#indieweb 2019-01-17

2019-01-17 UTC
micahsilverman, snarfed and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
(See the weather comment)
Did it over my lunch break ๐Ÿ˜‰
todrobbins joined the channel
Coolest part? Known stores the entire API response from Dark Sky in the annotation ๐Ÿ™‚
Theoretically, I could do much more with this later.
benwerd joined the channel
Probably should stash it deeper within another key...
benwerd joined the channel
[cleverdevil] on a tear...
nitot and [eddie] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] yep, I store the entire dark sky api response as a property of my post object on all of my posts
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
โ€œGreat mindsโ€
Did I miss weather talk?
misses weather talk too
Poor GWG, not much. [cleverdevil] just added the weather per post feature
Another person to talk cloud icons with
snarfed and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What is the IndieWeb forecast for tomorrow?
It looks like we don't have a page for "IndieWeb forecast for tomorrow" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "IndieWeb forecast for tomorrow is ____", a sentence describing the term)
gives Loqi some snark
enjoys the snark
yaMatt, benwerd, wolftune, Tim____, rEnr3n, cleanshirt, buirg, ned0, nitot, [eddie], snarfed, micahsilverman, [tantek] and sl007 joined the channel
The IndieWeb forecast for tomorrow is sunny with a chance of webmentions ๐ŸŒž
okay question
re: feed discovery
is it not possible/feasible to do something like `<a href="/feeds/all" rel="feed">feed</a>` and have that be 'detected' as a feed?
people are doing that already, and aperture supports it
hmm okay
for some reason; I expected it to be visible in my mf2 lookups
LOL it was
I typed in `re1` somewhere
oy I should get off the computer
stevestreza and micahsilverman joined the channel
oh okay this makes so much more senese
wolftune, nitot, micahsilverman, snarfed, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, kb_, tbbrown and koddsson joined the channel
finally made a release of Koype I feel okay with https://git.jacky.wtf/indieweb/koype/src/tag/v0.0.1
going to clean it up a bit and add theme support (so I can actually move https://jacky.wtf over to it)
one thing I'm wrestling with is the concept of a "page"
like I can see me doing http://jacky.wtf/now/ by converting a "tag" into a feed and letting it use older entries as little updates
but replicating a stand-alone-ish page like http://jacky.wtf/contact/ or http://jacky.wtf/press/ is trickier
(my bad for the rapid fire - I had posted that in #indieweb-chat)
i store pages internally the same way i store posts, but my pages don't have a published date, and they have a path instead of my normal date-based path
my hybrid is my tag pages that have a pinned post for that particular tag
that way i can include static content at the top of a tag page like https://aaronparecki.com/tag/100daysofindieweb but also have a list of posts below that
micro joined the channel
Hmm. I like that approach of pinned content for a tag
snarfed joined the channel
i will be honest, i haven't used it a ton, but i am still happy with the places i've used it
I can see me using it for a project's "feed" on my personal site or even a "featured" set of posts
that pinned post can also be a full HTML post, so I can do fancy stuff in there too if i wanted
mostly i use it when i know i'm going to be using a tag a lot, or if i want to have a nice landing page to send people to about a particular topic that also shows recent activity
that makes sense
like for upcoming talks/events
or maybe even for a blog post series
cweiske and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
wow this is dating me lol, Google went live in 1998?
jihaisse, mickael, nitot, KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], cweiske, swentel, anotheryou, kb_, [svandragt], [Vanessa], friedcell and leg joined the channel
going to regret this in the morning but https://v2.jacky.wtf/ got a cleaner homepage! going to fill it with more info / styling but this is it :D
catsup, [jdpinto1], nitot and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
go to bed jacky
[svandragt], KartikPrabhu, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, mickael, nitot, [jgmac1106], friedcell and [schmarty] joined the channel
jacky++ congrats!!
jacky has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (26 in all channels)
Good morning IndieWeb
Do people here use OMDB for watched etc posts? https://omdbapi.com/
swentel, [davidmead], barpthewire, nitot and [eddie] joined the channel
jeremycherfas I use themoviedb
Ah and thatโ€™s a .org domain
Not at the point of needing it yet, but maybe one day.
KartikPrabhu, snarfed, nitot, friedcell, wolftune, [Rose], is0x3F, edrex, mxuribe[m], Matthew[m], maze[m]1, dazinism, M0x1c3b00da[m], Salt[m], grdryn[m]1, jansc_[m], jgmac1106[m], M0xroy[m], eli_oat[m], inhji[m], pniedzielski[m], grantcodes[m], ElMago[m], jaduncan[m], mnzaki[m] and [dominik] joined the channel
Didn't use it yet, but it's on my list of APIs to try some day soon.
maze[m], Viaken[m], wakest[m], ishj1984[m], cuibonobo, JulianF_, agentofuser[m], hotzeplotz[m], PierreOzoux[m], myfreeweb, camb[m], Gregor[m], wjh[m], zoglesby, plindner[m], [jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, benwerd, [eddie] and snarfed joined the channel
I did not knew omdb, but it is nice stuff
benwerd, KartikPrabhu, [svandragt], tbbrown, lape, [davidmead], micahsilverman and micahsil_ joined the channel
What is OMDB?
It looks like we don't have a page for "OMDB" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "OMDB is ____", a sentence describing the term)
benwerd, snarfed, friedcell, [keithjgrant], [tantek], nitot, [schmarty], micahsil_ and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
Finally got my .blot website set up with Micropub using https://github.com/am1t/blotpub/blob/master/README.md instructions. Now my next project is getting media endpoint working.
klandwehr++ very cool!
klandwehr has 1 karma over the last year
nitot, eli_oat, KartikPrabhu, snarfed, wolftune, [jgmac1106], tbbrown, sl007, seekr, micahsilverman, micahsil_, benwerd and tw2113 joined the channel
random-ish question. Which would be considered more ideal? Google's Schema stuff or for a lack of a better word, the more "generic" microformats?
benwerd joined the channel
I never heard of OMBD, looks cool
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, cjwillcock, benwerd, [eddie] and [schmarty] joined the channel
tw2113: That might be a better topic for #indieweb-dev, but ultimately it depends what your use-case is. The indieweb community has built a lot around microformats and found it efficient to work with.
my hunch was that microformats aren't so tied to a corporate entity
thus favored a bit more
also, added -dev to my autojoin for irc :D
micahsilverman, KartikPrabhu, nitot, snarfed, aalmazan, [cleverdevil], wolftune, [tantek], eli_oat and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
a post I wrote comparing them a while back: http://www.kevinmarks.com/microformatschema.html
snarfed, micahsilverman, ben_thatmustbeme and nitot joined the channel