LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "engagement" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "engagement is ____", a sentence describing the term)
@gRegorLove↩️ It’s for everybody. :] But yes, webmentions were developed in the indieweb community and a lot of our personal sites support it so we can interact between our sites. (twitter.com/_/status/1021600223779581952)
[miklb], wolftune, eli_oat, benwerd, tantek__, skippy and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
jgmac1106exploring the history of microformats, microdata, namespaces, RDFa, microformats2, and JSON-LD was a fascinating little trip last few days, thanks all who shared resources
jeremych-!tell snarfed just got a message "Your instagram-atom cookie isn't working. Click here to regenerate your feed!" Is that new? Don't recall seeing it before.
jeremych-I always forget how much eaiser it is to do in Chrome than in Safari. In any case, worked well, although there is a gap of about 12 hours, but that's OK.
[schmarty], jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]a gentle tease but I like browsers that expose urls, and half the time when I want folks to use some web based app it won't work in Safari but will in FF or Chrome...and web extensions and Safari...ehhh yuck
[generativist]I wanted to introduce myself. My name's Johnny (generativist on twitter). I'm finishing up a computational social science Ph.D. at GMU. I've been building computational models of belief system discovery and expression (in US democracy). I'm still at the frantic last parts of the dissertation process, but I'm starting to explore who is building what in a space similar to #indiewebcamp.
[generativist]Timely, at least! I had designs on a really general model, but I think I've actually just ended up with a pretty good conceptual model of how social cues dominate information exchange on social mediums, with deleterious effects. Hence, why I'm here. I'd like to change that a bit, if I can!
[generativist]I'm still slowly reading posts linked from indieweb's wiki but I'm hoping to connect with people who build infrastructure (once I get a better sense of what you all are trying to do)
[generativist]Excellent! I'm gonna hold back on any of my ideas until I understand this community more. My friend referred me just yeseterday. But, I'm def excited by it
[eddie]Glad to have you! One of the pages of the wiki that can help give you a sense of the community (until more people are hanging out actively in IRC is our principles page: https://indieweb.org/principles)
jmacIf you are podcast-compatible I recommend https://martymcgui.re/podcasts/indieweb/. Listening to a few episodes and following the links neatly kick-started me into starting my journey here
schmartyjmac: thanks for the shout-out! i should probably change up some of those repeated messages. thankfully they are reusable audio, so i don't actually repeat them when recording every week. perhaps they'd evolve better if i did!
jmackicks: I see it as sort of that, but more of a back-port of the web's early promise to the realities of the web of today, working with what we have instead of saying "OK, ignore all that stuff, use only these things instead" because that never works
jmacMicroformats2 gives us metadata that settles neatly into even the hottest hot messes of modern HTML usage, Webmention allows websites to send messages to each other wholly regardless of their shape, size, and platform, and so on
[generativist]i think the idea is right -- that, without a negative signal, homogenous social media spaces will just keep seizing up -- but my implementation was bad
[generativist]but also: 1) it opens the door to abuse for people sharing them because peopel can lurk with sock puppet accounts and they become troll targets
schmarty“This is a delicate time for a data-sharing project. Facebook’s API was at the center of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and the industry is still feeling out exactly how much users should be trusted with their own data.”
gRegorLoveIf that's really the "industry's" feeling, it seems to be lacking some self-reflection. You built the tools that made it easy for people to unknowingly give away their data.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Flipboard" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Flipboard is ____", a sentence describing the term)
@MarcoInEnglishMy blog has been spiced up with a lot of #Indieweb features. It can now receive and send web mentions, I can create different kinds of posts like Articles, Replies, Quotes and more, etc. Am doing this all on my own WP installations. We'll see how this works out. :) (twitter.com/_/status/1021832713802850307)
snarfed, leg, kicks, boek, aalmazan, loko and MarcoZDe joined the channel
[joewillmott]Guys you're all far more internet than I. I've been having a struggle for years and finally taken the time to sit down and try to fix my email woes... but alas, I have now performed every single one of the 561,000 reccomendations thrown at me by Google and still cannot solve my very basic problem.
[joewillmott]If I send an email to whatever@mydomain.com it gets forwarded to myemail@mydomain.com - I have removed all forwarders, but still the problem persists. Is there somewhere I may have set up a forwarder without realising?
@manton2Upcoming meetups: NSDrinking tomorrow night at Radio Coffee & Beer. 8pm. Also, Homebrew Website Club returning first Wednesdays: August 1st at Mozart’s Coffee. 6:30pm. Hope to see some of y’all there! (twitter.com/_/status/1021855546826268672)
[generativist]I am, [kevinmarks]. Moved to Downtown San Jose. In the future, I'll be able to go to SF for events, but until I finish my dissertation the public transportation round trip is very time expensive
[generativist](Actually, I asked Holly knowing she knew people out here. I'm kinda amazed there is so few events in San Jose proper. It feels like a weird desert)
[joewillmott]it's got late (and ive got frustrated) enough for me to end my hunt for tonight, but in a couple of days when i have the energy, i have a notepad full of "have you"s and "you should"s to look into
@HelloNaamioFor those of you out of the loop, we're a decentralized web content platform with support for ecommerce and social media! We have first-class support for #ActivityPub and #RSS, and have a progressive web app that allows you to manage your content on the move, even offline! 🎭 (twitter.com/_/status/1021305668148527104)
strugee, BrAsS_mO-, snarfed, wolftune, dmcweeney and tantek__ joined the channel