#indieweb 2018-09-18

2018-09-18 UTC
[jgmac1106], iasai, [kevinmarks] and jjuran joined the channel
I also finished _Kill Process_ this summer by William Hertling. As an author he sits high on my pantheon of  techno-thriller writers, and that was before I knew Hertling embraced the #IndieWeb (more on this later). In the first works I read Hertling’s … http://jgregorymcverry.com/6992-2/
renem, JasonO, leg, Balaji030698, iasai, jjuran and tantek joined the channel
Event: Homebrew Website Club SF! At: 2018-09-19 17:30 @MozSF RSVP: http://tantek.com/e/4wZ1
cweiske, jjuran, tantek, yoroy, kiith_, jihaisse, subcache16, Ruxton, friedcell, swentel, anotheryou, Cranium16 and jeremych_ joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
catsup, friedcell and bb1 joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
↩️ Decentralized  means not centralized. We don’t technically need blockchain or .dat websites (p2p web like Beaker Browser). A decentralized web can work simply by folks controlling their own domain #IndieWeb style. Start with social media silos (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7023-2/)
friedcell, barpthewire, jihaisse, jeff_mahoney18, yoroy, stonor19 and grdryn joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
Get involved, if you're in the Oxford area! Might see if I can pull something together about @withknown ... #indieweb
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
so I have been talking to friends, mainly Doug Belshaw, for the path or private family social network replacement, people want a mobile app....is there anyway I could use Known and a micropub client with a multiple user site? How would I IndieLogin work? Could it on a multi-user site?
it works.
on a multi-user site.
because IndieLogin works the following way:
1. you provide it a url that is maybe you
2. webapplication you gave the url fetches the IndieLogin-server and redirects to there
3. you authenticate (e.g. via password) on the indielogin server
4. indielogin server redirects back to web application
5. web app fetches information from IndieLogin server as which URL you actually authenticated
so the url you provided in 1. does not have to equal the URL that you are authenticated as by the login server
note that this does of course not work with rel=me on the URL you give on 1.
in the rel-me case, you have to give the correct URL in step 1 already
[jgmac1106]: private family social network replacement - that sounds like a call for a private mastodon OR SSBC to be honest
friedcell left the channel
the multiuser Known sites work great as private or semi private networks, it was just handling logging in to multipub clients i couldn't figure out
yoroy, mapkyca and GTAXL24 joined the channel
you probably need to log in with the profile url then
If the Known Micropub plugin/module/thing is multi-user capable, it should Just Work^{tm}. Probably.
Good morning IndieWeb
good morning!
friedcell, [schmarty] and strk joined the channel
!karma danbee
danbee has 0 karma over the last year
↩️ prendre en main la modération et l'administration. Je rêve de naviguer. Et de ne pas accueillir les geeks indieweb. Je rêve d'apprendre à dessiner avec vous pour concevoir nos propres emojis et les installer ici. ⛵ (2/2)
!karma aaronpk
aaronpk has 44 karma in this channel over the last year (310 in all channels)
!karma strk
strk has 0 karma over the last year
strk left the channel
If anyone would be willing to share a screenshot
Oops sorry
@strk they made changes to Karma just to display current year and not lifetime karma
yoroy joined the channel
oh hey twitter is bringing the reverse chronological timeline back https://twitter.com/TwitterSupport/status/1041838957896450048
5/ Meanwhile, today we updated the “Show the best Tweets first” setting. When off, you’ll only see Tweets from people you follow in reverse chronological order. Previously when turned off, you’d also see “In case you missed it” and recommended Tweets from people you don’t follow.
[eddie] joined the channel
lol "Recommended tweets from people you don't follow" when did that ever seem like a good idea when they decided to add that?
But that's great they are reversing course a bit
gotta boost engagement lol
maybe i should start randomly inserting posts into people's aperture timelines lol
follow this person :)
“I see you are subscribed to schmarty, you may also be interested in aaronpk.”
i do think that kind of stuff is actually useful, it just shouldn't be forced on to people when they are not expecting it
as something people can opt in to, there are some interesting things you could do
Yeah, I think it can be useful. I almost feel like making something like that into it's own channel so you have it when you want but not when you dont
That's why I've created my Recommended Stuff channel
friedcell joined the channel
Likes and Reposts and Follows
ooh that's neat
i can't find that on your site, what's the link?
grdryn joined the channel
ohhhh i mean in aperture
i follow other peoples likes, reposts and follows
oh! clever
although that makes sense to create my own one on my site
one of the things i want to add to aperture soon is expanding the content of liked/reposted posts
and reply contexts
ohhh yeah, that would be awsome.
oh yeah, + 1 on that
i'm finding that I am sometimes too lazy to actualyl click a link and read the post so i just skip it
hahaha yeah
i've always planned to, it's just a big infrastructure shift to make that happen so i cut it out of the first launch
will that be added in to xray then ?
hmm not sure
i guess probably?
for some reason, it seems logical to me, but could be wrong
before i even get that far i need to make aperture fetch permalinks at all, since right now it only uses what's in the feed
➡️ -dev for discussion of implementation details
yoroy, wolftune, jackjamieson, KartikPrabhu, iasai, barpthewire, [tantek], friedcell, grdryn, jihaisse, [kevinmarks], todrobbins, aalmazan, [schmarty], jgmac1106 and rootmos_ joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
Allah is dഠіng
KapiX, hs0ucy and fourtonfish joined the channel
fin du brainstorming. Silence. @xtof@indieweb.me remercie @b@indieweb.me pour les insights qui seront à analyser dans un système #TiretPlus
départ chez Prout. participants @c@indieweb.me invite @b@indieweb.me
jgmac1106, BentBanana, JLarja25, jasonp12 and friedcell joined the channel
Hey @dooquasar if you and any other @polygon friends are around you should attend #indiewebcamp NYC https://indieweb.org/2018/NYC Let’s strategize ways to gamers to utilize their own websites. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7047-2/)
yoroy joined the channel
Hey @doomquasar if you and any other @polygon friends are around you should attend #indiewebcamp NYC https://indieweb.org/2018/NYC Sept 28-29 Let’s strategize ways to gamers to utilize their own websites. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7049-2/)
blackburd joined the channel
jgmac1106, neil__ and doubleloop joined the channel; neil__ left the channel
ho indieweb
jackjamieson, mar77i16, calumryan and KapiX joined the channel
Hello doubleloop!
Hey calumryan!
jgee joined the channel
doubleloop: I saw your post on syndicating to a Mastodon instance, how did that go?
calumryan: it's working OK, very hacky and basic at the moment, but it's a start
i just piggy-backed on an existing Wordpress plugin
had anyone succeeded webmentioning to mastodon instances via bridgy fed?
I'm really loving using Indigenous - mostly for posting at the moment, but also looking forward to fleshing out my Microsub subscriptions
petermolnar: I didn't try personally, as I was already part of an instance, that at least for now I'm interested in staying part of
But the main reason was having an active timeline
As I use an indie reader more, that might not be as important
I looked into Bridgy Fed but think I will need to tweak my feed for it to work. Also had a look at an OAuth library I could add in for my CMS but that fell over generating a bearer key.
nightmared2, kraftbj, [tantek] and todrobbins joined the channel
gooooootime and camerongray joined the channel
#TiretPlus #familybu team @b@indieweb.me -> @c@indieweb.me to be completed
tantek__ and todrobbins joined the channel
dîner w /@b@indieweb.me chez Prout. conc board http://indieweb.me Dinner w/ @b@indieweb.me @b@indieweb.me : social admin reçu plein d'insights de @b@indieweb.me sur la sécurité et bien-être de notre groupe. Elle (1/2)
↩️ invitera sa fille e. @b@indieweb.me coul help us on our mission statement . Merci @b@indieweb.me #TiretPlus #familybugs (2/2)
dougbeal|mb1, tantek__ and jdp joined the channel