#[kevinmarks]another approach is the 'pull quote' - after you've finished writing, look for the most striking sentence or quote and make that the summary.
#kisik21[kevinmarks]: the inverted pyramid style seems closest to how I try to write...
#jgmac1106I teach the inverted pyramid all the time
#kisik21Question. Are there Micropub clients that allow to set summary property on a post explicitly?
#jgmac1106start with a vignette, get into nitty gritty, callback to vignette in conclusion…but then text structure determined by purpose…Venn Diagrams fro comparison pieces
#kisik21nobody said you can't send summary to the server
#kisik21my endpoint is perfectly accepting ANY properties, and showing the ones it recognizes (or better say, options that the template recognizes) on the website
#kisik21the problem is that there are no clients with so much customization support that it could become useful
#kisik21except maybe some non-standard properties and clients like p3k's Teacup app
#kisik21by the way... aaronpk: does Teacup send content fallback for servers not supporting h-ate?
#kisik21Never tested it because I usually eat food so bland and not interesting I don't even remember what did I eat yesterday ><
#jgmac1106You might want to ask in dev or microfomats…pretty sure h-entry, h-feed, h-event, h-resume?? and h-card are the only h-* used
#Loqiundo is a common action you can take (often a button or menu item) to reverse the effects of the previous action, as if the action had never occurred; on the indieweb, you may want to undo a post, a deletion, or an update https://indieweb.org/undo
#[jgmac1106]<-- still on family plan..and it is with Big red and it sucked as I lost my ability to first hack on Android phones...and then get the Nexus line...but the price
#kisik21Are hamburger menus on phones good or bad? Should I avoid them? I feel like my blog needs a good redesign again... My eyes bleed from the CSS monstrosity that results from adding submenus to the theme...
#[jgmac1106][tantek] trying to convince @groter that if Mozilla memberships become a thing "give -a-domain" should be a project or it would be a cool fundraiser Sally Struthers style
#[jgmac1106]Anyone up for a 6-word memoir p-note in your h-card challenge tomorrow? Simple but super hard <p class="p-note">six words or six word phrase here</p> [eddie] @zegnat "Let the h-card Games Begin" 'Allez cuisine!
gooooootime, wolftune, sl0071 and chrisaldrich joined the channel
#chrisaldrich!tell kisik21 For your automatic article summary you might try scraping the og:description meta tag that many websites support. GWG has a parser in the WordPress Post Kinds plugin that does a good job of finding summary text.
#chrisaldrichGWG: I've been noticing an issue with the parsing of the Washington Post. I'm guessing though that it's possibly an issue with the parser hitting their paywall? It's only popped up in the past month or so to my recollection.
#chrisaldrichGenerally it's returning a "Found" response, but not importing any data....
jihaisse, [tantek], cweiske, sl007, nitot, AkyRhO, swentel, friedcell, [grantcodes], segnior, catsup and [kevinmarks] joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
#@laurenbeukesI'm old enough* to remember when the Internet seemed like freedom and play, when you could connect with likeminded weirdos in far off places, express all the strangeness in your heart. And now we're being patrolled and censored by pearl-clutching mega corps "for our own good". (twitter.com/_/status/1070586961444962305)
#sl007Zegnat #recommendation "I just have no idea on a way that makes sense and matches our (my) principles." - this is the same for #search - I guess "centralisation" is the hardest point here regarding principles : https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/9427
#sl007This is recommending per instance and just per tags.
#sl007But it would be easy to have a centralised Firebase or other to just count the occurence of these tags per instance. So others could query instances having such user interests.
#sl007But all of this is classical "federation" and not "decentralized" …
#ZegnatI haven’t been in the right mindset for “thinking” these last 2 weeks :(
#petermolnar(this'll be a bit random) was there ever a way to list all sites on a webring? if not, there should be. if we tread a webring as cross-sites hashtag, and provide an interface for all sites, maybe even pull feeds from those sides, that might cover a huge part of content discovery.
#petermolnarthe problem with that approach might be that many sites have many topics, especially personal ones, but if a site is a bit more restricted to certain areas, it could work
#petermolnaralternatively, instead of a webring, it could be a microsub topic, but then the site would need to issues a reverse-follow command somehow
#[jgmac1106][petermolnar_] I am going to add three hashtags to my h-card, to help discovery (think. It should be people first topic second.
#[jgmac1106]But I too think a webring can help discovery or to identify groups
#petermolnarmy current problem with webrings is that I can't list all the sites in them
#sknebelpetermolnar: at least some webrings had lists of all members
#petermolnarnow the next level (?) would be to have a 'webring' per post or topic, eg. #linux, or similar; question is though, is it needed, is it really something we want
#petermolnarties back to the topic of archiving/library systems, from pre-defined structure to folksonomy
#petermolnaron the other hand, if it was based on machine learning, the number of labels could be limited, eliminating the human factor of random tags on a post/topic
#sknebelfeels more like reinventing the web directories of old if it is about sites not posts
jgmac1106 joined the channel
#petermolnarthe post level is dangerous, too easy to spam
#petermolnarsite level is not fine grain enough, take us, with all of our content types, checkings, photos, etc
#[jgmac1106][petermolnar_] agree discovery should be some combination of h-card and syndication or common registry of h-tags
#sl007petermolnar : "alternatively, instead of a webring, it could be a microsub topic, but then the site would need to issues a reverse-follow command somehow" - I guess in ActivityPub it would be https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/71
#Loqi[rhiaro] #71 Discovery of collections/streams
#sl007Also another question about the webring. It is visually sad that it breakes because there is no UI to go on at the n.th page
[Khurt], friedcell and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#jeremycherfasI have not. I plan to carry on merrily as before.
#sknebelsl007: fairly sure schmarty was looking for help with adding verification of links etc to the indieweb webring - it's a nodejs project on Glitch
Tincho1 and barpthewire joined the channel
#kisik21!tell chrisaldrich I need to make summaries for MY OWN articles...
#Loqikisik21: chrisaldrich left you a message 8 hours, 45 minutes ago: For your automatic article summary you might try scraping the og:description meta tag that many websites support. GWG has a parser in the WordPress Post Kinds plugin that does a good job of finding summary text.
[jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek]!tell [chrisaldrich] can you take discussions of "scraping" or "og:" or "meta tag" or "parser" to the dev channel please? even if someone else brings it up here, tell them you'll answer them in dev, then do so there. Thanks!
tantek__, friedcell, snarfed, snarfed1, sl007, wolftune, badsnappa, tbbrown and aalmazan joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
#sl007sknebel Oh yes. I see, https://glitch.com/~steady-sundial : thankyou - btw EU council voted pro Upload Filter - only Denmark, Finland and Czechia voted against.
eli_oat, jackjamieson, friedcell, wolftune, milkii, callMeBaby, iasai, swentel and snarfed joined the channel