#indieweb 2018-07-18

2018-07-18 UTC
IndieWebCamp SF / #DWeb Hackers Day – Tantek (https://crw.moe/b/Xs)
[matpacker] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://amp.fastcompany.com/90202172/why-bad-technology-dominates-our-lives-according-to-don-norman?__indieweb_impression=true" to the "See Also" section of /principles https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=50102&oldid=49039
[manton], [chrisaldrich], benwerd and [eddie] joined the channel
ALA tells me that the article will post Thursday morning at 10:30am ish (I'm presuming Pacific time).
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Awesome! Congrats!
marclaporte joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: that is a nice cartoon
[chrisaldrich] what is the metaphor of a batter hitting to a racket? Different kinds of blogging platform (sports) playing together? I think it passes Taft test
boek and freescholar joined the channel
chrisaldrich++ nice illustration, You drew it?
chrisaldrich has 62 karma in this channel (97 overall)
chrisaldrich: how about a salmention illustration? >;)
I think ALA has an artist who draws their "cover" illustrations for each article
What is ALA
It looks like we don't have a page for "ALA" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ALA is ____", a sentence describing the term)
A list apart
I thought it was the American Library Association
[miklb], mblaney, boek, eli_oat, Guest10825, renem, jgmac1106, [matpacker], tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
[dougbeal] I wish I could draw as whimsically as that... It was drawn by Dougal MacPherson
wolftune joined the channel
I'm curious if there's a way to have Twitter backfeed for an article that's published by another article come to my site even though the original will be on their site exclusively for the first couple of months of publication? (Could Brid.gy support something like this snarfed?)
Maybe with rel-canonical/rel-alternate?
Eventually I'll publish it on my own site, but most of the reactions/replies will have come and gone before I do.
And most will have the rel-canonical URL on them and not my URL which would be a rel-alternate link on the original.
PESOS with a publishing moratorium
CiKada, boek, benwerd, [miklb] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I do have the technical capability to publish on my own site and automatically redirect to the canonical version so my personally syndicated versions to Twitter will conglomerate back to my site via u-syndication, but I can't help but think about all the other reactions I'll be missing.
What would the emoji for blog roll be?
πŸ“œ Scroll πŸ’ž Revolving Hearts
benwerd, [xavierroy], wolftune, raucao, [matpacker], skippy_, Kaja____, pindonga, klez, [chrisaldrich], boek, corenomi1al, renem, eli_oat, mblaney, Guest10825, KartikPrabhu, iasai, leg, seekr, jalcine, jigawatt, botka, chkilroy, deathrow1, catsup, yar, dougbeal, ben_thatmustbeme, jjuran, gRegorLove, BrAsS_mOnKeY, DenSchub, camerongray, drkokandy, cjkinni, mlncn, danyao, cjk101010, bleb, deltab, dougbeal|imac, ballpointcarrot, Salt[m], M-hotzeplotz, JulianFoad[m], M-mxuribe, wjh1, klandwehr[m], grantcodes, ElMago[m], eli_oat[m], rrix, FergusYoung[m], petermolnar, cuibonobo[m], ludovicchabant, M0x3F[m], distopico, crasch[m], sivoais, Salt, wagle, stevestreza, GWG, oodani, milkii, R2ZER0, ScalaWilliam_, bjoern, pstuifzand, schmarty, M-DzzzzzzR, muhh[m], strk[m], pniedzielski[m], jaduncan[m], aramiscd[m], afrogeek[m], camb[m], zoglesby, edrex, garlox[m], moredhel_[m], damian11215[m], wakingrufus[m], plindner, ishj1984[m], reidab, doubleloop, treora, myfreeweb, jonnybarnes, sknebel, lmorchard, Zegnat, Anchakor, webhat, Leeky, joshproehl, aaronpk, mattl, segnior, voxpelli, bret, flaki, ancarda, sonicrocketman, taravancil, bergie, Garbee, Kongaloosh, jondashkyle, willnorris, Ruxton, romangeeko, globbot, Gargron, jeremycherfas, XgF, revstrangehope, edsu, rektide2_, PFMurph, JasonO, rektide_, dgold, rhiaro, MylesBraithwaite, andersju, daf, bear, __number5__, jmac, micro, johannh, kline, gko, initrd, elie, Jeena, dansup, dietricha_, echarlie, emceeaich and jihaisse joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Enabling two way communication with WordPress and GitHub for Issues" https://boffosocko.com/2018/03/03/enabling-two-way-communication-with-wordpress-and-github-for-issues/
pindonga joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Setting up WordPress for IndieWeb use" https://boffosocko.com/2018/04/27/setting-up-wordpress-for-indieweb-use/
nunoNunas, catsup, chrisaldrich and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
Loqi and IndieNews, it's not really news if it's a slightly updated post from a few months back...
Goodnight Gracie...
buenas noches
γŠγ‚„γ™γΏ Loqi
good morning indieweb
KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Morning IndieWeb
[davross] joined the channel
Hi IndieWeb folks! I'm a Mozilla Rep and MozFest wrangler, based in London UK. I was suggested to come in here to bring the opportunity to join us for the 9th annual Mozilla Festival (MozFest), October 26-29..
The reason it's important TODAY is that there is now only 2 weeks left to send us a session proposal. With themes along the Internet Health:
- privacy & security
- decentralization
- web literacy
- digital inclusion
- openness
@davidross folks are already planning a session submission
..along with Youth Zone, and Queering Mozfest - I'm sure you can see why I'm reaching out to you, the IndieWeb community to add your voice to our truly global community.
in that case some encouragement! πŸ˜‰
There are a few alumni space wranglers hanging around
I was in 2016, but HD to decline. The co-organizer of HWC Baltimore was a web lit wrangler
Some important linkage then perhaps:
Apply by August 1: https://mozillafestival.org/proposals
More from me: https://medium.com/p/eb04f45dcbc5
More from Decentralization space: https://medium.com/p/452ac084c3e4
I think [kevinmarks] and [calum] are leading up efforts for the session. There will also be some IndieWeb stuff organized by London crew around Mozfest I think
And tell Kevin to stop using Medium and publish from Mozilla blog
aha Calum has been to my London MozCoffee. He a top guy!
Nothing like decentralized web articles published on a silo
Hee hee, kidding of course (not really)
Some folks are even hanging in EU until IndieWeb Berlin. If you are in place to do the same you should try
Agreed. I've been moving my static site stuff to Gitlab, but was not ready in time for my article. This is why we need folks like you there!! Tantek is doing his bit. I'm brainwashing everyone on Mastodon/ActivityPub stuff.
Pretty cool. I miss Planets.
Also note you can submit more than one proposal. I'd also err on the side of real human impactful outcomes. A lot of people are suffering today, out there in the world. And many of us no longer wish to be hypothesising - instead connecting and building real actionables.
misses Planets too
You a right Loqi RSS and MoFo blogs, those were the days
We have some ways to play with Fediverse but thx for being a wrangler
I'm going to stay in here too as I really need to start allocating time to expanding my knowledge in this area. Calum's meetup is usually a night of another Mozilla event so I can never go!
I may try to make it this year with Halloween later in the week. I usually have huge party, it's Halloween. Christmas for freaks and geeks
That is why I bailed when I was a wrangler. Had family surprise fly in.
This is my 2nd year in the P&S space. It's mega exhausting in truth, but hugely rewarding. We started in April.
Not sure if Fuzzy is still around but he was leading up remote participation. They should accept remote sessions
I know, most people here have been, were, or are MoFo or MoCo contributions
Oh he certainly is. He's one of my fave local core vols. Love him to bits. We actually ARE theinking about more ways to engage remotely. If you perhaps have any ideas..
* primarily next year.. but never too early start
A remote wrangler and remote sessions, if MoFo can't figure out remote participation... bigger problems
markoong joined the channel
well it's a media Uni to right so if it's likely anywhere
Check out what Virtually Connecting does, they have fun, or wait till West Coast wakes up and talk to @aaronpk
Indieweb summit and camps do remote right
I know them too. I was suggesting the model to Mozfest Production. I know it's volunteers too. Got a vol from there connected with me on Mastodon
ok see you're telling me stuff here that MATTERS.. any links to these? resources? format?
of course this is basically a Mozfest session unfolding πŸ˜†
[tantek] organized a one day hackday around DWeb conference, I will be remote participant there
yeah he suggested I ping about the CFP
But I like the VConnecting model of matching a remote and on the ground buddy, the remote sessions after keynote
The wifi would struggle. It would require MAC address from hardware supplied in advance and cabled in for stability - onsite at least.
Fuzzy used to lead up remote. Gee if only people spent time on some WebRTC standard and some platform called AirMozilla
barpthewire joined the channel
The main talks are a whole other kettle of fish as the production crew is like a truck load of decks & kit. WebRTC is being tested.
HWC is all remote. We use mumble
like right this minute tested
I've used Mumble for CCC
Again if MoFo can't figure out low bandwidth remote we will never hit D&I targets
But glad folks think about it. It's important
Hey I don't disagree. We're doing our bit each of us trying to improve it. We've new IT manager. All sorts. Actually it's the D&I call next month that will test WebRTC
Long and short there will be an IndieWeb session proposal and IndieWeb events in London around Mozfest dates and then IWC Berlin
benwerd joined the channel
Did you go to MoFo All Hands this year?
If you UK local folks wish to integrate more with Mozilla's UK community please also feel warmly invited to our event. I tried Jitsi last week and it was total pants. Mumble might be another to go for. I've added a few of Calum's meetups in our calendar. Must add his next one! https://bit.ly/mozukcommunitycal
No. I've never been to an all-hands.
~ 70 vols globally went so considering there are Mozillians registered in 121 countries I did not have my hopes up πŸ˜†
I did not either, they split from MoCo and used a closed proprietary platform
Honestly if I put in a session it would be "Make MoFo an Open Organization Again"
But if you want the reasons would have to move to #indieweb-chat
How we can do that with added servers requirement would be music to my ears.
Sorry just woke up. Have my first jaded moments before coffee
* without added server
Not added server return to principles of Manifesto
Ohh chat, no that is off the record channel of https://chat.indieweb.org
It doesn't get archived and considered off record
Hey Greg this is starting to get very very cool, but I do need to dash. We are not closed to these conversations. People like me as a volunteer are a valuable test bed for ideas and connecting with people the open web like you all right here. I'm here to learn from your deep knowledge.
If you wish to talk more we can jump on the phone sometime or my email is davross@protonmail.com and on mastodon https://mastodon.social/@david_ross
enjoy that coffee! I will likely be about later today πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ
I am on same instance as well
Talk soon, thx for volunteering
[tantek], deathrow1 and deathrow1|absnt joined the channel
Loving all the other languages mentioning webmentions. English Only Web Ain't an Open Web
leg, wolftune, [xavierroy], jgmac1106, [jgmac1106] and joeld joined the channel; leg left the channel
Discussing tags and categories with 2016-Indieweb theme (http://jgregorymcverry.com/4667-2/)
[kim_landwehr], ramkrishna and [manton] joined the channel
sorry i missed the convo on /NeoCities yesterday. i updated the page w/ some deets of an improv project i'm involved in. we have a neocities site w/ a very simple glitch.com-powered micropub endpoint.
you do have to pay for the custom domain support, which kind of puts neocities out of the running for "no-cost indieweb"
snarfed joined the channel
Welcome [don_c] [schmarty] sorry didn't make it to Baltimore on this trip. Need to see the improve troupe
all good, jgmac1106! my regular troupe has been off for a couple of weeks due to summer events and some upcoming schedule shuffles. i need to get back to posting my performance schedule to my site.
I also noticed that many of these things that have free tier + paid plan with custom domain support then cost more than a basic hosting package that includes a free domain
Not sure if they were being serious but some WP developers were talking about adding an indieweb toggle on to Calypso
sknebel: i've noticed that as well. i wonder to what extent it is designed to lock people in.
@sknebel automatic charges $50 a month to add all the plugins
I pay that much for 10 gigs annually
Never done improve but I am teacher basically same thing. Always wanted to try
I'd guess for the ones offering custom domain support they don't want to offer even cheaper plans, and want to keep custom domains as a differentiatior to make serious users paying customers, and don't want to have the hassle of managing domains for customers. vs for the large hosting companies its core part of the business and a scale benefit
That's why I like Indie hosts, even though places like 1:1 can be cheaper
schmarty: does neocities do anything special UI/interface wise that's especially great? as in, is there a reason to use them outside "cool initiative, support the small guys" over e.g. Github pages for a static site?
(github's a bit technical, but you can upload files with drag and drop and edit your html online, so you can avoid git itself)
@photomatt I recall the jokes made about crusty blogrolls when we deprecated the links manager. Now, folks are exhuming it for use as their canonical OPML source to feed OPML subscriptions. https://boffosocko.com/2017/11/10/a-following-page/
jgmac1106: many of the improv friends i know are teachers
freescholar joined the channel
We actually did a research presentation , a buddy was friends with who line is it anyway guy, comparing comedy improve to teaching
sknebel: neocities UI has a very simple browser/editor and drag and drop file uploads. because it is editing static files, as soon as the file save finished the new content can be refreshed in another tab (GH pages has a long rebuild cycle)
GH pages has a rebuild cycle for static files? didn't know that
thought that was only if you used their jekyll integration
sknebel: ah, good question. that wouldn't have a rebuild step, most likely.
On Balt-Wash prky now
[dougbeal] joined the channel
I do want to build one of those websites where you store all the data in the url
sknebel: as long as you are happy with github approved plugins, github will compile your Jekyll for you
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What is static domain site
It looks like we don't have a page for "static domain site" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "static domain site is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What were they called?
[dougbeal]: yes, requiring a rebuild cycle, as schmarty said
I was asking if that's only for those, or always, even if you upload html directly
[schmarty] could we build all the pieces in Glitch for a basic IndieWeb blog
sknebel: actually, i think GH pages does have some kind of build cycle or cache expiration for purely HTML pages
i was using baltimorecrypto.party (https://github.com/martymcguire/baltimorecryptoparty/) to test some indieauth / relmeauth discovery and edits to index.html required waiting several minutes before they take effect.
also my wife's website is hosted on github pages as raw HTML / CSS files. it also has a long delay.
it ends up being a pretty big deal, since it pushes her to edit locally
(ie - using a text editor w/ good code editing, using git, and running a local webserver)
Glitch doesn't offer much storage but be cool
schmarty: yeah, that sounds suboptimal
good to know
sorry, i think this is -dev talk. moving there!
benwerd, [kevinmarks], [kim_landwehr], ^OvO^, [xavierroy], snarfed, boek, barpthewire, tantek__, wolftune, KartikPrabhu, [cleverdevil], tantek, [manton] and [ryan339] joined the channel
↩️ Hey Jon, I started playing with the shortcode, but had troubles adding it to my main site. I'm going to try on my experimental IndieWeb site. My main site has a lot of shortcodes baked into the theme, and that was making it tougher.
Lauven, snarfed, KapiX, [chrisaldrich], freescholar, jonnybarnes, eli_oat1, renem, rosemaryorchard, [jgmac1106] and ^OvO^ joined the channel
#hivebuzz nation in NYC is anyone interested in partnering with @jgmac1106 to sponsor and cohost an #IndieWebCamp Sept 14-16 or Sept 27-29. DM us and we can help you connect.
eli_oat1, [colinwalker], boek, [chrisaldrich] and renem joined the channel
@MorrisPelzel thanks for the favorite. If you want to add all the #indieweb love to your blog ask anytime. Actually running a crash course starting 7/30. Details coming soon. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/4677-2/)
Now that we have a few readers in place, I think my next goal is to finally start publishing private posts on my site, visible only to people who log in, but also folowable from readers
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
That's cool. Do you have some mechanisms in mind already?
[eddie] joined the channel
Yeah, that’d be awesome
I was just reading the private webmention spec the other day and thinking about playing around with adding that to my site now that I’ve got automated webmentions set up
Yeah there's some brainstorming on /server-indieauth
Need to keep iterating on that and try it out
But I also always want to have a fallback of supporting Web Signin on my site and if you log in you see the private posts
benwerd joined the channel
I attempted to add a new 'beer' post kind to the Post Kinds Plugin for WordPress. #IndieWeb #PostKind #Beer (Island In The Net)
judas priest! is there going to be a new post-kind for each beverage/food?!!
Only the ones with their own emoji
although I guess post-kinds don't have any wider meaning, so if it helps folks sturcture their sites why not
because it will get hard to maintain/update. but anyway not my problem
tantek__ and boek joined the channel
Many people want an IndieWeb version of Tappd, I think Teacup can work and a food and drink generic post works
Why does the #indieweb validator keep giving me this error "A h-card was found on your site, but it’s not marked up as the representative h-card!" for https://fncll.org/ ? I have the u-url class (not to mention u-email and p-note markup) there.
aaronpk: ^
Just go back to what Tantek always says as long as it's wrapped in an h-entry it does not matter. That's all that is consumed anyway
↩️ Ryan, I believe we're cut from the exact same cloth. Pleasure to meet you! If you haven't seen it yet, https://indieweb.org/Indieweb_for_Education some of us are trying to pool resources to do a lot of what you're talking about. Please come join us. https://boffosocko.com/2018/07/18/reply-to-ryan-boren-et-al-on-the-wordpress-link-manager-calypso-and-indie-blogging/?replytocom=61038#respond
snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu: jgmac1106: replied. Oh, I should have put #indieweb in as well
↩️ So likely all you need to do is add a <div class="h-card"> around them. Or ask our resident wordpress experts at https://chat.indieweb.org/wordpress
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
kartikprabhu, only posts for each individual food group. Certainly beer qualifies right? Maybe zegnat could give us some guidance on creating u-beer-me and p-beer-me? πŸ˜‰ 🍺
making up random mf2 properties is not a good idea
atleast use the experimental *-x-* prefix notation. ask gRegorLove ;)
Also => dev
or #microformats
aaronpk, last year I had set up one Known instance that let me OAuth into it with another separate Known instance to create posts. Perhaps if one could use their own website to log into yours via IndieAuth to read it and potentially interact privately? Example: http://stream.boffosocko.com/2017/testing-the-ability-to-crosspost-from-my-personal-site-to posting (syndicating) to
[Chris Aldrich] Testing the ability to crosspost from my personal site to my new silo.
[Chris Aldrich] Testing the ability to crosspost from my personal site to my new silo.
Yeah that's the idea. If you sign in to my site in a browser you'll see more posts
the challenge is getting that to work with feed readers
aaronpk: should all the dead rings be moved to history?
I guess so?
More importantly someone should invite him to log in to the wiki and edit the page himself, there isn't a barrier other than logging in
I just invited him with some details.
[Chris Aldrich] Brad, how can you not be logged into the IndieWeb wiki yet!?! You've got your own domain and you've got an IndieAuth endpoint. Click on the login link, put your URL into the field and authenticate. You won't get frog marched anywhere, I promise. If y...
It's odd, I feel like he's been syndicating into chat for so long that I honestly thought he was already here...
POSSE to IndieWeb chat...
chrisaldrich joined the channel
For the tape, I would not advise making up a beer microformat... and piggybacking off of the extant /drink or /eat post types is a simpler way to go if you need something beyond a /note.
says the guy with a /chicken feed and a chicken microformat on his site. πŸ˜‚
benwerd joined the channel
Haha, love the verb "chickened" on those posts, chrisaldrich. https://boffosocko.com/kind/chicken/
Wait, more people have implemented chicken?!
That blows my mind
I should record the rooster next door and create a chicken post
benwerd, we could use some more history on the /chicken page if you get a moment. πŸ”
My problem is that now that I've got one, chickens seem to haunt me on the internet now, so be careful what you build...
For example, which came first?
what is egg?
It looks like we don't have a page for "egg" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "egg is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I guess chicken came first :)
IndieAuth, WebMentions, Websub and Social readers are all nifty building blocks for a better web. And then there’s Vouch which will be integral as well, currently an unfinished idea for anti-spam mechanics in a decentralized #IndieWeb future.
In the /chicken context, this headline didn't play out the IndieWeb way I expected: The Silicon Valley elite’s latest status symbol: Chickens | The Washington Post https://boffosocko.com/2018/03/05/the-silicon-valley-elites-latest-status-symbol-chickens-the-washington-post/
[ryan339] and benwerd joined the channel
So, I gotta tell you, providing history on the "chicken" page on the wiki is fairly low down on my priority list, but I'll add it
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
I love that you're quiet for ages benwerd, but you pop up to chat about chickens!
boek joined the channel
Definitely provide the documentation commensurate with your priorities. /fun
chicken chicken chicken
The video of that paper being delivered is really special
->> #indieweb-chat
freescholar, [matpacker], [Chris_Lott], tantek and snarfed joined the channel
wait what
what is chickening?
It looks like we don't have a page for "chickening" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "chickening is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is chickened
It looks like we don't have a page for "chickened" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "chickened is ____", a sentence describing the term)
chrisaldrich what do you mean by "Chickened" here? https://boffosocko.com/2018/02/17/my-first-chicken-post/
on a different topic (I think) - this is good for the indieweb too: https://twitter.com/evanpro/status/1018205523470979073
What if social software helped you have better relationships with your family and friends
freescholar and jmac joined the channel
Tantek, I needed a verb for a chicken post; chickened seemed to fit as a pseudo-verb and was better than "chickened out" πŸ™‚
why did you need a verb for a chicken post besides just "post"?
For the most part, I created it as an exercise to delve into the Post Kinds Plugin to eventually write this: https://boffosocko.com/2018/06/06/manually-adding-a-new-post-kind-to-the-post-kinds-plugin-for-wordpress/
because post wasn't as much /fun?
In that case I'd suggest actively discouraging verbing new verbs
I really think of my chicken feed as an "Easter Egg" on my site, and not something to be taken seriously.
But I agree with your stance on verbifying nouns. πŸ˜‰
see what I did there?
bradenslen joined the channel
good evening indieweb
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I made the edits to https://indieweb.org/webring I don't think I blew up the Interwebs. :-)
bradenslen has 1 karma