#indieweb 2018-09-04

2018-09-04 UTC
snarfed, AngeloGladding, IRCsum, eli_oat, iasai, renem and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
eli_oat1, electronicmaji and [tantek] joined the channel
Kevinmarks, that’s more appropriate for -chat IMO
And aside, I personally would prefer to minimize any such kind of “mockery” culture/posts/etc here of individuals or specific groups of people in the main channel at least, no matter who is being targeted. -chat is better for such venting (optimistically presuming that’s what it is)
eli_oat2, eli_oat, BrAsS_mOnKeY, electronicmaji, eli_oat1, [kevinmarks] and Corvus`13 joined the channel
This is a good post (from 2015) and is equally relevant to Mastodon as it is Twitter http://natdudley.com/blog/twitter-ux-and-bullying/ #indieweb
[eddie], [iambismark], bupkes and electronicmaji joined the channel
So I’m saving articles to my Microsub channel using Indiepaper like crazy. The problem? I’m not reading almost any of them.
I think the problem is two fold: right now none of my Microsub clients (including the one I built) filters a channel for only unread posts which means if I read the 5 most recent articles, they are still the first thing I see rather than the 50 unread beneath that
And secondly, when I open my Microsub reader I’m greeted by 10 channels, all of them promising relatively short skimmable content and one “Saved” promising long-in-depth content
So the impulse for the short skimmable wins out
eli_oat joined the channel
I don’t know if that means I should use a different Microsub app that only opens one channel: my saved channel or that I need to build a Microsub to Kindle bridge so my long-form ends up on my Kindle?
The tech isn’t really meant to be my focus although I’m using very dev keywords, sorry 🙂
But my thought is more UX and principle in nature. It seems like my long form living alongside my short form is prohibitive to reading the long form
that has been a dilemma for quite some time - browser bookmarks, pinboard, Instapaper, Safari Read Later, indiepaper
See my choice is easy because I want control of the stuff I want to read because I know I can always funnel the same content into some other type of interface or UI because I own it
But it’s interesting to think of those different interfaces, etc.
Bookmarks vs Instapaper, etc
I’ve never used Pinboard really so I’m not sure what that’s like
pinboard is still a bare bones bookmarking service with a bookmarklet and browser extensions and an API
but it has read/unread status option on saved bookmarks
Skaag7, danyao, cuibonobo[m], isgy[m], Kongaloosh, moredhel[m]1, Viaken[m], dgold, strk[m], wakingrufus[m] and yoroy joined the channel
Ahh gotcha!
[kevinmarks], barpthewire, cweiske and [tantek] joined the channel
Eddie, good insight about short form vs long form reading and hazards of mixing them in UI
[Niklas], KevinMarks, [kevinmarks], eli_oat, grdryn, pindonga, nitot and catsup joined the channel
jeremych_ joined the channel
I'm using a combination of Pinboard and Paperback (a paid service) for long reads, which is great for reading but I have not yet started to work on bringing things back to my home site.
In other news, good morning IndieWeb
eli_oat, gkbrk, [Niklas], [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], eli_oat1, bupkes, cweiske, zv10 and barpthewire joined the channel
good morning indieweb
Good meaning sknebel
barpthewire and eli_oat joined the channel
Hello sknebel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
barpthewire, eli_oat, snarfed, [keithjgrant], bupkes, yoroy, jjuran and KapiX joined the channel
[eddie] I like the idea of making content in that channel show up on a kindle!
I think I have the same problem you're describing
wolftune joined the channel
at least on airplanes, I *can't* read the short stuff but if I had the content already offline on my kindle that would win out!
[kevinmarks] and hadvanx7 joined the channel
that makes a lot of sense. Is there a way to do that apart form email?
I think email is the only automatic way, otherwise you have to copy a file onto the kindle when it's plugged in via USB
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Hmm you could actually use the notifier I made yesterday to send stuff to kindle via ifttt or something similar
But it doesn't have different notifications per channel
good point, I should hook that up with my version I wrote yesterday
btw so far the push notifications have been fin
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[grantcodes] figure out a way for me to get a birthday push notification if someone has a birthday in their hcard and I have rel=follow on my site.
What is yours hooked to aaronpk?
It looks like we don't have a page for "yours hooked to aaronpk" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "yours hooked to aaronpk is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I use pushover on ios
-> -dev for more details
[jgmac1106] good idea, but no chance for my tool 😛
yoroy and [tantek] joined the channel
Instapaper used to make it really easy to push to Kindle. I stopped doing that partly because getting notes ourt of Kindle was so difficult and cumbersome.
eli_oat, [Serena], jackjamieson, KartikPrabhu, IRCsum, dougbeal|mb1, yoroy, kiith_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Good morning indieweb
Just ran across the Social Media Alternatives project at https://www.socialmediaalternatives.org/?page_id=2
looks like they've got an Omeka install with screenshots of functionality across many social media alternatives for UX/UI examples.
What is Omeka?
Omeka is a CMS built on a LAMP stack and designed for scholars, museums, libraries, archives, and enthusiasts to create complex narratives, share rich collections, research, exhibits, and digital projects https://indieweb.org/Omeka
cats1, [kevinmarks], eli_oat and snarfed joined the channel
What is Lorea?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Lorea" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Lorea is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is ZeroMe?
It looks like we don't have a page for "ZeroMe" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ZeroMe is ____", a sentence describing the term)
eli_oat1, cweiske, yoroy, IRCsum, electronicmaji, yoroy_, snarfed, eli_oat, [jgmac1106], wolftune and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Not sure if this has been shared yet. Interesting.
Is it hate on URL season again?
Not really sure I want Google shaping something as fundamental as this.
I genuinely wish Chrome wasn't such a dominant force 😕
oh it really is a "wants to" article
there is no plan
[cleverdevil] do they reference: 1 any past attempts, 2 what is different today, 3 what is different in their plan?
We don't really know that.
If not, then it’s ignorable
"I don’t know what this will look like, because it’s an active discussion in the team right now," says Parisa Tabriz, director of engineering at Chrome. "But I do know that whatever we propose is going to be controversial."
We need a “ignores history; didn’t read”
They reference "origin chip"
"Porter Felt says the group will be more ready to talk publicly about its ideas this fall or in the spring."
Probably fine to ignore until then.
I understand the viewpoint that URLs are cumbersome for the average person to understand.
I fail to see how you can implement a change without completely upending HTTP, which is a huge factor in what makes the web great.
LMK when they have something as low friction to share in chat
Cleverdevil, I reject that viewpoint based on how easily and frequently the average person shares URLs, including copy pasting them into txt, chat, social media
Well, its not binary.
Not "good" and "bad."
So that “viewpoint” needs citation
Just "could be better."
hadvanx7 joined the channel
I dispute the absolute characterization as “cumbersome”
Now, my version of that viewpoint is more related to tracking parameters and utm_ turds than anything else 🙂
hadvanx7 joined the channel
...and what I was just writing: http://jgregorymcverry.com/6430-2/
hadvanx7 joined the channel
[Greg McVerry] It takes me way too much time to teach students how to share a url from their @wordpress blog and to a specific @wordpress post. Need a little UI love me thinks as the failure rate on first time share is well above 50%.
Feels a bit like some researchers are #whiningontheyacht
in teaching offline reading we have this topic concept about print,,,the web shoudl be no different. We explicitly teach students from preK on "This is a title"
shocking that no one knows what a url is when they were never explicitly taught concepts of the web, "This is a url"
[jgmac1106] how is “title” different from “name”?
wow a namespace throwback question....skippin gover
NYT prefers “web address” to “URL”
A URL is an *address*, which means it needs to be specific, which sort of belies the notion that it can be simplified.
People are capable of understanding physical addresses.
Cleverdevil there are better / worse URLs
So, they should be capable of understanding *web* addresses.
There definitely are.
What is url design?
URL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indieweb.org/URL_design
If the conversation is "make nicer URLs" then fine.
If the conversation is "completely change URLs" I'm skeptical.
in Concepts about Print you teach Cover, title, author, this is a sentence, this is a word, etc an assessment developed by Marie Clay We read left to right...it is a massive predictor of later literary ability
That is the nature of UI design...instead of educating users, you just try to design around lack of knowledge
benwerd and eli_oat joined the channel
jackjamieson[m] and kiith_ joined the channel
sample of urls I get from students when I ask them to share...and most do say web address: https://wordpress.com/stats/day/edu305jfalc.wordpress.com or https://wordpress.com/plans/britt307.wordpress.com
but that is just crappy UI in the wordpress editor interface...it is very hard to know how to share the link intuitively for someone new to the web.
eli_oat, iasai and PFMurph joined the channel
snarfed and eli_oat joined the channel
↩️ i'm sure someone's said it, but as much as i like the vibe and support the vision, the practical impact of a lot of indieweb tech is kinda scant - like there are no real microschema aggregators or anything
eli_oat and snarfed joined the channel
[tantek]: just seeing posts from atom like that is usually doable. actually *federating* on though, eg interactions, is harder
↩️ It's still early days for sure, but there are some fun things already: https://news.indieweb.org/en https://indieweb.xyz/en https://microcast.club https://indieweb.org/indiewebring Not to mention that everything I read online gets funneled through this tech: https://aaronparecki.com/2018/04/20/46/indieweb-reader-my-new-home-on-the-internet
eli_oat1 and eli_oat joined the channel
↩️ I love the way you are sharing what you read! Going to find my next few books. BTW a bunch of folks have gotten all the pieces flowing on Jekyll sites: https://indieweb.org/Jekyll (http://jgregorymcverry.com/6440-2/)
snarfed, jackjamieson, KartikPrabhu and leg joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I've caught up on about 2 weeks of #indieweb channel backlog. I'll be back in 2 weeks once I'm done reading the 45 new tabs I've got opened and start work on 10 new /itches...
hah, I was away for only a long weekend and gave up on logs
Would be great to see your summary [chrisaldrich]
Like even just a blog post listing those 45 tabs and 10 itches
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
that 11th itch would be the end of me I'm afraid!
metbril, [metbril], [pfefferle], benwerd and [grantcodes] joined the channel
I thought that replacing urls article was a bit sensationalist. There was not really much mention of them actually replacing urls, more about how they display the "identity" of the site
benwerd and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
URLs are fine, chrome needs work on UX isn't a headline
kaushalmodi, benwerd, yoroy and snarfed joined the channel
It’s not the first “URLs are dead” or “replacing URLs” article
Maybe it’s worth keeping a list of those over the years to refer to
snarfed, aalmazan and [davidmead] joined the channel
I seem to remember one of the original silos (aol, CompuServe) having a single word resolve to a URL. Maybe it was an MS thing in IE
didn’t catch on
AOL keywords?
snarfed, eli_oat, electronicmaji, jackjamieson, kaushalmodi and BWBellairs25 joined the channel
Ꭺllah is ԁoing
hadvanx7, [jgmac1106] and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell jeremycherfas any special/interesting features about Paperback that you find helpful?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell aaronpk I have investigated a Kindle compatible file output from Node.js in the past as part of a plane to have a Microsub to Kindle service but haven’t gotten any further than doing a prototype html to Kindle file conversion and then opening the file in Kindle to test
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
So still a ways to go before anything testable, and I haven’t opened that project in several months lol
benwerd, [kevinmarks], eli_oat1 and snarfed joined the channel
↩️ If you really want to get into decentralized publishing tech issues check http://indieweb.org and the ActivityPub protocol which #mastodon and #peertube both implemented #indieweb
jackjamieson joined the channel
The actual headline should be "URLs are doing fine, but Chrome has some UX problems to work on." but that wouldn't get links. Or origin chips. https://twitter.com/AlecMuffett/status/1037060750840406016
benwerd, eli_oat, snarfed, electronicmaji, jackjamieson, [tantek], slvr, [aaronpk] and eli_oat1 joined the channel
test tweet for #indieweb in_reply_to responses using http://bri.gy
jdp, renem, eli_oat and KartikPrabhu joined the channel