dgoldusing a .io domain is the same as using a hypothetical .palestine domain in the control of the IDF, or a .tibet domain in the control of the chinese, or a .jewish domain in the control of the nazis
^OvO^, pindonga, OriO, friedcell, catsup, bjoern, OreiO, calumryan, adactio, ScalaWilliam_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
jgmac1106!tell jalcine we could use indieweb.xyz for #indiewebpoetry for now just tagging all my relevant poetry stuff indiewebpoetry so anybody could find it regardless of service
skippyanother related question: for people who POSSE notes (to Twitter, for example), do they include these notes in their feed? Do they use a dedicated feed separate from their longer-form article posts?
aaronpkFor now, I just click through to the original post to see the conversation. For Twitter, micro.blog, Mastodon, and anyone's website that shows more than one level of reply it works fine
aaronpkNow that I have this infrastructure I can start experimenting with some things. For example I want to be able to click on a post/tweet and see all replies to that and follow it for any replies that come in later
aaronpkI haven't decided if i want those to come in the same stream as the rest of the channel or if i want to have to click and see it in a different timeline
aaronpkYeah I haven't built that out very much yet. I'll probably add a photo upload at some point but I don't see a lot of reason to completely recreate Quill inside Monocle
[eddie]skippy: I also am planning on adding conversation support to the Full Post view in Indigenous for iOS, just not the top priority right now. But it’s definitely on the list
[eddie]aaronpk: I'm planning on starting on the client-side. I have a local xray, so my plan is to just ping my local xray when you go to conversation view and then fill in the details. etc
[eddie]Because xray supports both Twitter and mf2 and micro.blog replies support mf2, so with Xray parsing I should be able to build in: Twitter, Micro.blog and IndieWeb conversations
[eddie]Because I'm so active on micro.blog and conversation threads are important to that, so it's pretty high on my priority list (after finishing up follow improvements, etc)
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-07-06.html
stevestrezaTuned in during some of IWS and started lurking in here around then, while I get my updated website finished that should at least cover some indieweb basics