#indieweb 2018-07-07

2018-07-07 UTC
[kim_landwehr] joined the channel
[eddie] I’ve added the json feed for photo and book discovery from micro.blog to Indigenous (yeah) but when I try to do a reply I keep getting a status code 404 error is there anything I should look for on my end?
wolftune, [cleverdevil], freescholar, [chrisaldrich], eli_oat, renem and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell [kim_landwehr] when you tap the reply icon, type a reply and tap the post button, then it attempts to send the reply post and it returns a 404 error? Or the feed itself is giving a 404 error?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
kicks, snarfed, tantek, _200ok_, wolftune, barpthewire, iasai, ^O__O^, pindonga, iasai_, catsup and jgmac1106_ joined the channel
mornign indieweb
^O__O^ joined the channel
good morning
hope all is well sven
We still need a venue for I#IndieWebCamp New York City Sept 14-16 or Sept 27-29th. Three rooms, projector in each. Probably around 30 people. Co-Sponsor this great event with us or donate your space. Also on: https://is.gd/Sl5VBN
@kevinmarks give @jeffjarvis a gentle nudge that the @cunyjschool should co-sponsor and host #IndieWebCamp NYC Sept 14th-16th or 27th-29th. If that doesn't work a hard push is fine too Also on: https://is.gd/JCNsV2
eli_oat and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Hey I have been collecting data for UX research with the the #IndieWeb WordPress community, but want to do a study on vocabulary and learning. Be  fun to contrast adult learning and youth learning #IndieWeb and Scratch Also on: https://is.gd/hnGDza
↩️ Hey I have been collecting data for UX research with the the #IndieWeb WordPress community, but want to do a study on vocabulary and learning. Be  fun to contrast adult learning and youth learning #IndieWeb and Scratch (http://jgregorymcverry.com/4076-2/)
[jgmac1106], hadvanx7 and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
!tell [eddie] the first, when I tap the reply icon, type a reply and tap the post button I get a 404 error. The url I use to log into Indigenous is not connected to micro.blog, could that be the problem?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
markoong, ^O__O^, sivoais, marclaporte and snarfed joined the channel
Made some progress on the #IndieWEB IES #literacies grant. Hoping to fork  new social readers into a powerful headless lms driven by individual student blogs. ... https://is.gd/aj7nu4
Made some progress on the #IndieWEB IES #literacies grant. Hoping to fork  new social readers into a powerful headless lms driven by individual student blogs. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rAk8tEZ_OHMjAJbBdrKFdktQI0sC6Lzrbt8eBuLt8yk/edit?usp=sharing (http://jgregorymcverry.com/4078-2/)
↩️ Splendid work! The focus on #IndieWeb is timely- lots to do with decentralization and self-generated content and design. If learning is not an equivalent of attainment, then we are onto something! #liteacires #edchat
apparently I forgot to check in to this coffee shop 2 years ago. swarm said it was the first time I was here but I was like no i've definitely been here before.
figured out the date I was here by looking at my accounting records
then checked my website and swarm and sure enough I had just completely forgotten to check in
can't retroactively check in on swarm that far back, but I sure can on my website!
wolftune joined the channel
hah funny
OriO and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell [kim_landwehr] I’m gonna move this conversation to #dev just to move the debugging conversation off the main channel 🙂
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
marclaporte and ^O__O^ joined the channel
Wrote a little thing about the #indieweb and politics: Being the change isn’t enough. https://ascraeus.org/being-the-change-isn-t-enough/
BrAsS_mO-, Salt, ludovicchabant, yar, wolftune and davidmead joined the channel
↩️ Yep! https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieauth That's annoying that http://wordpress.org doesn't have a link to the GitHub source.
Nevermind, I did it
freescholar joined the channel
freescholar and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[snarfed], freescholar and chrisaldrich joined the channel
Ran across this upcoming DomainCamp event this morning: https://extend-domains.ecampusontario.ca/camp/
It's geared toward educators, but is open to the general public and some here may find it interesting/useful.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Howdy, IndieWeb 🙂
gooood morning
morning cleverdevil
o/ cleverdevil
[manton], [dgold], tonzyl and davidmead joined the channel
dougbeal|mb1, seekr, ^O__O^, snarfed, leg, freescholar, wolftune and freescholar2 joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
snarfed has 314 karma in this channel (395 overall)
oboy i'm gonna have a loooot of feeds to move
Is granary.io going away?
aaronpk, I guess it's not just Aperture your talking about?
I have a bunch of things on *.p3k.io domains
Is there a move away from .io ?
skippy has 7 karma in this channel (11 overall)
[indienews] New post: "Microsub and the new reader evolution" https://skippy.net/microsub-and-the-new-reader-evolution/ (from https://aaronparecki.com/2018/07/07/29/)
eventually i need to add webmention support...
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
i fully understand the motivation to not buy new .io domains; but deferring from using ones already paid for doesnt really do much about the issue, it seems to me.
if domains were a one-time purchase I would agree
iasai joined the channel
sure. i meant, but failed to articulate, that stopping the use immediately doesnt do much good, but certainly not renewing does.
[eddie] joined the channel
Yeah, I don’t think anyone will turn off the servers today, but it’s kind of like “depreciated” things in software terms. Making the new available ASAP to give people a time period to switch over
[manton] joined the channel
For existing .io domains, you also have to balance this with breaking URLs. I'll probably renew mine for a little while and redirect them where it makes sense.
yeah exactly. thankfully most of the use of my p3k.io is applications rather than URLs with content, so that's a little easier to deal with. webmention.io is going to be a trick though, and probably will take a few years to fully move off it without making a bunch of people suddenly mad.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Whew, made it to the airport.
aaronpk: shouldn't a permanent redirect header for a while help with that?
freescholar2 joined the channel
redirects on webmention endpoints are ... iffy.
Have a good flight, [cleverdevil]!
[snarfed] joined the channel
(granary.io isn't going anywhere anytime soon either)
KartikPrabhu: yeah most webmention clients will just fail if the endpoint returns a redirect. basically I have to have a long-term migration plan and get everyone to move their endpoints over time.
kind of like what I have to do with indieauth.com too
[aaronpk] Do you have a new name picked for webmention.io yet? Just curious.
[aaronpk] #78 rename the project?
#NamingIsHard 😔
boek and wolftune joined the channel
I've never recognized "io" as an abbreviation for input/output anyway. That's "I/O".
Even if it were, and even if it weren't someone's country code, it still wouldn't make sense. Compare: MIT (educational), EFF (non-profit org), GitHub (commercial), GitHub (input/output). One of these things is not like the others.
It's these very defects that make commercial use of .io edgy, and appealing to a certain crowd.
pierrolunaire, [manton], wolftune and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
An independent web doesn't necessarily mean an open web. Thinking about private sites and networks for groups, families, personal use. #indieweb #justathought
eli_oat joined the channel
open web does not mean public web either
KapiX joined the channel