have a broken listserv
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "pid page builder" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "pid page builder is ____", a sentence describing the term)
jgmac1106All of the efforts to create new silos as “member beniftis” is wrong. I don’t think anything will chnage until we get open advocates into leadership positions
jgmac1106It was typo. Paid page builder. They use a service called memberclicks. It is lame. I treid to expalin they are spending $1,000s on basically a database that probably cost pennies a month to run
jgmac1106I want to move to a membership recruitment model where professors, teaxhers, librarians are encouraged to work in the open and people join to support their org and not because its the only way to get on an emaillistserv
[jgmac1106]Also brings me back to [chrisaldrich] from Ghost. Something is bothering it about me. Came off that Open Source will always be a tool of the elite
jeremycherfasNot at all. Really very good indeed. Both of you were really good at pretending to know less than you actually know, which is really important.
jeremycherfasBecause it encourages people who want to know more to listen. If you already know everything about a topic, that's fine. If you know very little, people who assume you know more can be offputting.
jeremycherfasYes. Most of the time. So, for example, although both of them know perfectly well how OAuth works, they asked one another questions about rel-me and redirects and stuff like that, which made it a lot easier for someone like me to stay with them and learn new things.
ZegnatGlad you liked it. Jeena also really wanted the audience to be his podcast audience, and not indieweb-folks or programmers per se, so that definitely came through in the questions and answers
jgmac1106[cweiske] It is the Golden rule of writing (and podcasting) assume your audience knows nothing. Define all key terms, use real life metaphors when possible. Goal should be to always reduce the inferential reasoning required
Loqiskippy: pstuifzand left you a message 8 hours, 41 minutes ago: I use nginx-proxy as the thing to bring everything together. My microsub server runs on microsub subdomain and /microsub path.
jmacHowdy gang. I see that exists, and seems to pooh-pooh the notion of using rel="nofollow" at all, relegating it as something only greedy silos do. However...
jmacWhen I describe Webmention to technically apt friends, they insist that of course I'll wanna add rel="nofollow" to any mentions I publish on my own site, in order to discourage being used as a link-farm. And that makes sense to me, too.
ZegnatMy thoughts: if people are spamming to your page, that should be caught in moderation and not be automatically be added on your page at all. If a comment is ontopic, why add nofollow?
ZegnatI mean, it depends. But if you are pulling in replies and displaying them as comments below your own posts, you should treat these as comments. Imagine you are running WordPress with native comments, are you moderating those? If the answer is yes, maybe consider some form of moderation for webmentions too.
ZegnatThis issue of moderating and spam filtering webmentions comes up every once in a while. But I am not sure anyone is actually building something to address it, because webmentions simply haven’t reached that critical mass yet.
jmacI feel called to help think about wm moderation somehow, because I want to think about repsonses to my blog as letters to the editor, and (re-)publish them with at least a modicum of editorial mindfulness. But currently, I ain't doing that at all and just printing whatever I'm fed, wheee (which is not awesome)
petermolnaris there a page on the wiki already collecting these (spam, offensive avatars, p-name used for spam/offense, etc) regarding either webmention or pingback/trackback?
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "webmention-brainstorm" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "webmention-brainstorm is ____", a sentence describing the term)
jgmac1106[petermolnar] my issues were more with micropub. According to (atleast first three tests) my Known site works, I don’t know why webmentions from Twitter stopped but that might be because I was a paid convoy user
jmacAnyway. I guess my first stab at thinking about this with my hands would involve replacing my completely naive webmention-publishing crontask with a simple manual moderation tool.
jmacI could see expanding these Wordpress verbs of approve/disapprove/trash/spam with "always allow source" and "always deny source". (And then you'd need to be able to tend to your allow/deny lists whenever you'd like, of course...)
jmacI'd love to see Webmention spam end up a Y2K-type problem. :) (We work hard to prevent it before it arrives, so it never arrives, leaving all to wonder forever if the work was even worth doing)
[chrisaldrich]On the issue of Webmention and Akismet, I know GWG was talking to their team a year or more ago to be able to better filter it, but don't know where it got/ended up.
todrobbins, gRegorLove, friedcell1, snarfed, chimo, KartikPrabhu, [wiobyrne] and marclaporte joined the channel
[jgmac1106]Just listened to Jeena's was a great listen. Bonus: I won't misspell @sknebel anymore after hearing it. Such a good #indieweb 101 podcast
LoqiAs someone who is discovering or should I say rediscovering the Indieweb I often find myself feeling like a stranger in a strange land. Where people are speaking a language where the words are familiar, but the meanings are not. I find myself doing ...
AngeloGladding, KartikPrabhu, ajft, friedcell, wolftune, todrobbins, mblaney, snarfed, ajft1 and strugee joined the channel; friedcell left the channel