#indieweb 2018-08-27

2018-08-27 UTC
electronicmaji, renem, jgee, snarfed, koddsson, strugee, KartikPrabhu, wolftune, [asteres], wagle, cweiske, AngeloGladding, camb[m], klandwehr[m], plindner[m], maze[m]1, barpthewire, cuibonobo[m], moredhel[m]1, Salt[m], grantcodes[m], pniedzielski[m], mxuribe[m], JulianF[m], eli_oat[m], jjuran, afrogeek[m], maze[m], ishj1984[m], damian11215[m], ElMago[m], Viaken[m], jaduncan[m], zoglesby, wakingrufus[m], thrrgilag, dazinism[m], strk[m], Matthew[m], wjh[m], grdryn[m], myfreeweb[m], EricDrechsel[m], loicm, M0x3F[m], hotzeplotz[m], jihaisse, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and gRegorLove joined the channel
I just discovered rel="me" and now I feel dumb. This should be implemented on GitLab and Mastodon. http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-me https://indiewebify.me/validate-rel-me/
barpthewire and jeremych_ joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
barpthewire joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
Good morning jeremycherfas
Hello Zegnat
Today’s quantified self / identity test: https://vanderven.se/martijn/health/weight/ ... microformats pending
Interesting blips.
Yeah, I am trying to smooth them out by showing a 7 day average (green line)
I do that by weighing every day and only recording once every seven days.
anotheryou, gRegorLove_, barpthewire, renem, pindonga, gRegorLove__, AngeloGladding, gRegorLove, grdryn, friedcell, catsup and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I have a 7 day rolling average, but I don't weigh every day, so it is a bit off
renem, barpthewire1, gRegorLove__, AngeloGladding, deathrow1|absnt, friedcell, jgmac1106, M0x3F[m], barpthewire, miklb, KevinMarks, eli_oat, doubleloop, [kevinmarks], Guest92, yoroy, kants, snarfed and j12t joined the channel; eeeeeta and kline left the channel
In case you guys have been wondering why I disappeared from the face of the earth in recent months:
jgmac1106 joined the channel
j12t++ wow, congratulations!!!
j12t has 7 karma over the last year
Thanks snarfed
The IndieBox is alive, finally. Except that for trademark reasons, I don't call it IndieBox any more.
AngeloGladding joined the channel
j12t++ that’s a great way too resurface :D
j12t has 8 karma over the last year
friedcell and wolftune joined the channel
Twitter weirdness. Ability to follow links seems to have changed. In Safari, with mu-block, I can click on a link shared directly by someone, but not on a link in a retweet. Is this a change in behaviour, or something I simply never noticed before? Or both. @indieweb
pdurbin, thrrgilag, snarfed, wagle, jgmac1106, jgmac1106_ and tantek__ joined the channel
Nice j12t - does that work as a Plex server too?
kevinmarks: this is a single-app appliance for now, so that's the only "guaranteed" feature. But if can run all UBOS-packaged apps (https://ubos.net/apps/). Don't have Plesk right now but could have ...
snarfed and jgmac1106_ joined the channel; pdurbin left the channel
Interesting. Twitter keeps automatically revoking authorization when I attempt to authorize Bridgy to receive and/or publish. Is anyone else seeing this? #indieweb
[eddie] joined the channel
Experimenting with Day Summary pages on my website now that it’s dynamic 😁 Also want to explore what Month and Year summary pages might look like https://eddiehinkle.com/2018/08/23/
Eddie Hinkle
One particularly fun thing is instead of listing each individual ate or drank post, I group all the ate/drank posts within 30 minutes and then display them as “Meals” on that day which provides a nicer view with more context
although each item name still links back to the original ate or drank post
Not Plesk, Plex: v
electronicmaji and gryan joined the channel
[eddie]: oh fancy
yoroy joined the channel
aaronpk: On my standard checkin pages I just do a static map image, but for my day summary, I think I’m gonna put a JS map embed with all the locations I checked into that day on one map, with some type of “Places list” as no-js fallback. Then eventually I can add my “trip” posts to the same map. Giving a kind of gyroscope style thing.
that sounds fun
It does 🙂 It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to play around with some map stuff, so that’ll be fun
jgmac1106_, KevinMarks_, [tantek], jackjamieson, [kevinmarks] and KevinMarks joined the channel
What is no-js
It looks like we don't have a page for "no-js" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "no-js is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[jon] joined the channel
congrats [j12t]!
wagle and barpthewire joined the channel
Liked Some quick thoughts on my IndieWeb implementation. by Kimberly Hirsh (Kimberly Hirsh) I have been tweaking my website a lot this week and wanted to write a few notes about my IndieWeb progress. In my early days, I tried to just implement a ton ... http://johnjohnston.info/blog/liked-some-quick-thoughts-on-my-indieweb-implementation/
aalmazan, gigitux and yoroy joined the channel
[poll] According to "Doing Business" index top four countries are: NZ, SG, DK, KR. Where would you base the #IndieWeb non-profit project? Please vote, retweet, and if you run a company there DM me please. Also #RUNBSD /cc @mischapeters @ksaitor @sivers @yosephayele @kaihendry
pdurbin, iasai and kiith joined the channel
fascinating game theory going on with BigCos collaborating indirectly on OpenStreetMap (because it provided a convenient way to collaborate without nxn agreements), likely driven by apparent competition with G https://theodi.org/article/how-are-facebook-apple-and-microsoft-contributing-to-openstreetmap/
I feel like there is something to learn here vis-a-vis creating something that bigcos would collaborate with to compete with FB
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
Just sent the first bookmark via Omnibear 😀 (and now realize I need to send the title with it)
chrisaldrich and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[keithjgrant] has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (19 in all channels)
What is bulletin.chat?
It looks like we don't have a page for "bulletin.chat" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "bulletin.chat is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is indieweb.chat?
It looks like we don't have a page for "indieweb.chat" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indieweb.chat is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I just ran across https://www.bulletin.chat/ over the weekend. Pitched as "a CMS for @Telegram, @WhatsApp & @Messenger. Think about it like the MailChimp+WordPress of the messaging era." Possibly interesting to schmarty, [eddie] and others looking at Newsletters
Not sure if it's just me but https://chat.indieweb.org/ doesn't seem to be working atm. Returns: "Request failed: Internal Server Error"
bulletin.cha sounds like it's a new channel of output with some interesting functionality and potentially new or hybrid UI.
Chat loads for me, [chrisaldrich]. Log seems up to date too
[eddie] joined the channel
Hmmm, bulletin.chat seems somewhat interesting. It’s a CMS though, so I bet there’s no easy way to get content into it
Also seems like it’s aimed at businesses. So they probably want 💰 💰 💰 But I attempted an Early Access request, so we’ll see if I get in 🙂
eddie has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (58 in all channels)
speaking if, did someone already grab homebrewwebsite . club ?
AngeloGladding joined the channel
Eddie, I had requested an invite and got almost immediate access to bulletin.chat. I had the same suspicion as you, but thought that some of the potential UI cues and workflow might be valuable. They also seem to be very bot oriented.
Very cool :thumbsup:
Their interface seems pretty heavy, so I'll have to wait to delve into it later in the day.
yoroy_ and Guest92 joined the channel
CMS for [instant messenger]; no please, no. IM is IM, don't turn it into yet another feature fest :(
[kevinmarks], [cleverdevil], electronicmaji, DenSchub, petermolnar_, bjoern and ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
Are you an #indieweb #WordPress user? We could use your help testing the latest version of micropub and Indieauth plugins. Drop by https://chat.indieweb.org/wordpress for details or ping me here. Thanks!
[jgmac1106], AngeloGladding and KevinMarks joined the channel