#indieweb 2018-09-19

2018-09-19 UTC
[jgmac1106] and iasai joined the channel
↩️ If any #edci336 students wanted to learn more about the #IndieWeb or learn about learning in open source spaces happy to talk or introduce you to spaces to learn more. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7053-2/)
tantek__ joined the channel
a rel="me" with a href that redirects, can it be treated just like if the href was direct?
intuitively i would say yes
spikebyte and jdp joined the channel
Gargron: yes, with the caveat that https -> http redirects should be disallowed.
the point being, if someone took the effort to specify an https URL as their other identity, then they have an expectation that https will be used to retrieve/verify that
not exactly rel=me, but very much related, the indieauth spec talks a lot about specific redirect handling in user's identity URLs https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#redirect-examples
aaronpk interesting! question about Temporary Redirect to a Different Domain then, how/why does the protocol get upgraded from http to https?
eli_oat joined the channel
from "the client initially transforms that to http://username.example/" to "the authorization endpoint will return a me value of https://username.example/"
(sorry this is #indieweb-dev, feel free to answer there)
renem_, wolftune, iasai, ChrisR, eli_oat and RonDiaz joined the channel
↩️ L'idée du petit carnet + stylo NASA a bien plu @b@indieweb.me. Impatient d'accueillir a qui vit à l'étranger ;) (2/2)
Pas relu shirky mais j'aimerais en parler avec a et @b@indieweb.me pour aider à rédiger notre mission... Besoin d'aide pour la formulation Ferme Indieweb : encourager les gens à se barrer d'ici. Métayage vs fermier "propriétaire de son domaine" Je rêve (1/2)
[schmarty] joined the channel
Follow the indieweb principle: post elsewhere, syndicate own site. Elsewhere can be twitter/ig... https://perkeep.org/doc/overview
nitot joined the channel
post elsewhere, syndicate own site
garryq8, tantek__, yoroy, friedcell, cweiske, wolftune, nitot, swentel, anotheryou, grdryn, IRCsum and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
“instead of spending time building things, they’ve convinced people interested in these ideas that the first thing we need to do is write standards. (To engineers, this is absurd from the start—standards are things you write after you’ve got something working, not before!)”
catsup and adactio joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
swentel, barpthewire, friedcell and jeremych_ joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
good morning!
Taking a break from array wrangling. Back in a bit.
barpthewire joined the channel
↩️ #IndieWeb  decentralized group of bloggers, hackers, developers, educators who want to rethink  web. Believe best way to protect folks  and web is to encourage your own sites and to network through open standards and not commercial silos (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7057-2/)
barpthewire joined the channel
↩️ Fully agree, @lyssaslounge : And bundle/amplify the efforts of W3C people, indieweb community and civil rights movements ! This would mean much more to me than "VR" … Let us speak up at the EU council, e.g. next FOSDEM, how about sponsoring a series of indieweb hackathons? etc.
↩️ You can learn more at https://indieweb.org or https://indieweb.org/education . I came to it as I want educators openly sharing our courses and believe plain html is the easiest to make course work universal. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7060-2/)
↩️ Been teaching using  #IndieWeb stack since 2015 without understanding how it all worked. So I spent some time learning microformats this summer, and realized, “This is all in the html, this is how it should be, and so easy even I can do it.” (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7064-2/)
↩️ If any #edci336 students or you want to learn more you can remote into #IndieWebCamp NYC Sept 228-29. https://indieweb.org/2018/NYC your students can bring their sites and tune them up with some of the best developers and designers (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7068-2/)
↩️ Dont  have anyone running a Homebrew Website Club near Victoria. If #edc336  wanted to attend a bi-weekly meetup about building personal sites remoting into Seattle or SanFran best option. If someone wanted to start a HWC as a project be cool (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7070-2/)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ Ich hab Erlaubnis von meiner Regierung, ich dürfte heute. ;) Wenn es auch gilt, dass ich etwas für das @indiewebcamp Berlin mache dann? ^^
glob, friedcell, Lunar_Lamp__ and barpthewire joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
↩️ que je déléguerai plus tard à des devs compétents. URL idéposé ici https://twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/1041356312565743616 Merci @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone Pour action #TiretPlus "dev <- Migration instance http://indieweb.me" (2/2)
nitot, barpthewire1, AkyRhO, Kaja_, Zegnat and sknebel joined the channel
Hi all! I'm an IndieWeb newbie, and i'd like some help. I tried to use indiepaper.io but it raises a HTTP 400 when I try to save a bookmark. Everything seems fine on my blog, and I could not find any mention of this problem anywhere on the net. Thanks per advance
[Niklas], barpthewire1 and barpthewire joined the channel
does it give you any more detailed error than that?
Je serai ravi de tester un scénario d'accueil avec olivier attendu sur http://indieweb.me pour imaginer les relations qu'il tient à distance avec son fils (Polytechnique Lausanne). Que lui proposer pour remplacer WhatsApp ?
Ce que j'ai retenu et qui me semble communicable -sous son contrôle- de notre dîner avec @b@indieweb.me hier soir chez Prout Quelques insights extraits de mon petit carnet orange qui peuvent être proposés comme ébauche de réflexion sur la future mission de ce (1/2)
Briefé @b@indieweb.me sur projet étoile #bipolaire. Elle trouve ça génial. Idée retenue : trouver un nom pour baptiser le #bateau qui ne s'appellera pas "étoile bipolaire".
jgmac1106, barpthewire, nitot and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
33 minutes until vHWC
I added a countdown scheduled for 2018-09-19 5:30pm CEST (#6374)
nitot and barpthewire joined the channel
↩️ livres en cours (je serai ravi de vous les passer) Kindle : - Enough - Patrick Rhone - MinimalMac - PR pour aider @b@indieweb.me Papier - Le pouvoir du moment présent (2/2)
yoroy, iasai and wolftune joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
@sknebel "Failed to publish to specified endpoint."
jgmac1106 joined the channel
which setup method did you use? the login or the manual entry for the bookmarklet?
aalmazan joined the channel
the js bookmarklet
I'll try a manual entry
the login should be more reliable, less manual mistakes to make there I'd think
ok now I realize i'm not sure what you're talking about -_-
you did login with your website on https://www.indiepaper.io/ ?
yes i did
after that i saved the JS bookmark that was given to me
i tried it and nothing happened
so i checked the network tool only to discover that I got a HTTP 400 on the POST reqeuest
Amorçage en cours d'une mission #indieweb sur http://indieweb.me Une ferme #indieweb encourageant ses enfants à partir. Motorisation Mastodon Politique de modération #softsecurity Serais ravi d'échanger avec des admin ou dir. d'instances @xtof@indieweb.me
hm, not sure I can help you debug that further then, hopefully cleverdevil can take a look later
barpthewire1 and swentel joined the channel
Countdown set by sknebel on 2018-09-19 at 4:57pm CEST
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
How long until vHWC?
@sknebel thanks :)
[jgmac1106], -6 minutes
New #alpha version released for #drupal8 #module indieweb (8.x-1.0-alpha13). More info: https://www.drupal.org/project/indieweb
jackjamieson joined the channel
@sknebel i think the problem is on my end - I wanted to try alltogethernow.io and I've got issue to create content there as well - I can't even create a new channel
If both Together and IndiePaper are having issues maybe the problem lies with the Microsub server. Are you using Aperture?
yes, through the wordpress plugin
Are you able to login on https://aperture.p3k.io/login ? I don’t know how to establish that Aperture is working ... Maybe one of the WP people does (paging GWG)
nitot joined the channel
Réessayé de passer la porte de cette instance. Déconnexion puis tentative d'entrer avec un nom d'utilisateur @c@indieweb.me Bug : connu. Perdu mot de passe. Et l'#UX de réinitailisation toujours aussi pourrie. J'abandonne pour ce soir. #TiretPlus : (1/2)
↩️ trouver une solution avec Hugo et les nouveaux venus pour aider à implémenter https://indieauth.com/ Je serai ravi que les membres IndieWeb puissent se connecter ici avec leurs domaines. (2/2)
@Zegnat yes I'm able to login
If you can login there, and Aperture is all set up, I am not sure why Together and all aren’t working. Sorry :( Definitely going to need someone closer to the metal to have a look at that
AkyRhO: What happens when you try to create a channel in Together? (I've been using Together with my own microsub server so I might have encountered similar issues)
nitot, [Khurt], eli_oat1, jgmac1106, todrobbins, calumryan, ntz26 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
closes vHWC EU for the night
tantek__ joined the channel
good morning #indieweb! It's HWC day! (and Baltimore did theirs last night)
is Virtual EU HWC happening?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Facebook was down for 45 mins on 3 August 2018 Here’s the impact it had on the publishing ecosystem... - Global web traffic went up 2.3% - 11% increase in direct traffic to web pages - 22% increase in other apps opened - 8% increase in search traffic h/t @axios / @Chartbeat https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DnYfuO7XcAAEduF.jpg
ah looks like I just missed it. hope vHWC EU was good Zegnat !
kevinmarks, quite interesting. FB down = rest of web went up?
the 8% increase in search traffic is particularly interesting, as it means people didn't "just" replace their use of FB by switching to different social media
how much of a stretch is it to infer that if all social media silos went down, then search traffic and direct traffic to web pages would go *way* up?
calumryan, nitot, jgmac1106 and kraftbj joined the channel
@Gargron Nice. I already had a rel=me link to mastodon in the header of my blog, so this was free! https://mastodon.social/@qubyte/100749428077603231
[qubyte] @Gargron Nice. I already had a rel=me link to mastodon in the header of my blog, so this was free! https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/006/446/974/original/17670a6cfeb3e197.png
Hey #edu106 if any of you chose digital writing as your subjective and are interested in learning more about using #IndieWeb stuff on your blog I welcome you to join me at a free conference https://indieweb.org/2018/NYC Sept 28-29 (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7087-2/)
Curious to hear your experiences with redesigned settings pages, and to see some verified links. https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/100749031349740967
[Eugen] Curious to hear your experiences with redesigned settings pages, and to see some verified links.
^^^ good thread. lots of good confirmations on rel=me being easy to setup
doubleloop joined the channel
And an explanation on the profile edit page
Hi indieweb :)
evening :)
Nice rel-me link verification on Mastodon
Gargron has 1 karma over the last year
[dougbeal], Pierre-O, Dave12318, calumryan and nitot joined the channel
↩️ Hi Amanda! That's very kind of you! Are you on the indieweb slack channel? I'm currently using jekyll and using the jekyll-webmention_io plugin - i'm pretty sure i'm the one doing something wrong here :)
[eddie], jeeger, benharri12, wolftune, tantek, iasai, iasai_, iasai__ and kaushalmodi joined the channel
Just had an awesome evening at #hwclondon! Thanks @calum_ryan for organising it! #indieweb
tianon11 and nunatak joined the channel
Nice! Now I wonder how I can get mastodon to show my own profile as verified since I host mine myself
iasai__, tantek, tantek__ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Can you rel-me to yourself?
sounds like an #indieweb-dev question
dougbeal|mb1, BronzeEagle2, todrobbins, iasai__, wolftune, Twiglet, jgee and nitot joined the channel
[jgmac1106], ronaldlokers5 and iasai__ joined the channel