#ZegnatI just have an intense hatred for time zones, adding DST doesn’t help, ha. Recently set the clock on my laptop to display UTC time instead.
#@voxpelliTrue in so many cases and is one of the core principles within @indiewebcamp – diversity and plurality creates and ensures an innovative and open ecosystem while the current mono-culture of a few big companies stifles the very same – to the loss of everyone else (twitter.com/_/status/999203983993516032)
#sherabGoodday all. Question: buying domain name & registering it - are they two different things? and if so can i buy domain name from one company and resiter it with another???
#ZegnatBut you may have gotten your domain and hosting from the same company, and if you have, they will normally offer a single control panel that lets you set it up.
#sherabno i haven't i bought a domain name with a company that i got so confused that unfortunately i had to request a refund. which is a pitty because they seemed like a small company and i like supporting small companies- freedns.
#ZegnatIf you do not have them from the same company, you will have to login to where you manage your domain name, and look for where you can configure the DNS settings. The company that does your hosting can tell you which DNS rules you need to point a domain at them
#sherabZegnat: thanks man. I am cleare now [i think] i am ceratinly getting closer. tot ziens
#petermolnarclarification: managing the domain vs managing the DNS entries are different things; the latter could happen on your server, but it definitely needs a static IP and a DNS server. Managing the domain is a process with a registrar, the company who is allowed to talk to the tld (top level domain name, eg. .com) owners about the domain you want to deal with.
#LoqiDNS is an abbreviation for Domain Name Server and often used to refer to the configuring thereof https://indieweb.org/DNS
#petermolnarsome registrar companies allow you to point the DNS server entries for a domain out of their own company; so, for example, you could run your own DNS server or use another provider for this (I use DigitalOcean)
#sherabpetermolnar: thanks for this clarification. trying to understand how the web functions is like walking on a a very thin and not so tight rope...
#LoqiA personal domain is a domain name that you personally own, control, and use to represent yourself on the internet https://indieweb.org/domain_name
#schmartysherab: in this case, it's not you. twitter made some updates in the last two days or so that broke the ability for indieauth to find links from your profile. :[
#sheraboh thank goodnes - i really feel so stupid - when i get these kind of replies i naturally assume i am missing something very obvious...
#petermolnarsherab: do you have a github account? That still seems to work.
snarfed, margeas, tbbrown, marclaporte, markong, [miklb], marclaporte1, [keithjgrant], wolftune, maingo, [eddie], nitot, leg, jgmac1106_, freescholar, jmelesky, chrisaldrich, KartikPrabhu, renem and [tantek] joined the channel
#jgmac1106_going through and adding an RSS bot to each channel in Slack that I us in class, then I get the joys of teaching everyone to include a category for each module,
tglobe and freescholar joined the channel
#@klandwehrNote to self before trying to participate in the Virtual Homebrew Website Club, learn how Mumble works and have a working mic. Because then when people ask you a question you are not shouting in mid air to no one. Although I did enjoy listening to it. @jeremycherfas (twitter.com/_/status/999346439464595458)
#jeremycherfasI really appreciated you trying, and was pretty frustrated that you weren't able to take part actively. Maybe next time ...
marcthiele, marcthiele1, marclaporte1 and wolftune joined the channel
#sonicrocketmanHey all, shameless plug, but I just released a new RSS Reader and Microblog client called Pine! I'd love your feedback. https://pine.blog
[grantcodes], [jeremycherfas] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
#aaronpksonicrocketman: very cool! Did you consider Micropub support so that people can use it to post to their sites?
#sonicrocketmanI have. The v1.0 is Wordpress only, but I do want to include MicroPub and Pine-hosted blogs in the future. It's on my feature list for sure.
#sonicrocketmanI also plan to include things like rel=subscribe links in the search results, since they're free for all to use. That way other people with their own feed readers can subscribe directly from Pine.
#sherabquestion: if i post something directly to facebook/twitter etc - the material belongs to them and i have no rights to it anymore?? but if i POSSE the material remains mine and FB/twitter etc have no rights to it, I retain the rights??
#sherabanother question: why does my name as well as the name of sonicrocketman appear in red but normal whereas the names of sentel and snarfed appear bold?
#sonicrocketmansherab they're mods or voiced probably, we're just plebs :P
#aaronpkI'm pretty sure Facebook and twitter don't claim any kind of ownership over what you post there, but you do grant them a license to do a lot of things with that data. That wouldn't change whether you post it there natively or use an API
#sherabbut POSSE with a permalink does not allow them to use the material??
#sherabi have seen a video of on of the co-founder and was impressed by him but I would like to hear what is the heart purpose of indieweb
#aaronpkafaik there is no way to post something to twitter or FB that does not also grant them the rights to use the content
#aaronpkwhere did you read about this POSSE with permalink being some sort of special licensing thing?
#LoqiThe IndieWeb is a community of individual personal websites, connected by simple standards, based on the principles of owning your domain, using it as your primary identity, to publish on your own site (optionally syndicate elsewhere), and own your data https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb
#sherabaaronpk - it felt as this is the implicit meaning of POSSE - I felt that the idea of retaining control over one's own content is the heart of indieweb
#aaronpkSure that's true, but that doesn't translate to somehow twitter and Facebook having different rights over your content
#sherabok that's fine - i just thought taking back control over the internet intended on giving us the people more protection from how the silos are using our content
#KartikPrabhusherab: if you have silo accounts you likely already agreed to their ToS. Not much anyone can do about that
#sherabKartikPrabhu ok. I read an article with Jaron Lanier - who highly recommmended to stop all social media activities
#KartikPrabhuif you follow that recommendation it would include POSSE too
#sherabBut not necessarily indieweb - which is after all a network of blogs - that are not designed to create adiction in our mind but to enhance our humanity. ??
#KartikPrabhuI am not sure if people design their blogs to not be addictive :P
#KartikPrabhubut indieweb is not one entity. there is not ToS. you post on your blog so you do as you please
#sherabok - i clicked the log in ; a page with indieauth appears; i added my website i clicked on the green buttoon with my github.username to autenticate with the provider ; i am directed to the irc-people page again and it says log in in the top right