[tantek]And aside, I personally would prefer to minimize any such kind of “mockery” culture/posts/etc here of individuals or specific groups of people in the main channel at least, no matter who is being targeted. -chat is better for such venting (optimistically presuming that’s what it is)
eli_oat2, eli_oat, BrAsS_mOnKeY, electronicmaji, eli_oat1, [kevinmarks] and Corvus`13 joined the channel
[eddie]I think the problem is two fold: right now none of my Microsub clients (including the one I built) filters a channel for only unread posts which means if I read the 5 most recent articles, they are still the first thing I see rather than the 50 unread beneath that
[eddie]And secondly, when I open my Microsub reader I’m greeted by 10 channels, all of them promising relatively short skimmable content and one “Saved” promising long-in-depth content
[eddie]I don’t know if that means I should use a different Microsub app that only opens one channel: my saved channel or that I need to build a Microsub to Kindle bridge so my long-form ends up on my Kindle?
[eddie]But my thought is more UX and principle in nature. It seems like my long form living alongside my short form is prohibitive to reading the long form
[eddie]See my choice is easy because I want control of the stuff I want to read because I know I can always funnel the same content into some other type of interface or UI because I own it
jeremycherfasI'm using a combination of Pinboard and Paperback (a paid service) for long reads, which is great for reading but I have not yet started to work on bringing things back to my home site.
[jgmac1106][grantcodes] figure out a way for me to get a birthday push notification if someone has a birthday in their hcard and I have rel=follow on my site.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "yours hooked to aaronpk" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "yours hooked to aaronpk is ____", a sentence describing the term)
jeremycherfasInstapaper used to make it really easy to push to Kindle. I stopped doing that partly because getting notes ourt of Kindle was so difficult and cumbersome.
eli_oat, [Serena], jackjamieson, KartikPrabhu, IRCsum, dougbeal|mb1, yoroy, kiith_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
LoqiOmeka is a CMS built on a LAMP stack and designed for scholars, museums, libraries, archives, and enthusiasts to create complex narratives, share rich collections, research, exhibits, and digital projects https://indieweb.org/Omeka
cats1, [kevinmarks], eli_oat and snarfed joined the channel
aaronpk"I don’t know what this will look like, because it’s an active discussion in the team right now," says Parisa Tabriz, director of engineering at Chrome. "But I do know that whatever we propose is going to be controversial."
[tantek]Cleverdevil, I reject that viewpoint based on how easily and frequently the average person shares URLs, including copy pasting them into txt, chat, social media
Loqi[Greg McVerry] It takes me way too much time to teach students how to share a url from their @wordpress blog and to a specific @wordpress post. Need a little UI love me thinks as the failure rate on first time share is well above 50%.
[jgmac1106]in teaching offline reading we have this topic concept about print,,,the web shoudl be no different. We explicitly teach students from preK on "This is a title"
LoqiURL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indieweb.org/URL_design
[jgmac1106]in Concepts about Print you teach Cover, title, author, this is a sentence, this is a word, etc an assessment developed by Marie Clay We read left to right...it is a massive predictor of later literary ability
[jgmac1106]but that is just crappy UI in the wordpress editor interface...it is very hard to know how to share the link intuitively for someone new to the web.
@tmcw↩️ i'm sure someone's said it, but as much as i like the vibe and support the vision, the practical impact of a lot of indieweb tech is kinda scant - like there are no real microschema aggregators or anything (twitter.com/_/status/1037044896983445505)
[chrisaldrich]I've caught up on about 2 weeks of #indieweb channel backlog. I'll be back in 2 weeks once I'm done reading the 45 new tabs I've got opened and start work on 10 new /itches...
[grantcodes]I thought that replacing urls article was a bit sensationalist. There was not really much mention of them actually replacing urls, more about how they display the "identity" of the site
[eddie]!tell aaronpk I have investigated a Kindle compatible file output from Node.js in the past as part of a plane to have a Microsub to Kindle service but haven’t gotten any further than doing a prototype html to Kindle file conversion and then opening the file in Kindle to test