#indieweb 2018-10-06

2018-10-06 UTC
gRegorLove: yeah, I'm not very happy with the whole workflow and display yet either
[asuh], rrix, renem, ben_thatmustbeme and sebsel joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
Good morning IndieWeb, hi jeremycherfas
Hello Salaryman Zegnat
good morning!
good morning :)
hi sebsel!
Good morning sebsel and sknebel
Let me play Facebook bridge for a minute: jkphl is considering a HWC in Nürnberg on the 17th. Are there any people here who know they’ll be around that evening and are interested?
(This also answers the question sknebel and I had yesterday about HWC Nürnberg ;-) )
I'll be in Nürnberg already, so yeah!
[Rose] joined the channel
Sadly I'll still be in Vienna. But I'll join in spirit! (And via the Internet if that's an option)
I really do not recall what equipment is around the tollwerkstatt for bridging with online. Or if we even end up doing HWC there. But you can count on me to keep IRC updated with any developments, [Rose] ;)
sebsel, I thought you were coming later! :o Nice if you can join us though!
sebsel, when you do arrive?
yeah, change of plans. I'll be arriving around 16:30 on Wednesday now!
so that seems just in time for a HWC :)
I'm in the same position as Rose and would welcome a joint vHWC/NUE
Let me fulfill my role as FB bridge and let jkphl know there is definite interest in a HWC, and even in having it link to online. Of course we’ll have to see what everyone is up to on the day and what times it will happen, but the most important step is done: there are people :D
Communicated back that several of us are in town and feeling up for it, also made note of the interest to bridge it with vHWC :D
is getting inspired by all these IndieWeb events!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
why cant HWC-Nunrberg, be join Nurnbegr remotely? think we got a case of over thinking
[jgmac1106]: 1) no HWC was planned, jkphl publicly wondered if people were interested today and I was polling; 2) the usual HWC Nürnberg – like many other HWC – has never offered remote (as I can recall); 3) the usual venue does not have A/V equipment lying around to guarantee a succesfull remote. Planning it required here. We’ll try though!
ahh that makes sense
We have talked about putting together a remote a/v package we could ship around to HWCs.
Yep. And as jkphl is often involved in the planning of all 3 regular German IWCs, I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets custody of such a package ;) But we have about 11 days to make this one work, haha.
We’ll figure it out :) Would you be interested in attending remotely the 17th, [jgmac1106]?
waht day of week, I teach M and W
too lazy to hit button for calendar
HWC day, so wednesday.
...yeah usually in class during HWX-Europe, but try to encourage some remote sessions if at all possible and bandwidth available
Ruxton and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Do people have suggestions for a service that will do what page2rss used to do? Monitor pages for changes and send an alert or create a feed of some sort.
[jgmac1106], wolftune, [Rose], [asuh], [kevinmarks] and [dmitshur] joined the channel
hello. I have a theoretical question about indieweb and silos
imagine if one of the companies... let's say github, as an example, organized user accounts, user data, etc., slightly differently.
right now, when you create a user account on GH named "user1", you get github.com/user1 and your repos are stored on GitHub's servers.
what if (this is gonna sound crazy, but bear with me for the sake of an argument)... they'd let you sign up as "user2.com", assuming that domain isn't taken yet, and they would register it for you, buy you a private server... and place their proprietary code on it, and then your github repos are now available at user2.com instead of github.com/user2... and your data is stored on that server (which is yours...). aside from the different url, the f
repos are on your server, and you need to pay more $ for the domain and server, it would be an experience indistinguishable from the current github.com
if that happened, would your git repos on your user2.com server be considered being in a silo?
the definition of a silo on the wiki says "a silo [...] is a centralized web site typically owned by a for-profit corporation that stakes some claim to content contributed to it and restricts access in some way (has walls)"
so I suppose this wouldn't apply since it's no longer centralized (I think?) and there are fewer restrictions to access (i.e., you can access your git repos on your own server)
I guess the more interesting question is where the other metadata would live (git repos are too easy)... like issues, etc.
I should've used a blogging silo site as an example... like facebook or instagram
what is POSSE
POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, a content publishing model that starts with posting content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to 3rd party services with permashortlinks back to the original on your site https://indieweb.org/POSSE
[dmitshur]: that seems to be what you are talking about ^
it might be related, but that doesn't sound like exactly it. I meant if a company literally lets you use your own server to host your own data and uses your server to run a part of their service
no copies involved
it might not be technically viable, even if they wanted to do it, because of the latency overhead... etc., but anyway, I just thought it was an interesting hypothetical situation to imagine
deathrow1 and wolftune joined the channel
that sounds like web hosting
which is not considered a silo
{<some> service + web hosting} as a service, lol
wordpress.com sounds close to that model, though they're not giving you full access to the server. As long as you use your own domain with it, you can control the links and move elsewhere as needed.
in the sense they let you host their blog on your own domain, right?
your wordpress blog*
But no plugins
Yeah, and they let you buy a domain through them, if you choose
It's hosting + managed, limited version of their software
the contraption I described above wouldn't pass, because even though it's running in a distributed manner, the service is still proprietary and closed source, etc.
wolftune and tantek__ joined the channel
e.g. we don’t call Squarespace a silo just because their webbuilder isn’t open-source.
[dmitshur], I’d say whether that is a silo depends on the exportability of your data. As long as you can take both the data and the domain (that is the URLs) to a competitor, I think it is fine.
[asuh] and [dmitshur] joined the channel
thanks for the discussion all 🙂
deathrow1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
bonus for using open standards as well as data portability, community a mix of all different kinds of philosophies of economics and ownership, just as long as we can connect our sites
KartikPrabhu, snarfed and wolftune joined the channel
Old_Man: yes a lot of indieweb stuff uses microformats. for microformats specific questions though the #microformats channel is best