#indieweb 2018-10-07
2018-10-07 UTC
KartikPrabhu what is reader?

Loqi A reader (AKA indie reader or social reader) in the context of the indieweb is the portion/feature integrated into an indieweb site that provides a way to read content from other indieweb sites, possibly including posts from the current site, and respond (like, comment, repost, etc) inline in the reading UI itself https://indieweb.org/reader

KartikPrabhu Old_Man: ^

KartikPrabhu yup. we try to document actual usage

aaronpk the #microformats channel gets pretty active at times, just not every day like this one :) https://chat.indieweb.org/microformats/2018-09-29

Old_Man So if I'd been reading various web pages and github feature requests and such, and noticed a trend that people want to work around Google's proprietariness by creating OpenStreetMap-based traffic reporting alternatives...
Old_Man One way I might like to approach that is by letting people contribute simple dtg/lat/long/speed documents to a central repository.
BBNZ, [jgmac1106], mlncn, renem, wolftune, tantek__ and cweiske joined the channel
cweiske I see that the "Code of Conduct" is linked at https://indieweb.org/2018/Nuremberg#Participating
cweiske and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Zegnat https://indieweb.org/IndieWebCamp#During also states “as part of [the introductions] show and present the code of conduct, also point out points of contact.” So it is fair to say the CoC will be brought in somehow at the Nürnberg event.

Zegnat Would love it if you could add your feedback to https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct-feedback. Afraid I do not have a lot to add to this discussion as I really haven’t looked into it :( You could always try #indieweb-meta during US daylight hours.

jeremycherfas I'm very much on the fence about the detailed nature of the CoC, but I come at it from what may well be a position of privilege. One problem I see is that something not specifically mentioned as forbidden may be taken to be allowed. I'd far rather see something based on Do unto others ...

jeremycherfas But I also appreciate that that leaves a lot of leeway to people who claim they wouldn't mind having inflicted on them what they inflict on others.

jeremycherfas There is law, and there is common sense, and in the end it is a private event in a private location. So while I am not going to sign up, I am also going to behave as well as I can and hope that others do the same.

jeremycherfas Also, I hope to see you there cweiske

[Rose] joined the channel
[Rose] I've seen a lot of events implementing a code of conduct and specifically stating what behaviour is acceptable which as a female in a predominantly male environment is definitely welcome. It's good from my point of view for it to be clear in advance what will not be tolerated to attendees and the event holders

jeremycherfas Rose++

[Rose] I'd also note that while in general the vast majority of people are extremely well behaved the minority that are not really do ruin experiences - for everyone. Thankfully everyone I've encountered here has been wonderful and I fully expect that trend to continue - as such the code of conduct is "we're documenting how we're behaving" rather than "people suck and have to follow this" here (in my experience, again)

jeremycherfas That is my exact feeling about this particular group.

jeremycherfas Laws are definitely not enough, because they are slow and often ineffective, and the people responsible for administering the laws may have a vested interest in some of the behaviour that is being complained about. Common sense would be fine, if we all shared the same idea of what constitutes good sense.

jeremycherfas I understand your concerns, but how would you feel if I just started shouting "Of course we need a CoC, you're an idiot if you can't see that, and you're probably ugly too"? None of which is against the law. But it isn't very kind or welcoming.

jeremycherfas And the thing I said earlier about "people who claim they wouldn't mind having inflicted on them what they inflict on others" has two problems. First, it degenerates into a fight that solves nothing and, as [Rose] said, disrupts for everyone. And secondly, it is mostly untrue. The one thing bullies of any kind cannot stand is being stood up to. And mostly they are bullies.

jeremycherfas It does, because there are.

jeremycherfas Exactly.

jeremycherfas And like all the best contracts, you hope for the best but plan for the worst.

jeremycherfas And in doing that, cweiske, you are probably ahead of most other people. I mean, I knew about the CoC and I remember it being mentioned last year, but I had not read any changes or signed up. And I won't sign because that is just a gesture, and I am not big on gestures. I prefer to just act.

jeremycherfas You should document that, somewhere.

Zegnat [Rose] it would be much appreciated to document your thoughts on the wiki! (As would cweiske’s thoughts!) /code-of-conduct-why as well as /code-of-conduct-feedback are good places to add thoughts.

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I would say, "Avoid demeaning, discriminatory, harassing, hateful, or physically threatening behavior, speech, and imagery." coves "Do Not Spit on People"

[jgmac1106] heading to meta

[jgmac1106] thx, if you have concerns, there is a place to put them

jgmac1106 joined the channel
@AntoineAugusti I've requested my personal data from @trainline_fr thanks to #GDPR and I've decided to take 1 hour to visualise how I travel by train. First, 👏 to Trainline: they send you a very complete JSON (mine had 100k lines). See what I've done with it and what I visualised ⤵️ #data (twitter.com/_/status/1048600809091596293)
[tmiller], [jgmac1106], [schmarty], wolftune and [TimApple] joined the channel
[TimApple] I'm a big mastodon user... I'm wondering if the best way to indiefie (can I coin that term) mastodon is to just run my own instance for myself. Don't know if it's necessary, but hosting yourself is pretty cheap. If I lost my stuff, it would be my own darn fault.
[TimApple] lol
[TimApple] That's what I was planning [aaronpk]
[TimApple] Yeah, I was looking at them.. 5 euro isn't bad.. And for me by myself should be ok on the smallest instance
wolftune and miklb joined the channel
aaronpk hm there isn't really anything about that on https://indieweb.org/HTTPS

vilhalmer I continue to wish that Convergence had gone anywhere https://web.archive.org/web/20160803195327/http://convergence.io/

Old_Man Which isn't out of the question for me.
Old_Man We could work on automating more of that, I think.
Old_Man I mean isn't there a commonly-implemented server-to-server encryption layer now?
Old_Man No, SMTP servers encrypting now.
Old_Man I forget what it's called... let me google...
Old_Man One of those
Old_Man Ahh, okay, yeah, I think so.
Old_Man ...invisibly to users who don't want to learn it.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Old_Man I think those both provide encryption natively at a lower layer.
[jon] and [eddie] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [TimApple] [christophe] has an instance indieweb.me build primarily for French audiences but also for just hacking on with IndieWeb stuff

tantek__ joined the channel
Old_Man So as far as decentralization technologies go, apparently there's another one called "InterPlanetary FileSystem (IPFS)". It's a decentralized file-storage protocol, that might be interesting as a distributed content management system. Anybody give that a try yet?
Loqi IPFS is short for InterPlanetary File System, potentially a static site storage method using content based addressing https://indieweb.org/IPFS

Old_Man Ooh, a wiki page on that too. Cool.
Loqi Your homepage represents you on the web, typically at the top of your domain, with your name and an iconic representation, often marked up with h-card, and fairly commonly one or more streams of recent, topical, or most relevant posts marked up with h-entry https://indieweb.org/profile

Old_Man tantek, no "personal" use-case, but I like more-decentralized and federated technologies like email and bittorrent. Diaspora for social networking.
Old_Man IRC for chatting. :)
Old_Man followed a few links to arrive at details of "filecoin" that seems to be replacing "siacoin" as a decentralized storage network with economic incentives for longevity.
miklb and [asuh] joined the channel