LoqiPerkeep (formerly Camlistore) is a blob based storage system written in Go that can store many types of files and data in a distributed fashion https://indieweb.org/Perkeep
Zegnatdansup can you tag people in photos on pixelfed? Tagging someone who isn't s pixelfed user but does have a URL is already a great use case for webmentions
[dave][aaronpk] any recommendations on hosting a Nautilus instance? I use shared hosting from HostGator for the bulk of my projects but I feel like there’s a gap in my knowledge when it comes to setting up and deploying modernish things like this.
skippythe /note wiki page has lots of self-reported examples of people displaying their notes. Curious if anyone has a unique or clever display of notes not captured on the wiki?
swentelotherwise we'd have to document things like : "if you're replying, use a webmention to bridgy", "all other things should use a hub and you need to ping your hub"
swentelas for user discovery issue, I think the documentation only needed there should be something like "Interact with mastodon once, and you'll be discovered at some point" That's all there really is (should be #dev talk I guess)
aaronpkI do want to see if I can get my blog platform able to be installed on something like dreamhost, but i'm a ways out from actually going down that road
[jgmac1106]Totally forgot about it. Only 6k words and I have bits and pieces everywhere but welcome co authors [jackjamieson] [Rose] [Kayaelle] @Downes [wiobyrne]
[Vanessa][cleverdevil] Fab, thanks. I just need to get micropub working. ☹ Currently I'm using a post html action from Drafts to WordPress - although that only seems to work from my phone, from my iPad it includes all the html, and doesn't convert it. Logical, huh!
j12t, [Rose], wagle, [kevinmarks], [dougbeal], j12t_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel