#indieweb 2018-08-16

2018-08-16 UTC
webhat and kaniini_ joined the channel
NinjaTrappeur, mblaney, VM_, eli_oat1, freescholar, renem, jackjamieson, snarfed, IRCsum, wolftune, oodani, tbbrown, kicks, [metbril], Guest92076, strugee and daemon23 joined the channel
Twitter's moderation is entirely based on "wait for a report, ban it if matches some keyword". Every bigoted group has figured out the trick by now where if you want to ban someone you search for the keywords and report those tweets only https://twitter.com/l1quidcryst4l/status/1029780531276382208
jackjamieson and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Overheard this today between a teenager and her dad: “Why did you delete your Twitter account?” “I dunno. I just did.” “Were you being bullied?” “No. I just...all the people on there say the exact same stuff as everyone else on there and like I get it, we’re all gonna die.”
tantek joined the channel
Earlier in the summer there was one of those Communal Sportsball Moments where people came together to celebrate the sports, and the Twitter People made a big deal out of "Twitter is so great for this but it's a shame you have to follow the right accounts to even see it."
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
the most reliable way to get in touch with me is to first contact someone i see IRL on a regular basis and hope that person shames me into responding to you on one of the many platforms i have muted.
MetBril, JulianF[m], pindonga, grdryn, Guest78491, thrrgilag, pniedzielski[m], mxuribe[m], Viaken[m], wakingrufus[m], EricDrechsel[m], cuibonobo[m], plindner[m], eli_oat[m], ElMago[m], wjh[m], Salt[m], ishj1984[m], maze[m], myfreeweb[m], camb[m], Matthew[m], damian11215[m], maze[m]1, M0x3F[m], dazinism[m], Guest10156, zoglesby, grantcodes[m], strk[m], moredhel[m]1, hotzeplotz[m], klandwehr[m], jaduncan[m], afrogeek[m], Guest43987 and some_weirdo12 joined the channel
@t Hey Tantek! Your avatar (http://tantek.com/logo.jpg) used inline on https://indieweb.org/Why_web_sign-in (and possibly other pages?) is causing mixed content warnings as it's not served over HTTPS!
catsup, jackjamieson, [kevinmarks], barpthewire and uptime21 joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
jgmac1106, TheoM and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
rise and shine!
Cisien28 and KapiX joined the channel
ahoy hoy
[grantcodes], jackjamieson and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
↩️ @shep I would wait a few weeks on the WP stuff. The state of the WP #indieweb plugins isn’t stable IMO
Awesomecase joined the channel
got sick of seeing the same list of thirty white education bloggers on every "must follow" list of the last ten years...so I am making this: https://opendefenderfolks.glitch.me/ if you know of #indieweb folks, marginalized peoples or classes, who should be on the list of "must follow" you can add here: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/join/5366b6e4-0fa7-45c7-9e3a-af64143a042d
if I tagged the people I follow more that could be useful
I follow thousands on twitter and dip in randomly, and use nuzzel to extract things
if you make a twitter list, nuzzel will give you a feed of what links they're sharing
(I made that list ~10 years ago the first time we were doing as)
shudders at the notion of following thousands of people on Twitter.
...never thought about using @nuzzel that way...always said if they have their own url in their twitter feed nuzzel should also share what my followers write as well as read
@skippy I do as well, but never look at my feed, just havd 57.34 columns in tweetdeck, follow ideas not people
micro.blog's lack of displaying replies makes it hard to follow answers to questions people ask. I see people on the m.b discover feed asking questions I'd like to see answers to, but I dont have any clean way to find those answers, so far as I cna tell.
hm, now I am wondering about a mapping from nuzzel classes to h-feed
jgmac1106: i follow people, and enjoy being introduced to new ideas surruptiously.
I do that too, but on twitter I just add people to the soup
@skippy its just once you pass a couple hundred it is impossible, have to follow lists or hashtags at that point
I had a custom twitter client that looked for certain people and keywords at one point
though that is harder to do now
use tags explorer..until Twitter shuts it down...not a client but great way to archive tweets using users and/or keywords
@skippy I agree I wish on microblog the <conversation> button had some indicator that there are aor are not replies attached
Guest48057 and eeeeeta joined the channel
[kevinmarks] figure out a way to crawl /chat-names and spit out an rss feed of every site posted there, that would be even cooler
i thought someone did that
hm, nuzzel pages are much less good when logged out
that's also what https://stream.indieweb.org/ is supposed to be, tho i haven't automated it yet
TheoM18 joined the channel
This is what a nuzzel story looks like to me when logged in
outhicat joined the channel
i forgot about that [aaronpk]
i have an odd question for the folks here: has anyone drafted an incident response plan for use at a conference? It's one thing to have a code of coduct, but an actual plan for dealing with harassment, abuse, stalking, etc?
-> meta
feel free to hit me up privately.
wolftune, batman4210 and jeremych_ joined the channel
I know it is late for me, but good morning IndieWeb in any case
Done with your daily podcasting duties for today, jeremycherfas?
You guessed it.
jeremych_, skippy, [eddie], tbbrown and freescholar joined the channel
Some quick thoughts on my IndieWeb implementation. http://khirsh.us/b/1hd
metbril_, snarfed, [grantcodes] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
Does owning your own domain = owning your content? I am not so sure.
i would say it's the first step towards owning your content
or a prerequisite
can the inverse be true? can you own your own content wihthout owning your own domain?
like ... posting photos to Flickr, perhaps?
at that point it depends what you mean by "own"
totally rhetorical question. not actually looking for answers here.
in the copyright sense, you always own anything you make, regardless of where you distribute it, unless it is a work for hire
botka joined the channel
but we are typically concerned with ownership of the access to that content, in which case uploading to flickr or instagram you lose the ownership of that access because now they control it and can take it away at any time
so too can micro.blog, though, if you're using a custom domain...
of course
which is why the answer to owning your content starts with using your own domain
(and reasonably portable access to the data itself)
(but agreed, domain is the most important part)
i dont follow. if i use my own domain on micro.blog, i'm still SOL if they stop hosting my data. I'm still on the hook to get all my stuff online in some other fashion, even if the domain name remains the same
yes, that's the second part of owning your content
with your own domain, at least you have a path to restoring your content in a way that everyone can still find in the original location
without your own domain, you're completely SOL
right. okay.
are there any critical pillars beyond those two? domain, data access? are those the two primaries, and the rest is secondary, optional, not quite as important, etc?
(just checking. i suspect yes.)
With the domain you own not just the content, but also the place. So if the (to others invisible) physical location of your photos (on Flickr servers) changes (now on 500px servers) the location is effectively unchanged...
Not sure that came out right
i would say there are varying degrees within the data access part, such as how easy is it to move that data elsewhere, e.g. structured/standard data formats
oh sure. domain is black and white, data access is gray and complicated. judgment calls. ...but still....?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
not sure we state that those two are the key, core building blocks anywhere, at least not so clearly and standalone...?
what is own your data?
own your data is one of the principles of the IndieWeb and is an encouragement to always post content directly to your own domain with permalinks that you control instead of posting to silos (or only posting copies of your posts to silos per POSSE, and if so, preferably both automatically & with permashortlinks back to your original posts) https://indieweb.org/own_your_data
well that seems like that sentence could be shortened
and also only really addresses domain
anyone want to take a stab at summarizing those two points at the top of that page?
damn, i have to go in 60s. maybe later!
how convenient 🤔😉
lol yes
quite so
there's also ownership for yourself (e.g.
what is PASTA?
PASTA is an acronym/abbreviation for Publish Anywhere, Save To (private) Archive, the practice of automatically saving a copy of whatever you post on (social media) silos to someplace else under your own control, like a private directory on your own server, or a local folder on your laptop that is less vulnerable to site-death https://indieweb.org/PASTA
that seems like just the second aspect
own the data vs own the space where the data is vs own the pointer to the place with the data
jgmac1106, cloud-maingo, [iambismark], Matrixiumn, tbbrown and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
KapiX, MetBril and jgmac1106 joined the channel
tbbrown and connection joined the channel
more and more justification to just walk away from Twitter.
pppingme18 and snarfed joined the channel
↩️ Let me know if you need help finding resources. I see you have a Hugo site and I'm pretty sure someone has set it up for Webmention use before. https://indieweb.org/Hugo https://boffosocko.com/2018/08/16/reply-to-kartik-singhal-about-webmention/
freescholar, d10n19, See, tbbrown, KartikPrabhu, Ghost-of-Freedom, [grantcodes], [eddie], jackjamieson, LVCIFER and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; LVCIFER left the channel
Some additional context and thoughts on the own your domain/own your data question earlier this morning: https://micro.blog/frankm/799177
[frankm] @donblanco My point I think is that it is not enough. One needs to have direct access to their content, either on their own server or on their own computer. What I write on a Wordpress blog is on their server and can go away with any hardware failure...
[chrisaldrich]: eh there's a distinction to be made there. you can be hard core totally indie, on your own server hardware, etc, but if your hard drive dies, you could still lose your data. sounds like frankm is advocating for *backups*, and decent ops in general
...which is important if you're hosting enough yourself, but different from data access when you're on a semi- or fully-managed CMS or web host
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
If your site is marked up nicely with microformats, it makes life a lot easier if you want to download/export your content.
Even if the platform you're using doesn't support some form of export, you can use some well-tested tools to extract everything as MF2, and then use that to re-publish to an alternate platform.
oh god yeah but exporting via crawling is horrible, painful, unreliable, impractical
we should only every suggest that as a very very last resort
i back up my imessages as microformats html
I wish more sites with exports had *automated* ways to do that
it's not scraping when it's parsing microformats
still *crawling*, which is still painful, unreliable, impractical
remembers the stockholm syndrome of https://indiemap.org/docs.html#exceptions
That's fair, [snarfed].
But, its a nice last resort to have available 🙂
aalmazan joined the channel
↩️ WordPress to http://micro.blog what ever feed you pump into @microdotblog while @miklb  right only a few themes did #IndieWeb well @pfefferle new mf2 feeds plugin made many more compatible. Instead of waiting, try it, and report what’s broken (http://jgregorymcverry.com/6102-2/)
jalcine, leg, snarfed, jackyalcine_ and [iambismark] joined the channel
Whoa, don't think I've seen stream.indieweb.org before
It’s super useful. I am subscribed to stream.indieweb.org in my reader
Dominian27 joined the channel
[eddie] i love the indieweb questions you or aaronpk are asking.
Ghost-of-Freedom joined the channel
lol are you follow people’s reply feeds? 😏
it popped up in stream.indieweb.org!
which is subscribed to your https://eddiehinkle.com/timeline/ page
hahaha that makes sense
Next time I’ll have to remember to make my replies as “Unlisted” next time I try to be sneaky
Sneaky Podcast Club
I like that podcast idea. Look forward to hearing it.
that was my fault for not responding to the email eddie first sent
The funny thing is my original post stayed hidden. It was today’s reply that got me (because I made the original post as unlisted)
ooh you mean i only found your first one because of the webmention you sent to me?
Thanks gRegorLove! and jgmac1106 glad to hear you think they are good questions. 🙂
Yep, that’s right
hah interesting
What is unlisted?
unlisted are publicly visible posts that are not included in a homepage or main feed https://indieweb.org/unlisted
I kept it off all my feeds and just sent you a webmention
too bad my reply went to my /replies feed
jjuran_ joined the channel
Well, just a good demo to show how semi-private posts will be helpful in the future
how appropritae
haha yeah
[metbril], Guest90435, iasai, snarfed, MetBril, wolftune, vivus and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; vivus left the channel
i love all the different random bridgy accounts i come across. eg this news and talk radio station in oklahoma: https://brid.gy/twitter/NewstalkKCLI
does webmentions and everything! evidently on known. https://news.wrightwradio.com/
owning their radio segments! audio clips and everything
Cool! I guess you sent a bookmark or favorite webmention?
tantek__ joined the channel
that's awesome
Overheard this today between a teenager and her dad: “Why did you delete your Twitter account?” “I dunno. I just did.” “Were you being bullied?” “No. I just...all the people on there say the exact same stuff as everyone else on there and like I get it, we’re all gonna die.”
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/girlziplocked/status/1029909564819496962?s=19" to the "See Also" section of /silo-quits https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=51052&oldid=50969
!tell snarfed I have an Instagram rel=me link in my profile, but brid.gy says I don't. What's wrong? https://robertvanbregt.nl
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed joined the channel
metbril: hmm! looking
snarfed: MetBril left you a message 4 minutes ago: I have an Instagram rel=me link in my profile, but brid.gy says I don't. What's wrong? https://robertvanbregt.nl
metbril: ah. something somewhere thinks your web site is https://robertvanbregt.nl/wp/ , not https://robertvanbregt.nl/
still figuring out what exactly
That's got to do with the WordPress IndieAuth plugin.
hmm ok. paging GWG
That /wp dir is the install dir from the site_url() command, which should be changed to home_url(). PR is on it's way.
if anyone has an in with the development team at twitter, please ask them if they’ll add a feature that shows you posts by people you follow https://twitter.com/_cingraham/status/1029829205675073536
@_cingraham I would like Twitter to experiment with features that would give me tweets in the timeline by people that I'm following, in the order that they're posted, to address the fact that I only want to see tweets by the people I'm following, in the order that they're posted.
snarfed: do you think I should wait for the fix?
I'm not is a hurry...
what is temporal timeline
It looks like we don't have a page for "temporal timeline" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "temporal timeline is ____", a sentence describing the term)
metbril: yes pls, sorry for the trouble
and thank you for fixing it yourself!!!
feel free to apply that patch to your site's plugin to confirm it works
never mind, it was only for testing.
RaptorJesus22 joined the channel
i will see if this is a one line fix. if not, I'll wait for GWG
who is GWG?
looks like the phrase is chronological feed
what is a chronological feed
It looks like we don't have a page for "chronological feed" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "chronological feed is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I thought we had a page for that somewhere
chronological feed is a stream of [[posts]] in time order, typically in reverse chronological order of their published date (newest first), popularized on the web by journals and blog home pages, feed readers, and [[social media]], until the latter switched to [[algorithmic feed]]s, frustrating many users.
chronological feed << 2018-03-22 [https://www.refinery29.com/2018/03/194408/instagram-new-posts-chronological-feed Finally, Good News For Everyone Who Misses Instagram's Chronological Feed]
ok, I added "2018-03-22 [https://www.refinery29.com/2018/03/194408/instagram-new-posts-chronological-feed Finally, Good News For Everyone Who Misses Instagram's Chronological Feed]" to a brand new "See Also" section of /chronological_feed https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=51057&oldid=51055
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
metbril: ok! i'm not familiar with that plugin, so i'd have to defer to GWG et al
metbril: GWG already committed a fix I thought?
so check github
also -> dev
or -> wordpress
changed locally, that is
whether or not GWG made the fix, my local one did not make a difference
well I missed that one, since I searched the repo for the string. My local files need to be FTP'ed first. No search there (I could have grepped)
Please wait a few minutes before you try again.
snarfed: I applied the PR manually. Now we're getting somewhere: ""
Not there yet
looks like instagram is rate limiting bridgy's scraping right now, but you'll polled eventually when that clears up
I am sorry for the issue, it was only one site url that needed to be done
I'm happy for now.
snarfed ++
metbril has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
milkii joined the channel
GWG has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (143 in all channels)
snarfed has 39 karma in this channel over the last year (116 in all channels)
snarfed: I don't see insta in the home page top bar. Is that OK?
metbril: yeah that doesn't matter. just a convenience.
github and twitter show
sorry, bridgy instagram signup doesn't handle the rate limiting well
instagram-- for dropping its API and forcing us to scrape
instagram has -3 karma in this channel over the last year (-6 in all channels)
it's ok. i like brid.gy anyway
aww thanks
keep up the good work
leg joined the channel
tantek__, jgmac1106, nstr21, [iambismark], snarfed, NightMonkey, ibiza, tbbrown, vivus, mblaney and Auctus7 joined the channel