[tantek]social media << 2018-12-17 NYTimes: [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/17/us/politics/russia-2016-influence-campaign.html Russian 2016 Influence Operation Targeted African-Americans on Social Media]<blockquote>The Russian influence campaign on social media in the 2016 election made an extraordinary effort to target African-Americans, used an array of tactics to try to suppress turnout among Democratic voters and unleashed a blizzard of activity on In
[Marco]Yeah, it is pretty annoying to see people without proper tech-knowledge accepting whatever is thrown at them as long as "Google" is printed across... 😞
rosemaryorchard, friedcell, iasai, rEnr3n, ik986, [kevinmarks], catsup, lucasp, gkbrk, barpthewire and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Loqi[Greg McVerry] @mozilla if priorities are Internet Health let's start modeling what it means to own your data. Publish posts on your own domain first, not silos like @medium which become less open. Want to syndicate, fine, but @mozilla should own it's data first
[jgmac1106], [Marco], iasai, jackjamieson, deathrow1, rosemaryorchard, sl007, swentel, snarfed and jgmac1106[m] joined the channel
jgmac1106[m]okay trying out riot.fm and the matrix clients rather than IRC/Slack...maybe I can have just one thing,,=..wondering if Verzon will block this
[jgmac1106][adamprocter] yeah riot won't work for my students...maybe yours being more technical...but I have a feed of encryption warnings....want t people to be unsecure...make encryption annoying AF
[jgmac1106]that makes sense....I need to focus on the chat community next semester....also recognize my students have 2-3 jobs and a kid or two....sitting around chatting is privilege and we been steeped in web culture for ever
[jgmac1106]so far I think [aaronpk] just documented one case but it had nothing to do with backlinking there are rules to handle http and https....but we have a dev channel if you dont mind going there
ZegnatRecently talked with some tech people who wanted to switch from Slack to Discord. Partly because of the whole “Slack lets your boss read your private messages” thing
ZegnatI am thinking they assume Discord to have the same sort of logging policies, where nothing ever disappears, but at least Discord wouldn’t be selling their private conversations (for now)
[jgmac1106][adamprocter] what about an ephermal chat room on a course website. As a teacher I don't want the logs..don't care if they dissapear..think that might actually help
[jgmac1106]what I do now, just trying to contain it all IndieWeb style..but introducing all the moving parts enough cognitive load without adding hey here is IRC, and a wiki and you can add article to the wiki...
ZegnatPlanet website for the class :D Every student can bring their own choice of blogging platform, as long as there is an RSS feed for the planet to subscribe to. And everyone can read the planet site to read what others are publishing
[jgmac1106]....somebody might be working on a grant....I am also considering just laying out the most basic bloggin system in Glitch with h-feeds, article, note, reply, photo to start....was playing with unicyclic last night and everybody could sign into a shared private reader
[jgmac1106]...chat is the last step...how fast do microsub readers poll...could a miropub/microsub chat window be added to websites, that was fast enough?...say equal to bad customer service chats
jgmac1106[zegnat] that is a personal capacity time. As [tonz] noted we are taking 20 yearold who have never been online before….I started supporting all the platforms
jgmac1106that is the last piece (well skipping video.,…thinking ZOOM…so much smaller than Hanouts and YouTube)….a chat widget using your new private authentication tool what people can embed on a website