jackythis looks like something that's a wee bit unavoidable. Like Koype half expects everyone to be using HTTPS (which isn't ideal) and follow redirects
[Marco]Just read an article about the "Open Data in Germany" discussion in terms of Tourism … and of course everyone involved agrees on using schema.org as the technical basis (whatever that means 😄 ).
grdryn, iasai, friedcell, catsup, gooooootime, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], jihaisse and [Vincent] joined the channel
Tin2interesting, thanks . I wanted to edit Known page to add a tip on how to reset local password (some days ago I asked here and now I figured out how)
[tantek]Marco, re schema apparent acceptance - because schema has done just enough openwashing to appear open to people who don't bother investigating or don't know the history to know that actually it was all invented by a small team (mostly one guy) at Google, and forced upon other search engines, and still effectively controlled by Google.
rosemaryorchard, j12t, jgmac1106_, [cleverdevil], iasai, snarfed, IRCsum, jackjamieson, [adamprocter], nickwarn_, metbril and gRegorLove joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
LoqiThe IndieWeb Challenge is to collectively ship something IndieWeb-related that benefits the community, people in addition to yourself, every day of December! https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb_Challenge
barnabywaltershmm, every day in December might be a bit of a challenge, as we’re already half way through and I’m all sorts of busy for the rest of the month… a new year’s resolution to do some work on my site might be a bit more manageable
barnabywaltersI was chatting with a friend about Instagram, which led me to look at ownyourgram, which led me to micropub.rocks, which led me to try to figure out how my site actually works again so I can implement all the cool micropub work the community’s been working on recently
barnabywaltersmy idea is to not only have a /tags page (which I already had but broke), but more importantly to make each invididual tag page (/tags/tag) customisable. By default the pages show a list of posts tagged with that tag, but I want to be able to customise the page title, add text about the topic, “pin” particularly important posts related to that tag, etc
barnabywaltersI had the problem that my website contains years worth of quite interesting and useful information about a large variety of topics, which are easy enough to search via external search engines, but extremely difficult to explore other than in reverse-chronological order
barnabywaltersaaronpk: nice, I should have guessed you’d already implemented any given feature I think up ;) do you have a nice example of a tag page with some pinned posts?
barnabywaltersaaronpk: interesting, so you do almost exactly what I’m thinking about, except that the tag page text is a post by itself. How do these posts fit into the rest of your site? do they pop up in you other feeds? are they authored using the same UI, and maybe set to “hidden” or a different post type or category or something?
@waltmossberg1/ Some personal news: I've decided to quit Facebook around the end of the year. I am doing this - after being on Facebook for nearly 12 years - because my own values and the policies and actions of Facebook have diverged to the point where I’m no longer comfortable there. (twitter.com/_/status/1074689946571685888)
[jgmac1106]That's cool. Was talking this morning about playing with flex-grow on h-entries... Like what if post on a tag page with most likes got biggest size in box
@waltmossberg2/ I am also quitting Facebook-owned Instagram and Messenger. I will remain on Twitter, and will continue to communicate via iMessage, email and SMS text with those who have my email address and/or phone number. Obviously, people who follow me here can also reach me via DM. (twitter.com/_/status/1074689947242848257)
Loqibusiness models are ways to offer indieweb products and or services that users pay for both for their own benefit, and in support an open indie web https://indieweb.org/business-models
@waltmossberg1/ Some personal news: I've decided to quit Facebook around the end of the year. I am doing this - after being on Facebook for nearly 12 years - because my own values and the policies and actions of Facebook have diverged to the point where I’m no longer comfortable there. (twitter.com/_/status/1074689946571685888)
[jgmac1106]Awesome. We need that. Kind of pissed how silent social justice folks have been on the moves.... "We need it to mobile... Or it provides access to underrepresented people" is not acceptable on a platform that not only allow hate to be weaponized but then use it themselves
Loqi[[tantek]] brainstorm while away: a few good reasons to promptly post about positive things - looking for feedback (before I post / wiki these as brainstorms)
[tantek]5. the sooner you can post about positive things that you personally observed or especially participated in (actions, events, accomplishments), the more details you will remember, and the more you reinforce your own short-term (then longterm) memory of the thing! Since that value decreases as the time since the thing happened increases, post the about the most recent thing first to get the details down, the the next most recent thing etc.
jgmac1106, rosemaryorchard, iasai, wolftune and snarfed joined the channel; leg left the channel