2018-12-16 UTC
# 00:05 jacky a bit premature but now I have a base for submitting h-cards to it
# 00:05 jacky which would be nice for having a nickname cache
wolftune, iasai, misterdasher, eli_oat, [eddie] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Trillium1, iasai, eli_oat, [tantek], [eddie], [jgmac1106], eduardm, mblaney, wolftune, snarfed, friedcell, jjuran, rEnr3n and [relapse] joined the channel
catsup and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
jgee and iasai joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 11:14 [jgmac1106] I assume the reasons to post has a strong and direct correlation with the number of people in the world
# 11:29 [jgmac1106] No time to play 8:00 basketball game an hour a way... Back to building h-resume later
friedcell, iasai, [relapse] and doubleloop joined the channel
# 12:16 Zegnat doubleloop++ for blogging about the blogging journey!
# 12:16 Loqi doubleloop has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
iasai, metbril and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 13:10 [jgmac1106] Perfect for the discussion about "Why we Post" community and tools reinforce each other
[kevinmarks], iasai, [jgmac1106], [eddie], [cleverdevil], friedcell, [tantek], wolftune, mro_name, jgmac1106, alxd, spieper, [asuh] and leg joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
# 20:41 jacky I'm trying to work on something to store h-cards in my system
# 20:42 jacky I think storing their nickname, given name and site as indexable fields would be good to store
# 20:42 jacky then storing any other bits of data to non-database places
# 20:44 jgmac1106 [jacky] can you copy what [grantcodes] did? [eddie] has a nickname cache as well
# 20:45 jgmac1106 really why I like the idea of a community h-card phonebook, you sign in with indieauth, you get added, people can use those…this way images and links stay updated
# 20:46 Zegnat jacky, by site you mean URL? That does sound like it would cover most ways you would try to look up a person
wolftune joined the channel
# 20:59 jacky so like I won't be remembering people's URIs all of the time
# 20:59 jacky but I might remember your IRC nickname or first name
# 20:59 jacky I think I'm optimizing for search right now
# 21:00 jacky but yeah [eddie]'s nickname cache is a bit what I'm leaning towards
# 21:00 jacky I think "address book" might be more of the colloquial term
# 21:00 jacky like something I can use to view someone's whole h-card but from my site
# 21:04 Zegnat “whole h-card”. I am looking forward to people indexing my whole h-card!
kb_ and KapiX joined the channel
# 21:09 Zegnat ancarda once talked about customising its display style based on my Hogwarts house. So many options! :D
kb_ joined the channel
# 21:17 jacky hmm I don't know if I want to use `uid` in h-cards
leg and iasai joined the channel
# 21:46 ancarda Zegnat: haha, yeah I was thinking of showing a little shield that changed color or something. So green for you, yellow for me, etc..
# 21:46 Zegnat Still one of the coolest ideas I have heard on displaying people’s h-cards :D
# 21:46 ancarda I only built a basic hovercard implementation ages ago. I've been too busy with other stuff to work further on it
# 21:47 ancarda I'd like to add more, but then they might be overwhelming. Hard to get a good balance
# 21:48 ancarda I think a future implementation may have the photo & name on the left, giving a few more rows for information on the right; so a horizontal layout
[kim_landwehr] joined the channel
# 22:03 [kim_landwehr] Monocle
# 22:03 [kim_landwehr] I am getting this error trying to log into Monocle any suggestions?
jgmac1106 joined the channel
iasai joined the channel
# 23:00 jacky that's solid @ancarda! I didn't even consider that
iasai and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
# 23:38 [kim_landwehr] Sorry, this is the error I am getting.
# 23:39 Loqi [aaronpk] Monocle: Monocle is a reader app that talks to a Microsub server
# 23:42 KartikPrabhu looks like the slack bridge is not transmitting whatever error [kim_landwehr] is posting
# 23:53 KartikPrabhu maybe Loqi's slack bridge can post the URL of the images it gets to IRC ?
# 23:57 sknebel it does, but slack changed the API and nobody has patched it yet
# 23:58 KartikPrabhu sounds like a nice little project to fill up the indieweb calendar for someone who knows slack api things