sherabonce i have a domain name i need a host - the host will host my index.html[I am a beginner!] and the domain name will point peoplel to my index.html on my host server?
jeremycherfasSo you need to pick a host; there are so many of them, with such different offerings, that it would help to know how much you want to do yourself, and can, or whether ytou want the host to manage everything for you.
jeremycherfasIt sounds as if a small VPS would be fine for you. A lot of people like Linode or Digital Ocean for that, but there are plenty of other options.
jeremycherfasIt does not need to be at all bloated or cumbersome. Static site generators like Hugo and Jekyll are quite lean. But they are not good for easy interaction via webmentions, micropub and so on.
jeremycherfasNo, the CMS is more than that. It can take care of things like commenting and webmentions, and athorisation. You can also do all that yourself.
jeremycherfasI do use WP a bit on a couple of my sites, but not the main sites. And you will get a lot of help here with WP. For a simple start, you could also look at WithKnown, which has a lot of indieweb goodness right out of the box.
sherabso not wanting to take much mor eof your time - in conclusion: 1. get a host Linode or Digital Ocean 2. Get the CSM WithKNown 3.Upload my index.html 4.connect to indieweb with my website . correct?
petermolnarsherab: no-ip is a dynamic ip to hostname provider, correct? If you plan to host on a dynamic address, you can still have a real domain name, but then you'll need to take care of switching the IP yourself. This is doable via digitalocean: they have an API for changes. If you set the DNS TLL low enough, it will be reasonably responsive, but there is a chance that after the IP switch your site won't be reachable for a while until the cha
petermolnar1. domain. A domain name is an entry that points to an IP address. Dynamic DNS providers like no-ip allows residential clients, who's internet facing IP address is not fixed - meaning it can change when you restart your connection to the provider - to have a subdomain pointed at them, so will always point at the user who registers with that, rather than an IP that can shift from one user to another.
petermolnarif you want you own domain - say,, or something like that - you'll need to register it and point it to an IP. Because the IP might shift, you'll need a provider who allows changes from a client to the DNS entry to keep it up with the potential IP shifts
petermolnaralternatively, you can get a virtual machine with a static IP, a co-lo box (you bring a machine in to a provider, pay, get a static IP), or a static IP from you ISP if it's possible - this is usually only for business customers
jeremycherfasThanks petermolnar I wasn't getting the subtlety of what no-ip did. But something like that would be esential if sherab wanted to host their site on a Pi, right?
jgmac1106[sherab] you can take your html file and throw it into a web editor like https;// or You can see waht it looks like.
petermolnar2. so, indieweb. To be part of "indieweb", you need your website, and that's it. It gets trickier when you plan to interact with other websites, and I'd suggest to start here:
jgmac1106you follow those instructions and you can have your index file up on the web in no time. [chrisaldrich] [wiobyrne] are organizing a Virtual Homebrew Website Club May 30th at 11:30 am UTC if that time zone works
petermolnarsherab: in short, to accept/send webmentions, a static html is not enough on it's own, but there are services which can do it for you, which can be used with static site generators. Alternatively, you can use a CMS, like Known or WordPress, which are not static sites, and can deal with these kind of interactions, but they both require a bit more maintenance. You always have the option of a hosted service, meaning someone will set the w
sherabpetermolnar: 1. in Hexchat IRC i can start a person's name and press tab and they become mentioned - is there an equivelent in the indieweb web chat ? 2. what does brb stands for?
sherab_its amazing. i actually feel a little sad i will never be able to be contributing the way you guys do - as in beign active supporters of beginners
jgmac1106anytime [shreab] andlike [petermolnar] said get a website and you have #indieweb but to see a list of folks who have a shared vision of a better web check this out (and add youself later)
[Natris1979][jgmac1106] I appreciate the slack integration. Not that I am a huge fan of slack, but I have to have in running for work anyway so it keeps things simple
[eddie], snarfed, KartikPrabhu, tbbrown, [Vanessa], wolftune, jmelesky and sherab joined the channel
[Natris1979][Sherab] if you want to add HTTPS later, make sure you set your site to point to rather than, that will make your life easier
sherab[Natris1979]: funny i just did this and it says Unavailable for your site because your domain is not properly configured to support HTTPS (
[Natris1979][Sherab] hmm... did you setup the DNS to have point to as a CNAME? I think that's important for some reason
[Natris1979]KartPrabhu: Nothing in my experience, but GitHub pages seems to require the DNS for the site to be set up via a CNAME which you can't do for your root domain. I don't quite understand why it works that way
[Natris1979][Sherab] Looks like on FreeDNS you click on "Domains" on the left, then click on "[Manage]" for your domain, then click on and create a CNAME record that points to Then do the same for (without www)