#indieweb 2018-09-17

2018-09-17 UTC
ramsub08, renem, eli_oat, ghost7514, zedomega11, wolftune, iasai and jjuran joined the channel
What is Unladen Follow
It looks like we don't have a page for "Unladen Follow" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Unladen Follow is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Unladen Follow is a webapp that ranks your twitter follows by their tweet frequency.
ok, I added "https://github.com/apike/Unladen-Follow/" to a brand new "See Also" section of /Unladen_Follow https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=51747&oldid=51746
ok, I added "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071853/quotes?item=qt0470601" to the "See Also" section of /Unladen_Follow https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=51748&oldid=51747
jjuran, iasai, wolftune, Compn14, barpthewire, eli_oat1, KartikPrabhu, cweiske, yoroy, jihaisse and swentel joined the channel
↩️ @borthwick we also have a number of meal and meet-up sponsorships stil available if @betaworks or any portfolio company wanted to sponsor #IndieWebCamp NYC. $300, $200, $100 levels. Help us keep this wonderful even free for all. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/6909-2/)
eli_oat, friedcell, khubo19, late-8, anotheryou, jeremych_, qed, hexoroid, catsup, swentel, grdryn, [jgmac1106], vivus, warthog922 and bluemaex18 joined the channel; vivus left the channel
yoroy, barpthewire and friedcell joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
Penser à créer une page http://indieweb.me sur http://indieweb.org. Aide demandée : non urgent. Finir la description et s'inspirer de la page https://indieweb.org/ind.ie :indieHeart:
[deeden] joined the channel
Remember folks. The inaugural Oxford #indiewebcamp is happening this weekend. Free to attend. Get started with your own space on the web, or add some cool new stuff to your existing site. All skill levels welcome.
yoroy, jmac, nobody48122 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Reminder to those near Oxford IWC is this weekend
I know I have been quite the loud mouth but I am enjoying open source contribution that is focused on me, has no boards and bosses, and no real formal structure at all.
[eddie], barpthewire, jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
oops that was meant for a different Slack channel, rings true there though
yoroy, wolftune, jackjamieson and aalmazan joined the channel
Want to update posts in your #drupal site with Indigenous ? Who doesn't ! :) The android client and #indieweb module has experimental support now for querying posts and then updating a single post.
jgmac1106_, mtj_18 and yoroy joined the channel
↩️ l'accueil @OlivierAuber@indieweb.me. Je vais aller me concentrer sur mon organisation #TiretPlus (plein de post-it partout...) (2/2)
LoneTech7, KartikPrabhu and yoroy joined the channel
[kevinmarks] and friedcell joined the channel
Invitation lancée à Patrick Rhone pour nous aider à adopter le système de #GTD #TiretPlus que nous devrons baptiser 'TIret / Plus' sur notre groupe de travail #indieweb (#todo - trouver un designer d'emoji - déposer le fichier dans l'UI admin)
hs0ucy, friedcell, snarfed, jgmac1106_, Dekans23, jackjami_, [jgmac1106] and Hory joined the channel
↩️ Congrats on the #DigitalDetox. Vacations from social media, especially those who face it’s wrath, provide much needed respite. When your back I say we work to get you folks set up on the #IndieWeb. Make and be your own network. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/6948-2/)
jgmac1106, jackjamieson, dougbeal|mb1, [eddie] and [christophe] joined the channel
#Mastodon diary https://communitywiki.org/trunk developed by my friend alex Shroeder has delegated a french version > https://mtrunk.deblan.org awaiting Mastodon users with an #indieweb section
If you’re on Mastodon follow Alex https://octodon.social/@kensanata He could have an eye on indieweb.me It’s my angel 🙂
Alex Schroeder 🐝
JusDePatate[m] joined the channel
Hello :)
@anildash searching @glitch (used indieweb, webmention, indieauth, cms, storage) find almost all  #IndieWeb building blocks one needs to build and launch a CMS. Let’s create this pathway. If you are willing to pay bet customers will too. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/6964-2/)
leg and tantek__ joined the channel
good day #indieweb!
jackjamieson, KartikPrabhu, snarfed and eli_oat1 joined the channel
o/ tantek__
Hello tantek__!
tantek and echarlie joined the channel
↩️ Pitch aside @kevinmarks correct. The hole you feel missing  is your blog. Your presence. Distributed web starts with decentralization and that begins with your own domain. #indieweb (http://jgregorymcverry.com/6981-2/)
Finally new social readers like @aaronpk  built  unify reading & writing space combined with standards like webmentions and this addresses your need for a cleaner reading/writing space. The #indieweb stuff so cool. Its the web we all want (http://jgregorymcverry.com/6987-2/)
marxjohnson and kein3117 joined the channel
aaronpk: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 day, 9 hours ago: the aperture logo on the WordPress authentication screen when using IndieAuth looks really low res
Anyone who just got devoiced by chanserv, disconnect and reconnect and you'll get it back
If someone has ops you can also voice everyone again, I'm on a plane for the next hour
uh what happened?
ah, looks like ChanServ removed voice from all non-logged-in users
tantek joined the channel
This is new... instagram is suggesting emoji as comment text
I've been seeing that for a few days
Not sure how they decide which ones to show there
interesting, looks like if I try to say something, Loqi warns me, then grants me +v
It's not my list of commonly used emoji (if it was I would be concerned how an app has access to that data)
and my original statement goes to the logs, but didn't go out to anyone else who is not an op
so short version: if you lost +v voice, just say something like "hello Loqi!" and Loqi will respond and give you +v
aaronpk, I see a different set of emoji in that UI (have been for a few days?), and have no idea how they got it
oh wait I think I know, it may be the most common/recent emoji that I've typed into IG text fields, in comments and/or dms
nothing to do with OS-level commonly used emoji
they have enough data with just what you've typed into the app
That makes sense
Pythayr27 and [eddie] joined the channel
https://indiewebcamp.slack.com/files/U433EQWG2/FCV9BCS1H/image_from_ios.jpg Wow, this is pretty cool. This websites feed had an audio file, Aperture picked it up and it showed up in my reader!
[kevinmarks] and petermolnar joined the channel
Olivier merci de ne pas utiliser l'emoji #indieHeart (que j'ai personnalisée ici avec indiecoeur pour analyse de rendu et casse ChatMot des emojis). Cette emoji peut porter à confusion avec les valeurs #indieweb > indieHeart n'est ni #indieweb ni #indiewebcamp (1/2)
↩️ (https://indieweb.org/ind.ie) Tu peux les suivre. Laura a été inteviewée par Framasoft. ... Je suggère juste de chercher des designers d'emojis pour façonner notre identié d'instance et créer une page domaine sur http://indieweb.org (2/2)
ograff17 joined the channel
Regard sur l'app Timing... L'amorçage social est un truc de rêve. Tout est à créer. ça me rend un peu fou. Bug connu, zone rouge. Je compte inviter ma psychiâtre à suivre mon fil Mastodon. ? Preneur de vos points de vue pour faire d'http://indieweb.me une instance (1/2)