[jgmac1106][schmarty] lead a wonderful debate ont he difference between read, like, and bookmark today, and I consider a read post an action...that can include a reaction
[grantcodes]"Think of your Solid POD as your own private website, except that your data interoperates with all your apps, which means you have your own personal API to go along with it."
[eddie]I added a “Feedback” page to the Indigenous for iOS website. http://indigenous.abode.pub/ios/feedback/ Essentially people can send reply posts to it instead of Emails or GitHub when they have bug reports or suggestions for the app.
[eddie]So all the replies to the “project page” or “feedback page” become a suggestion. Then I want to be able to edit the category of suggestion to put it into a grouping. Each suggestion will become it’s own page so you can reply to suggestions or vote with reacji
[eddie]In the next version of Indigenous I’m adding a “Feedback” button in the settings page and if you click that it’ll open up a new post that automatically has the Indigenous feedback page as what it is replying to
[eddie]Not currently because the experiment is just starting. But it might if swentel is interested in using it as well. (Although url would be different because that url has iOS in it, so it would probably be the same thing but down the Android url path)