jgmac1106_its not on purpose, if I am replying to stuff on Twitter I use brid.gy, been using SNAP iif doing replies to other sites and syndicating that to twitter
@jgmac1106Congrats and especially if your birthday post was your first.
Matt I came to the same conclusion, for a long time I just did my IndieWeb stuff from a subdomain using @withknown, been all-in on WordPress for a few months now. If you want turnkey ... https://is.gd/QXy9RN (twitter.com/_/status/1016864805968404480)
tantek__34 hours until MozFest 2018 AMA on Twitter (join by hashtagging posts with #mozfest) at 2018-07-12 09:00 EDT (13:00 UTC, 06:00 PDT). cc: adactio benwerd calumryan grantcodes tommorris
GWGpfefferle, I am working to rewrite the Micropub plugin using the REST API. snarfed doesn't have as much experience and implied he might want someone to review the PR who is more familiar with Wordpress. Would you be able to look if needed?
I didn't find one, but I don't use plugins that are 2-3 versions out of date. I am sure many will still work, why not just do it manually with an html widget? I did add a webring specifically for WordPress IndieWeb people you ... https://is.gd/ivx7SE (twitter.com/_/status/1017019012344176640)
[jgmac1106]thinking about how easy an IndieWeb FlipGrid approach would be looking at how indiewebnews and indieweb.xyz syndicate, especially all micro.blog microcast
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "FlipGrid" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "FlipGrid is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[chrisaldrich], aalmazan, snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
@wiobyrne↩️ I think that would fit the bill. I've been researching it a bit more to showcase pubs on my site. Depending on the population, I would focus on domain of one's own (#DoOO), #IndieWeb and Hypothesis ( @hypothes_is That's my intersection currently. (twitter.com/_/status/1017097085416591360)
chrisaldrichDo any social silos have features/functionality for temporarily cloaking/404ing one's account when they become the target of unwanted attention or harassment?
chrisaldrichOn one's own website they could temporarily turn things off, but I don't think many social silos would allow it (or allow it retroactively upon major traffic spikes)
[wiobyrne]Good question Chris. This is something that is a necessity if/when things get hostile and trollish. People will want a want to have some amount of control, or recourse if things go sideways.
chrisaldrichInstagram and Twitter will allow you to switch your account to "private" in some sense, but knowing you're a potential target then becomes the problem to solve.
[wiobyrne]I'd also think about those people that receive bad news, or a death in the family. Social media (Facebook) pulls that content into reminders for better or worse after the fact. I can only imagine if that gummed up the works in your mentions.
[wiobyrne]Good points sketchess. We're hooked on a drug that is bad for us. Each week in my newsletter I keep researching and writing stories that boil down to the same message..."this stuff is bad for us...when will we learn."
[wiobyrne]I wonder if 20 years from now we'll look at movies and tv where people use social networks and we'll think...oh, that was so silly...In much of the same way that we (I) look at people smoking on tv and movies.
@jgmac1106I am not at #CMK18 but making in spirit as I hack way at my own blog with #Indieweb love and then work with #NHV teachers to utilize GIS in the classroom and to design role playing avatars to teach sourcing skills.
Also on: https://is.gd/PKFnbx (twitter.com/_/status/1017113158346035210)
[wiobyrne]I called it a drug because of the negative effects, or as you suggested it is a "waste of time." And yet, we continue to be hooked on it. Some of us more than others.
sketchessIsn't it sadly hilarious that articles targeting that topic even exist. I gave up to even maybe consider trying to use a lazy making service provider. I am not chearing for their programers and maintainers. In my eyes they did a bad job. To use their stuff remains a pain. Just like so.
[jgmac1106]yes @sketchess, figured a good medium between the use of post kinds and the visual navigation I wanted, have some tweaks to make but at least have a recommendation I can use with my students that uses an IndieWeb theme without stripping away all design autonomy
sketchessI still think, Pia still deserves more than just getting a voice. And I still don't wanna rely on javascrit to make it happen. But she never will become like a chat bot thingy.
[kevinmarks]Re looking back on social networks, in Connie Willis's time travel novels, the future people have given up mobile phones entirely and there is a big taboo about even mentioning them
snarfed, jackjamieson, [eddie] and freescholar joined the channel
@Paul_Kinlan↩️ If I was a blogger or on the indieweb, I'd be making sure I add share targets too all of the places I publish my own content, so that it's incredibly simple to share from native silos out to the web again. (twitter.com/_/status/1017170728796516353)
kicksdougbeal: i see all of your webmentions coming in and being processed correctly (there is a log) so i think you ran into the cache - there can be a few minute delay due to nginx cache settings
snarfed, [jgmac1106] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel